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T&T. Ch. 01

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My girlfriend went on a trip with another guy.
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I still can't believe it. Taylor agreed to go out with me!

It's not that I am a bad catch - I am 6'1", 190lbs of primarily muscles. I was told before that I was quite handsome. And I was doing excellent in school. But Taylor was the alfa female in school! At 5'7", 122lbs, long blond hair and B cup tits she was the prettiest and led the cheerleading team. Yes, she could be nasty when in a bad mood or hated somebody, but... she chose me!

Both of us were slightly over 18, high school seniors, and preparing for college. I was accepted to three colleges, including Harvard. Taylor got into the Pratt Institute in New York.

Happy that both got into good schools, we tried to enjoy our new relationship the last few months remaining in high school. We saw all the recommended movies, checked Boston's best restaurants, danced in bars, and had as much sex as possible. When we started going out, she wasn't a virgin, and I never bothered asking her how many guys she slept with before me.

In bed, Taylor was insatiable. Initially, her intense sex drive was terrific. I was proud to have sex with the most attractive girl in school. We did it in the school bathroom, a nearby park, or my room. I never told my parents what we were doing behind closed doors, but Taylor was very vocal when she reached her climax... They must have heard her.

She invited me to her house after a month of dating her. By then, I knew that her father did not live with them. Taylor lived with her mother, who, she told me, worked as an accountant.

On a Saturday afternoon, I dressed nicely, trying to impress my girlfriend's mother. I brought a bouquet of red and yellow roses and knocked on the door.

Taylor opened the door, "Pretty flowers. Are these for me?"

I smiled, "Not really. These are for your mom, but if you like flowers, I'll bring you a nice bouquet next time I come here."

She smirked, "I see, so you are trying to impress my mother..."

"Is it a bad thing?"

"No. It is a great idea because nobody has brought her flowers in a long time."

We entered the living room, and her mother showed up to greet me. She was shorter than Taylor, around 5'5", 130lbs. She had shoulder-length brownish hair and a cute face. She was more curvaceous than her daughter and wore a long robe.

She smiled charmingly and extended her hand, "Hi, my name is Tania, and I am the brat's mother. Please to meet you."

I handed her the flowers, "Ma'am, you look too young to be her mother. Is she really yours, or was she adopted?"

Tania and Taylor laughed, and the mother said, "Young man, from what Taylor told me, you guys are already doing the bed thing, so you don't need to impress me. She is already yours. My approval never mattered to her in the past."

Taylor blurted, "Mom!..."

Tania chuckled, "That's OK, honey. If he doesn't know it yet, he'll soon find you do whatever you want. I am here to help you, keep you company when you are lonely, and do the house chores..."

Taylor had a strange look and pulled me to her room, "Mom lived many years without anybody else but me around. My dad left her four years ago. He took with him his bimbo secretary and moved to California. He sends money monthly and calls me on birthdays, but we haven't seen him in years. After it happened, she was devastated and bitter and vowed never to trust a man again. As you've noticed, she is very sarcastic these days."

"I understand. I hope she'll start trusting me once she knows me better."

She sighed, "I hope so. So far, she refused to meet other men. Twice I tried to persuade her to go on one of the online sites, but she refused and said that one failed marriage was enough for her. I'll never forget her statement, 'I have a good job, enough money, and a fantastic vibrator. Why do I need another man in the house?' But enough about Mom. Do you want to watch a movie or fuck?"

"Taylor, during sex, you are very noisy. Don't you think your mother will hear us and throw me out the window?"

She laughed, "Mother knows that we have sex. I did it in my room with two other guys before. Afterward, she gave me 'a look' but never complained."

"Still, don't you think that a person devoid of real sex life suffers hearing others enjoying it?!..."

"Trevor, you are boring me. Are you insinuating that if Mom chooses not to have a relationship with another man, I won't get to have sex in this house?!..."

"I don't know. I mean... if you were quieter, maybe."

"Well, mister, I want to enjoy sex to the fullest. If I have to think of being quiet, I won't be able to enjoy much..."

"Taylor, what do YOU want to do now?"

"I want you to fuck me hard. And if I am going to be too vocal, be it. Perhaps it will convince Mom to start dating again and find a real man to give her the sexual bliss she deserves."

It sounded like a rationalization to justify Taylor's craving for sex, but I didn't want to argue with her. Remembering her fantastic body was multi-orgasmic was enough to accept her suggestion.

We undressed quickly, hungry for each other's bodies. Her perky tits looked as tempting as ever. I latched onto one, sucking on her hard nipple, hoping to be rewarded with milk one day. Her hand found my stiff pecker and bobbed on it fast, trying to make me insert it into her always-hungry cunt. I obeyed. I knelt between her perfect thighs and shoved my cock deep inside her tight cunt. She started screaming. I bent forward, covered her luscious lips with mine, and invaded her hot mouth with my tongue. It muffled her screams slightly, but I was sure that her cries could still be heard all the way to the nearby Target store. I did not doubt that her mother knew we were having wild sex, unless she suspected I attempted to murder her daughter. But Tania did not say or do anything to interrupt us. I erupted deep in her pussy when Taylor had her third orgasm. She must have felt me cumming because her cries became even louder, and her body shivered like a leaf in a strong wind!

When it was time for me to leave, we saw Tania sitting in the living room.

She glanced at me, "Trevor, often I feel lonely, and the house is too quiet. I guess I'll have to deal with the opposite issue from now on. Do you know where I can find a pair of noise-canceling earphones?"

I blushed, "Tania, I am sorry for the noise. We tried to be quieter, but we weren't successful."

"Oh, don't worry about me. After I bribe the neighbors and show them my daughter is still alive, they might be nice and not call the police..."

"Ma'am, I tried to tell Taylor not to do it in your home, but she insisted..."

"Young man, I believe you. But she was never that loud with her former boyfriends. Are you a sex god?!...

I laughed, "Tania, it was nice meeting you."

She mumbled grumpily, "Trevor, sometimes I am crabby. Please don't take it too seriously. Come visit us whenever you feel like it."


After our encounter, I visited Taylor a few more times. Tania was always home dressed in a long robe. She was either busy in the kitchen or watching TV. Each time we were in her room, Taylor jumped on me and insisted he had sex. Twice I begged her to reconsider since her mother was outside the door but to no avail. It felt like she was proud of having wild sex a couple of feet from her mom, letting her hear her scream...

I was holding back as much as I could, doing everything slowly and gently, but Taylor had none of it, and she cried for me to fuck her harder and faster.

Tania never again confronted me with remarks about our sexual escapades. However, she stared at me each time we left the room until I was gone.

One day a new guy joined our class. He was darker than most of us and had a mild Arabic accent. I didn't pay much attention to him, but I noticed many girls went gaga over him. He was tall, lean, good-looking, and was always dressed in a suit and a tie. In one of the breaks, I saw Taylor talking to him. They stood close together, whispering and giggling. I wasn't sure what to make of it.

The same evening I asked Taylor about the new student. She blushed, "He is the first son of one of the richest people in the United Arab Emirates. He will be here until we finish, and then he'll attend Columbia University."

"You looked very enthusiastic talking to him. What did you guys discuss?"

She looked into my eyes, "Trevor, are you jealous? Let me be straight with you. You are a nice guy, and I like being with you. But we are not married, and I never promised exclusivity. Is it clear?"

My question was innocent. But Taylor's answer shocked me to the core!

"Are you saying that you may go out with him?"

"Trevor, I'd hate to hurt you, but I might. Try to be in my shoes. He is extremely attractive, rich beyond my wildest dreams, and invited me to go with him for a couple of weeks to any destination I wanted, from Florida to Japan to Chile... And remember that once we finish high school, you stay in Boston, and I enroll in a New York school. As I said before, he will be in New York too."

"So you have no feelings for me? Everything we enjoyed together will be soon forgotten?"

"No dummy. I like you a lot. I want us to continue seeing each other. But shortly, I plan to give him a positive answer. This is my best chance of going abroad. I am debating whether Spain or Italy. Which one would you go to if you were me?"

I was so upset that I didn't bother answering. I left her.

An hour later, she called me, "Trevor, I understand that right now you hate me, but Salim and I haven't done anything yet. I think both of us can still have fun together for several weeks. He'll wait for me. I know it... What do you say?"

"Taylor, right now, I think that you are heartless. I love you, and you treat me like a friend with benefits. I'll continue seeing you, but I am deeply hurt."

"Trevor dear, come to my house tomorrow evening, and I'll make it up to you..."


The following day during a break at school, I saw Taylor and Salim conferring in secret in one of the corners. He put his hand on her shoulder, and both seemed happy together.

Late afternoon I went to Taylor's house. Tania opened the door and told me that Taylor was taking a shower. She smirked, "Can you wait for her to get out, or you rather join her in the bathroom?"

I glanced at her, "Tania, I promise you, we'll be much quieter this evening."

She chortled, "I appreciate your good intention, but the noise comes from Taylor..."

I smiled and didn't respond.

The calendar on the fridge had a big colored X on the 27th.

"Tania, what does the X mean?"

"Oh, it's my 40th birthday. Taylor marked it months ago."

"Congratulations. You look much younger than 40. I hope to attend your celebration."

"Trevor, as I said before. You are always invited to our house."

Taylor came out of the bathroom with a short robe and a towel around her wet hair, "Trevor, I thought you'd be later. Let's go to my room."

We barely crossed the door frame, and Taylor was naked, "Trevor, honey. I was a bitch. I was right to tell you my plan, but I could have done it nicer. How can I repay you?"

I opened my zipper and pointed to my cock.

She grinned, "I like it. You'll get hard soon, and then fuck the hell out of me! Great..."

I stayed silent.

She knelt on the carpet, and her palm caressed my sac. Her lips kissed the corona, and wrapped around my growing penis shortly after. I tweaked her nipple, and she moaned. I leaned forward and was able to reach down to her cunt. Her juices were dripping on the nice rug. Taylor spread her legs, and I fingered her pussy with two fingers. Her moans increased. Most of my cock was now inside her pretty mouth, and she blew me rapidly. I sensed my climax was on the way. I put both my hands behind her head and started fucking her face, gradually inserting it deeper until her chin touched my sac. She tried to milk me without gagging, looking straight at my face. I winked at her and, without warning, ejaculated in her throat rope after rope. She gagged and tried to back off, but I didn't let her. She pushed my tummy, but I resisted, forcing her to swallow my cum fast. Only when I was done and realized that she was about to choke I freed her head. She fell on the carpet with her eyes shut, gasping for air. I zipped my pants and sat down, waiting for her to recover.

Moments later, she opened her eyes and gave me a hint of a smile, "I thought you were going to kill me. And now it's my turn to have fun."

I stood up, "Not really. I need to go now. I promised a girl to call her in 15 minutes. But thank you for the fantastic oral service."

Her face became red beet, "You jerk! You used my mouth as a cum bucket without regard for MY pleasure!"

"Sorry, dear. I gave my word to your mother that today we'll be quieter, and as you see, I keep my word. You can call Salim; he may be available to satisfy your needs..."

I exited the room and saw Tania watching TV, "Tania, As you see, I kept my word. Don't be surprised if Taylor never wants to see me again."

She gazed at me but didn't say a word.


In the following days, Taylor and I did not talk to each other. Twice I saw Salim and Taylor chatting. And then I heard from a friend that Taylor and Salim leave on the 24th to go to Europe for a few weeks. I was surprised. It was in the middle of the school year, and essential examinations were fast approaching. And what about Tania's 40th birthday?..."

A day before she was leaving, Taylor came to me, "Trevor, I do not hate you. In retrospect, I think I deserved what you did to me, but it's over between us, and I go with Salim. Please call my mom now and then. She will be very lonely without me, and you are the only one she likes..."

"I'll think about it."


On the 26th, a day before her birthday, I phoned Tania, "Hi Tania. How are you doing?"

"Sitting on my butt watching TV. Interested?"

"I prefer something else. Taylor is away, and tomorrow is your big birthday. Let's go out and celebrate like two carefree kids."

"Trevor, are you nuts? First, I haven't been out to celebrate in years, and I need to remember how to behave outdoors. Second, why do you want to waste your time with a crabby old maid? We both know that somebody like you can have most girls your age."

"Tania, it's your birthday. Taylor asked me to check on you regularly. But the idea of taking you out is mine. You deserve to see the colorful flowers and yellow sun once in a blue moon, and I'll be proud to go out with you."

"Trevor, you are a good man. I appreciate what you are trying to do for me, but I do not need your pity."

"Tania, I do not accept your rejection. I have already made a reservation for dinner at 6:30 pm in a good restaurant. I'll be at your house at 6:00. If you decline my invitation, I'll be disappointed. So, please!..." And I hung up the phone.

I showered, shaved, and dressed nicely in clean pants, a new white shirt, and a jacket I hadn't worn in years. I even had mint in my mouth...

Somebody opened the door for me. It couldn't be! The woman leaning on the door frame didn't look like Tania in a million years! It was my first time seeing her in an evening dress, high heels, earrings, a touch of makeup, and lipstick.

My mouth was open when she grinned and commented, "Are you trying to talk or swallow a fly?..."

"Tania, you are gorgeous... You look amazing! And it's not a compliment. Your face is pretty, and you have a body of a goddess..."

She blushed, "Trevor, one compliment is enough. Since I bought this dress, a hundred years ago, I gained a few pounds, so it's too tight, but I didn't have anything else that would look reasonable for a respectable restaurant."

My eyes explored her voluptuous body unabashedly, "Tania, your age is completely irrelevant. You look very sexy. I bet you that in the restaurant, every man will ogle you and be jealous of me. Women, of course, will hate you..."

"Stop talking about me. You look very handsome yourself. I wish I were younger by 20 or 30 years..."

I took her hand in mine, "I repeat, biological age is unimportant."

I went to my old car, opened her side door, and helped her inside. Then I moved to my side and drove to the restaurant. Now and then, I was peeking at her legs. The short dress reached 2" above her knees, exposing shapely thighs and calves.

Our table was ready. It was in a relatively dark corner. As I predicted, several men were watching her every step. I agreed with them wholeheartedly - The high heels shoes made her round butt sway sexily from side to side...

We sat down. I watched her face. She had an expression I hadn't seen on her before. It was calm, relaxed, and devoid of her usual sarcastic smirk. She looked very pretty!

"Trevor, stop gazing at me. You are embarrassing me..."

"Ma'am, it is difficult. You look stunning! Where have you been all this time?!..."

"Will you please call the waiter to bring us white wine? I cannot stand your puppy eyes. The wine may help both of us."

When the waiter arrived, I ordered a good Italian white wine and asked him to remind the manager that Trevor was already at the table. Neither the waiter nor Tania understood what I was trying to say, but it was OK.

Tania selected from the menu Italian salad and cheese ravioli. I chose minestrone and Vitello Tonnato. The wine came immediately after we ordered our meal. Tania sipped slowly but continuously until her glass was empty. We talked about Taylor. Her growing up without a father, becoming spoiled, and then her new relationship with Salim. Tania said that she suggested to Taylor to reconsider her relationship with him. He could be a nice man, but she knew nothing about his life, customs, and behavior outside her comfort zone. As expected, Taylor insisted that she knew what she was doing and went with him on a long trip to Europe. Tania laughed that it was partially because of me. Initially, Taylor thought of going on a journey with Salim when school was over, but with me out of the picture, she felt that this travel would be 'helpful to her distraught mind.'

By the time the main dish was served, Tania's cheeks had looked reddish, and her talk seemed 'looser.' She appeared more relaxed and talked freely about intimate subjects in her life I never knew - Her childhood, the happy first year of marriage, the fun sex life in the early years, her devastation when her husband ran with his young assistant.

I asked her if the sexual encounters I used to have with Taylor bothered her. She gave me a long look, "The first time it happened, I wasn't sure what was happening and was worried. But I realized that Taylor loved to make loud noises when she was cumming. Later on, your activities reminded me of me and my husband when we were young. We couldn't stop playing in bed. The only difference was that I was never a screamer. I missed these times and masturbated many nights after hearing you..."

She stopped talking and glanced at me. I smiled at her.

We heard a noise from the kitchen door, and a group of restaurant employees approached us. They brought a chocolate cake with a candle on top and a small bottle of Champagne. They sang 'Happy Birthday to Tania' and surrounded us, taking pictures with my phone. I sat by her side and hugged her shoulder, and her head leaned on my chest. She had tears and whispered to me, "Thank you. I was nasty to you, and you are so good to me..." I kissed her cheek.

I drove to Tania's house and helped her out of the car. When she bent her body to exit the car, I ogled her generous cleavage again. She noticed it and commented, "Trevor, I gained weight, mostly in my chest. Now I look like an average cow."

"Your cleavage looks fantastic. And if you think of yourself as a cow, can I have some milk?!..."

She laughed, "You are naughty, but we had too much alcohol, so it's OK. Thank you again for a lovely birthday celebration."


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