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Suzy Matron Ch. 01

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Matron deflowers young college student.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 12/11/2014
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I was born in 1967 to a single woman who had engaged in an affair with a married man. She came from a well to do family so could not possibly keep me. At least she had the decency to go through the pregnancy before she put me up for adoption. I was placed in a Children's Home for a few months before luckily I was picked up by a couple who wanted a son to keep their elder son company. When they adopted me they changed my name and called me George.

I grew up in an eclectic family. Not only did my parents foster children they had two more of their own and also adopted two more. So the main family was six with transient children coming and going. Eventually we settled down to just the six of us. It was always tight for money and for room but somehow we rubbed along and survived.

When it was time I went to school. Thanks to home schooling by my parents I was ahead of others when I started. I knew my tables and several words and had a good vocabulary. It was obvious that I was not thick and if anything I was above the average when it came to intelligence. I sailed through primary school and then my parents had a decision to make. They wanted me to go to private academy. I sat several exams but there were things like French and Greek on them subjects I had been nowhere near so I failed the entrance exams. I ended up going to the local academy with the peers that I had gone to primary school with. It was soon obvious that I was ahead of most of them in most of my classes and I found myself in the top set for most subjects. I kept my head down and studied hard and when it came to exam time I sailed through them and came out with A's in all my subjects. Now was the time to make the move. I did the same with my Highers and was ready to go to college. I needed to be tested by students of equal intelligence. This time I had prepared. I had studied Greek and French in my junior subjects and was ready to sit the entrance exams to some of the better colleges in the country. The one I had set my heart on was Winchester.

It was a two day exam and I and my parents did not have the money for me to stay in a hotel. My mother- bless her- rang around the college and managed to get me a room with the Matron of the school. I was eighteen when this was happening and it was an adventure for me. I knew that I could do this but I had to keep that self-belief. I was put on a train and was told that I would be met at the far end by the Matron. I had no idea what she looked like but she had a photograph of me so that should be okay.

The train journey was uneventful and after several hours I made it to Winchester Station and got off the train. I stood on the platform with my bag and waited to be picked up by the Matron. After about five minutes this rather large lady approached.

"Are you George?"

"Yes madam." I replied.

"Please call me Matron" she said.

"Matron how long will it take to get to the college?" I asked.

"The way I drive about fifteen minutes." She said.

We walked out of the station and headed for a mini that was parked at the kerb. She flung open the boot, grabbed my bag and chucked it in then slammed the boot closed.

"Climb in." She said.

I got in, buckled up just in time for her to set off at a searing pace. There was no chance to talk to her on the way she was concentrating on her driving too much. True to her word we arrived at the school in about fifteen minutes. She screeched to a halt outside a little cottage, got out and retrieved my bag and walked into the cottage. "Tea

I followed her as best as I could but she walked so fast. She was like a thunderbolt and everything was done at breakneck speed.
I tried to follow her but it was impossible so I just went at my own pace and took in the lovely garden that she had. She obviously took a lot of care of her garden and it must be a pride to her. I entered the cottage and she offered me a cup of tea. I accepted and took a seat at the table. She made the tea and together we drank it.

After tea she took my bag and told me to follow her. I followed behind her as she walked up the stairs. I could not help but stare at her large arse. I wanted to put my hands on it but I had to restrain myself. I had hit the age where such things interested me and I really had not seen a sexier arse. She showed me to a little room and told me that dinner would be ready at six o'clock and that if I was late there would be consequences. I began to unpack and put my clothes in the little drawers and wardrobe. Once I had done that I decided to take a lie down on the bed and before I knew it I was asleep. I had not set an alarm and I did not wake up until quarter past six.

I quickly jumped off the bed and ran downstairs but Matron had already finished her tea. She looked at me as I ran in.

"I put yours in the bin because it was cold. So you will have to go hungry tonight. Now take your trousers and underpants off and come to me."

I do not know why I did not know this woman but she had such a commanding spirit that I did what I was told. I accepted the fact that I was not going to get any tea and that I was going to go hungry that night. I found myself unbuckling the belt on my trousers. I undid the buckle and then I pulled down the zip and pulled the trousers down my legs. I then pulled down my underpants and walked towards Matron. She indicated that I should go over her lap and I did as I was told. I was unable to see what she was doing on but I knew that I was in for some pain.

Matron took a wooden spoon off of the table and smacked it in her hand. She was going to enjoy having this boy in her cottage and she could set some impossible rules that he would not be able to obey and she would be able to punish him whenever and whenever she wanted to. She made sure that the wooden spoon was sturdy and then she brought it down on my arse. I let out a squeal and instinctively my hands went to rub my arse cheeks. She pushed them away and then administered five more strokes to my arse. By the time that she finished I was crying across her lap and then with a cruel voice she said.

"If you get into the school you will become my little pet and we will have such fun together." This was too much for me. I got an erection whilst I was on her lap and she noticed.

"Did you enjoy that George?"

"It was painful Matron but yes I did enjoy it." I replied.

"Good that is what I want to hear." She responded.

"Sit at the end of the table and I will make you a sandwich. I do not want you to go home and tell your parents that I did not feed you."

I walked to the other end of the table and pulled out the wooden chair that was there. I sat down without thinking about the cold wood that was on the chair and almost jumped through the roof when my arse hit the cold wood.

"Oh yeah it will hurt against the cold." Matron said.

I heard her laugh as she said this.

Boy I thought this was going to be a pleasurable couple of days if things carried on like this. I got used to the cold against the heat emanating from my buttocks and ate my sandwich and talked to Matron about the exams as if nothing had happened. When I had finished I went to get my trousers and underpants and put them back on but Matron thought that she preferred the look that I gave without them on and seen as they would not be disturbed tonight I might as well keep them off. I did as I was told. I was not going to argue with this woman. She told me to do the washing up and as I did she stroked my buttocks and I flinched because they were so sore from the spanking that I had experienced.

"Do you need to do any revision for tomorrow?" Matron said.

"I should do some." I said.

"Then run along and go and do it and remember to keep those trousers off." Matron said.

"Oh and by the way keep those hands off that penis of yours. In fact keep the bedroom door open so that I can keep an eye on you."

"Yes Matron." I said.

I went upstairs and got out some of my books. I laid down on the bed and tried to study. I did not really need to study because I felt I was as prepared as I could be for the exams over the next couple of days and also I had a stonking erection thinking about the spanking that I had received and also that arse of Matron.

As I pretended to read my book she walked past and said.

"I am off to have a shower before going to bed why do you not get into your pyjamas' and make yourself comfortable?" She said.

I watched as she walked from the door of my room and wished that I could go in the shower with her. I could soap her back and breasts and generally make her clean. All this did was to give me an even bigger erection. I was bigger than I had ever been before and I did not know what I could do about it because she had banned me from touching my cock and I dare not disobey her because I felt sure that she would catch me and I would get another spank again.

I climbed off the bed and went to the drawers. I found the new pajamas' that mum had bought for me. They were of a paisley pattern. I took them out of the packet. They were very crisp and when I put them on they were quite rough on my skin and did not help the soreness in my arse. Once I put them on I went to the toilet and decided to take a pee. I had forgotten that Matron was in the shower. I walked in and suddenly heard the shower going. Shit I thought. Nothing was said but I knew that I would be in trouble. I did my pee and hurried back to my bedroom and climbed into bed and pulled the covers over my head.

I heard her walk out of the bathroom. I took a quick glimpse as she walked past my room. She was wrapped in a towel and as she passed I was able to look at that arse again and it gave me another erection. I had to find a way to get a touch of that arse before I left to go back home. I started planning out all sorts of outrageous plans in my head and none of them seemed to work.

Just as I was settling down for the night I heard a voice call out.

"George come to my room please."

I jumped out of my bed and made my way to the Matron's room. When I got in I found her lying on her bed. She was reading a book. She was wearing a floral negligee and matching housecoat. For some reason she also had some stockings- hold-ups - on. I knew it was not my place to query so I just stood at the end of the bed. I knew that I was in trouble for the incident in the shower/bathroom.

"So you thought you would come for a piss whilst I was having a shower did you? Did you think that you might get a crafty look at my naked flesh?"

"No Matron I just really needed to go to the toilet and I forgot that you were in the shower and I tried to be as quick as I could once that I found out that you were still in the shower." I replied.

"That does not change anything. You came into the bathroom whilst I was having my shower. I could have been stood there naked drying myself and you would have seen me naked. It was just luck that I was still in the shower and that was good for you."

"Please take your pajamas' off." Matron said.

"Just the bottoms?" Matron I asked.

"No you might as well take them both off." She said and went back to reading her book as if she did not care.

I started unbuttoning the pajama top. I tried to take my time. I did not want Matron to see me naked but I did if that makes sense and I had to show restraint. I undid one button at a time but all too soon all the buttons were undone and I had to take the top off. I slipped it down my arms and dropped it to the floor. I stood there for a moment in just my pajama bottoms but I did not dare take them down because I had an erection. I did not want Matron to see that but I had no choice. I had to take them off. I unbuttoned the top button and slid them down my legs and off and stood there naked with my erection sticking out.

"Nice." Matron said.

"Why do you not join me on the bed?" she said.

Naked I climbed onto the bed and sat next to her. She carried on reading but her left hand came out and began to stroke the erection that I had. Ever so slowly she moved her hand up and down the shaft of my penis. It felt wonderful. I had experienced one girl do this to me before but she was not as tender as this.

I thought that I was going to cumm straight away but I tried to think of anything other than what she was doing. I could not last for too much longer and soon I came all over her hand and my abdomen. She took her hand away and licked up the spunk that I had just spurted.

"Mmmm that tastes nice" She said.

She went back to her reading as if what had just happened had not occurred at all.

"Did you enjoy that?" she said.

"It was beautiful Matron." I replied.

"I am glad that you enjoyed that because if you continue to be a bad/good boy there will be a lot more of that but it must be our secret." She said.

"Yes matron" I replied.

"Now then what are we going to do about the incident in the shower?" She asked.

"I do not know Matron I suppose that I should be punished." I replied.

"Yes I agree." Said Matron.

"We shall deal with later. I think we have a few things to learn don't we? Have you ever kissed a woman, or touched a breast or pussy or even fingered an arse. What have you done with girls George?"

"I have kissed a couple of girls and had my penis touched by one girl but she was not as good as you Matron." I replied.

" I think that we need to do a few things tonight. I am going to teach you how to make love to a woman. We can do some naughty things later but I think tonight we should just do the basics. Do you need to go to bed before your exams or are you okay." Said Matron.

"I shall be fine Matron." I replied.

"Good Good." She said.

With that she put her book on the bedside table and climbed off the bed.

"Seen as you are naked I suppose that I should be" She said.

With that she slipped her housecoat off and dropped it to the floor. She did a little dance which caused my cock to rise again . This had never happened to me before and I was definitely interested in what she was doing. She looked so sexy stood there in just her nightie and stockings. I wondered if she had any knickers on. I was sure I was about to find out.

"Would you like me to take my stockings off or keep them on?" She asked.

Matron had now almost taken on a bit of a submissive role. I did not know at the time but she was what was known as a switch and could play both the dominant and the submisssive and now she was being the lady and would become the dominant again when she had to punish me. She was acting coy as she asked me as if she was suddenly embarrassed about what she was doing and realising that she could get in trouble.

"I would like you to keep your stockings on." I said.

"Okay George." She said.

"Shall I take my nightie off for you?" She said.

Looking at my erection I said.

"Yes you may Matron."

She dropped her hand to the hem of her nightie and started to pull it up. Suddenly I stopped her.

"Take the straps off and pull the nightie downwards rather than take it off upwards." I said.

I could not believe it but she did it as she was told. She took hold of the straps and pulled them off her shoulders. She held the nightie to her breasts and then she let it fall exposing her breasts to me for the first time. They were massive and her nipples were so big I could not wait to get my hands on them. I watched as she slid the nightie down her abdomen and stopped at her waist.

"Do you want me to remove it now George?" She asked.

"Yes Matron you may remove it now." I said.

She took hold of the nightie and pulled it over her hips and pulled it past her buttocks and dropped it to the floor. What greeted me was a hairy pussy. It was not overly hairy but to me it was heaven because I had never seen a pussy before.

"Do you like George?" She asked.

"Yes Matron I like." I responded.

With that the submissive side was over. She climbed onto the bed and said to me.

"Now I am going to show you how to make love."

She leaned forward and tilted my head and moved in with her lips. She kissed me on the lips. Just a peck at first . I was new to proper kissing and she took things slowly. She pecked me on the lips several times and then she used a little force and pushed open my mouth. It was a lovely sensation and I thought if this was how I should be kissing the girls that I went out without the mashing of lips that I did at the moment I would be doing that in the future. We kissed like this for a couple of minutes and then she did something that I did not expect. She took her tongue and placed it into my mouth. She performed a dance with my tongue and I thought I was in heaven. My erection just got stronger.

Suddenly she broke the kiss and began to move down my body. She kissed her way down my chest. She stopped at my nipples and kissed them and even gave them a little bite to make them stand up on end. They became like little rocks. She then left them alone and kissed her way down my abdomen. God it felt good and if this was what making love was then I wanted more of it.

Eventually she got to my groin. She just stared at it for a moment. My cock was standing up proud. It was about 8in long and quite thick and because it was erect the foreskin had pulled back and my helmet was on show and it was glistening with precum.

She reached out her hand and took the cock into her hand. She began to move her hand up an down the shaft of the cock. I just laid back on the pillows and let her do what she wanted to do but I was looking at what she was doing and learning for when I would need it. I noticed that she put her mouth over the head of my cock and then she slid it down until her mouth hit my pubic hair. I noticed that something had displeased her.

"I do not like pubic hair. We will have to remove that tomorrow but let's get back to what we were doing." She said.

With that she went back to sucking my cock. God it felt good and I could get used to this. She had a
fantastic mouth and it was so wet and it slid up and down my cock so easily. Having already cumm there was no rush for her to do anything. She massaged my cock and balls and made me feel like the most special man in the world. After about ten minutes she stopped sucking.

"I see you have good stamina. I like that in a man. We can move onto the next part of the session now." She said.

She rolled off of me and laid on her back on the bed.

"Now it is time that you got to know the female body. Kiss me as I did you."

I moved over the on the bed and laid on top of her. I pecked at her lips and found that I enjoyed what I was doing. I then opened my mouth and forced her mouth open and began to kiss her with more passion. As she had done I entered my tongue and began to kiss her as I had never kissed a girl never mind a woman before. It was fantastic and kept me erect.

"Now kiss my breasts. Kiss the flesh. Then kiss the nipples and bite them as hard as you like I love a little pain." Matron said.

I kissed my way onto her chest. Her breasts were massive. I did what I had not been told to do. I took them in my hands and weighed them as if they were a pair of melons. God they were heavy and I could not wait to kiss them. I got to her flesh with my lips and kissed the flesh of her breasts. I kissed them all over and noticed that her nipples became erect. I took my hands and massaged the flesh as I took my mouth and put it around a nipple. I suckled the nipple as if I was a child and then I bit hard down on the nipple. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Matron grip the sheets but she did cry out and she actually said.

"Good that has made me wet."

I did the same to the second breast and this time I saw a tear roll from her eyes but she was also panting and lifting her arse off the bed.

"Go to my pussy and kiss it." She said.


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