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Table for Two Ch. 04


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"Us," Emily simply replied without thinking, then added, "Sort of."

"Look, Em, this was nice, but it doesn't change anything between us, I think. I mean, right?" Sam asked for confirmation. Clearly her friend felt the same way Emily did.

"Sure, don't sweat it. You're my best friend and I hope it stays that way," Emily replied.

"It will. You're my best friend too," Sam replied honestly.

"But this was something different, wasn't it? It was for me," Emily asked.

"Definitely," Sam replied, laughing, "Em, I'm outgoing, but I've never done anything like this before either. Even with a guy."

"Not even with Matt?" Emily asked, surprised.

"Nope. I mean, I love him, but he's a bit shy around the bed. He comes from a conservative family you know."

"But you'll spoil him yet," Emily said with a smile.

"You bet!" she heard Sam say with a snicker.

"But wasn't this like cheating on him?" Emily asked.

"I don't think so, I mean, it's not like we did it to each other," Sam replied, "And don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not going to leave him for you either."

"And I wouldn't want that. I'm telling you, we're just friends. It's just that I had no idea you were into such stuff," Emily said, "Both the phone sex and the siblings stuff."

"Honestly, I didn't know either, but apparently I am. If I had a hot brother, I guess he'd be in trouble. Even a sister would do," Sam answered with a laugh, then adding, "I hope I didn't creep you out."

"Nah, I'm dirty too. But I don't really believe that Sam. If you had a real sibling you'd see it's different in real life," Emily argued calmly.

Emily had serious doubts about her friend's theories about imprinting. It's one thing for someone to fantasize about doing it with a sibling, especially if they're an only child like Sam. It's a whole another deal having to actually go through with it, like Emily did.

"And the stuff about her drinking my nectar is just ridiculous," Emily continued, "Also, I'm not actually in love with her. How could I be? She's still a girl and still my sister."

"Yeah, sorry about that, I got carried away," Sam apologized.

"So did I," Emily replied.

"But I admit I really enjoyed it. It was something else," Sam confided, "Do you think maybe we could repeat this sometimes?"

"Maybe, I don't know," Emily said slowly.

A few minutes earlier she really wanted it, but now she wasn't sure about it. But these days she wasn't sure about anything anymore. It's a dangerous position to be in, because anything could happen. Just to confuse her more, she felt another jolt of desire from deep within.

"I mean, if we feel like it, there's no harm I think. And Matt's gone for two weeks," Sam continued, adding after a few seconds, "Actually, you sound more awake already. How about going again right now?"

"Sam, you've got some appetite," Emily responded.

"You have no idea," Sam answered proudly.

Emily rolled over to her back, spread her legs and covered her crotch with her right hand again, enjoying the warmth, "Yeah, I guess I could be convinced to go for seconds."

"Well, I'm already touching myself, you're free to join me," Sam said with a sigh, "My hand was inside my panties the whole time. Now I'm gently inserting my fingers into my quivering sex again."

"Huh?" Emily asked, not knowing how to respond to such talk. Not from her friend.

After a few seconds Sam added, "Sorry, that was stupid."

"Yeah, I know you meant it well, but it sounded like a cheap porn novel. I mean, would you get off on talking about a girl's quivering sex?" Emily asked.

She was getting comfortable with Sam's sexuality and wouldn't mind hearing about it if her friend enjoyed it, but seeing as neither of them was lesbian, she'd prefer not to.

"Not really, I usually think about guys too," Sam answered.

"Usually?" Emily was intrigued by that word.

"Yeah, I guess Matt's lesbian porn might have had an effect on my fantasies a bit. But you know my new favorite fantasy."

"Yeah, I can guess," Emily replied, not really minding as much as she would expect. Her friend was weird, she knew that.

"But that reminds me, this was my second orgasm today already," Sam said with a cute chuckle, "I did it earlier at school too."

"Seriously? You do it at school?" Emily asked, slowly rubbing her mound through her pajamas a few times, then quickly slipping her hand inside, covering her bare pussy. She was getting ready again.

"Well, not usually, no." Sam answered, "But today, thinking about you guys, I just couldn't help it."

"You really like to taste the forbidden fruit, don't you?" Emily said, dramatically emphasizing the terms. The forbidden fantasies seemed to work on Sam, and that thought worked in turn on Emily.

"Yeah, I really like-" Sam started.

Just then, Emily heard the front door.

"Shit!" Emily blurted out, removing her hand from her pants immediately.

"-well no, actually, that's not for me, Em, thanks," Sam made fun of Emily's exclamation.

Emily heard Stephanie's voice from the hall, "Hi, Em!"

"Hi Steph!" she shouted back.

"Steph's home. I have to go," she said to Sam.

"Wait, wait!" Sam stopped her, "Why should you go? You're just talking to a friend, right?"

"Right. Right," Emily tried to calm herself.

She looked down to see a small dark blue patch of wetness on the blue pajama bottoms. She scooted up the bed, lifting her pillow to put it between her back and headboard, then grabbed her art book from the night table. She sat cross-legged and just as she opened the book in her lap, her sister walked in.

"The TV was on-" Stephanie started, then went quiet as Emily indicated the phone.

Stephanie was dressed up, wearing her black pants and white blouse, her brown hair pulled back into a short ponytail. Emily was a little embarrassed by her own condition. She was still wearing her pajamas and thanks to fooling around in her bed, her hair was now messy, flowing all over her bandage. Compared to her sister's professional look, she must look like a slob now.

"It's not as if you were masturbating with your best friend on the line," Sam said, chuckling again, making Emily even more embarrassed.

The younger sister walked across the room over to her desk, nonchalantly chewing gum, then slowing down just before she reached it. She stood there for a second, her left side towards Emily, then dropped her bag next to her desk and walked over to one of the windows, opening it wide. She looked back at her sister, grinning deviously.

Emily knew she was found out and, blushing deeply, could only smile back apologetically as she listened to Sam's breathing on the phone. Thankfully Stephanie didn't mind the lingering smell too much, because she just shrugged in response. She walked over to her dresser under the window next to her own bed, on Emily's left. She turned away and started unbuttoning her blouse to change into her home clothes.

Emily looked down at her book.

"What's she doing now?" Sam asked. Her voice gave away she didn't care about the interruption as much as Emily and didn't stop pleasuring herself. The dirtbag probably just enjoyed it more.

"Well, you know, the usual," Emily said slowly, occasionally stealing glances at her sister, to see if the undressing Stephanie was suspecting what went on at the other side of the line.

"You can't talk with her in the room, right?" Sam asked.

"Right. Exactly," Emily replied.

"Em, would you be mad if I continue doing myself, while I talk to you with her there?" Sam asked. Emily couldn't tell if she was serious or just teasing.

"I don't know. I'm not sure," Emily said in a careful voice. A few minutes ago, it was just innocent fun, but with Stephanie right there in the room, their little game became a bit too real. Emily was embarrassed enough, even without being labeled disgusting again. She wanted to leave the room, but didn't want risking Stephanie seeing the wet patch on her pajamas.

"Come on, this is going to be fun, let's do this. I'll take my time now, going to enjoy this," Sam said in an excited voice and Emily felt an itch in her pussy again, "I bet she doesn't even notice you now. Just look at her."

Emily carefully looked to her left again and got lost in the view.

Framed in warm sunlight flowing from the windows across the room, the slim 18 year old was now sitting on her unmade bed, back to Emily. She released her dark brown hair, slightly longer than Emily's, ending just below Stephanie's armpits. She was checking out something on her right shoulder, sitting upright, head turned right.

Dressed in matching white cotton underwear, Emily observed the teen's body. For a few of seconds, she forgot who she was looking at. Emily's gaze started at the perfect rounded bottom sitting among white sheets, then slowly traced upwards the slight bend of the teen's spine up her lithe back, skipped her bra strap, then finished on delicate shoulders and dark straight hair, with just the hint of her right cheek visible. The girl's innocent beauty filled her with wonder.

Her heart ached when she remembered her talent was in landscapes rather than figure painting, because the artist in her wished to capture this inspiring scene in yellow and white. Still, it would be a sin not to try. It was almost perfect - constricting the pure back was just the bra strap. It felt natural to just ask her to take it off.

"Could-" she started, only to be interrupted by Sam, "Are you looking at her? She doesn't notice you, does she?"

"She doesn't," Emily confirmed. But that's how art is, the perfect model is always distant and aloof.

"I bet now you can easily imagine Stephanie's head between your legs," Sam said, then moaned.

Emily felt another itch in her pussy. Stephanie's beauty suddenly felt far from innocent and the smacking sounds escaping her sister's lips chewing gum were not helping. She remembered who the beauty was and a cold feeling brought her back to earth. She shut her eyes, then opened them again. The vision was gone.

"No, Sam, I'd rather not," Emily snapped back.


Stephanie just finished putting on her white t-shirt and was about to look for her shorts, when Sam's name got her attention. First there's the smell of Emily's arousal and now she finds out her sister was talking to Sam. But whatever it was, she was glad Emily was already healthy enough to do such things.

Emily's scent brought back memories of their encounter at the club. It was weaker now, but it was definitely the same. Very similar to her own, with perhaps a bit more spicy tang than Stephanie's sweet one, although that was probably just because of the stale air, now quickly getting fresh with the window open. As she took in the final remnants of Emily, it surprised her that the smell itself was enough to remind Stephanie how horny she was at school and that she still needed a release.

She turned her head from her dresser and their green eyes met for a second, before Emily looked back to her book.

"I don't think so, no," Emily said now, "Really."

Stephanie was now very curious what her sister and Sam were talking about. More precisely, whether they were talking about 'it'. She walked around her bed, barefoot, her white panties flashing from under the t-shirt. Her sister was looking at her curiously as she wrapped her gum in a piece of paper and put it on her desk, then crawled onto Emily's bed. Sitting next to Emily, she positioned her head next to Emily's to quietly listen in on the conversation. She could clearly smell Emily's familiar scent now, but tried to ignore it. She was now more interested in what Sam had to say. She could barely hear Sam's voice, but couldn't recognize any words.

"I believe you," Emily said while Stephanie positioned herself next to her, "But I can't now."

Emily pulled away, looking Stephanie in the eyes, her phone glued to her hear. When Stephanie moved forward again, Emily stopped her with her right on Stephanie's left shoulder. A wave of Emily's arousal hit Stephanie's nostrils. She instinctively turned her head towards it, sniffing, but Emily probably realized her mistake and quickly removed her hand. She was staring into Stephanie's eyes with a scared expression, breathing deeply.

Stephanie sat on her heels to Emily's left, shrugged and shook her head, waving her hand, mouthing a "whatever" to tell her sister it didn't bother her. Then she pointed to the phone and her ear. When Emily shook her head, Stephanie made the cutest puppy eyes she could, put her hands together in a praying gesture and silently mouthed the word "please". Not only was she interested in the conversation, being part of it would mean being part of big sister's life too. A second later, her sister's eyes softened and she smiled, making Stephanie smile back.

"OK, listen then, she has her earphones on now, so I can talk, somewhat," Emily said into the phone, crossing her fingers in front of Stephanie. Stephanie happily crossed her fingers too and put her hand next to Emily's, smiling wide and almost squealing in excitement.

"I will do it, Sam, if you want to, but," Emily said.

After a second she continued, "But I want to be honest with both you and my sister. I'll do it only if you don't mind me telling her all about it. About you. It would be wrong to keep this a secret from her, I think."

A second later, she put her finger up to her lips, indicating silence. Stephanie nodded. Emily wrinkled her nose and moved her finger away when she smelled it, forcing Stephanie to cover her mouth to suppress a laugh. The older sister was adorably innocent like that.

Emily smiled back at her and said, "Wait, I have to move a bit so she can't see me," then moved her phone in front of her and hit the speakerphone button, activating the loudspeaker. She put the phone on the bed in front of her.

"There," she said into the mike.

Stephanie could hear Samantha's breathing and voice, "-maybe it'll even help your relationship if you talk about it. I just think it would be best for you and Steph to get together, that would be so incredibly hot."

Stephanie's eyes widened when she realized what Sam was saying. The thought was so alien to her, both being in a relationship with her sister and that Sam would think that it's hot.

"But you're weird, Sam," Emily objected, shaking her head.

"That depends. You know how big incest fetish is on the Internet? Oh, the stories I've read. Sisters make the best lovers ever."

Stephanie also heard Sam's soft moans and sighs of pleasure. It sounded like she was masturbating right there on the phone. And the topic just forced her to shake her head just as Emily was still doing.

"You're not making any sense Sam." Emily tried to dismiss it, waving her hand at Stephanie.

Stephanie knew Emily was right, and nodded. Both sisters smiled, safe in the knowledge that this is just Sam being horny and weird.

"Look, I'll walk you through it, just tell me what she's doing right now." Sam requested.

"She's, she's sitting on her bed," Emily answered, the sisters looking into each other's eyes, grinning, "She has her laptop in her lap. I think she's browsing."

"Tell me how she looks," Sam asked, as Stephanie got into the game. It was funny listening to Sam's weird fantasies. Stephanie quickly got up and sat on her own bed, making a gesture as if she was using her computer, "her lips, are they red and full?"

"I suppose you could call them that, yeah," Emily answered, smiling, as Stephanie was making a face puckering her lips, leaning towards Emily, then losing balance and falling off her bed on the ground between the two beds, making Emily chuckle.

"That's great. Just imagine how nice those lips would feel against your pussy. Do you think you'd like that?" Sam asked.

"I-" Emily didn't respond when Stephanie sat up on the ground and covered her mouth in surprise. But when Stephanie removed her hand, to show her grin and nodded, Emily continued, hesitating just a bit, "I guess, yeah, that would be pretty nice?"

Stephanie didn't know Sam was so kinky, getting off on such weird stuff. But as long as her sister played along, Stephanie had fun doing it too. She used her fingers to form a V in front of her mouth, moving her tongue between them as if licking pussy, crawling onto Emily's bed. Emily laughed silently, grabbed her pillow and lightly smashed her sister, making Stephanie stop and hug the pillow with both hands as she sat down at the foot of the bed.

"What is she wearing?"

"She's got a white t-shirt," Emily answered, looking at Stephanie making a presenting gesture as she stood on her knees, "and white underwear."

"Wow, wait, so you can actually see her panties?", Sam asked in a husky voice.

Stephanie reacted immediately. She got on all fours and turned her slim, round bottom towards Emily, wiggling to give her a naughty display.

She heard Emily say in a smiling voice between chuckles, "Yes, yes I can."

Stephanie knew her sister wasn't lying either. Her shirt didn't cover anything in this position. Stephanie wasn't ashamed of her body and she liked to think the heart shaped bottom was the nicest part of her body. Its perfect shape would really come out in the close fitting white panties. The natural competition between the sisters just made Stephanie want to show her assets. To shove them in Emily's face, so to speak.

'That might be an interesting feeling,' Stephanie thought about that phrase and felt an itch between her legs.

"Does she often walk around without pants?" Sam interrupted Stephanie's thoughts between breaths and moans.

"No, she doesn't," Emily said.

Stephanie realized that in this position her sister also got a close and full view of her plump, cotton wrapped intimates, an image which definitely crossed the border into non-sisterly territory. What if she actually got wet? Would Emily be able to see or smell it? She was close enough. Her sister wouldn't enjoy it, Stefanie knew that. She'd be in big trouble.

She didn't expect her sister to react the way she did though. Emily was mysteriously quiet all of a sudden and by the time the teenager looked back, it was too late. Her sister knew Stephanie's body. She used the teen's exposed state and her fingers invaded sensitive areas, making Stephanie lose control.

She yelped with surprise, then started giggling uncontrollably as her sister tackled her and started a merciless tickle attack against her sides. The sisters fell on the bed, Emily spooning Stephanie from behind, keeping her hands wherever they could do the most damage.

"Wow, that's just-" Sam continued, oblivious to what was happening between the sisters.

"That's what you get for trying to moon me," Emily said deviously to the teen in front of her.

"She's- she's gonna hear us," Stephanie managed to say between giggles, instinctively trying to cover her tickle areas.

"I think that's really hot," the moaning Sam talked.

"I've muted the mike," Emily replied boldly and started another attack.

Stephanie, for her turn, erupted in another wave of laughter, trashing around and kicking her legs. She managed to catch Emily's fiendish hands and pull them forward, bringing their bodies closer.

"Em, I think Steph might actually-" Sam started.

Stephanie could feel Emily's breath tickling her neck and ear, but at least she got a brief relief elsewhere, allowing her to turn and lie on her back, trapping Emily's right arm under her.

"-be trying to seduce you right now," Sam finished, breathing as deeply as the sisters who just locked eyes.

Stephanie tried a passionate expression to mess with her sister's mind, and it worked. Emily hesitated for just a second, giving Stephanie a free choice with her next move. In Sam's incest stories, the 'sisters' would probably start making out, but Stephanie did what sisters really do and went into a massive counterattack, her hands and fingers finding all sensitive places on Emily's front.

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