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"And it seems to be working. Since she and her father... since they've been...," and I looked toward the half-open door, "... since they've been like this, she doesn't seem to be interested in boys or... or other people." And I waited.

Realizing that I was expecting him to say something, to respond to what I'd just told him, the explanation as to why we're standing there in the hall watching his sister and her father fucking the bejeezus out of each other. Finally he said, "Yuh, yeah, okay, I guess I get it."

"And... how do you feel about that, Kyle?" Here was the big test, of whether he might be open to the idea of having a similar kind of "arrangement" with his own mother - with me.

"Uhh, I guess it makes sense, sorta. If you say it's OK."

He's accepted it! Now to get things moving.

I looked again into the room. "They are kind of hot, aren't they? Let's just watch them for a while." As I said that, I moved around behind him - where I could press both of my satin-covered tits against him, so there was no way he could miss the hard points of my swollen nipples against his bare, muscular back.

Kyle squirmed slightly when I did this, when I moved behind him, got closer. But he didn't pull away, either. Instead, he said, "Do you think that we should be watching them like this?"

I'd already prepared the answer to this.

"I think that if they wanted privacy, Kyle, they would have closed the door." I waited a beat. "Kyle - I think they wanted us to see them - I think they wanted us to catch them."

"Huh? Why? Why would they wanna do that?"

By now I had moved my hands off his arms and reached around him, my arms around that trim waist and my hands clasped together - just above the loosely-knotted drawstring of his nylon warm-ups.

"I think, Kyle, I think it's because they're hoping that you and I will see them...," and my next words almost stuck in my throat, "... that we'll see them, and see how they're enjoying themselves - and see how sexy it is... and that we - that you and I will want to do something like that, like what they're doing..."

My heart in my throat, I waited.

Kyle just made a... groaning sound, is the best I can describe it. I let my hands slide down a little farther, down his flat belly, to just above he cock,...

And I knew where his cock was, because I could feel it tenting the nylon of his pants. I let my fingers wander down a little farther, 'til they were touching, then pressing on the top of his cock, still covered by the nylon pants.

And that's when Al grabbed Keri by the shoulders and pulled her down and rolled both of them over, so now he was lying between her long, smooth legs, legs which immediately wrapped around him as he guided his cock into her cunt and began fucking her in earnest.

"Ohgod, Dad - that's so good! Your cock is stretching me, it's filling me so good! Oh fuck, fuck me, Dad!" She threw one arm around his shoulders and dug her nails into the straining muscles of his back while her other hand clawed at Al's ass. We could see the trail of red nail marks on his buttocks.

And where my hands were, I could feel Kyle's cock lurch and get even longer - harder - inside his warm-ups.

I whispered in his ear, "It's so hot, watching your father and your sister like that, isn't it, Kyle? Can you imagine something like that, Kyle - like what they're doing? Do you think you and I would like that as much as Keri and Dad are?"

I grasped his cock through the nylon pants, and then I let go and slid my hands up. I took the drawstring between my fingers and gave it a gentle tug, and when the waistband opened, I slid my hands back to his stiff cock, but this time my hands were inside his pants, clutching, squeezing his bare cock.

So now I have my body pressed against my son's tapered back, and my arms, both of them, are around his waist and my hands are inside his pants and I'm stroking - alright, I'm masturbating my son's lovely cock. Only now I don't know if he's even aware of it, but he's not just standing there - he's leaning back against me some, and his hips are thrust forward, inviting me to continue jacking him off.

Almost reluctantly, I took one of my hands off his cock and reached up to his sculpted swimmer's pects and begin toying with the stiff little nipple. He groaned again, and he began - not exactly thrusting, but easing his cock farther forward, giving me more room to... to do what I was doing with it.

But lovely - and exciting - as this was, it was not getting us closer to my final goal. I had to take the lead.

"I'll bet you'd like that too, wouldn't you, Kyle - what your sister's getting with her father. Kyle...," I moved around where we could see each other's faces, "Kyle, you can have what they have. We can have what they have."

I could see it in his face. Now that I spelled it out for him, so there was no mistaking what it was that they "have" that we could have, I could see it - that he wanted it, too. But I could tell that however much he wanted "what they have," he had no idea how he - how we - could make it happen.

"Don't worry, Kyle - it'll be easy, Sweetheart. Here..." Kneeling down on the hallway carpet in front of him, I took the waistband of his nylon pants in my fingers and guided them the rest of the way down his legs 'til they lay bunched up around his bare ankles. And there, with his stiff 18-year-old adolescent cock sticking straight out in front of my face, I leaned forward and I took my teenage son's cock between my fingers and guided it into my mouth.

I won't go into a lot of detail here - you've read enough about blowjobs (and don't you tell me you haven't!). But what I do want to tell you are the thoughts that were going through my head while I was performing this very ordinary sexual act (not that my blowjobs are ordinary, by any means!). And the thoughts that were jumbled in my mind were: First, I'm sucking my son's cock. Yes, me, a typical suburban wife and swim mom, have taken my own biological son's penis in my mouth. And not just put it in my mouth - I'm sucking on it, and licking it, and probing, and seeing how far I can take it into my mouth before I choke on it.

Second, that this is just the start - that this is the gateway to a sexual relationship with my son, a relationship that will involve I-don't-know-what sexual acts, and I don't know for how long.

Third, I'm sucking a young cock. I didn't perform my first blowjob until I was eighteen, and that was with a guy five years older than me. So this is a first, sucking a young cock like this.

And I like it! I like it a lot! And I'm going to be getting so much more of this cock, in so many ways - and in so many places!

But again, I had to move things along.

I backed my mouth off my son's cock - reluctantly. I put a final kiss on the very tip, then said, "Kyle, Sweetheart, my knees are getting sore on this floor, and it's probably a strain for you, leaning against the wall like that. You know...," and I looked back over my shoulder through the partially-open door at the couple still fucking frantically inside, "I don't think your dad is going to be needing the bedroom for quite some time - do you think we could move into our bedroom, and then we can see what else you and I can do?"

I picked up Kyle's warm-up pants from the hallway floor. then took his hand and walked him into our - Al's and my - bedroom, and to the freshly-made king-sized bed with the covers that I'd turned back earlier in the evening in anticipation of... in anticipation. I led him to the bed and we both lay down. I had thought about making this "transition," turning my probably-inexperienced son into my lover. Now was the time.

Kyle was now completely naked, straight from his shower and no longer wearing those warm-up pants, and I was there next to him, my lavender satin gown falling open a bit when I laid down on the bed. I reached over and took Kyle's cock, which had retained most of it's stiffness from the episode in the hallway, and began stroking it gently. And while I stroked him, I prepared him for what would be coming - tonight, but also, I hoped, for many nights after.

"Kyle, Sweetheart, so we can do this right, so it'll be good, have you been with a girl...," and then I thought to add, "... or a woman before?"

"Jeez, Mom, when would I ever be with a woman??"

"But a girl...?"

I think he blushed, just a little. "There was this once, at a party, and I felt Tanya Larson's tits - sorry, Mom, her breasts. But that was only outside her sweater - she wouldn't let me do anything more."

"And that was it?"

"Yeah, that's it." He sounded almost ashamed, like he was apologizing for not having done more. I felt a bit sorry for him. But we were going to fix all of that tonight, weren't we?

What his inexperience meant was that he didn't already have a bunch of bad habits that would need to be corrected. I could start right off the bat teaching him how to be the lover I knew he could be - the lover I wanted him to be.

"That's fine, Sweetheart, we've got lots of time - all the time in the world to do this right," and then I realized that the phrase "do it right" might increase the pressure on him, make him afraid that he might do "something wrong." And I certainly didn't want that - that wouldn't help things a bit.

I stroked him back to his full erection - and I don't think I can fully convey to you how lovely his smooth, straight, pink-ish cock was - occasionally kissing or licking him, sliding my lips and mouth up and down him several times, then stroking him some more. Drawing back, I straightened up and placed a gentle, loving, non-maternal kiss on his lips. As I suspected, he really didn't know what to do. I mean, he didn't know how to react to a kiss like that.

Especially a kiss like that from his mother. So although I'd completely overlooked this part of our evening, I thought that now might be the time to start teaching him how to be a lover - my lover.

"Kyle, Honey, it would feel real good - to both of us - if you kiss me back."

There was this little jolt of awareness, like he was mentally saying "Oh - yeah." I managed not to smile.

I kissed him again, the same way, and this time he did a pretty good job of imitating my kiss. And I felt the thrill go through me. Not to my pussy. Instead, it was a warmth in my chest. Yes, my son and I were going to be lovers. For who-knows how long.

I continued stroking his cock - that lovely cock - and I explained to him, "You know, Kyle, that we're going to be fucking...," and I paused to see his reaction to the word fucking, and to the explicit confirmation that, yes, we would be doing that. I guess seeing his sister and her dad in action told him that there was a good possibility that this would - or at least, could - happen.

"Now I know you probably picture the man getting on top of the woman and fucking her that way..."

He made a little nod, like, "Yeah, I know that."

"But Kyle, Honey, that's not really the best way to get started." At that, his eyebrows went up, like, "Huh?" "Sweetheart, the best way for a couple..." - I purposely said it that way, to get him thinking of us as a couple - "the best way for a couple to start is with...," I almost said "the man," but then thought it would be better to say, "... with you lying on your back, and me sitting on top of you."

I then gave him what I hoped would be an acceptable reason for doing it that way that wouldn't damage any male ego that he might be developing. "That way you and I can look at each other, and we'll be able to see most of each other's bodies. It's a lot more exciting that way."

I watched for his reaction. A look of understanding crossed his face, like, "Yeah - yeah, that makes sense."

I thought about taking off my gown and letting him look at me and explore my body, plus some foreplay, fingering my pussy to get it ready for the BIG EVENT.

But then, who am I kidding? My pussy was already ready, and if things worked, there'd be plenty of time for him to learn the many ways of making a woman feel good and to prepare her for intercourse. But since I was already prepared, and since my gorgeous son's beautiful cock was there, sticking straight up from that flat, muscled torso...

I got up on my knees and shrugged off my gown, and I felt the thrill of seeing my son's reaction as he looked at his mother's breasts - at her tits - for the first in what he imagined would be many times. He reached up to feel one of them, but I gently pushed his arm aside. "Not yet - wait," and I lifted one leg over him and centered myself. I lowered my body, 'til the lips of my pussy were right above, and then just touching, the soft tip of that hard cock.

And then I did it. I took his cock in my fingers and moved it back and forth to get it wet and to part my lips - and to give him a foretaste of what would be coming in a matter of seconds. Then I lowered myself down onto that beautiful shaft.

I think I was so wet and he was so hard that I might have been able to take all of him in a single move. But that's not what I wanted - for him, or for me. I got maybe two inches of him - maybe a third - inside me, and I stopped. I braced my hands on his strong shoulders and I looked at him, and I wanted him to see - "Yes, you're inside your mother. Your cock's inside your mother's cunt. You're fucking your mother." And also, "Oh, yeah - this is just the start!"

I looked in his eyes, and I could see, see all of those messages as they passed through his brain. Yeah, you motherfucker! This is just the start!

When I saw that the message had been received, I let myself go and took another two inches of him inside me. Truthfully, Kyle is not as big as Al - at least, not yet. But he was filling me very nicely. Plus, there was the inescapable awareness that the cock that was filling me was my own son's.

I lowered myself all the way, 'til now my pussy was pressed against his groin. And I just stopped, and I savoured the sensations - and the realization.

I ground my hips around a bit, making sure he was firmly seated inside me, and also to have that cock touch as many parts of my cunt as possible.

Thusfar I had been holding Kyle down by his shoulders, but now that I had him firmly inside me I lessened the pressure, then took his hands in mine and raised them to my breasts - to my tits.

"Go ahead, Kyle, do whatever you want." Then I added, because I meant it, "They're yours, Kyle - do whatever you want."

Apparently what he wanted was to maul them. I mean, his cock was balls-deep in what I hoped is a reasonably attractive woman, and the first thing he can think of doing is squeezing her tits. My only thought was, "Men!"

"Here, Honey, I'm glad you like my... my tits. But it'd feel better, and I think you might even like it more, if you just touch them, and maybe rub the tips of your fingers over the nipples... there... that's right... just like that."

But with the increased stimulation from playing with my breasts - my tits - plus what was happening down at the other end - the unmistakable, indescribable sensation of having a woman's warm, slick pussy slide up and down on his sensitive - and inexperienced - cock, I knew he wasn't going to last long. This time, at least.

I leaned down to him, and I nibbled on his lips, and I whispered in his ear, "You can feel it, can't you, Honey? You're going to cum soon, you know it. It's alright - cum whenever you're ready. I want it, Kyle, I want to feel your cum inside me. Can you do that for me, Honey? Can you cum inside your mother?"

I hoped that my dirty, suggestive talk would put him over the top. I wanted this to last forever, but I also wanted to feel him cum inside me, feel the swelling and the contractions as my cunt clamped down on him, and finally, feel all his teenage juices squirting inside me, coating the insides of my cunt - his mother's cunt.

And it did - I could feel the unmistakable beginnings of the pulsing that would turn into a total climax for him...

And that's when the dear boy - my dear son - said, "Mom - Mom, I think I'm gonna cum - do we have to do anything, so that, you know... we don't - you don't..."

I've stayed on the pill, even with Al's diminished sexual interest in me. He's never gotten a vasectomy, despite the fact that we already have two wonderful mostly-grown children and we've never talked about having a third. (And Keri? Because of our concerns about her... physical inclinations, we had her doctor put her on birth control pills even before she started up with Al. I'm not sure she even knows she's taking them - although she probably does.)

"No, Honey, go ahead and cum in me - it's alright."

Apparently, that was all he needed. He grabbed my tits again and squeezed, and his body stiffened, and he arched his hips up to meet my squirming pussy, and I felt it - felt the warm, almost hot, creamy, thick juice as it squirted into me, squirted into my cunt - into his mother's cunt...

And I thought about all that youthful sperm, swimming around inside of me, swimming next to my womb. And even though I'm on the pill, I thought...

I didn't cum. I didn't have to. I lowered myself to Kyle, and I kissed his lips, and we nibbled and kissed, until finally he shrank and I rolled off of him, and he extended one arm and I snuggled easily into it, and we lay there like that, not bothering to clean ourselves up - just "afterglowing."

After a while, Kyle asked, almost tentatively, "The next time... maybe... maybe I can be on top of you...?"

"Yes, Sweetheart, the next time you can be on top of me. In fact...," I leaned over and kissed the tip of his nose, "we're going to fuck in positions you never even imagined."

He looked surprised - almost a little shocked - when I said that. But then he smiled, thinking about all the positions we - he - was going to be fucking in - fucking his own mother!

~ ~ ~

We were lying there in my bed - in Al's and my bed - and despite the fact that I'm the mother and Kyle is the "baby," he extended his arm and I snuggled in against him - against my baby's smooth skin and his muscular swimmer's shoulders and pects.

And neither of us was sure how to behave after... after that. Should we behave like "lovers" - like two people who were going to be "romantically involved?" We're not supposed to be - that's not part of my strategy. Still,...

Or should we focus on the sex, two people who look at each other as objects of excitement and sexual pleasure?

Well, at this moment it was the latter. Once he had his first full sexual experience, and now that he knew I was available and "allowed," he wanted more.

So did I.


"Yes, Hon?"

"Mom - that thing... that thing you did... that we did in the hall...?"

Yes, I knew what "thing" we did - I did to Kyle - in the hall.

"Yes, Honey, I know."

"Mom,... do you think... I mean could you... could we...?"

"You mean, you want me to take your cock - your penis - in my mouth and... and make it feel good."

"Yeah." I didn't respond, making him wait - forcing him to ask. "So, will ya'?"

"Will I what, Kyle?" I was having fun, teasing him like this, but I didn't want to take my game too far.

"Will you put my cock in your mouth and suck me?"

I wanted to make him have to work for it, but I also found that this little game was getting me aroused.

"Kyle, Honey, I'd love to suck your cock." He smiled, happy that I was going to do that. I reached down and took his cock - which hadn't completely lost its erection after he came in me - and started to massage it in my palm and then slide my curled fingers up and down its length. He immediately began to stiffen, and in just a few strokes he had almost recovered the full erection that had fucked me so nicely just 20 minutes ago.

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