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Swan Song

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The conclusion to Strapper Takes New York.
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Floating to the top floor of the Waldorf Astoria, my shaking hand was being held by Brooke. As the elevator jostled us back and forth, our arms bumped together releasing some sort of electric current between us. I had never felt those amazing feelings before.

Although excited by the prospects of sharing some magic moments with this beautiful woman, still, I had this uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach that I just couldn't figure out. Something was wrong. In those fleeting seconds, my mind struggled to comprehend how I could feel so turned-on, so sexually excited, my dick so fucking hard, and yet still feel like my world was about to fall apart. Was it simply fear, or anxiety, or perhaps.....shame?

After reaching out destination, we walked through a corridor and I slid my card. The double doors opened to a huge ornately decorated suite, the highlight being the floor to ceiling windows offering a panoramic view of the New York City lights. It was as romantic a sight as one could get. Brooke wordlessly released my hand and went to gaze out at the skyline.

I watched how she moved in her heels, how her hips gently swayed, the sweet curves of her perfect ass. I watched and I started crying inside. Something was eating away at my gut and I suddenly, almost instinctively, knew what I had to do.

Brooke stood at the windows for moments in silence.

"Brooke..." I started.

Suddenly she turned around, a tear running down her cheek, and we both simultaneously blurted out, "I can't do this!"


Her eyes got all big, as she struggled to process what I just said, and then she looked downwards toward the marble floor.

"I'm sorry, Jerry. I love my husband. I love Pete. I just can't do this..."

"Brooke, and I can't be with another man's wife. It goes against everything I believe in... I'm sorry."

"Jerry, I feel so stupid right now, but I can't believe I almost made such a terrible mistake."

"I feel exactly the same way."

"But I led you on, led you to believe that we were going to... It's unforgivable, to you and to Pete."

"No, Brooke, we're human. We have feelings. In another time and another place perhaps we might be together, but honestly, I want my first time to be with a person I have a chance to share a life with...and unless somebody kills Pete in jail tonight...we both know that isn't going to happen," I smiled.

It was at that very moment that I think I realized how emotionally compatible we were. It was more than just a physical attraction. Our thought processes were in sync, too, and the realization made me sad. But Brooke and I were not meant to be together...


"I'll sleep on the sofa, Brooke, you can take the bed," I stated with just a hint of sad resignation.

"Perhaps I should just go to my room," Brooke countered.

"Don't be silly, the bathroom is like a palace and the view is amazing from the Jacuzzi tub. Stay and enjoy it. Don't worry, I promise to be good. There are robes in the closet."

"Well, OK, I really don't like being alone," she admitted.

"Besides, Brooke, I'm going to sleep soon. This has been a long emotionally draining day and I'm suddenly very tired. Goodnight," as I grabbed some blankets and a pillow from the closet and laid them across the sofa. I turned my back to Brooke and started undressing down to my silk boxers as I readied for sleep.


"Yes, Brooke?" I said turning around to face her.



"Did I cause THAT?"


"Dear Lord, look at the tent in your underwear! Hell, you could sleep the whole Brady Bunch underneath there!"

Looking down I deadpanned, "And the Partridge Family, too."

Brooke raced back to the windows chanting, "I love Pete. I love Pete. He's my husband and I love him. I do love him." She sounded like a panicked woman trying to convince herself.

"Brooke!" I shouted across the cavernous suite, "It's OK. Relax. You love Pete and Pete loves you. Everything is cool..."

"No, it's not OK. I haven't seen anything standing that erect since flag poles on the 4th of July. Are you OK? Are your balls blue?"

Looking down, "More like a purplish color..." I jokingly observed.

"Oh God! I'm so sorry..."

"No problem, Brooke...but I'm feeling as though I may need to relieve myself here before I go to sleep. Will that freak you out? Perhaps you should draw some hot water in the tub and relax while I take care of some urgent business..."

"Dear Lord..."

"Oh...and as swollen as my balls are right now ...I think I may need at least a couple of towels for the cleanup...the oversized ones if you can find any... "



"Jerry, you cannot cum!"

"What? Brooke, I understand and accept our situation, but I really do need some relief."

"No, Jerry! You need a woman, tonight! Get dressed. We're going downstairs to see the concierge. I'm so, so sorry that I cannot take care of your problem myself, but I will get you some real relief."

"Brooke, you don't have to do this..."

"Yes, I do. I feel responsible, and believe me; I am going to try to help you find a nice wife this weekend. You're a very decent man and you deserve it. But first things first, get dressed!"

There was a fire and a passion in Brooke's eyes and voice that I could not dismiss. I realized she was going to take charge of my weekend, and perhaps change my life for the better. Perhaps this would be a good thing, having a female advocate. I felt more certain than ever that Pete was a very lucky man.


The elevator descended to the lobby, and as Brooke and I were walking towards the front desk, Mrs. HDK emerged from the ladies room holding a wet towel.

"Carol, how's your husband? Is his eye OK?" I asked.

"Oh he's fine. I think he just wants a little attention, you know how men are," she smiled, looking towards Brooke. "He's definitely more of a lover than a fighter."

"Carol is Mrs. HDK, Brooke, have you two met?" I asked.

"Oh yes, we had a long discussion earlier this evening about our husbands....and you."

"Really? Me?"

"Yes. Carol enjoyed talking with you, Betrayed and Barbara during your limo ride this morning, especially since you were too spellbound and tongue tied to speak much to her husband. She thinks you're quite a catch and that you would make some woman very happy...OK?"

Brooke then turned towards Mrs. HDK, "Carol, can I talk with you in private for a minute?"

"I really should be getting back to my husband..."

"Please, it's important....and Jerry, stay here, we'll be right back."

The women entered the ladies room and were gone for three days. Well, it seemed like three days. When they emerged they marched to the front desk to ask for a manager. Fifteen minutes later we were sitting in the office of a very sleepy concierge. Brooke and Carol took charge of the conversation...

"Sir, we have a very special request for an important guest," Brooke started, nodding towards me. "We would like to find some female companionship tonight for Jerry."

"You got me out of bed to find a hooker for your friend?" the concierge stated incredulously. "When my manager told me you were looking for good pussy, I thought you wanted front row seats to 'Cats'!"

"We want to find a nice young lady who has the physical characteristics of my friend," Carol said, nodding towards Brooke.

"So you want a Twiggy?"


"Tall, skinny, blond, and beautiful..."

"Well, since you put it like that....Yes!"

"Ladies, what the hell do I look like, a pimp?"

"Sir..." Brooke said, "Girard, is that your name?"


"Girard, my friend here has put almost three quarters of a million dollars into the coffers of this wonderful hotel this weekend and he would like your assistance. Making special guests happy is your job, correct? Now I'm certain a man of your knowledge and connections could find a nice woman for my friend without too much trouble..."

"Well, OK, but it's really late..."

"I assure you that your effort will be rewarded," Brooke stated, "And money is no object..."

I looked at Brooke with a raised eyebrow, but she just winked back. Girard got to working the phone. Ten minutes later, Girard put down his cell.

"Her name is Tina. My friend assured me that she has the physical characteristics you request and she is very special. Of course, she ought to be for twenty thousand for the night. Would you like the hotel to put this on your account?"

I shook my head as I handed over a piece of plastic to Girard. After the transaction was complete, I stood up and left the office, Brooke and Carol following quickly behind.

"What the fuck!" I loudly whispered. "That's a lot of money! Hell, Brooke, my hand would be a lot cheaper. Girls, I appreciate all that you're trying to do for me, but honesty, I want my first time to be with someone who I have a chance to share a life with..."

The women paled but were undaunted, "You need this, Jerry!" they both stated in unison. Both women were staring at my still bulging crotch as Brooke reasoned, "You need the immediate relief, and you need to get through this evening so you can relax. Trust us, this is just the beginning. It's just a night to explore and learn and experience. So enjoy it! Tomorrow we start trying to find you a wife..."


Tina, by any man's definition was a beautiful woman. Sleek, elegant, and incredibly sexy without looking like a bought and paid for "companion". Her straight blond hair hung to the small of her back, her light blue eyes were translucent, and her four inch stilettos melted into her perfectly shaped calves. Watching the hem of her pleated dress dance across her thighs, for the first time since I was in elementary school, I thought about climbing trees.

And yet, as perfect as Tina was, when she greeted me with a thousand watt smile, I instantly realized she was no Brooke. The chemical components of attraction are indefinable. She was a stunning woman and I felt nothing. My heart did not jump. But that was OK I quickly rationalized, because my encounter with Tina was supposed to be simply about sex.

Brooke and Carol pulled Tina off to the side to apprise her of my situation. It's almost embarrassing to have two married women advising an escort about how to handle a forty nine year old virgin in the lobby of a famous New York City hotel. In that moment I was grateful that somebody actually cared about me. I let my ego and pride go and surrendered to the situation.

Brooke and Carol called me over for one final pep talk...

"Treat her like a queen, then use her like a whore, and for God's sake, let her lead and teach you," Brooke whispered, "And call me when she leaves in the morning..."

I held out my hand to Tina, and we walked across the lobby. As we stepped into the elevator, we turned and saw Brooke and Carol wave to us, but I could have sworn Brooke had an almost sad expression on her face as the doors closed.

For the second time that night the elevator rose to the penthouse with the anticipation of sex hanging in the air. Instead of further questioning the situation at hand, I decided to trust Brooke and Carol's advice.

"Treat her like a queen..." echoed in my mind as I offered Tina a glass of wine from the mini bar, massaged her feet, and then carried her into the bathroom so we could relax in the spa. The conversation was light and we complimented each other's bodies. Her skin was soft and delicate. As I unzipped the back of her dress and watched it fall to the floor, I realized I was staring at a piece of art.

She turned around and allowed me to gaze at her body. Her breasts and nipples were small but proportional. She looked up into my eyes, stood on her tiptoes and whispered in my ear, "Touch me. Explore my body. Taste me. I'm yours..."

And for the next hour or so, I savored half a century's worth, the frustration, the anxiety, and the self doubt all disappeared with every touch, every kiss, and every lick. Tina was a virgin's feast. Her moans provided positive feedback when I found the right spot. She taught without words the most interesting subject of my life.

Why had I not done this earlier? Decades of loneliness could have been avoided if I could have simply overcome my fears. So much wasted life...

I felt her shudder on my face, the vibrations of her orgasm felt throughout my whole body. My lips and tongue were numb. I gave her everything I had. And then she smiled. That thousand watt smile...

"God, I love your enthusiasm...that was special!" she gushed. "Now let me explore you..."

Slowly, she unbuttoned my shirt and slid it off my shoulders. My confidence grew as Tina started a running commentary designed, I knew, to boost my self esteem. I didn't mind...

"Big broad shoulders....strong muscular work out at the gym I bet...mmmm, I love chest hair...makes a man seem so manly...."

She licked and started sucking on my nipples, "Do you like that big boy? Does that feel good?"

I was holding my breath as she tongued her way down my chest...

"Those crunches are paying off, I see abs....very nice..."

Her face was lined up with my boxers.

"Is it December 25th? Looking at this package, it feels like Christmas to me..." she cooed, as she rubbed up and down on my silk encased member.

"Can I open my gift?" she asked, fluttering her eyelashes at me. I gave her a deep breath as a response.

Slowly she pulled down my boxers and I sprung free....

"Very, very nice...we are going have a lot of fun tonight," as she looked up at me with her thousand watt smile.

She grabbed my shaft and started to slowly stroke me, and then she laughed, almost as an afterthought, "You certainly are no Donald..."


Tina's eyes got all big as she realized her mistake, "There, there, big boy... it's only you and me and this magnificent wonderful cock tonight..."

"Donald?" I repeated.

She was now in damage control mode as she stroked me faster, trying to reclaim our connection, "We are going to have so much fun tonight..."

"Not THAT Donald?" as I started deflating.

The spell that Tina had cast over me was broken. She stopped stroking me and hung her head. She held up her pinkie and stated, "Yes, THAT Donald..." Her eyes were moist and I almost felt sorry for her.

I knew she wasn't a virgin. Hell, I watched Girard swipe my American Express Gold Card and signed the receipt. I knew what she was... And still I was not prepared to hear that name.


"Last night," her voice drifted, her beautiful blue eyes now pleading with me.

"Tina...I just don't think I can continue...I mean, you're a beautiful woman, but...."

"I'm so, so sorry, it's just you have this really nice cock and I just got giddy with excitement."

"Trust me, I'm sorry, too. But I can't get that image out of my mind, and it's not a turn on..."

In the back of my mind, I was proud of myself that I managed to avoid saying the words "sloppy seconds" to her.

"What are you going to do?" Tina asked, a tear running down her cheek.

"You're fired!" I suddenly joked, a big smile crossing my face.

Tina broke down and started crying, as I reached over and held her in my arms.

"I was just joking, dear. Come out to the sofa and talk with me."

I wrapped Tina in a big white fluffy terry cloth robe and we went and sat down. I held her hand.

"Tina, I truly believe that God works in mysterious ways. Perhaps this is a sign that I'm supposed to wait for the love of my life. I really enjoyed our time together and I learned a lot."

"But my reputation...if this gets out...couldn't we please just try?" she pleaded, "I swear I'll give you the fuck of a lifetime!"

"Tina, your reputation is fine. Nothing will be said. It is my decision to quit at this point. You've accomplished your mission because now I can be sexually competent with a woman, at least orally anyway. You've totally boosted my confidence. Besides, as stunning as you are, the 'fuck of a lifetime' would ruin me for mere mortal women."

"God, they were right..."


"Your two woman friends. They said you are a really special man..."

I smiled. Tina got dressed, and I kissed her on the cheek as we stood waiting for the elevator to take her back down to the lobby, and then she handed me a business card.

"My personal cell number is on the back. Call me anytime. I owe you, and I promise I'll make it up to you..."

"Good Bye, Tina..."

"My real name is Catherine," she said as the elevators doors closed.


It was now well past midnight. What the hell! I decided to call Brooke. She told me to call...

"Hi. I hope I didn't wake you..."

"No, no, I couldn't sleep..."


"I miss Pete in my bed. Just having him next to me..."

"Oh...yes...of course."

"But you know, Jerry, and I feel so ashamed for thinking this, there is a tiny little piece of me that feels like a female version of one of those willing cuckolds in those stories that you and Pete read..."

"What do you mean?"

"I kind of feel like I gave you away to the better woman tonight..."

"Tina's a nice girl, but trust me on this Brooke, she is not the better woman."

"Thank you! So how was it? Was it amazing? How many times? What did you learn?"

It felt a little strange talking to Brooke about my time with Tina, like one girlfriend dishing to another. But I did tell her everything because I believed that she had my best interest at heart.

And to be honest, my heart fluttered as we spoke and I slowly rose as the conversation progressed. There was just something about her...that je ne sais quoi...that kuch kuch hota hai ...but alas for me, something sadly unattainable. Brooke Jones would forever be my unrequited love.

We made plans to meet in the lobby by 8am, in order to go collect Pete and the guys at the Midtown North precinct before saying "Good Night" to each other. And with that, I laid down alone on the silk sheets of the king sized bed in the penthouse suite of the Waldorf Astoria...and smiled.

"What a day!" I recapped in my sleepy mind. Met my literary hero, met the Literotica commentators, fell in love with a married woman, and licked another beautiful woman to an orgasm. Wow!

And finally I turned my attention to my growing problem. I won't bore you with the details; just picture Old Faithful at Yellowstone in your mind. No need to guess who was in my mind. I was so drained I didn't have the energy to clean up before I fell asleep. I guess I would need to leave a very large tip for the maid in the morning...


Brooke and Carol were already huddled in the lobby as I stepped out of the elevator the next morning. I walked over to them and they each gave me a friendly hug.

"Thanks for last night...thanks for caring about me...I really did need that...even though it didn't quite all work out as you planned..." I tried to stammer out my thoughts and feelings...

They beamed. I was their project. Even as inexperienced and naïve as I was, I understood that women have this unique desire to want to fix and mold men. They reiterated that their work was just starting and that would do their best to find me a wife...

I asked Carol how her husband was doing and a huge smile spread across her face, "Oh his eye socket area is a little discolored, but he's fine. It looks kind of sexy, actually. Last night I teased him a little bit about discovering the real secret of Literotica husbands, when he asked me where I was, you know, when we were with the concierge... "

Carol's face flushed, "I never realized my husband had such a jealous streak because he took me as forcefully as he ever has in our marriage...I've never felt so claimed in my whole life...or so sore!"

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