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Taking Elaine: Day 01

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She is kidnapped on the way to see her old roommate.
12.5k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 03/20/2011
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Elaine was all packed and ready to go. It was off to Las Vegas by plane, then off to some little ghost town in the middle of nowhere. She was going to meet Amanda there for a long weekend in the desert. She had a little shudder of pleasure in anticipation of seeing Amanda again and more than that of having lots of sex with her former roommate.

Elaine was 5'2" tall with a slim build, what some would call an Irish build. She had smallish but firm and perky breasts, long legs and a beautiful ass. Her eyes were big and blue, her hair was straight and dark blonde and fell to the middle of her back. There was a certain innocence and openness to her that made all men want to have her, but there was a barrier of shyness that many mistook for being stuck-up and kept them away.

Elaine and Amanda had met working at the Grand Canyon. Elaine was drifting in life at that point, she had lived in New York and Los Angeles but was looking for something new and different. Her career was in graphic design, she could still do that freelance while working full time as a clerk in the HR office at the Grand Canyon hotels. It was a nice place to spend some time until she figured out what she wanted to do next with her life.

She was assigned a one bedroom apartment and Amanda, who worked as a desk clerk in one of the lodges, was her roommate. Amanda was not uncommon of the young women roaming the West. She was athletic, she hiked, ran and did some work on river trips all of which gave her a muscular, fit build. She had an independent streak and a confident sense of self that could not but appeal to the introverted Elaine.

The most distinctive feature of Amanda was her hair. She had a huge head of curly red hair that never seemed to be under any control. When she was working she forced it out of her face with hair ties and clips, but as soon as these were off it sprang back into it's usual wildness.

The two hit it off immediately. Amanda seemed to be able to sense how to approach Elaine and slowly draw the shy woman out of her shell. Soon there was even an atmosphere of flirtatiousness between the two women, led as always by Amanda. They would brush against one another more than was really necessary. They would sit together on the couch to watch TV and inch closer to each other as the night went on. Elaine stopped going into the bathroom to change clothes and even enjoyed catching Amanda looking at her.

Amanda had revealed her bisexuality to Elaine early on. She had neither tried to seduce Elaine then nor had she disavowed any interest in her roommate either. She left it deliciously ambiguous and that added to the exciting tension between the two of them. Elaine liked the attention from her attractive roommate and Amanda was careful not to push things too far too fast.

It had been two years since Elaine's last boyfriend and her loneliness and sexual frustration had just become part of the background noise of her life. She had learned to ignore it, but with Amanda around she began to feel those needs again. Elaine had never been with a woman before in that way. She had enough trouble dealing with her own heterosexual needs that to think of expanding her problems to include women was too much. Still, she would be lying if she said she had never fantasized about it. She would also be lying if she said she was not attracted to Amanda.

It all came to a head on a Friday night. Elaine was off work at 5pm and after an easy dinner of soup and grilled cheese settled in to channel surf. She was in a pair of boxers and a ratty sweatshirt on the couch. She opened a bottle of wine and was on her third glass of wine when Amanda got home. The redhead smiled at her roommate, poured a glass of wine then went into the bedroom to change.

She emerged in only a white chemise and panties, a little unusual but it looked comfortable so Elaine did not think much of it. Amanda plopped down on the couch next to Elaine and they watched together for a while, occasionally engaging in small talk about the day's work. More often, though, they were silent. The tension was thicker in the air than usual. Feeling a little buzzed and less self conscious, Elaine swallowed hard and put her hand on Amanda's bare leg. She was surprised at how solid her roommate's muscles were.

Finally, Amanda simply leaned over and kissed Elaine. Elaine took a deep breath, let go of her inhibitions and plunged into it. They had sex for the first time on the couch that night and Elaine had the first orgasm of her life under the skilled fingers and mouth of her roommate.

Things progressed from there. Amanda always seemed to know where to take her shy lover. It was not long before she began to bring out the submissive side of Elaine. Amanda started to tie up Elaine and use a strap-on dildo with her. One night she "broke in" to their apartment, climbing in through the window and "raped" her struggling roommate. At Elaine's request they did that a few more times with some variations on it.

On a long weekend Amanda got her to agree to play slave, although with the condition that Amanda had to clean the apartment first. Elaine liked this, too, and it became part of their repertoire of games. Elaine liked being a slave, she liked being forced by her roommate and liked her submissiveness. It just seemed right.

The culmination had been when Amanda talked Elaine into going to a slave themed party in Las Vegas. Amanda was up front that there would be men there and these men would be having sex with Elaine, including multiple partners. Elaine was reluctant, but after Amanda assured her that everyone would be in masks so she could remain anonymous her objections began to soften and she finally agreed.

Amanda led her into the party cuffed and on a leash then passed her off to a group of men. They passed her around and all took turns on her. She thought that at least four guys had fucked her pussy and another three in her mouth. Elaine had multiple orgasms that night, the first orgasms she had had with a man. Afterwards she was sore but satisfied. She found herself on the verge of sexual fulfillment when things fell apart.

It had been nearly a year since Elaine had seen Amanda. Elaine had planned to leave the Canyon before the party and had moved to Prescott, AZ to do more freelance work. Amanda had tested positive for marijuana on a random drug test and had been fired. She gave a vague answer about going to explore and then left with a last long kiss.

Elaine found that when she and Amanda parted all of the passion and most of the fun had left her life. She still did not consider herself a lesbian, she had come to terms with being bisexual, but all things considered she preferred men to women. It was just that all of the satisfying sex had been either with Amanda, or in the case of the party, arranged by Amanda.

She was horny most of the time but frustrated. She had masturbated some, but while it was some relief it was not the same as being with another person. She missed the weight of another body on top of her, the feel of someone else's hands on her body. She had thought about going out and letting herself get picked up and fucked at some random bar. Once she had almost made it out the door, but she was too shy and too worried about wasting her time with disappointing sex.

So she had plunged into her work, doing four contracts at once to keep her busy. Always shy she did not really have any friends and she found she missed Amanda's conversation almost as much as her body. She had been working manically on her work and woke up one morning to realize that they were all completed and she had nothing to do.

Fortunately, that morning she got an e-mail from Amanda. Her ex-roommate and lover wanted to get together. She said something vague about road tripping to see some hot springs in the middle of Nevada. Amanda tended to be vague about lots of things, it annoyed Elaine but she had learned to trust the redhead. Elaine nearly cried in relief when she read the message and within minutes sent back a reply accepting and asking for more details.

Again, Amanda was vague. All she said was "don't pack too many clothes." Three days later a package arrived with the plane and bus tickets.

That had been a week ago. Elaine finished the final touches on her contracts. She had packed, unpacked, repacked, unpacked and repacked again. She was horny and managed to get some of the energy out by running, sometimes ten miles at a time. All the time she thought about fucking and getting fucked by Amanda. Her sexual energy was at a peak.

The night before she could barely sleep. The plane left at 7am and she was up at 2am, two hours before her alarm was set to go off. She took a long shower and checked out the wax job she got earlier. Her legs were silky smooth and her bush neatly trimmed, just the way Amanda liked it. She dressed in thong panties and a slight bra. Over that she wore a blue floral patterned sundress. It was one of her favorites and she knew Amanda would like it: it flattered her build and made for easy access.

Finally, in a haze of exhaustion and excitement she got in the taxi to the regional airport and boarded the plane to begin this adventure.

The plane was a puddle jumper, a little two engine prop job. It was filled with the usual sightseers and tourists headed for Vegas. A few of the men (and at least one of the women) checked her out. One old guy with a huge nose leered at her for most of the flight. She really didn't pay attention to him or anyone else, she was lost in her own world of wondering what came next and what it would be like to be with Amanda again.

They landed at a little airport on the outskirts of town. It was one of those 100 degree days of late summer, even in the morning the heat was oppressive.

She walked to where the bus would pick her up at a little station next door. The station was little more than an air conditioned box. There was one guy at the counter who looked at her ticket with raised eyebrows.

"Goldwash, huh? We don't make a lot of stops there. Hope someone is picking you up." After he turned away, he quietly made a phone call.

Elaine waited for a while, a quick trip to the dirty bathroom and a snack from the vending machine killed a few minutes. She walked to the window and looked out. Across the street a young man in his early 20s was gassing up his motorcycle. He was in jeans and a black t-shirt. She found herself imagining being taken by him, his hands roughly grabbing her breasts while he thrust into her wet mound. Her pussy began getting wet as she thought about it.

The bus pulled up. Like most things here, it looked like it had seen better days. It had a few dents, needed a new paint job and there was more than a little duct tape holding the seats together. The driver stepped out and lit a cigarette as he checked her ticket.

"Goldwash? Haven't stopped there in a month. Well, find a seat, we'll head out in a minute."

She climbed in and found one of the seats in better shape. She looked out the window at the gas station, but the guy on the motorcycle was gone. There were maybe another ten people on the bus. All of them checked her out but quickly went back to what they were doing.

The driver got back on and they headed northeast out of town. Now she started to think and wonder. At Goldwash her instructions ended. What was supposed to happen next?

Elaine fell asleep watching the desert roll by.

"Miss," someone was shaking her shoulder,"'scuse me miss, but this is your stop." It was the bus driver. The blast of liquor on his breath made her a little more eager to get off the bus.

At one time Goldwash was a town and people lived there. Those days were long gone. It was three blocks long and one wide. There was an old brick building that looked like it may have been a bank once, but the rest were wood. All were abandoned and most were boarded up. One old piece of shit Bronco parked down the street was the only car she saw once the bus pulled away. There was no Amanda. She was more than a little disappointed.

It was quiet, only the hot wind made any sound. She walked over to the shaded porch of a boarded up building and tried to figure out what to do next. She checked her phone, no reception. She had not given it a full charge so she switched it off to save her batteries. She looked around again for any sign of Amanda: nothing.

"Now what?" she said aloud.

The wind blew, Elaine looked around for a tumbleweed but found none.

Elaine started walking up the street, looking for anything worthwhile. All she found was some graffiti and lots of empty beer cans and broken liquor bottles. She stepped carefully around them. She went to the alley behind the buildings, lots of big open desert behind them that stretched into the distant mountains. Maybe Amanda was just running late, it would be nice to find a diner or someplace to wait out of the heat, but all the buildings were closed.

She started back towards the "main" street when she heard a whistle behind her.

She turned and saw three men coming out of one of the boarded up buildings. All three had the glassy eyed look of someone emerging from a three day bender. The wind shifted briefly and she caught a whiff of their odor. They reeked of old stale sweat and cheap liquor.

The biggest was about 6'4" with a huge gut and a dirty flannel shirt that was open to reveal a mass of grey curly chest hair. He had a patchy beard and yellow stained teeth. He wore a greasy baseball cap with the words "Cunt Fucker" in big letters. He would have been the least attractive man she had ever seen if it were not for the two men standing next him.

Dirty, smelly and gross: these two looked like twins dressed in ripped up jeans and shirts spotted with grease, blood and god only knew what else. They were maybe 5'8", but where the big guy had a big gut they were wiry and almost skeletal. One had a nose that looked like it had been broken a few times, he had short black hair. The other had a nose that looked like it had just been broken and a shaved head.

The one with a crew cut ducked back into the building and quickly came out with a length of rope. "Hot damn!" he yelled.

They were all walking towards her now. The one with the rope began to swing it back and forth.

"Hey, sweetie," the tall one yelled,"wanna have some fun?"

He spit a big loogie on the ground and grabbed his crotch.

"There are three of us, you got three places to fuck."

She started walking away from them, but to where? Maybe she could out run them, but for how long? Getting gang raped by these three disgusting men terrified her.

"C'mon, you got nowhere to go."

She looked back and one of the shorter ones blew her a kiss.

"We got all the time in the world."

She walked a little faster, trying to get back to the main road, maybe someone could help. Maybe Amanda would be there. She heard their pace quicken, too.

Where was Amanda?

She got back to where the bus had dropped her off and just then a motorcycle pulled up. It was the same one she had seen at the gas station in Las Vegas. He rode the bike over to her and offered her an arm. She gratefully climbed on the back.

He sped away, heading back towards Las Vegas. She looked and saw the three men cursing and yelling, but she couldn't hear them.

He drove fast. The noise of the engine and the wind made talking impossible. The wind ripped at her eyes so she wrapped her arms around his waist to hold on and buried her face in his back and waited.

She had no idea where they were going. She was not quite sure what to think, he had rescued her from those gross men back at Goldwash, but he did not seem ready to stop and let her off. She knew nothing about him, she had only seen him at the gas station in Las Vegas, and again at Goldwash. Was it a coincidence?

The feel of this young man in her arms was almost too much. She was so horny and wound up and here was a young, good looking man. The vibrations of the motorcycle were doing wonders for her already aroused crotch; her breasts rubbed against his back with every bump and her nipples were soon hard. She wasn't sure if she was embarrassed and hoped he did not notice or turned on and hoped he did.

She started to have some day dreams and fantasies about rewarding him for saving her. Maybe she could give him a quick kiss and if he wanted to take it farther, well, she wouldn't say no.

She knew it was a pipe dream. She did not have the courage to offer that first kiss. Besides, he was much younger than her and probably only interested in flighty young women his own age. Her body ached with need, she knew that even Amanda would not be able to completely satisfy her. She needed to be fucked by a man, to have a real cock inside her. All she could do was content herself by holding onto him and enjoy it while she could.

He drove a while more then turned off the main road. Although "main" was relative, she hadn't seen another car. This road was rougher and he slowed down a bit to dodge some of the bigger holes and ruts. Still, he didn't say anything. She wanted to tell him to stop or at least ask where they were going, but she did not know if he would hear her so did not try.

The thought had crossed her mind before that he was going to rape and/or kill her. They were in the middle of nowhere. They were going slower now so she could look around some, there were definitely no signs of other people. He could do anything he wanted to her and no one would be around to help her.

She was in a world of isolation. She couldn't see anything she recognized. Her whole world was the motorcycle and the man she held on to. She thought more about sex. Before Amanda her sex life had been unsatisfying. She lost her virginity when she was 22. It had been dull, she remembered thinking "wow, I'm having sex" and that was about it. She'd had a couple of boyfriends between 22 and 26, but they never really went anywhere. The problem was always the sex. They were attentive gentle lovers who tried to please her, but that wasn't what she wanted. They wanted to make love to her, she wanted a good hard fucking. None of them had been able to bring her to orgasm. The relationships followed the same pattern: she would start to withdraw during sex, becoming more and more passive, hoping that this would drive her boyfriends to be more angry or aggressive, instead it just drove them away. Finally, she just gave up.

For her 26th birthday her then boyfriend had taken her out to the most expensive restaurant around for dinner. He rented a big hotel suite and scattered rose petals on silk sheets before making love to her. He had gone down on her for 30 minutes (she knew, she was watching the clock), but she hadn't climaxed.

She had always been shy, painfully so at times. This translated to sex, too. She had trouble talking to people and in bed she had trouble telling her partners what she really wanted. What Amanda had done was take away her needing to ask or say anything. When she really thought about it, she realized that she didn't want a partner who would ask her and she didn't want a partner who would take no for an answer. The more she imagined him raping her, the more turned on she became and the more she rubbed against him. Something told her she should try to stop the motorcycle and get away, but she didn't and every minute carried her deeper into his power.

Elaine tried to guess how long they had been going when he finally stopped, she thought at least an hour on the old road. He had picked a beautiful spot for a rest. There were a couple of big cottonwoods for shade and an old cement picnic table. A sign proclaimed this as a WPA project from 1935.

He stopped the motorcycle and got off. He took her bag and set it on the table then reached to help her off.

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