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Taken on a Cruise Pt. 02

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Matt is an unwilling witness to Sara and Phil.
6k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/11/2024
Created 04/22/2024
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Author's Note: This chapter deals with a character's confusion over a sexual experience and whether or not consent was given. This is not meant to make a statement about what constitutes consent. It is merely a fictional story getting into the mind of fictional characters in a fictional situation. Did I mention this is a work of fiction? Hope you enjoy!

Matt cursed to himself silently for not buying the wifi package when they had boarded the ship as he stared at the little airplane symbol in the top corner of his cell phone. He hated not being able to at least reach out to Sara when they were apart, even if the time apart was limited and there wasn't far for her to roam.

After watching a mediocre singer in the ship's showroom with his parents, brother and sister in law, Matt had returned to his cabin expecting to find Sara already there. And when she wasn't there he went back to the bar where he had left her, but she wasn't there either. Confused, and slightly concerned Matt returned to his cabin to wait for his wife.

Something wasn't right. Sara wasn't the best about time, but she usually wasn't off by this much. Could she have been picked up by a stranger at the bar? Matt shook his head, his wife wouldn't cheat. Thoughts raced through his mind as the night grew later and he found himself pacing the small length of his cabin hoping for the sound of the door unlocking.

Finally just when he felt as though he would have a full panic attack, there was a knock on the door.

Phil and Todd had let Sara get dressed in their bathroom, but held onto her cellphone and purse as she did. Her mind was foggy, almost as though she had been drugged but she knew full well she hadn't.

She had experienced a type of sex she had never before experienced in her life. Could she call it sex? Was it something else? Her mind couldn't even think about the word. She hated the word. She never said yes to the sex. But had she ever said no? She couldn't remember. Didn't not saying yes mean she didn't give consent? She came, twice. Once on Todd's cock, the other on Phil's tongue. Could she say she claim it wasn't consensual after orgasming twice? Does that mean she cheated on Matt? Her brain raced as she struggled to get her blue dress back on. Her knees were weak, her head light and foggy. She just wanted to go to sleep.

Finally she got her dress zipped back up, and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a mess. Her hair looked like she had just had sex. 'Fuck! Matt would know,' she thought to herself. She quickly ran her fingers through her red hair, trying her best to make it look as neat as it could.

"Come on honey, your husband's going to worry about you," Todd called from outside the bathroom door.

With a deep breath Sara opened the bathroom door and stepped back into the cabin. As soon as she did so, Todd, who was still naked, grabbed her ass through her dress and kissed her hard on the mouth. It was the first time he had kissed her all night, and Sara was glad it was. His breath was foul, a mixture of alcohol, cigarettes and lack of toothpaste all wrapped up into a fat tongue that was now running rampant inside her own mouth.

"I had fun tonight, honey," he said lewdly, after breaking the kiss though his hand remained on her ass. "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow."

"I don't..." Sara started but was stopped by Phil placing a finger on her lips.

"Don't bother finishing, that sentence," Phil said as he pressed his index finger past Sara's lips and into her mouth. "We've decided that I will see you in the morning. And you will spend the evening with Todd here."

Phil said it so matter of factly there wasn't room for argument. And when he was finished talking he removed his finger from Sara's mouth and smiled at her.

"Now, let's get you back to your husband, I'm sure he's beginning to worry."

Phil was dressed again, in the same clothes he had been wearing earlier.

"I can find my own way back," Sara started to say.

"Now what kind of gentleman would that make me?" Phil asked. He sounded as he had in the bar. Warm and friendly, the menacing tone that had lingered since the elevator was suddenly gone again, almost as though it had never been there in the first place. "Come on, let's go," he said as he opened the door for Sara.

Sara and Phil walked down the long corridor on Deck 11, the entire time Phil's hand placed firmly on the small of Sara's back. It was possessive, he wanted her to know, to feel that she belonged to him now. They took the stairs at mid ship down two decks to where Sara and Matt's cabin was. Sara who hadn't learned her way around the ship yet almost got lost in the corridor, and had to turn around at one point but finally found her way to her cabin. The entire time Phil's hand stayed on the small of her back.

Sara started to fumble through her purse as she stood in front of her cabin door, looking for her key card. But Phil quickly stopped her, and simply knocked on the door. The handle to the door turned quickly, almost as though Matt had been standing just on the other side waiting for that knock.

"There you...who are you?" Matt asked after opening the door. His relief at seeing Sara quickly turned to confusion at the sight of Phil who still had his hand on the small of Matt's wife's back.

"Hello Matt," Phil said, not giving Sara a chance to speak. "I think it best we talk inside your room."

"Can you at least tell me who are first? And why your hand is on my wife's back like that?" Matt asked, as he felt his heart begin to pound in his chest.

"I will explain all of it, when we're inside your room," Phil said, gently. "Don't worry, I won't rob you."

"Honey, please listen to him," Sara said, softly.

Matt nodded as a look of concern flooded his face and he opened the door wide enough to let Sara and Phil into the small cabin.

"I know you must be confused," Phil said, as he nonchalantly took a seat at the foot of the queen sized bed in the middle of the cabin.

"You could say that," Matt said as leaned against the vanity desk.

Sara who was still standing in the entry way just to the left of Matt looked at the vanity desk. It was positioned the same as the one in Phil's cabin. The one she had been bent over and fucked from behind by Todd on while watching the video of herself being fucked on the bed by Phil. She felt herself begin to get wet remembering it all. Why was this happening? She didn't want it to be happening!

"You have a very sexy wife, Matt," Phil said, in his nonchalant tone.

Phil was confident that he had Matt pegged. Matt was a cuck, even if he hadn't realized it yet. Just from the brief conversation Phil had with Sara in the bar it was evident that she wore the pants in their relationship. Phil felt sure that he could talk however he wanted to with Matt, with no consequence to be had.

"What?" Matt asked, taken aback by the bluntness, the bluntness wrapped in a blanket of ease.

"You heard me," Phil smiled. "That red hair, those blue eyes, the freckles. And don't get me started on her breasts."

"Who the fuck do you think..." Matt started to speak big and loud. It wasn't his nature, he had never gotten into a fight in his life but Phil had crossed a line. Who did he think he was talking about Sara like that?

"I think, I'm the guy who just had your sexy wife, cumming on my tongue," Phil said plainly.

The words stopped Matt cold. Sara cheated on him? That couldn't be, she wouldn't do that. He looked at Sara who was standing not two feet away from him. She was standing there looking down at the floor, she couldn't make eye contact with Matt.

"Tell me, Matt," Phil said. "Does Sara always have a bare pussy or did she shave it just for this trip?"

"How..." Matt started to ask Sara a question but Phil quickly interrupted.

"She didn't cheat on you, Matt," Phil said, as he crossed his legs. "Well not in the way you're thinking, anyway. We didn't give her much of a choice. You have to understand, Matt, that I'm an alpha male and when I see something, like a sexy woman, that I want I'm going to take it. No matter what."

"So you ra..."

"Please, don't use that word, I hate that word," Phil said, shaking his head quickly, and holding out his hand to stop Matt from talking. "That wasn't what it was. Sara, like every woman we've had before her came, she came hard and more than once. She enjoyed it as much as we did."

"Whose we?" Matt asked, he could barely get the words out. He felt his throat closing tight.

"Oh that's right, you wouldn't have known," Phil said, a small smile coming to his face. "Your wife had two cocks inside of her tonight. Mine, and my friend Todd's. We both were inside her cunt, Matt. No condoms, just our cocks inside your wife's bare cunt."

Matt's hands clutched the desk underneath him. He wanted to scream, he wanted to punch Phil in his smug face. He wanted to hug Sara, he wanted to yell at her too.

"Now here's what's going to happen next," Phil said. "Todd and I are good friends with the security staff on the ship. You go to them, they will laugh at you, and then tell you to leave them alone. Trust me, others have tried. I'm going to come back in the morning, at six sharp. The two of you will be waiting for me. Sara you will be naked, nothing covering your body, not even a wash cloth. Matt you will be dressed. I don't care how. I just have no interest in seeing that sad cock of yours. At least not first thing in the morning. Now I need one of your room keys," Phil stated calmly as he stood up.

"You're joking right?" Matt asked.

"Did I sound like I was joking?" Phil asked as he held out his open palm.

Matt looked at Phil, then at Sara whose eyes seemed to be burning a hole in the floor in front of her. Reluctantly, Matt reached into his pocket and handed Phil his room key.

"Good cuck," Phil chuckled. "Now you two get some rest. Oh and Matt, you can lick her cunt if you want. But your cock stays in your pants, until Todd or I tell you otherwise."

With that Phil started for the door, but not before grabbing Sara's face in his hands and kissing her deeply on the mouth. His tongue exploring her mouth as it had done in his cabin while he had been fucking her. Then, without saying another word, he walked out the door letting it slam behind him.

"Matt, I'm so..." Sara started to speak, but she was so overwhelmed by everything she just started to cry.

Matt didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to believe. So he did the only thing he could think to do when he saw his wife crying, and that was take her in his arms and hug her close to him.

Matt and Sara went to bed in silence. Neither knowing what to say. Matt held his wife close to him, her head on his chest, as she fell asleep. How did sleep come so easy to her? Matt wondered as he stared into the darkness of the room.

Sara woke up, still in Matt's arms, to the sound of the cabin door opening. For a moment she was startled, but then quickly remembered that the night before hadn't been a dream. She could feel her naked body tensing underneath the sheet, as the lights in the cabin were turned on. Sara felt Matt's arms gripping her body tighter, he was awake too.

"Rise and shine," Phil said as he stood at the foot of the couple's bed.

He was already taking off his black polo shirt when Sara's eyes focused on him. She felt an unwanted stirring between her thighs when Phil's strong bare chest came into view.

"Come here, Matthew," Phil said, plainly.

Matt hated being called Matthew. It reminded him of when he was in trouble as a kid. Did Phil somehow know this? Better yet why did he find himself listening to this asshole? Matt asked himself as he gave his wife one last squeeze and hesitantly got out of bed.

"You listened to me, good cuck," Phil said when he saw that Matt was dressed in a t-shirt and black basketball shorts. "Now sit here, and don't say a word," Phil said as he pulled the chair out from its tucked in position under the vanity desk and pointed it at the bed.

"I don't want to watch," Matt said, as he felt his stomach turn at the thought.

"Well we all must do things we don't want to do," Phil said, as he put a hand on Matt's shoulder. "You will watch me fuck your wife, you will watch her cum on my cock, you will watch me give her pleasure you have never been able to. And you know what? You will enjoy it. You will find yourself craving more. You want to know how I know? I know because you're a cuckold. Deep inside you crave seeing your wife pleasured by other men. Because in your heart you know you're too pathetic to ever give her the type of pleasure she actually deserves. Now sit," Phil finished talking and pressed his hand hard on Matt's shoulder.

Matt didn't say anything, just sat down. He didn't agree with Phil, but he couldn't find the words, he couldn't find the strength to argue. Instead he sat and watched as Phil walked over to the bed, where Sara was still laying, just as Matt had left her. Matt watched as Phil sat down on the bed in the same spot where he had slept, he watched Phil lay down in that spot, and take Sara into his arms.

"Good morning, sexy," Phil said to Sara as he laid his head down on Matt's pillow. "How are you feeling this morning?" he asked as he tossed the covers off of Sara, revealing her naked body as she lay on her side.

Sara had heard everything Phil said to Matt. She knew Phil was wrong. Matt had given her pleasure plenty of times. Maybe it hadn't felt the same way as what Phil and Todd had given her the night before, but it was pleasure none the less. And Matt always put her first. He would never do anything to her without her consent.

She didn't want Phil in her bed, she didn't want him to hold her the same way Matt had just been. She didn't want to feel anything as Phil put her head on his chest, and began running his hand up and down her side. But she could feel her pussy start to get slick as Phil's hand dipped down to her hip before running its way back up to her shoulder.

"I'm okay," Sara said, meekly in response to Phil's question.

"I would think after last night you would be better than okay," Phil said with a chuckle. "Has it already been too long since you've had a cock in you?"

Phil spoke loud enough to make sure Matt could hear every word being said. And he made sure Matt was watching as he gently took Sara's wrist and led her hand to the crotch of his khaki shorts.

"Is this what you need, baby?" he asked Sara as he pressed her hand onto his thickening cock through his pants. "I think it is," he added when his question was met with silence. "Why don't you take it out and suck it a little. Todd hogged your mouth last night. I didn't get a chance to try it out."

Matt cringed at the way Phil was talking to Sara. But he felt his heart sink when he saw Sara prop herself up on her arm, watching as Phil undid his shorts and then pushed them down just enough to reveal his semi hard cock. Matt wanted to vomit when Phil placed his hand on the back of Sara's head and guided her down to his cock. Matt wanted to close his eyes, he wanted to run away when he saw Sara's lips part as she took the head of Phil's cock into her mouth.

Sara's mind was blank as she began to suck Phil's cock. Did she want to be doing this? Did she have a choice? The questions seemed too heavy to even think about. Her eyes were tightly shut as she felt Phil's cock grow in her mouth. Was she moving her own head up and down the length of his shaft or was the hand on the back of her head making her do it? She couldn't tell. She didn't want to think about the answer.

Phil propped his head up against the headboard of the bed. Sara's mouth felt so warm and wet around his cock. He loved a good blow job in the morning. And he couldn't think of anything better than getting a good blow job in the morning as the husband of the woman who was giving him that blow job watched. He felt his cock throb in Sara's mouth as her tongue ran over his sensitive mushroom head. He groaned loudly, as he put both hands on Sara's head, moving her up and down the length of his shaft faster, and faster.

"She's so good at this," Phil said, as he stared right at Matt, who was trying desperately not to make eye contact. "Such a warm mouth, such a talented tongue. Doesn't she look so hot with a cock in her mouth?" Phil asked as he thrust his hips upward a little and pressed down hard on the back of Sara's head. The motions forcing the head of his cock into Sara's throat which caused her to gag hard around him.

Matt gripped the chair underneath him with both hands. He felt his body filling with rage, at the same time he also felt his cock filling with blood.

"You like that baby?" Phil asked Sara as he laced the fingers of his left hand through Sara's long red hair and pulled hard forcing her head up and her mouth off his cock. "I know you do," he said as he held Sara's head up with his left hand, and grabbed the base of his cock with his right. "I know you need cock, I know you crave more than what that pathetic cuck of a husband can give you," he said, menacingly as he began to slap the head of his cock against Sara's helpless face.

"Please, s...." Sara said, her neck already starting to hurt as she was forced to crane it over Phil's crotch.

"Well if you insist," Phil interrupted by forcing his cock back into Sara's mouth before she could get the next word out. "I know Matthew probably couldn't make you gag even if he wanted to," Phil said as he forced his cock back into Sara's throat.

Drool ran down Sara's chin and onto Phil's balls as he began to face fuck her with a roughness he had not shown the night before in anything he had done to her. Sara felt tears begin to run down her face as her mouth was used in a way it had never been before.

"Such a good mouth, and tight throat," Phil groaned. "Fuuck I could do this all day."

To Sara it felt like hours had passed before Phil finally released her head and allowed her to take his cock out of her mouth. By the time he did, her jaw ached, her throat burned, her chin was soaked in her own saliva and her eyes were blurred with tears.

"Go kiss your husband," Phil told Sara, as he stood up from the bed and let his shorts fall to his ankles.

"What?" Sara croaked out through her burning throat.

"Go over to Matthew, sit your sexy ass down on his lap, and kiss him," Phil said plainly.

Sara hadn't wanted to look at Matt. She didn't want him to see her sucking another man's cock. And if she didn't look at him she could pretend he wasn't there. And the last thing she wanted to do now was kiss anyone, especially Matt. Her lips and mouth were on fire the only thing she wanted coming near them was toothpaste and mouthwash.

But Phil's voice conveyed that she didn't have a choice. Just like it had the night before. So soon Sara found herself climbing out of bed, and walking the short distance over to Matt. She could see tears in his eyes too as she sat down side saddle on his lap. Sara didn't look at him long though, she just closed her eyes and pressed her lips to Matt's.

Matt had always loved kissing Sara. Her mouth always tasted minty and fresh. Her soft lips always felt so warm and inviting against his. This kiss was different though. He could taste Phil on Sara's breath, the kiss was salty and sour. Her lips didn't feel soft now, they just felt wet almost slimy.

"Good girl," Phil soothed as he stood above the kissing couple, petting Sara's head gently. "Now give him some of your tongue."

Sara wrapped her arms around Matt's neck as her tongue slipped between his lips. She wanted him to know she loved him, more than anything. That she didn't believe anything Phil was saying about him. She couldn't say it, her voice hadn't worked the night before. But she wanted, she needed Matt to know the truth. And she hoped desperately that kissing him, the way he was used to being kissed by her would convey even a fraction of the way she still felt for him.


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