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Tag Ch. 04 - Lightning Round

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Ryan plays his HARDEST round yet.
6.4k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 12/07/2022
Created 06/08/2022
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Chapter Four: The Lightning Round

There'd been many nights in which he'd disconnected from himself, some nearing but never exceeding that night with Sasha. With as much confused anger as he felt over being forced to continue the Game against his willful attempts to be a better husband, he had found that for him there was almost always an undertone of vindictiveness at play, whether it came out in the form of a harder than necessary throat fucking, or a spank that was just a little too real, or a vengeful aim of his cum when he finished, there was inevitably some protesting expression of his displeasure during his pleasure.

If he'd thought that they were actually bothered by any of these expressions he would have stopped, he was sure. He was mad, not an asshole; but if anything, everyone who received his "complaints" seemed to enjoy them. He got his catharsis, they got to orgasm harder, and the Game went on.

Ryan kept waiting for Sasha to return with mixed eagerness and dread, but she kept failing to show whenever the doorbell rang. He kept plugging away at the women who did come to the door, distantly fucking the women who showed for the Game, caught in a cycle until a night came that was different enough that it almost felt like a return to form, a sort of reawakening of the Game for him, a redirection from his shame and guilt into acceptance of the fantastical nature his life had taken on.

Ryan had heard the basement door open when the game had started, while he was still in the middle of his starting countdown. Once or twice he'd heard someone open that door before but he'd never followed anyone down there. It was, after all, a basement, and not a finished one: It was dusty, it generally felt dark on sunny days, and it was full of tools and boxes and other things that had no cleanly place aboveground.

Occasionally he'd heard someone open that door, but tonight after he heard the creak of the basement door echo from the kitchen he heard the shuffle of at least three sets of feet descending the wooden stairs to that dark place. And as he stood at the top of those stairs, looking down into the pitch black below, a bolt of lightning struck outside, and he got the briefest glimpse of a pale foot covered in black ink disappear around a corner.

When the door had opened for that night of the Game, it was a crowd of entirely unfamiliar faces that greeted him, all with a very distinct theme. There were more piercings than he could count on the four faces that went past him, plenty of tattoos, and a wild atmosphere that could not be denied. Christy with her mohawk, Anna her with bright purple hair and big fake tits, Bonnie covered head-to-toe in tattoos, and slim Janice with her gauged ears and the sides of her head shaved short, all wearing black trench coats as opposed to the usual tan, all tearing off their coats in unison in the living room.

Ryan's eyes wandered with excitement across bodies the likes of which he'd never sampled, with a good deal of curiosity and a little bit of uncertainty that faded quickly as he watched all of them remove a variety of toys that they'd left in their pussies for the trip to his house. A thick pink toy with a vibrating finger sticking off its side, a blue double-sided toy with two heads popping out of two holes, a glittery purple toy, and a translucent white toy with odd stubbly appendages sticking off it, all of them wet with the excitement of the women who'd smuggled them into the house in the most private way.

After they'd lined the toys up on the couch, they'd quickly turned the lights off and hurried away in a single group.

Straight into the basement.

Still staring from the top of the steps, Ryan watched the shadows. He knew his countdown had begun, and he knew he had to play if he didn't want to lose, but he had serious doubts about his ability to perform under the conditions in the basement. It wasn't the worst basement, to be sure, but it was an unfinished basement with all the grit that came with the title. There were a lot of dark corners and narrow byways, forgotten boxes and equipment, and definitely more living things than just four horny naked strangers.

Not your choice, Ryan reminded himself with mild frustration, starting down the stairs slowly. There was no avoiding the noises they made, no sneaking up on the women, but there was also no other way out for them unless they wanted to crawl out a ground-level window or force open the rusty metal doors of the old exit into the backyard. He would just have to catch them near the stairs and hope they would use it as an escape into cleaner parts of the house.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs lightning flashed again, giving him a fresh look at the maze of his basement. And had he seen a patch of bare flesh in the corner, or was it just a box full of old nails? A tattoo, or one of the framed prints that they'd taken out of circulation in the house?

The rain started to fall lightly outside, and he knew that if nothing else the white noise would give him a better chance at sneaking through the room now, and a longer time with whoever he caught before getting caught back.

He found Christy first, crouched beneath the stairs on a couple of garden hoses, her back tattoo and the curve of her ass beneath it the only things visible to him when he turned the corner. She turned and waited on her hands and knees, nose ring glittering up at him as she poked her head out from beneath the basement stairs and kissed his still-soft penis. Then her tongue came out, longer than he'd expected, with a small piercing in its middle, and she started running it up and down him, sticking it out far enough that her tongue was slipping into the space on either side of his balls, shifting them around with her shockingly strong oral muscle as she started him off. Even resting his hands on the rough wooden basement stairs, Ryan got hard fast, her tongue forcing it out of him. He leaned in for more as she stirred him up, and before he'd realized it she was entirely under the stairs again, his most eager part disappearing into the shadows where an unseen tongue continued licking him all over.

Between the rain and that tongue he didn't hear anyone come up behind him, and wasn't sure who whispered to him, "We hear you've been rough on the ladies. It's okay, they've been liking it. We like it rough, too. But we're going to see if you can take as hard as you can give."

When she tagged him she reached between his legs from behind and lightly flicked the back of his balls. It was shocking, but not hard enough to kill the erection, even as Christy stopped licking him and pushed her way out from beneath the stairs to go hide again.

"Fuck," was all Ryan said as he crouched down to count to thirty.

He was only half-sure he liked where this was going.

Outside, lightning struck again.


The next one he found was Janice, her thin body pressed against the side of a shelf. She gave a short yelp as he rounded the corner and grabbed hold of her, a nipple piercing poking into his palm as he squeezed her little tit. He let go and tugged gently at the metal loop; she responded by tugging firmly at his erection. Ryan slid between her and the neighboring shelf while she continued to jerk him, having to point his dick up along her belly as they squeezed in together. She stretched up to start sucking on his lower lip while she reached around to press against his lower back and pull him closer, his balls shifting against her thighs while he reached up to grab her other tit.

When the lightning flashed again and the rain started to pick up Janice spun in their narrow space and pressed her perky butt cheeks back against him, pressing his back against the cold metal shelf as she started dancing against his upraised shaft. Ryan reached forward, sliding his hands down between Janice's belly and the other shelf, finding a small piercing dangling above her clit, too. His tugs at that were even gentler than the ones at her nipples as he found her clit and started rubbing it.

Anna tagged him as Janice started to move faster against him, yanking his hair back and leaning his head over the top shelf of the rack behind him so that she could lean in and bite at his lower lip, the pain shooting through his mouth causing his balls to tighten in shock. Janice moaned louder, but Anna grabbed Ryan's cock and pulled it away from her, Anna's interference pulling his hands away from the wet pussy in his hands as well. Ryan could feel that Janice shared his disappointment as she let out a sad groan, pressed back against him, and gave one last wiggle before slipping off into the shadows of the basement with Anna.

Thirty seconds later, Ryan was stalking through the basement again. In a lightning flash he saw a shapely butt sticking out into the walkway; there was a large curlicue of tattoos stretching down from the lower back and trailing flowers across its pale skin. With a grin he knelt down behind it, his knees scraping on the cement as he lifted the decorated cheeks slightly so that in the next flash of lightning he could see down to the pussy between them and slide his way in.

When he started fucking the woman who was hiding underneath an old coffee table, he could hear her back bouncing against the underside of the table and other parts of her bumping against boxes stored underneath. She shoved back, pushing her pussy against his dick, pushing her back up harder against the table so that boxes on top began sliding around as well, one tumbling over the side and rolling against Ryan's leg as he worked to keep up with the bouncing hips that were being thrown back at him. In a lightning flash Ryan saw a hand with long dark fingernails rubbing at the clit below his cock.

But the hand was coming from behind him.

Ryan screamed and tried to jump forward and away from whoever had snuck up behind him, but all that did was push him deeper into the pussy he'd been fucking, and that pussy hadn't given up on his cock yet. As he collapsed forward over the furniture, that pussy pushed back harder, not letting up on his cock even as more boxes fell off the table.

A body pressed against his back, and looking over his shoulder Ryan saw Bonnie and her big tattooed tits behind him, a glimmering line of earrings visible on one side of her head in the meager light coming from one of the windows. From behind him Bonnie began humping in time with the pussy Ryan found himself stuck in, pushing him harder and deeper into the woman under the table while he fought to maintain at least some balance, until the table gave one last heave, threw off its last box, and the woman underneath trembled with orgasm.

Then Bonnie slid off into the shadows again, patting Ryan on the head as he tumbled out of the pussy that it turned out belonged to Christy, who dug her way out from under the table and hurried off into the basement as, stunned, Ryan began counting to thirty. Lightning flashed, and all around him the shadows shifted in anticipation.


When he finally got his hands on Anna, hiding behind the small wall of holiday decorations he and Leslie had built up since moving in, she didn't give him a chance to choose what the two of them would do: she pushed Ryan back towards the wall until he was half-sitting on a small dresser they'd never used, the uneven cement surface scraping his upper back as she tipped him over, lifted one leg up, and planted her foot onto the top of the dresser. Pinning him against the wall, he felt her hand guide him into her pussy, rubbing the top of his shaft against a hood piercing as he bent up and into her, pushing off with one foot on the floor and one foot on the furniture, grinding his cock hard and drawing more abrasions across his back as she pushed him into her pussy.

Ryan tried to reach up to grab hold of her hips but Anna slapped his hands away, and then just as suddenly slapped him across the face. While he was recovering from the shock, she grabbed each of his wrists in her hands and pressed them against the wall, too, climbing the rest of the way onto the dresser as she did so without ever letting him slip out of her pussy.

"Uh-uh, you keep those dirty hands to yourself," she said, pushing her upper body weight against his wrists with one hand while she reached down with the other to steady herself by wrapping her fingers around his throat. "And don't you dare cum until I'm finished, or there'll be hell to pay."

Ryan's eyes widened as he stared into hers, watched their intensity flare with every drop of her hips onto his, wondering exactly what she would do if he did get off too soon. Not that he was at risk of that right at the moment: as good as her riding felt, it seemed his cock was as scared to blow its load as Ryan was.

With the dresser rattling underneath them, it didn't take long for Janice to find them. She came walking up beside the dresser and was just reaching out to tag Ryan when Anna snapped her hand away from Ryan's throat and grabbed the smaller woman's hand. "Not yet," she hissed.

"You didn't let me finish," Janice said, reaching out with her other hand.

Before Janice could tag Ryan Anna shifted again, now grabbing Janice by the throat with both hands and pulling her closer so that the two women stared eye-to-eye, all while Anna continued to ride the shocked cock inside her. "If you want to finish you better make sure I get to finish. Now start rubbing my clit, you little bitch!"

Still holding onto Janice's throat for both dominance and balance, Anna leaned down and jammed her tongue between the caught woman's lips, licking the inside of her mouth furiously even as she continued to ride Ryan, even as Ryan felt Janice's hand slide into the space between him and Anna and started to rub. Watching Anna force Janice to accept her tongue not just in her mouth but across her face shook the fear off of his cock and he nearly got off ahead of Anna.

Thankfully Janice's hand did its magic, and Anna came quickly. While Anna was still digging her hips in for a few final thrusts she let go of Janice's throat with one hand so she could slap her across the face and say, "Don't you ever fuck around with my orgasms again, you little bitch. Now you can tag this cock."

Anna slid off of Ryan and walked off into the shadows as another bolt of lightning struck outside. Janice, catching her breath, reached out and squeezed Ryan's dick; squeezed hard enough for a second that Ryan nearly protested, but then she relaxed and slid her hand sensually up and off of it before her perky little cheeks disappeared across the basement, too.

Ryan didn't bother to get off of the dresser to count, just closed his eyes and repositioned himself into a more comfortable lean against the basement wall.

Halfway through his count Ryan jerked awake at the sensation of teeth closing down onto his cock. They never bit, but the teeth were there, brushing against his skin threateningly.

By the time he opened his eyes, whoever had put their teeth against him was gone.

Ryan finished the rest of the count more quickly, then leapt to his feet, determined to take back control of the game. He thought back on that rough, dominating night Sasha had come to play and felt the drive, the primal urges, swelling back up through him.

He was pleased when he found Anna again next, nestled next to the hot water heater in the corner of the basement. When he tagged her Ryan pulled her down to the floor, lying her back in the dirt, keeping her propped up on her elbows and angling her head up so that he could kneel behind her and slip his cock into her mouth, one hand always gripping her throat, one either holding onto her throat or squeezing one of her big, fake tits hard, never letting up with his dick even when he heard her gagging beneath him. Occasionally instead of squeezing her tit he slapped at it, watching it bounce back and forth while he held onto her neck.

When Janice showed up in a flash of lightning, Ryan knew from the look in her eyes that she wasn't going to tag him. She had bigger plans now that Anna had been subdued by Ryan's cock, and looking quickly around the basement to make sure no one else was around she hurried to put them into action. She crouched down, shoving Anna's legs aside hard and sliding between them so she could press her own pussy against Anna's. Once she was in place she reached up and shoved Ryan's hands aside so that she could hold onto Anna's throat herself, leaving Ryan to hold her by the sides of her face to keep her head steady for his thrusts.

As he pushed in, Ryan heard Anna's struggling even harder to catch her breath and saw how much harder Janice was holding onto her throat even as the slimmer woman started grinding her clit against the dominated woman between them. With Janice shoving her body against Anna's, all Ryan had to do was hold himself up and Anna's throat was forced down around his cock; he held himself up by gripping Anna's tits, watching in the rarer flashes of lightning from outside as Janice roughly forked her way closer and closer to orgasm.

She finally gave off a small yelp when the pleasure overtook her, reaching up and grabbing Ryan by the throat instead, pulling him in closer and clamping her lips onto his, tipping him over so that he shoved deep enough into Anna's throat to set her gagging around it, her nose digging into his balls, saliva dripping down him until he pulled out and let her gasp a breath in.

Both women got up, staring at each other for a hard moment before snapping each other up and making out furiously, saliva still falling from Anna's mouth as their tongues entangled. Ryan watched from the floor as they made out, until they realized he was counting and hurried off into the shadows once more.

The squeal of the old metal door that led out into the backyard interrupted his counting. That squeal ended with a bang of metal, and then the sound of the rain doubled in intensity.

Outside? On a night like this? Ryan thought, looking towards the window. The rain still hadn't let up, and the growing rumble of thunder in the distance suggested that the lightning wasn't completely over with, either. These women are nuts.


Ryan walked slowly towards the basement exit, watching the rain pour in from the door that had been left sitting open to the storm. He crept up the stairs and looked out into the yard.

Anna and Janice were wrestling in the grass, throwing up large splashes of water and kicking up patches of mud while Christy and Bonnie watched. When they saw Ryan rise up out of the basement Christy and Bonne separated and got into position to run, but stayed in place, waiting to see which way Ryan would go. He looked between the two women, deciding he would let Anna and Janice continue to wrestle while he chased down one of the others.

He decided on Bonnie. He hadn't had enough Bonnie that night, and went after her body, covered from top to bottom in tattoos, a few scattered glints of metal sparkling in a flash of lightning as he slipped and slid across the yard after her. She went to dodge him and slid in the mud, going down on her side with a laugh as Ryan tumbled to a stop beside her, grabbing onto her inked hips to pull himself to a stop. Bonnie rolled over, getting onto her knees with her face in the grass and called over the rain, "Spit in my ass and stick your cock in!"

In case there was any doubt or confusion, she spread her legs wider and shook her ass up at him. Ryan complied, leaning down with rain dripping around his head to spit directly into the tight asshole pointing at him, then wasted no time leaning back up so that he could enter her from behind before the spit ran off. The squeal of delight from Bonnie was quickly followed by a squeal of surprise, when she started sliding across the wet grass at Ryan's thrusts. Across the yard directly ahead of them, drawing slowly closer as Ryan assfucked Bonnie towards them, Anna had Janice pinned to the ground, her face planted in the grass beneath Anna's foot while Anna had four of her fingers stretching Janice's pussy.


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