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Table for Two Ch. 02


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"No," Emily said, looking at her right hand. Even the touch of Sam's hand felt electric. But Emily kept shaking her head, trying to convince herself more than Sam, "No, I'm not into such stuff anyway. I'm not into girls."

'Not into girls,' she reminded herself. She didn't want a relationship with a girl, she never wanted that. Right now she had to admit she was immensely enjoying having sex with one. The talents of this girl were undeniable and despite her best effort, Emily was now really starting to get into the stimulation happening downstairs. The girl's fingers continued pressing against her G-spot while her mouth kissed around and over her clitoral hood. The way Emily was sitting forward now, leaning against the table, the girl's mouth wouldn't be able to reach lower anyway, but her fingers were still thrust up Emily's pussy, being held inside by the sofa. Sitting down against those fingers, Emily was swept by a wave of pleasure and unconsciously gave in to a deeply instinctual need to move her pelvis against them. Slowly, she started grinding her pussy against those intruding fingers, forward and backward. Luckily, Samantha didn't seem to notice it, although Emily doubted she could resist anyway.

"So, you didn't, you know, do anything together?" Samantha asked, looking at Emily with a weird twinkle in her eye, "With her?"

What was Sam up to? Why was she so curious about it right now? Emily usually liked talking to her best friend about everything, but she couldn't now, not when she was about to come again. She was breathing heavily already. She tried to resist, but the relentless fingers deep inside her kept pushing her closer by the second. The teasing itchy feelings were starting to overwhelm her, along with a strange full feeling. Did she need to pee again? She used the toilet not long ago, so it didn't seem likely. But how much longer can she resist this pleasure?

"N-no," Emily replied, stuttering, almost to herself, "I'm not. Like that. No."

Samantha sat back, "Oh. I see."

Emily threw a glance at her. Sam seemed relieved, but also somehow disappointed. Whatever she expected from Emily, her friend couldn't possibly understand what was happening right now.


Meanwhile Stephanie, her ears covered by the girl's thighs, dutifully tended to her job for tonight. She knew just where to touch this girl to bring her another much needed release. Her own body was of course well known to her and the pulsating pleasure inside told her she was quite on track herself.

She did notice some mumbling from over the table, the voices somewhat familiar, but with her ears covered and music blasting away she didn't hear enough to understand. Her girl seemed to be talking to another woman. Talking to another person while this was going on? Her girl was kinkier than Stephanie thought.

She tried listening in, but couldn't recognize more than a few words. Her girl said 'No' a few times. Did she want Stephanie to stop? Her legs still held Stephanie close, so that wasn't it. She was also grinding her hips against Stephanie's fingers and mouth, her pussy leaking a lot of juice, flowing around Stephanie's hand. No, her girl definitely enjoyed Stephanie's actions, now more than ever. Stephanie wasn't going to stop.

She just continued pressing against both of their G-spots, grinding her own hips against her fingers in sync with the girl, while sucking on the girl's erect clitoris. She didn't expect to be able to grip it in this position and with the girl moving about, but, just like Stephanie's, her clit was now very pronounced. She only regretted there was no one to suck on hers.

The girl's movements were also slower and more deliberate than their first time. Or did she just try to make it look like nothing is happening beneath the table? Her slight tremble was betraying the lust behind her slow movements. Stephanie knew both her and her girl were close. Neither of them would last for long like this.

And if her body really was so similar to Stephanie's, their finale would be glorious.


Samantha watched Emily bite her lower lip and turn her head away. Is Emily going to be sick?

"Are you all right? You seem a bit flushed," Samantha asked in a concerned voice. Seeing the two tall glasses on the table, she continued, "How much did you drink?"

"No, I'm good," Emily replied, still looking away, "Just a little. Tired."

"Oh," Samantha again said. At least now Samantha could relax, knowing nothing happened between the two sisters, whether knowingly or otherwise. And they can share a good laugh.

"You know, there's something you should know. I guess I can tell you now," Samantha confided, slipping closer to Emily with a wicked smile, "I sort of messed up your date."

"You did?" Emily looked at her, sweating and clutching at her hands. She acted unusual, but no matter what, Sam now had to tell her and clear up the whole thing.

"Yeah, I was afraid to tell you because it's actually a bit embarrassing," Sam smiled, "I meant for you to meet Stephen Moris, the guy from next class."

"Stephen, yes I know him," Emily said, with a blank stare into the space in front of her as Sam leaned over the table to whisper into Emily's ear.

"But actually, and here's the fun part, I mistook their names and accidentally invited a girl. I think she doesn't know either," - Sam continued with a grin. Here it comes.


"Stephanie?" Emily repeated with a blank look, breathing deeply.

"Yeah, I really invited Stephanie," Samantha finished, "Your sister."


In Emily's current state, Sam's words entered her mind long before her consciousness was able to process them. Thanks to her lover's actions, Emily was at her peak, blinded by pleasure, her need to release beyond her control.

The night's events flashed through her mind. She expected a guy, but met a girl. A wonderful girl.

Her long straight hair.

Her slim fingers.

The nail polish and shape of her fingernails.

And the earring.

Stephanie's earring!

Only slowly it dawned on Emily what happened. This was wrong! She fell forward, laying her head on her left hand, turning away from Sam in a final attempt to cover her shame. Maybe she'd be able to hold out. She froze as she felt Sam's breath on her hair. But her body was already too far gone. Faced with the reality that it was her own sister she was having sex with the whole evening, Emily came. On her sister's fingers and mouth. She could only whine as, with a jerk of her pelvis, her first involuntary contraction sucked in the fingers, further stimulating her G-spot. Then the fingers retreated, releasing all the pent up pressure, soon followed by a torrent of juice coming from Emily's body. Stephanie's loving, warm mouth clamped around her wet pussy, catching more of the liquid.

That's how she knew Emily's body so well! They were physically so similar, Stephanie probably didn't even have to guess what Emily enjoyed.

And to say Emily enjoyed what was happening right now would be a massive understatement. Any objections against what they were doing were pushed back to the furthermost part of her mind. Pushed back by the incredible ecstasy her body was rewarding Emily with. The orgasm, extended by her sister's hot mouth against her clit and pussy, catching her squirting liquids, made her whole body shake rhythmically. On some strange level, Emily was unexpectedly happy about what happened between her and Stephanie that night. She never squirted before, but her sister knew her body better than Emily ever did. Through her closed eyes, she could see Stephanie's face, making her realize how much she really loved this girl. Emily saw stars in her mind as she kept squirting into her sister's mouth, her vaginal muscles closing around Stephanie's long tongue. It was wrong, but felt right.


Sam watched her friend, whining and twitching in front of her. Was Emily crying?

"Hey there," Sam said reassuringly as she stroked the twitching girl's hair and shoulder with her left hand. She had no idea Emily was so sensitive, "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, next time, promise."

"Emily?" she asked as she leaned in closer again, "Wha-"

In a single motion, Emily lifted her right hand and grabbed the back of Sam's head. Before Sam could react, she felt Emily press her wide open mouth against her parted lips. Emily held her close and her rhythmic twitching now carried over to Sam's head too.

"Mmmm-" Sam protested as her friend's tongue entered her mouth.

What the fuck was Emily doing? She was kissing Sam like mad.

"Mmm!" Sam finally managed to push Emily away with both her hands, "-the fuck?!"

Emily was gasping for breath, the twitch in her body slowly wearing away, her green eyes glazed over in a lost, far away look. Her face was a deep red color, with a longing expression and beads of sweat all around. Sam didn't know what to do except hold her friend at a distance.

She could taste orange juice and a hint of alcohol, along with what she could only guess was Emily's saliva. Sam never kissed a girl before and didn't really want to either. She wasn't a prude, or even entirely opposed to the idea, and in a different situation she might even consider going along. But this was way too much and way too sudden. She felt violated.

She took a deep breath.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Sam screamed at the top of her voice, her heart beating loudly in her ears.

Emily jerked in response and released Sam's head as her breathing grew regular and her eyes finally focused on Sam. She blinked a few times in rapid succession, then blinked again as her face turned into a grimace. Her mouth stretched and turned down, eyebrows crooked. Emily shut her eyes and started to cry, turning away from Sam. She squirmed for a while, hands under the table, then sat back in the sofa, weeping. She rubbed her eyes and tried to hide her face, but Sam could see Emily's tortured expression, tears flowing down her face.

"Hey, I just didn't want-" Sam said with an outstretched hand, but Emily jerked away and stood up quickly. She stormed around the other side of the table and away, across the club room.

Sam sat back in the sofa, stunned. What the hell just happened? As she took in the wave of air caused by Emily's sudden movements, she noticed a scent. Her eyes widened as she recognized the rich smell of female arousal.


Stephanie was looking around in the hot air under the table and fighting her conflicting feelings. The shouting got to her. That was Sam's voice. Despite all that was happening then, Stephanie heard her scream. She understood every word of that sentence and she felt as if Sam was speaking to her.

Her lust now sated, she looked down at herself, noticing the girl's fluids all over her breasts and right hand, to say nothing about her face. She sampled the taste in her mouth. During masturbation, she never actually got to drink her own squirt, as it didn't really appeal to her after finishing. This time however, in the throes of her own orgasm, she felt it natural to try to swallow as much as possible of her lover's product. She actually didn't particularly enjoy the smelly aftertaste. Looking lower, she saw her own fluids were mostly consumed by the carpet below, but the mess on her left hand and thighs were a clear sign of Stephanie's liquid climax. She was dirty and that's how she felt.

She had felt as if her and her girl had something special, an exceptional bond. But the girl pushed Stephanie away violently, as soon as she was done. Didn't she feel special about this at all? After everything Stephanie has done for her this evening, she'd expect at least a bit of gratitude. She'll have to talk to Sam about meeting the girl again. After today's experience, she'd surely agree to another, regular date.

But Sam left the table just a few seconds after her girl. Stephanie was alone again, with only her doubts for companionship. She knew normal girls aren't supposed to do what they did that evening, not together, anyway. But it felt right and they both wanted it, so why did she feel so rotten now? And why was Sam so mad? It was her who arranged their meeting.

'Was Sam right? Is something wrong with me?' she thought to herself as she took out the tissues and started to clean the dirtiest parts. Most of the fluids were already soaked into her clothes and the carpet, but the milky juice around her face, hands and pussy was starting to get sticky. She'd have to wash it off at the restroom.

'I'm not a lesbian. I'm not in love, I think. I mean, I can't be. I don't even know her. And I don't want a relationship with a girl. Why would I be so aroused by having sex with one?'

Failing to clean herself properly, she packed away the tissues. She looked at her cellphone. 11:14. Again she noticed the missed call from Sam, but she really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone now.

Stephanie packed her stuff and crawled out from under the table, heading for the restroom to discard the tissues and wash up at least a bit. She'd head right home afterwards. Dad was cool, but Stephanie rarely stayed out after midnight and she certainly didn't feel like it today.


Eyes closed, Emily only saw flashes moving left to right, city lights speeding outside the taxi's window. She had wiped away most of the tears, but her eyes felt swollen and were still itching. She never wore much make up, but even the bit was probably smeared right now.

'The driver must have thought I've been rejected by my boyfriend,' she thought.

Then a flash of an image, a brown haired head moving down between her legs.

Emily shook her head and opened her eyes. She didn't want to face what happened at the club, 'It never happened. Just forget about it.'

But she couldn't. She had lesbian sex, she committed incest and she lost both of her best friends. Her only friends.

'How could Sam do this to me?' she thought, feeling anger swell up, 'She tricked me into having sex with Steph. Maybe they were even in league together.'

No, that wasn't possible. Stephanie could be a pain in the ass, but she wasn't a pervert who'd enjoy doing it with her sister.

The problem was, Stephanie just gave her the best orgasms Emily ever had, by a long way. For some reason, Emily's body was very appreciative of her sister's touch. Even now, closing her eyes, she could feel Steph's lips around her clit. And, even after three orgasms, just the idea still made Emily wet, 'It was beautiful. Just give in to the feeling-'

'No!' she opened her eyes and hit her knees with clenched fists, trying to make the dirty thoughts go away, 'It's terrible to think of my sister that way! What we did was wrong. No, what I did. It was me.'

Sam's scream was still echoing in her head.

'Why am I such a pervert?'

The tears were just starting to form again, when she noticed that the taxi driver mumbled something and was looking back, trying not to stare at her long legs. She was home.

She quickly paid for the ride and walked up to their apartment.

"I'm back!" she called from the hall, trying to make it sound like she didn't want to die.

"Hey Em." dad greeted her, slouched in the living room sofa, beer in hand, watching TV.

Dad took care of his girls as well as he could and Emily loved him, but she couldn't help feeling a bit sorry for him. Since mom's passing, dad's life has gone downhill. He gained weight, lost his job as a machine shop manager and was working as a helper at the local hospital these days. He also drank more than was healthy and was taking sleeping pills regularly. And on top of that, now he also had a disgusting pervert for a daughter.

"How was your evening?" he asked, throwing a quick glance at Emily before looking back at the TV.

Emily stopped, her gaze jumping between dad and the TV.

'Did he notice?' she asked herself.

The light was dim, but Emily remembered that even in broad daylight, dad wouldn't have realized her condition. If only mom was still with them.

"Umm, it was OK." she responded with a sigh and continued on to the room she was sharing with Stephanie. Their beds were side by side, about five feet apart, the headboards against the left wall when looking from the door. Emily's bed was closer to the door. Stephanie's was next to the windows on the opposite side from the door. Against the right hand wall were their desks, again in the same order when viewed from the door. Stephanie always got the better deal from the two of them.

Emily dropped her purse on her bed, went to the toilet, then back to the room for her yellow pajamas and finally to the bathroom to take a shower. The bottom of her dress was almost dry again. She removed the brooch and hung the dress over the radiator in the bathroom, throwing the rest of her clothes into the laundry basket. She stank of sweat and arousal. If only she could wash away her shame that easily.

Halfway through the shower, she heard doors open and close and a girl's voice talking. Her heart started beating wildly. Stephanie was home.


Stephanie realized Emily was already home, although she wasn't too surprised by it. Despite being younger, Stephanie went out more often and stayed out later than her sister. Right now though, she felt dirty and she wished she could jump into the shower immediately. The black panties in the bag in her purse were still wet. She threw them on the ground between her bed and the window, looking for her green pajamas.

"Dad, did you see my pajamas, the green ones?" she shouted across the room, looking all around the bed.

"Sorry, no idea." she heard from the living room.

"Dammit." she cursed as she entered the bathroom. Emily was still in the shower, but the sisters have been sleeping in the same room since they could remember, so being naked around each other wasn't really a big deal.

"Hey Em." she greeted her sister as she looked around for the missing pajamas.

"-hey." Emily responded after a second.

Stephanie's pajamas were in the corner next to the washing machine, exactly where she left them in the morning. Crouching to pick them up, she noticed the familiar scent of arousal in the humid air, though she couldn't quite tell where it came from. As soon as she left the bathroom, she put her pajamas against her nose to check the smell. Sometimes she'd make herself feel good in the bed, as soon as Emily was asleep. Even though she was careful not to be messy, her pajamas would sometimes smell afterwards, especially if she squirted. And she had a good one last night too. But the pajamas were all right. She just shrugged, threw them on her bed and went to the kitchen to heat up the rest of their lunch, honey chicken with rice.

"Did Emily eat yet?" she asked dad while putting it on her plate.

"Nope." he answered.

"Leave the TV on?" she requested when she saw him standing up slowly and reaching for the remote, then went to heat up her food in the microwave.

"Yeah. But keep it quiet, I'm going to bed." he replied, standing in the kitchen door, smelling of beer, "Oh and leave some for Em, OK?"

"Sure. Night." she answered while pouring herself a glass of cola.

She brought the late dinner over to the living room and heard Emily leave the bathroom as dad entered to wash his teeth.

Stephanie sat down and flipped the channels while she ate. The chicken was great and helped her lift her spirits a bit. Despite her conflicting feelings, she wanted to meet that girl. She deserved at least another date. Just as dad entered his room, Stephanie went to get her cellphone from her room. It was just past midnight and Sam would probably still be up. Stephanie entered her room and saw Emily in pajamas, sitting on her bed, back against her lifted pillow, laptop on her stretched legs.

Walking over to her desk to get the phone, Stephanie asked, "Wanna eat?"

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