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And I groan, and that's Kyle's cue that that's exactly what I want - I want my beautiful son to fuck me 'til it hurts.

And no - I don't want my son to be a rapist. I've thought about it - a lot. And I've come to the conclusion that what I do want is to be able to make my son lose control - to be so overpowered by his lust for me - for his mother - that he can't control himself, can't stop himself from using me, any way - every way - that comes into his lust-crazed mind. I want Kyle, my son, to lust - lust uncontrollably - for his mother.

But there's more to the on-screen performance. As soon as he's fucked her good and hard, he puts one hand on her shoulders and forces her, pressing her down 'til she's flat on the mattress. And holding her like that, his forearms crossed over her shoulders so she can't move, can't escape, he steadily slides his cock out of her pussy - and places it at the entrance to her asshole.

And you can hear her say, "Nooo...," but her voice trails off, like she doesn't really believe it - doesn't really mean it. Her son doesn't seem to care anyway. He leans into her. He's obviously having trouble gaining entrance so he keeps - hammering is the only word I can think of - to describe what it is that he's doing to his mother, to his mother's asshole.

Finally it looks like he's gotten the crown of that thick cock into her ass, and he pauses - but just enough to get lined up for the lunges that follow.

And he forces that fat cock all the way into his mom, into his mother's hurting, hungry rectum...

Kyle and I have been expecting this. He asks me, "Maybe what you really want is for me to rape your ass, just like that hungry bitch is getting it - getting her slut asshole raped by her son's big, fat dick..."

This is when I groan-hiss, "Yesss!" and that's when Kyle pushes me down and begins fucking my ass, doing his best to duplicate the savagery of the boy in the video.

It's not totally like Kyle is raping my ass, mainly, because I've prepared myself for this. Before we even started, just as soon as I knew we would likely be watching this video, I got out our jar of anal lube - I used to use just K-Y, then tried Preparation H, but I've decided that I prefer this "industrial strength" lube the best - and began loosing myself up, to the point where I was able to insert three bunched fingers into my sphincter. Leaving a good amount of the lube behind, inside my rectum, I was ready to give my asshole to my son-rapist.

So while my beautiful, masterful son is raping his slut-mommy's well-prepared rectum, we watch the two people on the screen. And it's not too many of those lunges before the son simply stops, groans - and with one final lunge cums into his mother's torn asshole and ravaged rectum. He's exhausted, and they both lay there like that for a while, until he slides out of his mother and lifts himself and jerks her over onto her back and drags his fat, wet, slippery cock across her mouth, which she opens...

... and the video goes black, and pretty much the same happens to me, and I almost lose consciousness, lost in the exquisite pain-pleasure of my son, raping my ass until I feel the pulsing of his cock in my anus, and then the warm gel of his semen as he fills my hungry rectum.

~ ~ ~

But that's not the way it usually is. Oh, the feel of his hard young cock sliding in and out of me and the warm creamy semen filling my pussy and my ass - they're all there. But things like the brutal pseudo-assault on my ass - well, things like that are confined to very select occasions, and always with my collaboration (and often at my initiation!).

No, most of the time, I'm simply a thirty-something, formerly-neglected housewife who just happens to have the luxury of enjoying the thrill of a strong, smooth young cock sliding in and out of my almost-always-wet pussy, and being able to wrap my arms - and my legs - around a muscular, athletic young body, and, sometimes, having that same muscular young body and that same strong cock take me from behind - anyplace - not brutally, but definitely forcefully. And I have the luxury of experiencing these pleasures, these thrills, almost anytime I want, because that strong, young, muscular body and its smooth, hard cock live under the same roof that I do, because they belong to my very own son.

I I - The Switch

"You know - the kids' spring break comes early this year."

That's what Al said to me, one day in late January.

"Do you think maybe we should start thinking about what we want to do - maybe take a trip somewhere - maybe someplace warm?"

I thought. "Thanks for the reminder. Let me think about it."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And that's how Kyle and I ended up spending nine glorious days together at a couples resort in the Caribbean.

When Al and I finally got around to talking about what to do for spring break, we were generally agreed that someplace in the sun would be the best choice for four people weary of cold winds and winter coats. Now to decide on where.

We talked about Cancun and the Bahamas and Palm Springs and Key West, and all these are great places, but nothing really leapt out at us. So Al and I silently pondered these and other choices, until Al said, "Marie, how would you feel about...?" at the very same instant that I said, "You know, Al, I was thinking..." Since Al spoke first, I told him to go ahead.

"Marie, what would you think... how would you feel about it... if you and Kyle were to go someplace you really liked and Keri and I could... you know...?"

I could have been furious at the very suggestion that we might break up our family vacation so he could spend it alone with our - his - slut daughter...

... except for the fact that I was about to suggest the same thing - that Kyle and I could find a lovely place in the sun and that Al and Keri could go do... whatever. I don't mean that I don't care about them. It's just so obvious that the two of them are getting so close... And I would be furious - furious, except for the fact that I was starting to feel that there was something... special... happening between Kyle and me, something more than just all the great fucking and sucking.

So, like I said, that's how Kyle and I ended up spending nine days at a couples resort on one of the islands in St. Vincent and Grenadines called Scandals (not Sandals - Scandals!).

I'm sure you can imagine how we spent our first 30 hours there, leaving the bed and the whirlpool tub - and the kitchen counter! - only to answer the door when room service came to our cabana. But after we finally got our fill of each other, at least for the time being, we agreed that it would be foolish not to take advantage of some of the other amenities the resort had to offer.

We were at the poolside bar having pina coladas (trite, but tasty). I was looking at Kyle, when over his shoulder I noticed an attractive brown-skinned woman. She appeared to be sharing tropical drinks with a young man whose back was to us. I couldn't see his face, of course, but it looked like he was young and well-built - not muscular, but trim - and his skin appeared to be almost the same colour as the woman's.

At that moment, Kyle stepped back to allow the pretty bikini'd server to put some snacks on our table - and immediately bumped into the young man standing behind him. Kyle turned to apologize, and the young man immediately made a polite pro-forma apology in return.

It was the striking brown woman who spoke. "Hello. I'm Jemma. This is my son, Jeremy."

The boy turned and I finally got a look at "Jeremy." A good look! And what I saw was a very handsome young man with smooth, regular features and the same beautiful mahogany complexion as the woman - his mother. Oh, and I couldn't help but notice the broad brown chest, and the tight round buttocks that were filling out the tropical floral print surf shorts.

"I'm Marie, and I guess you've already met my son, Kyle...," and the moment I said "my son," the woman, Jemma's, eyebrows went up.

What's more, I think she noticed that I had noticed her reaction.

An understanding passed between us: two attractive (scratch that - as I got a better look, I realized the Jemma was extraordinarily attractive) women, at a decidedly couples resort, with their attractive sons. But I needed to be certain before I accidentally said something that might turn out to be "inappropriate."

"So, Jemma - is your husband here, too?"

She laughed quickly, then smiled at me, and her smile seemed to say, "I know what you're getting at - what you really want to know."

"No, my husband - Jeremy's father - Nigel is in Greece...," and she let that bit of information linger, "... with our daughter."

And with that I was pretty certain what their situation - Jemma's and Jeremy's - was. Still, I thought I needed to do one more thing to "seal the deal."

I replied, "What a coincidence - my husband is with our daughter - Kyle's sister - at a resort in Southern California." Then, so there was no way she could miss the point, I added, "They've booked a bungalow at an adults-only lodge, I think it's called The Swallows...,"

.... and for a moment I got lost in the name of the resort - "The Swallows." Yes, I knew it was located near San Juan Capistrano, and about the swallows returning and all that. But I couldn't help thinking about all the other kinds of 'swallowing' that must go on at that resort!

Jemma's knowing smile indicated that the point had not been lost on her.

"Well, I'm sure the two of them must be having a lovely time... together... mustn't they?"

We dialed down the heat a little and talked about Scandals, and about our respective "rooms." When I mentioned that our cabana had a small but fully-enclosed swimming pool, Jemma responded that theirs sounded very similar, "... except instead of a swimming pool, we have an in-ground jacuzzi pool - it's really quite nice..."

Fishing, I said, "Oooh, that sounds lovely...," and let my words linger there.

She picked up on my hint. "Perhaps you'd like to see it - perhaps Jeremy could show you ours... and your handsome son here," she playfully - but suggestively - grabbed Kyle's arm, "... your handsome son could show me... yours." The double entendres were inescapable.

"That sound's like a splendid idea."

But then I thought - maybe I should make sure that Kyle understands exactly what's happening, and what it might mean for us - our whole family situation, for that matter. And if he does understand, is he one hundred percent on-board with it.

I turned him aside for a moment to talk with him so Jemma and Jeremy wouldn't hear.

"You realize, Hon, this will be something completely new for us. I mean, it might sound strange, but we - you and I, and your dad and Keri, for that matter - we've been completely 'faithful' to each other. Despite our unusual 'arrangement,' it's always been between just the four of us. Now we're talking about possibly being involved - and by 'being involved,' you know I mean sex - fucking - with... with other people. And how do you think Dad and your sister will feel about this? Will they feel like we're cheating on them, like we've violated some rule, even though we never discussed it before?"

I was right to bring it up, but it turns out I needn't have worried. Kyle told me he knew what was up from the moment Jemma introduced herself and her son to us, and, yes, he would be delighted to show "ours" to the gorgeous, mahogany-skinned woman.

We had already signed for our beverages, so we started walking down the path toward the guest cabanas. The last I saw of Kyle, the beautiful Jemma was clinging to his arm, her small breast pressed against his bicep. Kyle seemed to be very comfortable with the contact.

~ ~ ~

"Jeremy, you and your mother seem to be a very close couple...," and let things hang there.

Jeremy didn't seem the least bit shocked by the insinuation in my words. "Yes, I guess Mum and I are about as close as two people can get." And there was no naivete in his reply. Yes, he knew exactly what I was getting at, and, no, he hadn't any desire to conceal it.

Since we both knew what was going on, I decided that I would be bold and take the lead. I reached my hand out and lightly touched him on his chest, then let my fingers drift down the center of that lovely, smooth, milk-chocolate body. Feeling seductive - the older, "experienced" woman tempting the "innocent" young man, I teased, "You know, Jeremy - I haven't been with another man besides Kyle since his father and I were married." Well, not strictly true. The last time I was with someone else was nineteen years ago, when I was pregnant with Kyle, and actually it was two guys, and I took both of them on at once, so I don't know if that counts as one time or two.

"But anyway, if I was ever going to be with anyone else, I'd want it to be you." I watched as his pride battled with his quiet, modest nature. It was so adorable - and that just made me want him inside me even more.

I could see the long slender tube running down the leg of his surf shorts, and I knew immediately that I wanted to feel that - and where! But he was being polite, so I realized it would be up to me to move things to the next stage.

"Jeremy, could you help me take my skirt off - we wouldn't want it to get wet, would we?"

He untucked my beach skirt, then unwrapped it - unwrapped me - and let the now-superfluous piece of cloth drop to the flagstone deck. He put his hands on my hips, and without asking he peeled my bikini bottoms down my legs and to the deck. Then he raised his hands and undid the front clasp that was holding my bikini top. I stood in front of him, completely naked, making it clear that I was there for anything he wanted to do with me.

What he did do was say, "You are very beautiful, Miss Marie."

He reached to unbutton the waist of his surf shorts, but before he could, I said, "Please - let me."

I peeled his shorts down. Of course he was not wearing any underwear, and I could immediately see what was making that ridge down the leg of his shorts. It was longer than Kyle's, but how much longer I won't be able to know - at least, until I take it inside me.

And I know where I want to take it. I want to feel that long hose in my guts - I want that cock in my ass. Then I'll know exactly how much longer it is! But right now I couldn't wait, even for that. I dropped to my knees and took that long, thickening cock and directed it to my mouth. I wasn't trying to suck him off, and there was no way I was going to try to jam that entire monster down my throat. Instead, I just kind-of made love to the tip, to the end of it, first enjoying the feeling of my lips around the spongy crown, then licking around it, holding it steady between my fingers while my tongue probed the little slit at the end.

Jeremy gently put both his hands on the top of my head. He didn't use them to force me, or jam my head down his cock or hold me in place while he skull-fucked me. Instead, it was simply like he wanted to touch me, to feel more contact with the woman who was treating his cock so lovingly. He's such a dear boy, and for the briefest instant I was afraid that he might not be able to fuck me the way I was increasingly wanting to be fucked.

I think that if I'd reached down and given my pussy and my clit a few flicks I could have cum right there and then. But of course, I had much more ambitious plans.

Without either of us saying anything, he guided me over to the lounge chair, and knowing what he - and I - wanted, I kneeled on the lounge, my ass raised to him.

He reached for the tube of suntan cream that was beside the lounge. I looked back and smiled at him, but then I had a thought. "But not too much, OK?"

He smiled a gentle smile, but he knew what I was asking. I could see him put just a little around the crown of his cock. Another squirt and he was massaging my ass with one, then two fingers - but no more. Then, with that gentle, polite voice and that beautiful British-Island lilt, asked, "Are you ready, Miss Marie?"

There was no way I could tell him just how ready I was! I simply said, "Yes, I'm ready, Jeremy." And then, affected by his politeness, I added, "Take me please, Jeremy."

And he did. He placed the tip of that beautiful circumcised cock against my ass, and he pressed, gently but steadily, and with little effort the suntan-creamed head of his cock slid comfortably into the suntan-creamed entrance to my ass.

And it was heavenly. I knew it would be good, but I had no idea how much I'd really been craving this moment. Still polite, he stopped, to give me time to adjust to the invasion. I didn't need more time, though.

"Go ahead, Jeremy - make us both feel good."

And he did. In one long, smooth effort he steadily pressed the length of his cock into my eager, waiting asshole, and somehow, amazingly, he managed - I managed - to take the entire length of that cock in a single stroke.

And he is longer than Kyle, it feels like maybe another two inches. Not that I'm complaining about Kyle. He's a wonderful lover - a wonderful fucker - and I love him. But that in no way stops me from enjoying what Jeremy had to offer me at that moment.

Plain and simple, I've never had anything so far inside me in my entire life. As I thought - as I'd fantasized - his cock was so far inside me, in my guts, that it was like I could almost feel it against the back of my throat. That's nonsense, of course. But still, in my mind, it was like I could feel him all the way in my throat.

And it was so nice, feeling so full - so stuffed - while at the same time not experiencing that discomfort, the sting, of my sphincter being stretched to what almost feels like the breaking point.

And I think I got an idea of how he and his hot mother spend a good portion of their "quality time." Jeremy certainly knows how to treat a lady's ass right. After the long, slow, initial penetration, he paused, giving me time to adjust - and to enjoy. Then a slow, steady withdrawal, again, creating the most wonderful sexual sensations, but of a different sort.

He stopped with his tip against my lubed anus, then repeated his initial invasion. The pause when he was fully in, then the slow, steady pullout, the pause against my anus - over, and over, and over again. And it was during one of these lovely anal excursions that I thought of Kyle, and of Jeremy's sexy mother, her mahogany skin pressed against my gorgeous son. And then I smiled, hoping that she's making my son feel as good as her son is making me. Also, that my son is doing me proud.

I couldn't hold back anymore. I don't know how Jeremy and his mother did things, but I had to know what it was like - had to have an orgasm - while that beautiful thing was buried to the hilt inside me.

My hand reached underneath and found my pussy. I dug three fingers into myself, but I couldn't wait any longer - I took those fingers out of my pussy and began rubbing my clit for all I was worth, and in seconds I was climaxing on that beautiful cock. I was afraid that my convulsions - and that's what they were, convulsions - would cause Jeremy to loose his place inside me.

I needn't have worried. Again, I had the feeling that that Jeremy and his mother were pretty practiced at this. He didn't lunge, but he pressed himself all the way into me, maybe just a bit farther than he had been - and unleashed his orgasm, flooding my guts, deeper than they've ever been flooded before.

And he knew that he should stay in me, pressed all the way in me like that - me, savouring the feeling of fullness, him, the tightness of my rectum on his young cock, both of us savouring the warmth - of my ass and his cum.

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