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Taking Down a Bad Master

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Doms discover one breaking the rules and take action.
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A sub gives up a lot when he submits; where he lives, what he wears (if anything), when and who he has sex with. All of this takes a lot of trust. A Dom has to deserve that trust. As tough as a Dom can be to his subs, he has to be there to protect them, make sure they are not harmed in a way that causes severe damage. A Dom is responsible for not only the physical well-being of his sub, but the mental well-being. Is this what the sub really wants? Is the sub getting the fulfillment out of submission that makes him want to go on.

This is a fictional story of a Dom that does not take care of his subs, and what some other area Doms do in response. I put one of my own slaves in this one. Kip is an even better boy than I portray him here.


[Early] It was a text from Max. Master was going to be home early. Tall, with a swimmer's build, Kip had been a full time live-in slave to his Master for over 5 years. He knew his Master's habits, likes and dislikes. A quick glance was all it took for Kip to know if he would be beat or have a service expected of him. Whatever Master wanted, that is what was important to Kip, the servitude encompassed his life.

Kip looked around, even if Master returned early, everything was ready, Kip had not been lax in his duties. Kip wondered what was bringing his Master home sooner than expected. He didn't have long to wait, as Kip heard Master's car enter the garage. Kip rushed to his place, kneeling down.

"Boy." Max said, and Kip looked up, always glad his Master was back. Kip could instantly tell his Master was not in a good mood. Kip felt a surge of panic. Had he done something wrong? Was he in trouble? "I'm having a few men over. I'm not sure if we'll be eating, so have something ready just in case. Sandwiches will be fine." Max rubbed his brow, Kip knew his Master and could tell whatever had disturbed Master was not his slave.

"Yes, Master." Max walked away, seemingly ignoring his slave, Kip went to the kitchen and prepped a number of items so he would be able to provide sandwiches at a moment's notice.

Kip had heard Max make it back to the lounge. Having completed his prep work, Kip entered the lounge, went up to his Master and knelt, humbly waiting his Master's wishes.

After a few minutes, Max looked over at his naked slave and ruffled his hair. "Ah boy, I'm out of sorts. I got some news today, and I have to take some action. I need the men coming tonight to help me decide what action we should take. You will need to serve us and stay out of the way. No matter what you hear, don't react, we can talk about it after. I know you'll be good, or I would send you away during our discussion. You understand me?"

"Yes, Master." Kip knew whatever was happening was serious, and that he would have to be on his toes tonight.

Kip nuzzled his owner's crotch, eliciting a low moan. This is what his Master needed. Kip mouthed the growing cock under the pants, feeling it harden with his mouth's ministrations. "Oh, yes." Max whispered standing, and Kip opened the pants, freeing the large cock inside.

Extending his tongue, Kip touched the end of Max's cock, getting a taste of pre-cum. Kip moved forward, taking more of the dick in his mouth, moving his lips and tongue to pleasure it. Adding a bit of suction, Kip moved to encompass the entirety of the manhood, shoving it deep into his throat. Kip grabbed Max's ass, pulling his Master's body closer, shoving the cock deeper.

Kip couldn't breath, but that was a secondary concern to pleasing his owner, to take the stress away. Kip had shoved up against Max's pelvis, trying to get deeper. Movement was limited, but the effort was intense, Kip's choking giving pulsations to Max's cock, causing the man to impale Kip on the huge rod.

Kip had to pull off, before he blacked out using the withdrawal to add more pleasure. Kip grabbed a quick gasp of air and went all the way back down. Kip's head bobbed back and forth traveling the distance of the impressive member.

Kip made noises, sloppy and loud but neither cared, lost in the pleasure the slave was rightly giving to his Master. Max stood there, taking the service he deserved. Kip's throat was warm and moist, so pleasing. Kip worked at his task, using skills he had developed over years of practice and effort.

Kip's cocksucking skills were indeed impressive. Enough to distract his Master from whatever was weighing on his mind. Max's hands came to Kip's head, grabbing it starting to force Kip's head back and forth. That grabbing lasted about 2 seconds when Max whispered "Can't" and released. Max was upset and would not lay hands on his property in his mental state.

Kip was always attentive to his Master, and recognized what happened. Whatever was on Max's mind was significant enough that Max did not want to take hold of him. That was rare, but Kip appreciated that if Max suspected he would be less than totally in control, he wouldn't touch Kip. That little action meant so much to Kip. Max might beat him, but never in anger. Kip pushed harder to suck his Master.

"Urrgh!" Max came in Kip's mouth, Kip swallowing the load down. Max sat back in a chair, Kip following cleaning Max's cock, then put it back in the pants.

"Good boy, I needed that." Max exhaled deeply. Kip stayed on his knees. Max remained in silent contemplation, so Kip remained waiting.

The doorbell rang. Max waved his hand indicating Kip should answer it. Kip got up and opened the door, letting in one of the local Doms. "Welcome, Sir." Kip said, ushering the tall, dignified Dom into the lounge. Kip recognized the man as a local Dom, who didn't keep any at his home, but used a number of subs.

"Scotch." the Dom said to Kip as he passed the slave and headed to the lounge.

"Roger." Max said.

"Bad business, isn't it?" Roger found a seat and took the tumbler of scotch Kip served him.

"Very bad. Benny and Hans will be here soon, we can go over the whole business then." Max replied.

"It could be worse, if I hadn't been on shift, who knows what would have happened?" Roger said.

"We know now. We need to head it off." As Max said this the doorbell rang again. Max waved his hand, and Kip went to the door.

Benny and Hans were there, and Kip ushered them to the lounge. Hans was a big German, known for specializing in gymrats into pain. Benny was fairly young, but had a large home and an impressive stable of slaves who lived there full time, about 20 last Kip had heard. It was like a commune dedicated to a single man. Both took seats after giving Kip drink orders, who instantly began to make the drinks.

Max started up. "All right, I know this is an unusual meeting, but it can't wait. You all know Roger. He's going to tell us what happened today. Roger, you have the floor."

Roger looked at his glass a moment. "I think you all know I'm an orthopaedist. At times, I have to cover the ER in case there is a broken bone. Two mornings ago we had a kid brought in, he was pretty beat up. Broken arm, bruises all over. I was called in to set the arm. He looked familiar, and I kept an eye on him. The police didn't get anything out of him, he just said he got jumped and didn't see who it was. When he was alone, I went into check his arm. I asked him if he knew Rory. His eyes panicked. I calmed him and told him I wasn't going to send him back. I whispered that I was a Dom as well, and ordered him to tell me what happened. He said he was bad and had been punished. He promised that he would be a good boy from now on. I've made sure he'll be kept overnight, and I have a part-time sub on the overnight nurse shift. He's been ordered to keep an eye on the poor boy."

"He's always been tough on his boys." Hans said. "But I have wondered how, well, willing they are for the beatings he gives them."

"Me too." Max said. "I've seen the bruises, and he does keep them in line, but it's been a concern for me."

Roger continued. "After talking to the boy, I called one of my other subs, a little twink I know hangs out with some of Rory's boys. I met him and sat him down, giving him strict orders to tell me what he had heard. My worst fears were confirmed, Rory's boys are scared of him, and what Wes tells me is they get beat a lot and seem afraid to tell anyone. Wes actually said he was more putting things together than actually being told. Wes is Rory's type, and I think Rory's spreading a net to get him." Roger's tone remained grave.

"Fucking Rory." Benny said. "That's when you asked to use a couple of mine."

"Yeah. I appreciate you letting me keep the results from you, but I had to be sure. And I didn't want them spreading anything around if I was wrong. I have to admit, I envy you a bit now. Having three of your boys tending to me in my house for a couple days has been amazing." Roger paused. "But to get back to business. Benny's loaned me what I asked for, a couple twinks I could use to ingratiate themselves with Rory's subs. They did just that, and remarkably quickly given how tightly as he watches over them. The results have been disturbing."

"How disturbing?" Max asked.

Roger took a deep breath. Kip looked at him, as did the men. The slave decided it was better for him to remain silent and still, he would be summoned if needed.

Exhaling, Roger continued. "Benny's boys are effective, a credit to your training of them." Here Roger indicated the youngest of the Doms. "Beatings we understand, we all do it. But it's always something the subs get into. Not his. Most aren't really into pain, but he whips them mercilessly. There have been hospital visits I didn't know about. According to the boys there, a great number of whippings that should have had medical attention, but Rory forbade it. Other harms as well, all to boys who don't like pain." Roger put his head down, rubbing his eyes for a moment. "I'm a doctor, I'm not supposed to do harm. I don't beat the guys who submit to me. I know you each do, but it's something they all get into. Even you Hans, you're the main inflicter of pain here, but I've talked to your subs, I know it's something they crave. I can handle that. I know you would stop if it came to it. So many are just normal guys, looking for a little kink. Not this. And that's not all."

"As you say, I'm the deliverer of pain. I specialize in it. I know exactly when to pull back before a sub breaks. More importantly, I know he must desire it, regardless of what he feels when the whip is on his back. Continually forcing a softie under the lash is not the way things are done." Hans put his drink down on the table beside him forcefully.

"It gets worse. Wes revisited his contact, really worked the guy. All the subs Rory has, and there are 5 right now, all are being blackmailed in some way to stay. One thinking he would be arrested for something, two that they would be outed and lose their families. Not sure about the other two."

It felt to Kip as if the room's temperature dropped a few degrees, he almost shivered.

"That fucking bastard!" Benny rose and looked like he was going to toss his tumbler at the wall before thinking better of it. "He can't do that! It's totally, completely wrong! They only get one choice, that's to submit or not, we can do whatever the fuck we want to them, but they chose submission."

"You're right Benny." Max indicated for the young Dom to sit again. "We have the right to choose everything, except that they give themselves to us. Rory can't be allowed to keep going this way."

"I called Max because I'm concerned that another hospital visit might bring unwanted attention." Roger added. "The wrong people start sniffing around, find what he's doing and that will lead him to us. You three are the pivotal Doms in this area. You're the ones with the significant stables," Roger looked at Hans and Benny, then at Max "or the standing to do something." Max had been a fixture in the scene for years, having trained more than a few of the local Doms.

"We've got to stop him. I've got a real good thing going here, I don't want some dumbass messing it up." Benny was by far the youngest in the room, in his early 20s.

"Doing something is why I've called you all here. We're the ones most likely to be able to actually handle this. I have an idea of what to do, but I can't do it on my own." Max said.

"Well, we'll help. We've got to get those boys out of Rory's hands." Roger put his glass out, and Kip unobtrusively refreshed his drink.

"More than that, I think we need to checkmate Rory from getting his hands on the boys again, and getting any more." Roger looked over at Max.

"That's part of my plan. I have a friend who's taken bad masters down before. I wouldn't involve him unless you three agree, but if we can get some leverage on Rory, Rob will keep him in line." Max paused. "He's...mean to bad masters."

"Mean if fine with me. Rory's money comes from a grandmother, pillar of her Presbyterian church. But I want him out of my town." Benny added.

"I think we can arrange that. Anything else?" Max looked around.

Roger chimed in "I think he's been trolling for some underage boys. Wes insinuated some of that. I can get details."

"Fucker." Benny said, pushing back on his seat and folding his arms in anger.

"Check with your subs, check with other Doms in town, not that there are major ones but us and Rory, get what you can. Give it to Max for his friend." Hans told them all.

"Right. Here's the plan. Roger, if you can arrange for Wes to meet Rory and keep him occupied. Benny, you have the biggest stable. Can you get your boys to basically raid Rory's place and get them out while he's distracted? Hans, we'll need to get Rory buttoned up."

"I can get a few of my guys to hold him, we can keep him in my dungeon until Max's friend is ready." Hans shifted forward. "I am sure I can keep him entertained." Hans gave a guffaw.

Roger spoke up. "If we're basically going to kidnap Rory, we'll need to be sure no one is around. Wes can do that in his apartment. Hans, I know you do kidnap fantasies, I'm just nervous about doing it for real."

"My boys can handle it. I'll tell them why. They won't have any qualms." Hans seemed a bit proud.

Benny said. "My slaves will clear his place out, but we can't just turn them loose, we've got to keep them someplace. I'd take them, but I don't think going into a house full of subs would be good for them." Benny puffed his chest a bit.

"They can come here. Kip will look after them." Max said. Kip glanced at his Master. That would be a big job.

"So we all have our parts. First we get as much dirt as possible on Rory, then Wes distracts him, we raid his place, and bring the boys here." Benny summed up.

"Right." Roger agreed, relieved.

"Look, I know I'm the youngest here, and I'm sure you think I'm sucking up every sub I can find, but there is no excuse for this. My slaves are happy to be with me, I don't have to scare them to keep them." Benny said.

"You are young, but you're doing it right, you're fine." Max said.

"This Rory is bad. We cannot let this continue. I do not like interfering in another Master's business, but he his threatening all of us." Hans said.

"I have a contact on the police. He's subbed for me a few times, I'll check with him to see what I can find. I'll have to be careful so we don't trigger something he has to do something about." Roger said.

"Yeah, be careful with that." Max cautioned.

"One of my slaves should be able to pull a credit history, it might have something." Benny chimed in.

"That may help." Max said. "I hate having to do this."

"We all do." Roger commiserated.

"I'm so pissed, I'm not going to be able to trust myself with my slaves tonight. They're going to get a night off." Benny scowled.

"Mine aren't, but mine like the pain." Hans looked at the younger man.

"Show off." Benny shot back at Hans.

"We're all clear on our parts? Right now, we need to see what we can find on Rory." Roger said.

Benny stood up. "Yeah, I want to get on this thing. Hans you ready to go?"

"Yes." Hans also stood up.

The men said their good-byes and Kip escorted them out, returning to kneel by his Master.

After a few moments, Max looked at his slave "Boy."

"Yes, Master." Kip put his hands behind his head, reading Max's unspoken desire.

Max ran his foot up and down Kip's abs. "This is a dirty business. Masters should never treat their slaves so poorly. I know it will be difficult when we get his boys here, but you can do it, they will need a lot of care, and you will be serving me well by taking care of them."

"Yes, Master. I understand what you have to do, and what I need to do." Kip said.

"Good boy. Now go outside. I need to call Rob, and I don't want you hearing that conversation." Max said.

"Yes, Master." Kip got up and headed outside.

Some time later Max opened the door and let Kip back in. "I'm not very hungry. Make me a ham and cheese sandwich. Get yourself something as well. I have more calls to make."

"Yes, Master." Kip went to make his Master's dinner.

Max was on the phone talking to some of the local Doms and subs. Kip sat at his Master's feet and massaged them. When the calls were finally done, Kip looked up at his Master who appeared haggard. "Anything I can do Master?" Kip asked.

"I don't know, this is such a filthy business." Max said. "Yes, I do. Massage me until I fall asleep." He got up and headed to his bedroom. Kip followed.

Kip removed his Master's clothes, and Max lay on the bed face down. Kip began to massage his Master's tense shoulders. Kip continued to massage his Master until well after he knew his Master was asleep. Then the slave curled up next to his Master's bed and dozed off.

A few days later, the Doms had collected as much information as they could, and Kip had heard Max say between that and Rob's investigations, Rob was confident he would be able to keep Rory under control he would never be able to Dom anyone again. It was more than the family money the grandmother controlled. There were some very questionable videos released on some sites. Rory was in a few, obviously in charge. The boys were not underage, but their lack of motivation was apparent. Rory had also had some scrapes with the law. A few months ago the police were called to his house, and it seems Rory had been able to hide the boys elsewhere just in time. One of Benny's boys worked at the bank Rory used, and pulled the transactions. That could have gotten the boy fired, but even the subs were gunning for Rory and willing to take a risk. Another of Roger's part time subs had specific hacking skills, and they were able to match some of the transactions in Rory's account with some shady deals.

The day it was to happen, Max's house was mission control. The sub with the broken arm, who's name was Kyle, was looking small, sitting on a couch in Max's lounge. He was looking better, his bruises fading. He had agreed to help convince his slave brothers to stay. He was nervous, and being quiet, looking at Max and Kip with scared, hopeful eyes. Knowing a single naked slave would cause concern, Max had ordered Kip into a pair of shorts.

Roger reported that Wes had sent a message to Rory through one of of Rory's subs that Wes would like to submit to him and begged to be visited in his apartment to discuss it. Roger had sent a recording of Wes's side of the conversation. The Dom and two subs were listening to it.

"Rory, Sir?" Wes's voice came out of Max's phone. "I can't get you out of my mind, it's like, driving me crazy. Can I - can I be yours? Please, Roger only sees me sometimes, he's got so many boys, I know he doesn't even think of me." There was a pause. "Oh, I'll submit so good, I'll do everything you tell me to. But can I ask one thing? Please Master Rory, something Roger's never done to me." Pause. "I really want to get fucked on my own bed. Silly, I know, but I keep seeing my Master fuck me, and then taking me to be his forever." Pause. "Oh, Master Rory, thank you! I'll be ready whenever you tell me to be." Pause "30 minutes? Yes, Master, I'll be naked and ready. Thank you Master, I'll be ever so grateful." The recording ended.

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