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Sweetest of Hearts Ch. 05


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"I'll buy each of you a ring," he added, "It can only be official with you, Kelly. But I'm not denying my two daughters their own ring. When I marry you, Kelly, we'll figure out a way that..."

"I've already figured it out, Mark," Kelly interrupted, "You marry me. Katie and Hannah are my bridesmaids. We hold hands, they simply mouth the same vows I do, and once we're home here, you slide a ring onto their finger too."

"We've already discussed this, Daddy," Katie added, "You will have three wives."

A month later, her father proposed not only to Kelly, but also to his daughters. Proposing to his daughters wasn't something he could do publicly, not that it was something which bothered any of them. He proposed to Kelly first, simply because she was the one who he could legally marry. But he proposed to Hannah and Katie at the same time, sliding on an engagement ring each, hugging them tightly. "I wish I could tell the world how much I love all three of you, particularly my daughters, and the mother of my child," he whispered, "But we'll make do where we can. Rest assured, I love all three of you with all my heart. You each own a part of it, alongside any children we have together."

Her father eventually announced he was engaged. The reaction was as they all expected. Some were disgusted by the age gap and refused to have anything to do with it. Kelly's mother bitched and complained to anyone that he'd apparently 'groomed' her daughter. Considering her own reputation, while some people might have agreed to a point, they knew how much her father had shown love for her. Maybe it wasn't a surprise Kelly had fallen in love with him?

When it came to telling Bill, he simply grinned, slapped his shoulder, called him an 'old dog' but warned him to be careful, precisely because of how people reacted. All the mothers of their friends expressed their delight, aware of how much the pair genuinely loved each other. Of course, the engagement meant that Christine, Sofia, Emily and Belinda would no longer be sleeping with him, but since Hannah had fallen pregnant, they had slowly pulled away and two now had their own boyfriends.

By the time of the wedding, Hannah had lost all her baby weight, once again as slim as her sister, though her breasts had remained larger, as she still carried milk for their child. The wedding itself was a small affair, barely thirty guests in total. It was a non-religious ceremony, simply an exchange of vows and the commitment of Kelly and her father in the eyes of the law. Her father had asked no-one record the ceremony, as during the vows, Mark held Kelly's left hand, Kelly's right hand held Hannah's left hand, Hannah's right hand holding Katie's hand, the three women all stating the same vows, though the twins only mouthed them.

During the reception, her father danced with Kelly first, but during the night, he ensured that all three of them danced with him, even dancing in a tight group at one stage. No-one would have thought of anything untoward. Kelly was the best friend of herself and Katie, and everyone knew how close they were, particularly after Kelly had moved into their home.

As soon as they returned home, her father slid a wedding ring onto her finger, then did the same with Katie, before they retired to their bedroom, where her father consummated his marriage with his legal wife, before consummating his marriage to his two daughters.

Within three months of their marriage, Kelly announced she was pregnant, to the delight of everyone in the household, her friends, their friends, her father's friends. Hannah was able to guide her best friend through all the trials and tribulations of the pregnancy, though was already feeling that yearning to carry another child for her father and herself. It was something the four discussed regularly. Kelly and Hannah both wanted more than one child. Katie wasn't interested in motherhood though was approaching the end of her time at university, one more year before she'd graduate as she wished to be a teacher.

Six months into Kelly's pregnancy, Hannah had a plan. She was now completely into her role as the 'housewife', looking after both their home and child. Hearing her father arrive home early, as he had cut back slightly on his hours, she was waiting in the kitchen in the middle of dinner preparations. Wearing only an apron, she glanced up and grinned at his appearance. He was approaching forty years old and, in her eyes, only got more handsome with each passing day.

"Hello, Daddy. Good day at work?"

"Good thing I do enjoy what I do, sweetheart," he replied, walking around the counter and cuddling her from behind, "But this is always the best time of day. How is our little one?"

"Little Nathan is fast asleep at the moment. I'm hoping he'll stay asleep for what I have planned."

"Oh, and what does my little girl have planned?"

Even past twenty years old by now, she would always be his little girl. One of them anyway. "I plan to take my daddy into the bedroom and have him impregnate me again."

"Ah, I figured that. Is it the right time?"

"Daddy, fill me up with cum the next few days and, well, I got pregnant pretty quickly last time."

"So you don't want me to fuck you right here and now?" he breathed into his ear, making her moan as he pressed into her, his right hand moving around to her abdomen, running down to her bare pussy, hearing him chuckle as he felt her wetness.

"Daddy," she moaned softly. Feeling his lips at her neck, she felt the shudder go through her body. "You're teasing me, Daddy. I love it."

"Let me help finish preparations, then we'll go to bed for a little while. If Kelly gets home..."

Hannah couldn't help giggle. "She'll just tag herself in once you've cum in me."

Placing the dish into the over on a slow cook setting, she took off her apron, watching her father's eyes light up at her nudity, taking him by the hand and leading him to their bedroom. She loved undressing him slowly before taking him into the bathroom, a quick shower then drying off. Lying back on their bed, her father didn't just slide his cock inside her. No, her father loved going down on her first. She'd be happy to return the favour, but while he loved blowjobs, it wasn't something that worried him. And, if she was honest, Kelly loved sucking his cock while Katie treated his cum like some sort of nympho antidote. Therefore, she would always offer but he would answer by placing his head between her legs.

Her father pleased her little pussy until she'd had a few orgasms. He took his time as always, savouring her taste, the noises she would make, the way her body reacted, until she was almost begging for his cock. She'd hear him chuckle before he moved, kissing up her body, giving her larger breasts some attention, before their mouths met. Kissing her father always made her heart beat a little faster, and as he slid his thick cock inside her, even after all this time, the fact they'd already had a child together, she'd sometimes find herself blinking rapidly as the emotions hit her.

"Daddy," she moaned, "I want another baby! Give me another baby!"

"What do you think I'm doing here, sweetheart?" he retorted, hearing his amusement.

"You're fucking me solidly for the next few days, Daddy. Your cock, my tight little pussy, at least three times a day. Gimme that cum!"

"Love it when you're this insatiable, sweetheart."

"I love you," she whispered, meeting his blue eyes.

"Love you too," he whispered back, kissing her softly.

By the time Kelly got home, now heavily pregnant, her father had already cum inside her twice, leaving her lying back on the bed as he finished preparing dinner. Kelly walked into the bedroom, noticed her position, her lower body elevated slightly, and she burst into giggles. "Trying again, Hannah?"

"I expect to have a very sore pussy at the end of my fertile period from daddy fucking me constantly."

"It'll work out, Hannah. How many do you want in the end?"

"Four. I'm hoping we have two sons and two daughters. I'm thinking I won't have twins as it usually skips a generation."

"Three for me, don't care what. Of course, we're having a daughter now," Kelly said, placing a hand on her belly, "He's so excited."

Taking Kelly's hand, Hannah leaned over to kiss her cheek. "So am I. Katie is too, but she's so focused on her studies right now. I just don't want her feeling left out of all this."

"She isn't. Daddy is as intimate with her as he is with us."

"Then there are the threesomes he now enjoys," Hannah said, giggling away at a few memories, "Took a while for that to happen. I'm still not particularly interested in fooling around with women, but nothing wrong with sitting on daddy's face while Katie rides his big cock."

"Yes, three of us with him is difficult, though watching Katie taking it in the arse still takes my breath away sometimes."

Hannah laughed. "Yeah, I'm impressed by my twin sometimes. That girl sure has a different sexual appetite to myself, but she loves experimenting with daddy."

Katie arrived home, finding Kelly and Hannah naked in bed. Laughing to herself, she stripped naked and joined them. Of course, her father then walked into the room five minutes later to announce dinner was ready, his laughter ringing around the house as he found his wife and twin daughters naked in bed together. Nothing intimate going on, but it still amused the four of them.

After dinner, Kelly was feeling rather amorous, dragging her husband to the bedroom for some hot and sweaty sex, before she wandered out, suggesting to Hannah that he was feeling a little drained, but he'd be ready and raring to go again in a couple of hours. He walked out fifteen minutes later having showered.

"You three will be the death of me," he stated, "But what a way to go out."

"You have three young women looking after you, Daddy," Hannah replied, "I think you're living the dream!"

Plonking himself down next to her, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her. "Definitely, sweetheart. We have one child already, Kelly will prove to be a wonderful mother to ours, and soon enough, we'll have our second child together. House full of babies. We'll make it work."

"I might stay home too, Daddy," Kelly suggested, "Considering the number of children we're likely to have, Hannah and I can help each other."

"I'm leaving the decision to you, sweetie. We can afford everything on my wage, and once Katie starts working, we're going to be quite comfortable. Even though you'll be caring for our children and the house, I don't want to think either of you regret anything."

"Once we're finished making babies and they're all older, I'll resume my studies, Daddy," Hannah stated, "Only part-time, as I'll also go to work the hours they're at school."

"I remember discussing this a while back. As I said, whatever any of you choose to do, we'll discuss it but you always, more often than not, have my complete support."

"What I want right now is another baby, Daddy."

"Give me another hour and we'll go to bed, sweetheart."

Hannah knew, when it was time to tell her father, that it was likely that first week of trying when she fell pregnant for a second time.


Mark (Epilogue)

"Happy birthday, Daddy!" my twin daughters exclaimed, kissing my cheek, as they delivered the birthday cake. I was too old for the number of candles to reflect my age. Now it was just a five and a zero.

"Happy birthday, husband," Kelly whispered, kissing me softly on the lips.

Glancing around, our other children were sat at the table out in the backyard. Three of them were those of Kelly and myself, two daughters and a son. Four of them were those of Hannah and myself, who got exactly what she wanted, a pair of boys and a pair of girls. And there was also one more daughter, as Katie gave into temptation and wanted a child with me too.

There were two other children, that will require explanation later. Sofia was at the table with Christine, Emily and Belinda. The latter three were now happily married with children of their own, though I knew they all had fond memories of those many months were shared fooling around. I certainly hadn't forgotten.

Bill was there as always, my best mate for over four decades, with his charming wife. His children were now adults, living their best lives. My father had passed by the time I was forty-five, but my mother was ever present in our lives, still spritely at seventy-five, alongside my siblings as always.

Claire was also present. I'm sure that would come as a shock to some after everything that happened between us and the children, and would require plenty of explanation. Another thing to describe later. But on that day, reaching a half-century in a life I'd lived well, I couldn't help grin at being surrounded by the people I loved. Well, all except for one, I guess.

I certainly had no reason to complain about anything. Our house now had a second level, needing to expand due to the number of children that were born. Felt like the Brady Bunch at times, considering how many children we were raising together. Hannah had given birth to our four children by the time she was twenty-eight, Kelly to our three by the time she was twenty-five. Katie had our child when she was thirty, ensuring she'd started her career first before she felt she was ready to have a child.

Ever since my relationship with my daughters had started, we had lived in relative harmony, and with Kelly as my wife, the four of us had bounced off each other, supporting each other the entire time, particularly during those moments when life seemed to grind one of us down. My professional life was going well, my company expanding until it was one of the largest in the state, and I was now looking at expanding nationwide.

Personally, everything was going swimmingly until Claire learned through the grapevine that Hannah had given birth to two children. I had no idea how she'd learned, as my daughters had completely cut-off Claire, and there were warnings to Claire's family that, should they tell her anything, they'd be cut-off too. When it finally happened, I received a call from Claire, asking about her grandchildren.

"How did you find out?" I had to ask.

"Before anyone goes accusing and cutting the rest of my family off, an old friend of mine saw Hannah walking in town with one of her friends, both pushing a stroller along. It was assumed the children where theirs."

Glancing at Hannah, who was sitting next to me and could hear the conversation, I could only sigh. Hannah nodded, suggesting I could confirm. "Yes, Hannah has given birth to two children. A son and a daughter."

"Who's the father?"

"She's not with him." We'd sorted out some sort of cover story. "Unfortunately, he was a bit of a prick so she left him."

"So our daughter is a single mother?"

I heard the accusation in her tone, and despite being polite the past couple of years on the phone, that just pissed me off. "Don't you fucking start on me, Claire. You left me as a single father when they were fourteen because you wanted to go and fuck some other guy. My daughter is doing a wonderful job raising two beautiful children, and her father is by her side, every step of the way."

"I... I wasn't accusing you of anything, Mark. Sorry, it's just... I've learned I'm a grandmother and... I'd..."

"Not happening, Claire," Hannah stated immediately, "I'd rather you not know about any of this at all."

"I have a right to see my grandchildren."

I didn't miss the small sob at the end. I could understand how much she was hurting. Not seeing her daughters was one thing, but to miss out on grandchildren, I knew it was almost too much. Hannah was no longer full of hate for her mother, but she still wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. I did wonder from time to time if we shouldn't sit and discuss a reconciliation, but I had a feeling it wouldn't get very far.

"Then I'll see you in court, Claire," Hannah retorted, keeping her tone even, "But as you've been told more than once by now, you might be family in the eyes of the law, but they're my children and I will decide who they will have a relationship with. They will have one with daddy, they will have one with Katie and Kelly, and anyone else I deem fit."

Claire hung up. It wasn't a surprise, but when Katie heard about what was going on, it seemed to light a fire under her for some reason. It took a couple of months to hear that she had tentatively reached out to Claire to start communicating. When I found out, I wasn't sure whether to chastise her, as I knew how this would impact her sister, or just show my support as always. But I warned her to be careful when it came to Hannah. She would hit the roof if or when she found out.

When Hannah did discover what was going on, it was the first time I'd seen my twin daughters fall out. I don't mean just the arguments I'd see when they were teenagers. The argument got ugly very quickly, and when Hannah suggested what Katie was doing was an act of betrayal, even I had to step and admit that, perhaps, Katie simply believed enough time had passed that she could find it in herself to forgive and perhaps finally form some sort of relationship with their mother.

Busy as I was with work and raising young children, I didn't notice the fact my daughters stopped communicating. They conversed at the table, but even I noticed they never shared my bed at the same time any longer. I was willing to give it time to settle when, after a couple of months, Katie came to me in tears, admitting that, except when Kelly or myself was involved, Hannah hadn't spoken a word to her since she'd told her about contacting Claire.

Hannah was pregnant again at the time when I sat her down. Just mentioning Claire would result in anger or tears, so I knew I'd have to approach the subject delicately.

"Your sister still loves you, sweetheart," I said.

"I still love her, Daddy," she whispered, "With all my heart. But what she's doing... How can she forgive her? I don't hate her anymore, but I just..." She looked at me for the first time looking confused about what she should do. "What should I do, Daddy?" she whispered, "Is she right? Has it been long enough?" She paused before adding softly, "I miss having a mother."

I hugged her tightly to my chest. "I think it's time. I really do. It's been a decade. I just don't think about it, but I probably would now, just to clear the air. If I were to do that, would you find it in yourself to do follow her example? If your sister can find it in her heart to forgive her mother for what she did, I'm sure my other daughter has the same good heart.

Hannah, Katie needs to hear you still love her. Every night she joins me in bed, she spends most of the time crying in her father's arms. And it breaks my heart to see how fractured your relationship is. You've always been so close."

That broke Hannah completely as she sobbed in my arms. Hell, she almost got me going, murmuring she'd talk to her sister that very night. Kelly and I headed out for a few hours once Katie was home from work. Whispering into her ear that it would be okay, I hugged her tightly before Hannah walked out of the kitchen, stating she'd prepared dinner for them both.

By the time Kelly and I returned home from dinner out, Hannah and Katie were laughing away on the couch, the latter enjoying some wine, Hannah obviously not drinking due to her pregnancy. I was hugged tightly by both of them as soon as I walked through the door, then led to the bedroom, where I was stripped off, they were naked seconds later, and I had my pregnant daughter on my cock and Katie on my face.

Once Hannah enjoyed a couple of orgasms, Kelly leapt onto my cock, muttering something about filling her womb with my cum. Yep, sounded like she wanted another child.

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