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Tangled Passions Pt. 02 Ch. 20-22

Story Info
Jenn eagerly follows Lisa deeper into sensuality.
9.7k words

Part 7 of the 13 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 11/09/2003
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Jenn laid, eyes closed, thinking of nothing, basking in the ripples of sensation caused by Lisa's fingers and tongue; motionless, except for the occasional tremor through her loins. She hadn't let Lisa know that she was awake yet. Passively accepting the caresses, she could feel her body rev up. There was a raw intensity to it – an impatience. Still, she remained unmoving as waves of electric stimulation echoed about her insides, lighting up her nipples and her clit. As she silently reveled in it, she attempted to objectively define her feelings.

Passion is an intensity or vividness that colours any response. Pastel emotions are pointless. Love – or lust – must be vibrant. A colourless life – life without passion becomes lifeless. Passion in Jenn's life was abruptly increasing – becoming so very colourful, vivid and alive, perhaps more so than it ever had. Pallid backgrounds were suddenly overwhelmed by bright colour – bright colours. The glorious multi-hued days and nights were dazzling, at times even blinding. And every new experience added its pigment to her pallet. Her world was rapidly becoming hypercoloured.

One morning, while shopping together in the bustling crowds of Chinatown, Lisa picked up from a display a boxed pair of Oriental Health Balls. She opened the box to show Jenn the polished metal spheres, about an inch and a quarter in diameter. "Look at these, will ya? Mmmmm, delicious, eh?" They were like large Ben-Wa balls, without the securing string, with tinkling weights that moved inside, giving them an almost life-like character.

Jenn wasn't quite sure what was being implied so she just smiled, "Curious," and went on, moving about the store, looking and looking – and wondering. Despite living her whole life in Vancouver, she hadn't actually wandered or window-shopped in this very ethnic, very alien part of town until her recent bicycle explorations, and had never been there with a companion. It was fun to be able to point out strange items to Lisa; to wonder aloud about their use, and giggle.

After cruising a number of shops and boutiques, they finally stopped at a tea shop and took a small table near the wall. Side by side they sat, watching the crush of pedestrian traffic flow and ebb past the window. Lisa had, surreptitiously, purchased the Health Balls, and now manipulated them in her hand – their chimes ringing softly as they moved. "It's supposed to be relaxing,” she explained, a hint of mystery in her voice, “but you're not supposed to let them touch." Jenn watched, fascinated, as the two spheres chased each other around Lisa's palm, occasionally bumping together with a click. With chimes like harmony bells, their two tones represented the Yin and the Yang – one low and one high.

After being served the pale aromatic Chinese tea, Lisa waited until Jenn raised the cup to her lips then abruptly reached under the table and, with a sort of sleight-of-hand, pushed aside the wispy crotch of Jenn's panties, swiftly introducing one of the metal balls into Jenn's vagina. Lisa watched in quiet appreciation as Jenn's face registered its complete surprise; cheeks suddenly flushed, eyes wide, Jenn struggled to swallow as she quickly replaced the cup on its saucer and allowed a gasped breath to escape. The hard orb, warmed slightly by Lisa's hands, suddenly the centre of her universe, sat heavily within her moist pouch. Leaning over to whisper in her ear, Lisa smiled, "Hang on." Then she sat back and incongruously exclaimed, "Will you look at this?"

She had laid out the notes from inside the Health Balls box in the middle of the tablecloth and, with her hand on Jenn's arm, raised Jenn to standing, beside her, elbows on the table, leaning forward, ostensibly to get a closer look at the pamphlet. Lisa's hand crept up the inside of Jenn's thighs to pry apart her cheeks and poke at her anus. Dropping away again, she took the other ball, casually swirling it first in her mouth, and pressed it up beneath Jenn's dress, pushing it firmly against her sphincter. Jenn's wide eyes filled with tears as she looked up in further surprise. Small sounds escaped her lips, and she dropped her face into her hands, trying to control her gasping breath. "Relax, Relax," Lisa intoned. It was a difficult task, forcing the large ball into her ass inconspicuously in broad daylight, but in looking around Lisa was satisfied that they had drawn no one's attention with their behaviour. Finally, with a quiet squelch, the shiny globe disappeared into Jenn's rectum, nestling into the moist, soft tissue there.

Lisa pulled Jenn back to her seat. They finished their tea in silence, Jenn's mind in tumbled disorder at the turn of events. "The one in the back will make it easier to hold onto the one in front, and the front ball will keep the back one from getting lost," Lisa casually explained, punctuating the remark with a lewd wink. Then she paid for their tea, and, taking Jenn by the arm, headed out onto the street to finish up the morning cruising the exotic shops. Jenn was, of course, rather preoccupied with the hanging weights within her, with their movement, with their collisions through her tough channel walls. She worried that she was walking conspicuously. Could anyone else hear the muted chimes emanating from beneath her dress as she walked? Notwithstanding, she gradually became aware of the growing glow holding the balls were beginning to produce. The concentration and focus of continuously grasping the balls was stimulating. Her consternation began to evaporate before the rising heat of arousal generating within her crotch and spreading like quiet fire to the pit of her stomach.

Eventually, as they walked, Jenn regained a semblance of composure – enough that she was able to complain to Lisa, albeit mildly, “Why do you take such great delight in embarrassing me?”

Patting her on the arm, Lisa responded softly, “I’m only trying to help you, my dear, overcome the silly impediment of modesty.” They walked a little further in silence before she continued. "Modesty," she declared, "is a prison – a chain. It is a moral restraint imposed by society. There is no need for modesty between us. We should liberate ourselves from the need for it – while we still have the freedom to do so."

Jenn accepted Lisa's argument even if she didn't totally agree and she wondered what exactly Lisa had meant by the last part – the freedom remark. Something about how Lisa had said it gave Jenn a chilling sense of foreboding.

Jenn had already climaxed by the time they got home. She did so again when Lisa asked her to return the balls, and thanked her for holding them.

Another morning, following another of Jenn's increasingly frequent overnight stays, Jenn groggily awoke just as Lisa had climbed up over her and slowly, without any warm-up or foreplay, lowered herself onto Jenn's face. Jenn's tongue began to stroke the offered flesh automatically and Lisa was quickly squirming and settling herself onto it. Jenn felt Lisa reach for something and slowly realized what the muffled sounds signified. Lisa was using the phone – using the phone while Jenn continued to lap at her juices, sucking, prodding and licking her into arousal. After a short while, Jenn felt Lisa lean forward to replace the phone, then, without actually removing her cunt from contact with Jenn’s mouth, Lisa turned herself around and attacked Jenn's own moistened box. The ensuing soixante-neuf was fierce and engaging.

Jenn was surprised when, as she felt her orgasm approaching, Lisa suddenly pulled back. But it was only a moment before Jenn, still trapped beneath Lisa's open sex, felt, to her amazement, another mouth fix itself to her quim. Lisa sat back for a bit, her full weight on Jenn's face, her hands busy at Jenn's breasts, while the anonymous mouth lapped Jenn's juices until she tumbled over the edge into orgasm. As she descended from pinnacle, Jenn redoubled her own lingual efforts and successfully brought Lisa to a peak, but while Lisa shimmied and buck against Jenn’s bruised lips, the mouth at her sex moved up and whoever it was straddled her chest facing Lisa. Lisa's hands left Jenn, who could only imagine what was happening as both the bodies on top of her began to squirm. Yet another pair of lips molded themselves to Jenn's dripping slit, while someone else began kissing and tonguing her navel and nosing against the other’s backside, trying to reach Jenn's nipples as they poked out from under it. The bush of the first stranger – now riding Jenn's chest – squeezed up against Lisa's, jiggling and wiggling, catching the edge of Jenn's sweeping tongue. Lisa gradually backed off Jenn's mouth and was totally replaced by the stranger. The vortex of arousal and confusion left Jenn virtually insensible. Her sucking lips and lapping tongue persisted automatically. Her hands seized and caressed whatever they happened upon, while her thighs tensed and relaxed, opened and closed, rose and fell.

The intense intercourse went on for what seemed like hours, yet Jenn had been, apparently by design, almost completely passive. Others moved onto her and off of her with such frequency that she quickly lost track of how many other people there were; but in the end it was again Lisa alone sitting on her face – Jenn recognized her feel and scent. She could hear voices – quiet and subdued – indistinctly. She hadn't the energy to listen. At last all was silent. Lisa rocked almost imperceptibly over Jenn's nose and tongue. When she finally dismounted, Jenn found the apartment empty, except for the two of them.

"Who were those people?" she queried meekly, her energy completely dissipated.

"Oh, just some friends," Lisa answered casually as she disappeared out of the room. Jenn could hear the bath running as Lisa returned, continuing, "You'll probably meet them again sometime," adding with a snicker, "Maybe next time I'll introduce you." As she pulled Jenn to her feet and steered her into the bathroom, Jenn could think of nothing to say.


Jenn sat, mesmerized by the changing colour scenes on the bedroom television. Lisa occasionally showed blue movies; sometimes as visual stimulation; sometimes as a respite, as they caught their breaths between bouts of lovemaking; and sometimes – as at this time – just because. Jenn lay limply on the bed next to Lisa. Initially, they were all commercial films – that terribly acted, close-up cum-shot type of thing. Jenn never noticed any story line, if there actually, occasionally, was one; often, she wasn't even conscious of any particular scenes, she just pointed her eyes at the screen and let fleshy images and lewd sounds wash over her, as her mind revisited memories both distant and near. Jenn and Matt had watched a few adult videos years ago; mostly it had been for amusement.

How strange, Jenn mused, that she rarely thought of Matt anymore; yet whenever she did, she felt a lonely melancholy spread through her. She still missed him terribly, in a fundamental sort of way, though she felt she was probably a very different person from the woman he had left.

Lisa's choices of videos tended, not surprisingly, toward the lesbian and bisexual side of the spectrum – lots of group sex. And in the relatively short but incredibly fast history of their affair, Lisa had begun showing films that, while raunchier, had the look of home movies. In one of them a woman prisoner was brought into what looked like an execution chamber, but instead of a regular electric chair, she was strapped down into a modified massage chair, complete with vibrating dildos and clit massager. She was made to endure repeated orgasms until she was completely exhausted. Jenn always wondered how much of it was real. How many orgasms would the chair have given her? How many could she have stood?

Despite the fact that some of those porn flicks were ridiculously silly and farcical – like a semi-nude bicycle courier pounding up a hill with a large dildo instead of a seat – the scenes and sounds of sexual stimulation, albeit simulated, worked their way under her skin, to settle in strange feelings in the pit of her abdomen. Although they didn't always arouse her exactly, they invariably affected her and often disturbed her, setting off unidentified sensations that ricocheted about her psyche.

Some of the films had titles; some did not. And, much to Jenn's surprise, some of the more amateurish videos included Lisa in small but active roles – although, requiring no real acting, they were much more parts than roles. "It was just for a lark," Lisa explained, off-handedly. "It was actually a real blast."

"Didn't you worry about contracting something?"

"Yeah, well, when they call your number, you've got to go, eh?" Lisa's bright blue eyes turned to Jenn, whose mouth pursed in serious thought.


"How many people get killed crossing the streets? Innocent families – bang – head-on – wiped out while faultlessly driving down the highway. There are crazy people with guns, unavoidable dreaded disease, household accidents – a lot of people die at home. I figure if I don't have fun now, tomorrow may be too late. When you're dead, you're dead, and we're all gonna die. There's no point in putting off – postponing – your pleasure, because when your time is up, that's it."

"As true as that may be," Jenn remarked quietly, "don't you find it – such stark fatalism – incredibly depressing?"

"Oh, I'm not really so much of a fatalist. I don't think about the end, I just think about now. I'm a hedonist. Like they used to say," Lisa suddenly nuzzled her face into Jenn's soft, round breasts, before looking up from them and concluding philosophically, "If it feels good, do it." So they did.

Under the relentless onslaught of Lisa's unremitting hedonism, Jenn's already beleaguered sense of propriety was battered daily – heaped with bewildering, prurient experiences – always novel, always wickedly imaginative.

Just as they were about to leave a Mexican restaurant one day, Lisa dipped her fingers into the hot salsa. Surreptitiously, she sought out Jenn's already bare sex under the table, and gently spread it over Jenn's labia, giving a bit of special attention to her clitoris. Jenn's eyes grew wide with surprise, but Lisa just smiled and helped her to her feet. Arm in arm they walked out of the restaurant. Jenn's genitalia were tingling with the onset of a slow burn as she allowed herself to be led onto the street; her wide eyes focused on some indeterminate distance. The irritation was becoming intolerable but as she tried to inconspicuously flex her thighs to relieve it, she could feel the early signals of orgasm pulling at her innards. Before they had completed their short walk home, Jenn had to stop and grip Lisa's arm firmly as the luxuriant waves of sensation overcame her.

"Anything wrong?" Lisa inquired with a smirk.

Jenn's simple, “No,” in reply was barely audible above her rasping, gasping breath.

Having stopped at Jenn's place for a coffee one afternoon, Lisa casually mentioned a meeting of the 'Libertine Ladies' that night at her own apartment. "You'll come," she said as a statement more than a question. "You've already met some of them," she chuckled, giving Jenn a wink. "I'll introduce you, this time."

Jenn went a little pale. Were things suddenly accelerating out of control? She had seen and done so much in the past little while. She was in danger of being completely overwhelmed but didn't know what to do. She felt like a small boat, watching the weather and waves build all about her, threatening to swamp her. She wanted to complain, "I'm not ready for anything else, just yet," but she couldn't quite voice it.

Lisa saw the apprehension in Jenn's eyes and gently reassured her. "Don't worry," she said patting Jenn's thigh, "It won't be an orgy. It'll be more like a cocktail party; comparing notes; generally visiting. We don't have to have sex, you know. We don't always." Nonetheless, as evening approached Lisa told Jenn that the girls were all looking forward to meeting her properly and that she would be expected to greet them all at the door, sort of like a one woman reception line. Then Lisa gave Jenn the open crotch panties, half-cup bra and stay-up stockings that she needed to wear. When Jenn tried feebly to protest, Lisa waved her off. "Everyone wants to welcome you into the fold. It's only 'proper'."

So, later that evening, as soon as the first guest buzzed up from outside, Jenn was positioned in the entry foyer, back slightly from the door. Her job, Lisa said, was to simply greet every guest appropriately.

"What do you mean 'appropriately'?" Jenn asked, still apprehensive. And her disquiet was not soothed by having to stand at the door in nothing but eminently revealing lingerie.

"Oh, I don't know. How about 'fittingly receptive'?” Lisa whispered as a tap at the door announced the first arrivals, "You'll see."

As the women begin to show up, they all gushed and enthused over Jenn and, to one another, about her. "It's so nice to see you again." "And she's so pretty." "Just the cutest little nipples." They all shook her hand and gave her warm, deep, sensuous kisses. Many of them fondled her stiffly erect nipples while looking her up and down, some leaning down to give one or both buds a suck or a nibble. Others reached down to stroke her pudendum, which rapidly began to ooze and quiver excitedly at the strange circumstances. Although each guest introduced herself by name, names and faces rapidly blurred into a miasma of confusion and arousal. The group was quite large – apparently, twenty or twenty-five strong. One of the last to arrive was an older, rather gregarious woman, who, after seizing Jenn's hand, exclaimed, "Oh, Jenn. I'm Agnes. You're absolutely – delicious.” She planted a sloppy kiss on Jenn's lips, parting them abruptly with her tongue, before pulling back and looking her over. She added, "Oh, I really must," then, turning to Lisa, "Do you mind?"

"Not at all." Lisa smiled at Jenn's startled shock, as Agnes dropped to her knees and pulled Jenn's hips violently forward, crushing her face into Jenn's mound. Agnes' insistent tongue, poking into her slit and frantically stroking her already aroused clitoris was more than Jenn could withstand. She instantly began to shudder and shake, falling against the wall as her hands formed to the back of Agnes' head. Blinded by the unexpected orgasm, she was unaware of the entrance of the next visitor until she perceived the cold fingertips twiddling her nipples and felt a tongue being thrust into her mouth. "Welcome, Jenn," whispered the husky voice into her throat. "I see you've met Agnes." The woman stopped to entwine her tongue about Jenn's, before pulling to the side to whisper in her ear, "She's insatiable." A stiff tweak of her nipples opened Jenn's eyes as the waves of climax, moved off out of her clouded mind. The woman smiled and winked before turning to greet Lisa. Agnes sat back on her heels, giving a satisfied sigh, then stood to follow the others out of the foyer leaving Jenn alone, still quaking.

Long moments later, Lisa invited Jenn into the living room, where she spent the evening in a daze. The guests treated her more or less like one of them; although, while they all remained dressed, Jenn was still clad only in her undies and hose – damp from saliva, sweat and love juice. They engaged her in conversations and small talk, shared drinks and hors d'oeuvres with her, and pulled her from one circle to another, casually pawing and fondling her all the time. While the interactions between others were virtually all platonic, Jenn was continually stroked, caressed and kissed. The libertines finally began to disperse just after midnight, each with a parting kiss or caress for the guest of honour. By the time the last of them had gone Jenn's head was spinning, her loins moist and quivering.

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