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Click hereMy life is complicated. I just turned eighteen and I'm still in high school. My mother died when I was very young so my father raised me all on his own, at least until last year when he married a woman only seven years older than me. My dad brought me up to be a nice respectable girl and I would never do anything to disappoint him. However, everything has changed since he married Brooke. She exposed me, pardon the pun, to a whole new way of life.
I think Brooke married my dad for his money, and it's easy to see why my dad married Brooke. She's young, beautiful and has a great body. She also knows how to use her assets to get what she wants. For example, after their first date, Brooke spent the night at our house, but she slept in the guest room, probably for my benefit. The following morning, my father and I were sitting at the breakfast table, and my dad's mouth dropped open when Brooke strutted into the kitchen.
Brooke announced, "I didn't bring anything to sleep in, so I borrowed one of your T-shirts, Danielle. I hope you don't mind."
Still shocked, I replied, "Um, no. That's okay, but it's a little small for you, isn't it?"
Brooke just smiled and said, "Well I guess it is," and then she winked at my father.
I'm only five-feet tall and Brooke is at least five inches taller than I am, so her little pink panties were peeking out from below the short T-shirt, even when she was standing up straight. Plus, I'm quite petite and her boobs are bigger than mine are, so the thin white T-shirt was stretched tightly across her braless breasts. Brooke's round pink nipples were clearly visible beneath the thin fabric and my dad couldn't take his eyes off her.
Brooke wanted a cup of coffee, so she reached for the top coffee mug on the highest shelf. Reaching up with both arms above her head caused the white T-shirt to rise up, completely exposing her little pink panties. It took her forever to select a coffee mug, which allowed my dad ample time to take a long hard look at her skimpy underpants. I have to admit that Brooke has a very cute butt and she was flaunting that perfect ass in panties that were practically transparent. They were so small that her butt crack was hanging out above the waistband.
After Brooke got her coffee she needed a spoon, so she opened the bottom drawer and leaned forward without bending her knees. Her tiny pink undies popped out again as the bottom of the short T-shirt escalated up high enough to display a portion of the soft tan skin on her lower back. It was very easy to see the crack of Brooke's ass through the veil thin material of her underpants and she remained in her bent-over position for a long time with my dad sitting only a few feet away from her.
Finally, she stood up and said, "That's not the drawer with the spoons."
I smirked, "They're in the top drawer."
Selecting a utensil allowed Brooke to perform another innocent act of exhibitionism. When she stood up, one side of Brooke's panties worked its way up into the crack of her ass, revealing a full butt cheek to my dad. Nonchalantly, she slipped a fingertip into her little underpants and slowly pulled them free from her crack. Brooke intentionally over-exaggerated the motion and stretched her panties out so far that my dad got a glimpse of her bare ass. Then she released her underpants and the elastic snapped back into place.
Eventually Brooke got her coffee, but instead of sitting at the table with us, she hopped up on one of the tall bar stools in front of the kitchen counter. Her knees were almost at my dad's eye-level and she didn't do a very good job of keeping her knees together. She pretended not to notice, but I'm sure she intentionally spread her legs so that my dad could gaze at her barely-hidden bush. The soft brown curly hair between her legs matched the long brown hair on her head.
As Brooke sipped her coffee and made small talk with my dad, she acted as though she had an itch on her tummy. Instead of scratching herself over the T-shirt, she casually pushed the bottom of the T-shirt up until it was higher than her belly-button. As Brooke gently dragged her fingernails back and forth over her flat tan tummy, her panties were completely exposed.
After Brooke finished scratching her itch, she carelessly left the short T-shirt bunched up around her waist leaving her little undies out in the open where everyone could see them. Brooke's scanty panties were so small that a few strands of her neatly trimmed pussy hair were threatening to escape out of her underwear. My dad was obviously turned on by Brooke's performance and I certainly understood why, but Brooke wasn't finished showing off yet.
After we finished breakfast, my dad said to Brooke, "Don't forget to give Danielle her T-shirt back."
Brooke responded, "Well, okay, if you say so."
Brooke grabbed the bottom of the short T-shirt and began to lift it up in front of her. First her see-through panties appeared, and then her flat tan tummy came into view followed by a pair of magnificent breasts. Her breasts were natural, full and firm with pink silver dollar sized nipples.
My dad said, "I didn't mean you had to give it to her right now."
Brooke giggled and said, "Oh, silly me. Now I'm practically naked! I guess I should go upstairs and get dressed."
I mumbled, "Well duh!"
Brooke leaned forward to hand me my T-shirt and as she did, she accidentally, (on purpose), brushed her bare breasts up against my father's face. That was all my dad could take. He hurried Brooke upstairs and I didn't see them again for hours. A few weeks later, Brooke was my new stepmother.
As the weeks went by, I began to accept Brooke into our family. I even admitted to myself that she was fun to have around. I admired the way that she could boldly flaunt her body without a care in the world, while I lived in a protective shell, hiding my body from everyone.
Brooke could not understand the good girl code that guided my life. My lifestyle was a deep contrast to Brooke's life because of her wild side. Unfortunately for Brooke, my dad constantly pointed out how prim and proper I was and his statements implied that Brooke should be more like me. It seemed that my dad didn't appreciate the free spirit in Brooke after they were married, even though it was her exhibitionist streak that he found attractive in the first place.
Brooke came to the conclusion that in order to make the marriage work, she needed to change my lifestyle to match her way of life. My father frequently traveled on business or worked late, leaving me at home alone with Brooke. Our time together gave Brooke the perfect opportunity to alter my moral values. It began about a month after Brooke moved in. My dad left on a business trip and I was in the shower getting ready for school.
Brooke came into the bathroom and asked, "There's a couple of boys downstairs. Should I send them up?"
I shrieked, "Send them up? Are you crazy? I'm in the shower!"
Brooke chuckled and said, "Well it sounds like fun to me."
Then Brooke stayed in the bathroom as I showered and asked, "So I've noticed that you don't date very much."
I reluctantly admitted, "Yeah, I guess I've never been on a real date."
I was washing my hair with both hands up on my head. Brooke just stood and watched as the suds cascaded down over my perky breasts. Having someone watching me take a shower made me feel very exposed and vulnerable. Brooke seemed unfazed by the situation and continued the conversation.
Brooke asked, "Do you like boys?"
I replied, "Of course I like boys."
As I proceeded to rub my soapy hands over my breasts, Brooke said, "Then you should go out on a date. You've got a very pretty face, a great butt and some nice boobies."
I giggled, pushed my breasts together and said, "I know they're not as big as your's are, but I'm not flat-chested either. I guess my breasts are medium-sized, but they're firm and I have a little bit of cleavage. See?"
Brooke reached out with both hands, tweaked my nipples and said, "Yes, you've got nice little titties!"
When Brooke pulled on my tender teenaged nipples, it sent chills down my spine. It was embarrassing to talk about my body while I stood there in the nude, especially now that Brooke took the liberty of touching me. The weird thing was that I kind of liked it. Then I started lathering up the hair between my legs and Brooke boldly put her fingers down there, too. I didn't know how to react, so I just stood there and let her touch me.
As Brooke ran her fingernails through my pussy hair, she said, "You need to trim your bush a little."
Then she pulled the bottom of her robe apart and said, "See how neatly trimmed my pussy is?"
I looked between her legs and replied, "Yes, you have a very pretty pussy."
My face turned red with embarrassment. I'd just told another girl that she had a pretty pussy!
Brooke simply smiled and said, "Thanks. You should trim your little hairy place the same way I do. It would look much better. Do you want me to trim it for you?"
I quickly replied, ", I think I can handle it. I'll do it later."
As I turned around to wash my butt, Brooke patted me on my bare ass. Then Brooke rubbed her hand all over my butt cheeks, which were slick from the soap suds.
Brooke commented, "You've sure got a nice butt. In fact, you've got a very cute and petite little body. You should show it off once in a while."
I said, "Show it off? No one's ever seen me naked. Besides, my dad would hit the ceiling. He doesn't even want me to date."
She said, "What about the boys downstairs?"
I said, "The math club boys? My dad doesn't see those boys as a threat to my virginity."
Brooke said, "Well, your dad's not here. Besides, I'm not asking you to become a stripper. Just give the boys a little peek once in a while and you'll become very popular."
I pulled my foot up to wash between my toes, which put me in an awkward position. My pussy lips were now out in the open and Brooke acted like she was going to reach out and touch me down there, too.
As I nervously gave Brooke a beaver shot, I asked, "How do you expose yourself without looking like a total slut?"
Brooke answered, "You have to make it look like an accident, find someone else to blame, or both. I'll show you how to do it sometime. In fact, I can show you right now. Wait here while I get the boys," and then she walked out of the bathroom.
I screamed, "Brooke no! Please don't."
Brooke stuck her head back into the bathroom, smiled and said, "Just kidding" and then she went downstairs.
After I'd finally gotten dressed and went downstairs, I found Brooke in the living room talking to my friends. She was still dressed in just her tiny robe. The robe was gaping open on top and her nipples were threatening to spring out right in front of the boys. The robe was so short that her pussy hair was on the fringe of being exposed to the boys, too. In fact, I think a wisp of her neatly trimmed bush was actually peeking out from below the garment.
Brooke acted as if she was completely unaware of her near nakedness. The boys on the other hand had bulging eyes, among other things, knowing that the slightest movement could cause Brooke's bare breasts to fall out right in front of them. The boys watched with great anticipation as Brooke teased them relentlessly. She casually brushed her hair back with her fingers, prompting her big boobies to jiggle under the thin white robe. Although a portion of her round pink nipples were now showing near the edge of the fabric, the boys still collectively sighed as Brooke's breasts failed to free themselves from the slowly separating robe.
I didn't want to be late for school, so I pointed out, "Brooke, I think you need to pull your robe together."
Brooke looked down and rhetorically asked, "Oh no, my boobs are about to fall right out, aren't they?"
Then Brooke looked at my friends and said, "Shame on you boys! You should have warned me that my breasts were almost showing."
The boys just turned away from her and blushed. Brooke knew exactly what she was doing to the poor boys and she loved every minute of it.
As we walked out the door, one of my friends said, "Wow your new stepmother is hot!"
I looked over my shoulder and Brooke was still standing in the open doorway. She overheard the boy and smiled at me. My friends are not used to being so close to a scantly clad attractive woman. She was a hot topic of conversation the rest of the day, but today's lesson was not over yet. Brooke had an even bigger show planned for that afternoon.
When I returned home from school, Brooke was upstairs taking a shower. My two friends from the math club were with me and I asked them to wait in the living room while I went upstairs. I opened the bathroom door and announced that I was downstairs with the boys she'd met earlier that morning. Brooke didn't answer, but I was certain that she had heard me.
I returned downstairs and sat on the couch with the boys. A few minutes later, Brooke came down the steps stark naked, except for a towel wrapped around her wet hair. She froze as if she was shocked to find anyone at home. Normally in this situation, a person would turn and run upstairs, but Brooke just stood there, giving the young boys an opportunity to stare at her totally bare body. After a few moments, she made a lame attempt to hide her nakedness, but the arm across her chest still left one nipple exposed and the hand between her legs did not effectively conceal her tiny hairy triangle. Then Brooke found a way to blame me for her dilemma.
She said, "Danielle, you should have told me that you brought boys home."
I said, "I did!"
She said, "Well I didn't hear you."
Then Brooke continued, "Why didn't you replace the towels this morning after you took a shower? You know I need a towel for my hair, so now I don't have a towel to wrap around my body. You've forced me to stand here naked in front of your little friends."
There was a pause as the boys continued to gawk at Brooke's nude figure. Brooke should have been the one that was embarrassed, but the math club boys were the ones with the red faces. However, they never turned away from the goddess without clothes. In fact, I didn't even see them blink.
Finally, Brooke dropped her arms and declared, "I'm still naked and waiting for a towel!"
I quickly got up from the couch and went upstairs as Brooke stood there, leaving everything out in the open. The boys had an unobstructed view of her big firm breasts and soft pussy hair. I could hear her talking about me as I opened the linen closet.
Brooke said to the boys, "I can't believe Danielle would do this to me. She left me standing here without any clothes on. I mean, here I am standing in front of a couple of high school boys with my titties and pussy showing and there's nothing I can do about it. It's so embarrassing. I'm sorry you boys have to see me this way."
The boys didn't know what to say, so they just nodded their heads and continued to stare at Brooke's smooth tan skin. I took my time getting a towel. I figured I'd leave Brooke standing there in the nude as long as I could, although Brooke appeared to be enjoying herself.
When I finally came back downstairs, Brooke took the towel, but she didn't wrap it around her naked body. She just loosely held the towel in front, leaving her bare backside completely exposed as she slowly walked up the steps. The boys stared intensely at Brooke's round rear-end until she turned the corner and disappeared out of sight. We didn't get much studying done after Brooke left. The boys just sat there the rest of the afternoon with bulges in their pants and dumb looks on their faces.
Brooke pulled a similar stunt the following day. I was going to the mall after school and I stopped at home to drop off my books. My two math club friends were eager to give me a ride home and wait for me in the living room while I went upstairs. They even brought a couple of boys from the science club with them. After word got around about Brooke's exhibition from the day before, I was surprised that every geek in the school wasn't at my house.
Brooke was in the kitchen talking on the phone as I headed up the steps to my bedroom. She glanced at me so I waved to her, but she didn't acknowledge my presence, just like she had done the previous day. However, she was dressed in jeans and a tank top, so I didn't expect anything to happen. The boys on the other hand were hopeful of a repeat performance and positioned themselves at the doorway to the kitchen. They were peeking around the corner just in case Brooke decided to take her clothes off for no reason at all.
When I returned to the steps, I stopped as Brooke suddenly switched to the speaker phone. As I listened to her conversation, I suspected that she was up to something, so I took a seat on the steps. I was hidden from everyone's view, but from my vantage point, I could watch Brooke, and I could also observe the boys as they watched Brooke. Brooke picked up a new dress from the kitchen chair as she talked to her friend.
Brooke said, "Yeah Jordan, I bought a new dress for Danielle, but It looks so good that I'd like to wear it myself. I just wish it was a size or two bigger."
Jordan responded, "Well try it on. Since your husband's out of town, maybe you can wear it tonight when we go out to dinner."
Brooke said, "But it's so small. Although, if I wore it we'd probably get very good service!"
Brooke paused for a moment while looking at the dress, and then she said, "No, I'd never get into it."
Jordan said, "You'll never know until you try."
Brooke said, "Okay, I will. Since I'm the only one at home, I can just try it on right here in the kitchen. There's nobody around that can see me."
One of the science club boys enthusiastically whispered, "Oh boy, she's gonna take her clothes off and she thinks no one else here!"
Another boy said, "Shut up you idiot. We don't want her to see us."
I chuckled under my breath at the gullible boys. Brooke wouldn't have bothered to announce that there wasn't anybody home if she really was alone. It just proved to me that Brooke was well aware of the fact that the boys were watching her, but she wanted to act innocent about it. I figured that eventually she would see the boys and then she would blame me for their presence. I just kept my mouth shut and let the boys have their fun while I became educated in the art of exhibitionism.
First Brooke stripped off her tank top, exhibiting a flimsy white bra and plenty of cleavage. I loved the way she gently put her fingers inside the bra cups. She acted like she was making sure the bra was on straight, but she was really just trying to draw the boys' attention to her breasts. As if the boys needed any help!
Next she unbuttoned and unzipped her tight jeans. With her back to the boys, she hooked her thumbs inside the waistband and struggled to slide the tight pants down her legs.
When her pants reached the floor, Brooke yelped, "Oops, my panties came down with my jeans."
With Brooke's bare ass pointed at the boys, her friend said, "Why don't you just leave them off?"
Brooke thought about it for a minute and said, "Leave my panties off? No, I don't think so. I'd better put them back on" and then she slowly pulled up her silky panties.
Brooke stood there in just her tiny bra and panties for a long time as she removed the from the dress. After stepping into the dress, Brooke had a difficult time getting it zipped, but she finally succeeded.
Brooke said to Jordan, "This dress is really tight and extremely short. I can barely breathe. I don't think I can wear this out in public. Besides, my bra-straps are hanging out and I can see my white panties right through the black material."