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Taking the Plunge

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First time with another man.
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Brian had been curious for as long as he'd been aware of and readily accessed online porn. For the most part he'd come to figure it was fairly normal, almost like the curiosity about what sex would be like with a woman. There had to be a reason why guys seemed to enjoy having sex with each other and a reason as to why both men and women alike enjoyed giving head. Yet, there was that social barrier that kept him still from actually committing himself to trying it out.

It's not like he was against the idea, not in the least, instead it was like a magnet trying to pull him in. Temptation often found the better of him, luring him to chat rooms and adult advertisements where he would peruse the ads gazing longingly at the other men and many a time jealous of what he saw as people who had freed themselves from the shackles of Puritan society.

He had admitted to himself that he found cock's to be beautiful, long ones, short ones, thick or thin, and a rainbow of colors. About the only thing he didn't like was when they stuck out of a wildly untamed bush of fur, Brian kept his very closely trimmed and personally thought that was much more attractive. At least, it allowed him to admire the full length, each vein and bit of skin. Brian had even gone so far as to purchase a couple of toys for himself and had gotten to the point that routinely he used a plug, it just felt good. On rare occasion, usually when he was very horny, a bit drunk, or often both he'd take out of one of the dildo's and practice giving it head.

It wasn't like he couldn't get laid, in fact he had a steady girlfriend and had been quite open with her about his thoughts. For her credit, she was fairly open to the idea and often times dropped hints about strap-ons. Yet, there was something he couldn't quite get past and that was the thoughts that had been drummed in that being gay was somehow wrong. As he longingly gazed at a picture, Brian sighed heavily, agonizing over the choice.

Up from the desk he rose and began to walk towards the kitchen, pausing to look in a full body length mirror along the way. Brown eyes looked over the lean body, clad in just a pair of blue boxers. He'd been on the university swim team and while not able to keep up the level of workouts thanks to having to have a real job, Brian had been able to keep most of the pounds off. Just enough gained that he no longer sported a six pack but was still on the lean side. Attracting attention, from both sexes, generally proved to not be a problem and he'd had his fair share of girlfriends. Only, it just never seemed that he was able to get completely comfortably close with them at least not enough to share his secret. Inside he longed for a woman that he could trust to not go running for the hills should he mention his interest in men, perhaps to even be so generous as to use a toy on him. Once in a while he dabbled on BDSM sites but Brian wasn't so sure about becoming completely submissive to a woman in order to live out this fantasy. Submission just wasn't something he was completely keen on.

A sigh as he went on with his day, some days it felt like this craving was taking over his life. Brian was fairly sure he was closer to being bi, he still found women attractive but there was something about a throbbing hard cock that was impossible to resist. Household chores were done, not so much that they needed to be but that the distraction was desperately desired. Heck, he even went and mowed the lawn even though it was a couple of days before needing to be done. Yet nothing was taking his mind off of the topic at hand, there had been some days where it had stuck around but this was setting a new record. Almost reluctantly, as Brian hated the tease of it, he sat down at the computer and perused through local ads, most of which he recognized but there were always a few new ones.

Lips twisted to a smirk, as much as he enjoyed viewing pictures of other guy's hard members, it had just never settled quite right with him to use them as a profile picture. Don't ask why, he wasn't sure, it was just a pet peeve of his. Perhaps it was just that nagging voice in the back of his head that tried to tell him that he shouldn't be attracted to cock. Whatever the reason, he would have to admit that his own profile picture was his dick and there was no picture of his face available on the profile. "Damn hypocrite," he muttered to himself with a little smile. If Brian had to guess, it was the shame he felt at his interest in the same sex, someday he promised himself, he would be willing to admit it in public.

The pointer wandered across the screen as Brian scrolled through the profiles, occasionally pausing over a picture to read the blurb on the person. Over time he'd figured out about what he was looking for, more of a friend with benefits scenario, while he was open to the idea of eventually possibly having a relationship with another man he just wasn't ready to commit to one just yet. At the same time a onetime deal kind of repulsed him, both in that it would be only one time and that most of the guys he found looking for a one time meeting tended to be cheating on their wives. Brian had been in enough relationships with women to know that the phrase "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" was all too accurate and had no desire to deal with the repercussions of a cheating spouse.

After a bit, and all the profiles checked, the browser was turned towards an adult forum where he often chatted with other folks of the same mindset. The group tended to be pleasing to chat with, especially since it was a mix of men, women, and transgendered people who chatted about their various experiences. In all honesty there were a few guys on there he wouldn't have any issues with meeting, having gotten to know them so well over the previous year of being on the board. There were even a couple of guys that Brian suspected were somewhat close to him. How close though, he wasn't sure.

'Settlers Park' was the title of the private message that popped up on his screen. He blinked a few moments, wondering what the heck was going on, that was the name of a park only a few miles from his home. Well, it was the name of a number of parks he bet, perhaps just mistaken for one of the other ones or maybe someone recognized something from a post of his, damned nerves. Nah, couldn't be that he figured and clicked upon the message button.

Hey PittFan,

Saw your post about taking a walk through the park to celebrate Spring coming and realized that some of the sights you saw sounded really familiar. Would you be describing Settlers Park, the one in PA? I go there on occasion, it's about an hour away or so, nice place but more importantly I didn't realize you were so close! Well, guess you didn't either, but anyways nice to know someone with the same mindset isn't so far away. Maybe we should get together for a beer sometime?


Well, that was a bit of a surprise to him, as it would be to most folks he supposed at least not the ones actively seeking on the boards. His cock twitched a little bit and he felt a bit of spit form in his mouth, Matt had posted a picture before, from chest to knees. The man had a nice body, a bit of definition and a little hair on his chest. His cock, well, it wasn't the biggest by any means in fact it was probably a bit smaller than average maybe even five inches long, but it was a very nicely shaped cock, uncut, and important to this newcomer was that it wasn't an intimidating size. Granted Matt hadn't mentioned anything sexual in nature but the man had admitted on the boards to being quite interested as well so it might just pan out. With a deep breath, he hit the reply button:


Yes, that would be the park. That might be fun, I'm free on Saturdays and The Walkers Pub usually has decent drink specials until five if that sounds fine to you?


Yeah, it was short, he just wasn't sure what else to say really and his head was spinning a bit. In a way he felt like he did when he was a freshman in college amidst all the women all over again and yet, he didn't. It was an odd feeling, but very exciting to be sure and the rest of the day would be spent checking on the computer for a message back. It finally came just as he was getting ready for bed.


Walkers Pub would be fine, say around 2pm then? Lavender polo shirt and most likely the only person there who won't be popping their collar. Never did understand that trend. See you there!


Brian felt a little thrill course through his system, next weekend couldn't come fast enough, like anyone needed a reason to look forwards to the weekend. With a happy sigh, off to bed he wandered to wonder what the weekends adventure would bring him.

The week, as usual, went fairly slowly with the only exception being coming home and checking his messages on the forum. It turned out they both had gone to the same community college, just a few years apart. Matt had taken judo at the studio next to where Brian had spent afternoons surfing the internet and sipping coffee. Both shared a passion for fly fishing and hiking, Matt had done the Appalachian between Maryland and Massachusetts while Brian was well versed in the trails between the Great Lakes. All this only further excited Brian, at the least he might have someone to hit the trails with.

Saturday morning was spent doing his usual cleaning up of the house, it was always a bit amazing at how much one person could dirty up in a week. Music throbbed out of the speakers as he worked through the townhouse from top to bottom. Once the house was clean it was time to clean himself off of the sweat gained from running around. Up the stairs he went, pausing only to peer over the railing that lined the loft and look down at the living room. He just loved the airy feeling that the layout had, even though changing the lightbulbs in the light hanging out just beyond the loft area was a real chore. Thank goodness for LED bulbs, that's all he had to say.

Clothes were stripped off and thrown into the laundry basket alongside the master bathroom adjoining the loft bedroom. It had taken quite a bit of time to redo the bathroom, the previous owner had left it in 1970's fashion and he'd put in a lot of time learning how to tile and plumb the room. The rest of the townhouse hadn't been as in need of work, but the bathroom was the one thing he'd really focused on. Water knobs were turned and his favorite part of the room came alive, the shower was done up to have an almost waterfall effect. It had been something he'd always wanted after getting to experience one on a cabin retreat and each day he savored the feeling, nothing like it.

The air was a bit on the humid side and if it wasn't for the occasional breeze it would have been rather oppressive. Dark clouds not far off in the distance promised of evening storms to come but for now it was nice to walk through the park. He made a quick pace along the trail, hurrying towards the pub. The air was alive with the sound of jazz coming from a band housed in the gazebo at the center of the park. Inadvertently his pace shifted along with the beat of the music and he hummed along, thankful to have a bit of a distraction for his nerves.

Up the steps he went, loafers lightly tapping on the slate stairs and through oaken doors. A pause to look at his watch revealed he was quite early and a quick glance revealed no one matching Matt's description and photos so he made his way over to the bar and took a stool to wait, ordering an Elijah Craig bourbon with a splash of water to help pass the time.

As the clock ticked away and the liquor slowly disappeared Brian felt a bit of sinking feeling that perhaps his friend wasn't going to be coming. He'd been stood up before, as most guys had, but still it wasn't a great feeling in the least. Just as he was getting ready to give up a flash of lavender appeared amidst the growing crowd at the door. Once he got a glimpse of light brown, curly hair a sigh of relief slipped from his lips and his left hand was raised to try and catch Matt's attention.

Matt was a little late, he knew it mostly because he always ran a couple of minutes late wherever he went. No idea why, just one of those people he supposed, either way it seemed his luck was holding out when he spotted Brian still seated at the bar. A sigh of relief as he trotted over and flashed a smile, "Hey."

Brian returned the smile, "Hey yourself. Shall we get a table while the getting is good?" He nodded over at the growing line of patrons then rose up to go to the hostess stand. After a brief conversation he returned to the bar, "It will be a few minutes, care for a drink? I'll get this round." He ordered a Makers Mark Old Fashioned and waited to see what Matt ordered. A little grin cracked his lips as he noted the man ordering a whiskey sour with Crown.

Matt returned the grin, with today's ready supply of a variety of cocktails it was getting hard to find someone who had taken the time to learn to enjoy the taste of whiskey. The last time he met someone they were drinking a vodka soda, well that didn't last long as their personality seemed about as bland as the drink. Things were looking up.

The hostess came and tapped Brian on the shoulder then motioned towards an empty table. When he rose she spun about on her toes and stepped lightly to the table to wait for them to arrive. She gave them the standard greeting and their menus, then off to her stand. They both studied the menus while sipping their drinks, idly chatting away and waiting for their waiter.

The early dinner was a light affair for both, each seeming to try to avoid the greasy usual pub fare as if they both wanted to avoid having something heavy residing in their stomachs. Both also called it quits after two drinks as if their minds had both been made up. Brian kept track of this fairly closely, as his mind indeed had been made up so it was to no surprise that when he offered Matt a drink at his place the man accepted.

The walk through the park back to Brian's place was as equally brisk as the walk to the pub earlier, the only exception being that they were dodging puddles left behind from the rain earlier. He felt almost giddy with anticipation and nearly dropped the keys when they were pulled out. "Care for another drink," he asked after walking through then nodded at Matt's request for a beer. "Beer before liquor get sick quicker, liquor before beer never fear," he chuckled, going to the fridge to retrieve a pair of beers.

He took a seat on the couch next to Matt, handing him the beer and taking a sip of his, contemplating the next move. The outline of Matt's cock was visible against the khaki pants, it was obvious he was aroused and yet Brian was unsure of what to do next. A part of him, a very large part of him wanted to drop to his knees and finally taste another man's member and yet, that taboo resided as a nagging voice. For what felt like forever he mulled this over, then feeling like he was being rude his eyes raised to look at Matt's face.

Matt could feel the desire radiating off of Brian, he'd been there once before himself. So he bid his time, after all if Brian chickened out while the blue balls would not be pleasant the afternoon had been pleasant and perhaps they would remain friends. One look in Brian's eyes was all he needed, the lust was there, it just needed a nudge. "Go ahead, it's ok..." He smiled at the grin and watched his friend slide off the couch and to the floor.

The nod of Matt's head seemed to shut up the nagging voice, Brian let himself relax into the moment and sunk to his knees. Fingers were still a bit nervous and trembled a little as he reached for the zipper. Slowly he undid it, and followed with the belt and button. Fingers still trembling, they latched into the hem of Matt's pants and boxers, sliding them down slowly and helped when Matt rose up off his butt. The pubic hair came into view, neatly trimmed close, and was followed by the base of his cock. For a moment Brian paused, it was like he'd reached a mental line and once crossed there was no going back. He hesitated and then all of the desire, all of the late nights spent searching for the perfect first partner came rushing forth and with a surge of adrenaline he pulled the pants down hard, straight to Matt's ankles in one smooth motion.

For a couple of seconds Brian just started at the cock standing proudly before him, noting the veins pressed against the skin and the smooth head. His hand slid up Matt's thigh to allow fingers to encircle the shaft, then slowly begin to stroke it. Gently he played with the cock, almost gingerly in a disbelief he was actually doing this, he actually had another man's cock in his hand. Then reality began to sink in and he finally started to get serious about pleasing the man this cock was attached to.

Slowly his face got closer to the rigid member, tiny bit by tiny bit until he was close enough to touch the head with the tip of his tongue. Daringly he stuck out his tongue and caressed over his head, internally he laughed at himself as he tasted the other man but recalled what an old girlfriend had told him, how she equated it to sucking on her finger. In a lot of ways it was no different, at least the feeling in his mouth. The taste was a bit salty, presumably from a bit of sweat from trying to get to the bar on time, but he didn't find it unpleasant.

His lips wrapped around the head of Matt's cock and slowly he licked around the tip and applied a gentle suction, treating it like he would a large clit. Brian's hand continued to stroke the shaft, slowly adding speed to the movement, his fear of gripping too hard gone.

Matt watched, pleased at the scene before him and thrilled that the man had chosen him to be the first to penetrate his mouth. His fingers stroked through Brian's hair, encouraging him to continue. The other man wasn't without talent, crude may it be, but in time Brian might turn out to be a pretty good cocksucker. Until then, so long as the man wished, Matt would be more than willing to let him practice. A blink and slight wince, the first lesson would be about how to keep his teeth away from the sensitive flesh of another man's cock. While he was sure Brian knew not to scrape with teeth, he probably didn't know the tricks.

The time came all too soon as far as Matt was concerned, though he could tell that Brian's jaw was getting a little sore from being held open all of this time. He let Brian work him till it was almost too late, then grasped his hair with just enough force to pull back and spurt upon Brian's chin and throat. Fingers stroked through the man's hair for as long as he remained kneeled.

Brian stayed on the floor for a few extra moments, just taking in what had occurred, letting his brain process the information. As the realization sunk in all he really felt was tired, very tired as the adrenaline faded away. A little smile crossed his face, Brian was willing to bet that Matt was going to have to deal with the all too typical post-orgasm sleep need. He rose up and gestured towards the upstairs, "Shall we go somewhere more comfortable?" When Matt nodded, he led the way upstairs, stripping off his clothes and jumping into bed, curling up against Matt when he followed suit. It felt right, pressed up feeling the other mans muscular chest against his back. Eyes faded off to sleep, finally feeling the comfort he'd always sought after.

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Rwa4768Rwa4768over 6 years ago

That first time all kinds of thoughts go rushing through your head but it is something you will remember for a long time. I enjoyed the story and hope you will write more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
where is that park?

I also have dreamed of the moment when a man's cock would be inches from my mouth. my lips first getting precum on them me taking the shaft and slowly coating my lips, feeling my lips psrt and that hot hard object slide across my tongue, it's head filling my mouth then he starts to feed me more of his throbing 9 inches. I ever so gently i keep my hands playing, squeezing his balls. I then take his hands and guide them to my head so he can start thrusting at will. I want to be face fucked deep. I want to give pleasure knowing that I will be so pleased. then I'd get him to lay back so I can ride his cock with my mouth. when he is ready I will take his sperm all over my face. I hope it happens soon. with many repeats.

northern54northern54about 11 years ago
very good read

this has been a fantasy of mine. would like to see it fulfilled someday.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Very nice story.

Very well written, just as I hope my experience will be. I have been curious for a good while, but afraid to take that so important first step. This has encouraged me to give it a try. Now just have to find the man who feels just right.

Thanks for a very good story. Can't wait to read more.

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