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Sydney Sex Diaries - April 2023

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Diaries of my sexual escapades - April 2023
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April 2023

I can't believe it's the month of May already, and I'm sitting here trying to remember everything to write for my April diary We're already a week into May and I haven't finalised end of month reports and I've got more work stuff piling up! I wish I was more organised!

I remember that the start of April was Easter. It's a good time of year because there's a bunch of holidays in Sydney and if you want to travel then you can normally string some together to make a good break. Unfortunately, the people with kids seem to get first priority at all the holidays and they fuck off and leave the rest of us at the office to carry the load. And the school holidays seem to go forever. So when I got back on Tuesday after Easter, work got really busy for me for longer than usual.

But on the positive side, when Easter comes along the clubs tend to go a bit wild. I think it's because families tend to go camping or to the coast or somewhere. So that just leaves us young people to go a bit crazy.

Tom went away for the four days with one of his 'girlfriends', leaving Jack and me with the apartment. I was a little bit anxious because I know Jack is a bit infatuated with me and I wondered how the dynamic might go. But it all turned out OK.

One night I headed out with my girlfriend C. The other girls in the gang went away to Leura with their partners to do Blue Mountain walks. I was invited but I didn't want to crash the couples party.

You might remember that I've adopted the name "May" in these stories. I wasn't going to reveal why, but I don't think it really matters. My real name sounds a little bit like May. And my birthday is actually in May (lol). But the real reason is that way back when us four girlfriends started hanging out, I used to get my eye on a guy, and my friends would ask, "Are you going to fuck him?" And I would say, "I may." So they turned it into this joke like I would go up to a guy to introduce myself by saying in an Asian accent "I May, who you?" They haven't said that joke for ages - I think it's probably a bit offensive now that I reflect back on it - but they still call me May sometimes.

I made the connection because when C and I were out at the club, I noticed a guy that I thought was Mitch who I hooked up with a few weeks back (he took me to a hotel for a hot night of spanking and fucking) and I was watching him closely to see if it really was, but it wasn't him. My friend C noticed me staring and asked if I was going to fuck him.

And then the next weird bit is that I thought I saw my flatmate Tom at the same club, and he is meant to be away with his girl, so I went up and pinched him on the ass. But when the guy turned around I realised that it wasn't him either! But on the positive side, we got talking and he was a really nice guy who was there with some of his mates. He was a bit younger than I first thought, and he was a bit shy, so things didn't go anywhere really. We spent some time trying to talk, but the music was too loud so we couldn't really communicate very well. Anyway, I had to look after my friend C who gets a bit nervous on her own so nothing eventuated from the night.

But while we were trying to talk, all I could think about was this little daydream that I have sometimes, and I used this guy as the subject (he told me his name, but I didn't hear it right, so I don't even know). The fantasy starts in a really pumping club with lots of people, then he would lead me by the hand and take me into the men's bathroom. There would be a whole bunch of guys in there pissing against one of those big group urinals. They would all turn and I'd see them holding their cocks as I walk in - maybe some of them starting to get hard.

My guy would take me up to the washbasins, and I would face the mirror. Then he would lift my skirt and pull my panties to the side and fuck me. I would look into the mirror and all the guys would finish their piss and turn around to watch, but they'd all keep their dicks in their hands and start jerking. That's as far as I've formulated the fantasy. I'm not sure where I want to take it from that point. There's lots of options, and it probably depends on how slutty I'm feeling and what the guys are like. But it's never happened. And it didn't happen at Easter time either. When I reflect on it, everything would have to be just right for that one to work. I think the guy would have to be a bit older and take total control - the sort of guy who would keep me safe and behave like a real Daddy.

For the last couple of days of Easter I went out to visit Mum, so it was nice to get out of the apartment for a bit and get my nails touched up.

Another thing that happened for me during April was the massage.

One of the friendly guys here on Literotica asked me about massages. I get them fairly regularly, though I haven't been for a few months. I go to a nearby upmarket spa and I get on well with the staff there and they know what I like - massage as well as some girl's beauty stuff.

But I thought I might try something different, inspired by my conversations.

So I asked Jack if he has gone to get a massage recently. He was kind of shifty about answering. At first I thought he might be thinking that I was offering to give him one. And then I realised that I might be putting him in a hard place like he might think it was compromising his chances of getting together with me again.

But I just pressed on because I got a taste of blood. I asked where he went, and what it was like. And then I asked if they offered him the happy ending. So it turns out that he went to this dodgy Asian massage parlour in the eastern suburbs. And yes, he got the happy ending. I tried to press him with more questions about how it all worked and exactly what he got and how much it cost, but he just got pissed off and went to his room to sulk.

He gave me enough clues to work out exactly which one it was so I checked out the place on google street view - and it looks like every stereotype you can imagine. So on a Saturday morning I went there for a massage to test it out, and had a very interesting experience!

I just wore shorts and t-shirt and regular underwear. I knew dress wasn't really important because it would inevitably be a clothes-off massage (even my spa does clothes off). I caught the light rail and it was only a short walk, and really obvious with signs all over the glass front. I had some second thoughts but then I thought fuck it, you only live once and walked in. There was a buzzer at the front, but the door was just a bit open so I just went straight in. (But actually when I was having my massage the buzzer was going off all the time, so maybe I didn't follow convention.)

A Chinese woman about my age comes to the front desk area, and sees me, and immediately says, "I'll get the boss" and turns around and goes down the hallway out the back. There was some Chinese talking and then this older Asian lady comes out and says, "Here to do massage?"

So the conversation here goes really bad, but what's going on is I'm thinking "I'm here to get a massage" and they think, "You're here to do a massage interview" like I want a job there. And this conversation goes around in circles until eventually I get money out and the boss lady gets it and repeats, "Ah - you WANT TO GET a massage?!".

The boss tells me that I've got the wrong place, but I insist and say my friend recommended that I come here, and reluctantly they take me in. They take me to a tiny room with a table that kinda fills the whole space, and the young one tells me to get ready, so I get naked and lie down and put a towel over my butt.

She came back in and asked how I'd like it, and I replied with medium, but in my books, it was probably a really soft treatment. The first thing she did was pull the towel off, so I was just stark naked the whole time - a different way to start!

She didn't talk much. I tried to start conversation a couple of times, but it didn't really stick. And I had to ask for her to use oil. Compared to my regular massages, there wasn't really much structure to it. She did lots of back rubbing, but not really getting any knots out or much manipulation.

And every now and then she would just stop and go out of the room for something - usually because someone buzzed the front door, but sometimes for no obvious reason, which was not what I'm used to. But she was never gone for long.

It went on for 30 minutes or so, and then she got to my butt. She was mainly just stroking my ass cheeks, but I spread my legs open and pushed my bum up a bit to try to show that I was keen for her to go further - I wanted to get the whole experience like Jack did. Her fingers tickled up and down my butt, and I said that felt really nice, trying to give the hint.

She gave my back a wipe down and then she got me to turn over, and told me "nice body." Then she asked me if I wanted to come and work there, but I replied that I was just there for the massage. She just nodded, and then she started playing with my nipples and asked, "is this OK?" Nice to see the consent thing is happening, and I could totally imagine Jack being OK with this kind of attention.

I remember that she was not dressed up like I expected - just clothes a bit like mine really. She wasn't even wearing makeup. I was thinking that the happy ending part might not happen, or I'd have to ask about it, but then she leaned forward and took my tits into her mouth one by one - which is something I really love. Her hand went down over my tummy, and then I grabbed it and pulled it down to my pussy. So for the next ten minutes or so she just continued with her fingers doing a nice job on my cunt while she had a little suck on my nipples every now and then. It was an easy buildup - lots of fingering the slit before she actually put a finger inside. And then it built up to a couple of fingers inside while her thumb was playing with my clit.

I was wondering if she was going to lick my pussy, and I tried to push her head down, but she made a 'uh-uh' kind of noise and resisted. Anyway, it didn't really matter because she made me cum.

Then there was a bit more half-assed massage on my arms and face, and a bit of wiping down, and then that was it. She asked if it was OK, and said that she never does massage on women.

So I was all done with 10 minutes to spare. I asked if I should tip for the happy ending and asked how much, but she just said "whatever you think". So that's how it works - they give you the special treatment, and then guilt you into paying more than you think you should! I offered $50 and she said that was good.

When I left, she was the only one around and she showed me out. I don't know how many other people were working there, but there were people coming and going while my massage was happening. But she finished up by asking again if was planning to come here to work - not like an invitation, but just curious if that was my plan. Thanks, but no thanks!

A day later, I told Jack that I'd been to get a massage at his shop. But he didn't really want to talk about it, so I haven't told him all the details yet.

April hasn't been a big month for sex for me. It's a big fat zero added to the body count. Mostly it's just been me and the wand and my favourite porn at night times.

But the month of May is looking positive. For one thing, it's my birthday and I always do something special on my birthday. I think I'm going to get myself a new tattoo, but I don't know what yet, although I've got some ideas. But for sex, I got some inspiration from my friend Lisa from work.

We had a morning tea at the office because one of the old timers is leaving. Everyone was gathered in the kitchen area for the speech, and I was at the back when I felt a hand on my ass. Fortunately, it was my friend Lisa and who kinda abandoned me at Mardi Gras. We have not really even seen each other in the last few weeks and hardly talked, so we went out for a drink after work. I thought she was a lesbian, but holy shit, it's so much more. She is just a total sex fiend, and she told me what she got up to at that Mardis Gras night. And more.

Anyway, she's told me that there's a sex club coming up, and she invited me to come along to it with her. It's at some huge mansion at a suburb that I won't say, but you can probably guess. And she explained a bit about how it works and what to wear and that. I've been to parties that we called sex parties and they've been really fun, but they've mainly been limited to people we know, where everyone hooks up and we watch friends having sex on the night. But I think this takes everything to a whole new level. So I think it's going to be fun.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I wish you had continued this series. It’s grear

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