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Tara Ch. 04


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Lindsey looked up, wiped her eyes, and paid attention to Kathy.

"It's ok to be afraid and nervous. If you've never done anything like this before, of course, you're going to be scared. But that's where the trust you place in Mistress Tara comes into play. Like I told you a few minutes ago, she doesn't demand your trust, she earns it. As she earns it, you grow more comfortable with your training and sessions with her."

Lindsey thought for a moment about Tara. Could she give her trust over to a woman who a week ago she thought was a weak-willed geek?

Oh, how the tables have turned, look how the mighty one has fallen, the wind has knocked down the straw house... her little voice told her.

She snapped back to the conversation she was having when she heard Kathy talk.

"How do YOU feel about her?"

Lindsey chuckled and thought before she spoke. "Truth? I'm so far down the path of unworthiness that there isn't a distance created yet to tell me how far I have to go until I am." Kathy laughed at her example. "It's the truth. She's told you about 'the bitch brood'. We've bullied her for no other reason than I didn't like her. I can't tell you WHY I didn't like her, just that I didn't. Yet the more I talk to her and the more I'm around her, the more I like her, just because I am around her."

"She makes you want to be a better person..."

"Yeah, she does..." Lindsey replied quietly.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Kathy asked.

"I'm going to be worthy of our Mistress," Lindsey said as the back door opened.

Both women snapped to their feet and bowed their heads. "Mistress..."

"Pets... Everything's ok?" She asked.

Lindsey looked at Kathy who spoke. "Yes, Mistress. Everything is fine. Did you enjoy your sunbathing?"

"I did pets. But I'd like to get a shower and Lindsey will attend me."

"Of course, Mistress..." Lindsey told her. She looked at Kathy not knowing what she was being told. Kathy mouthed 'bathe her' and Lindsey nodded her head in understanding.

Lindsey followed her Mistress into the bedroom and waited for her to put the towels down. She then walked over and waited while her Mistress untied her bikini. She took it off and handed it to her. Lindsey felt the flare of desire as she looked at a nude Tara. Setting it on the hamper, she followed Tara into the master bathroom and watched as she pulled her hair out of a ponytail.

Lindsey took the opportunity to look for the bathing wash. "Mistress, I see lavender, lilac and citrus, and rose-scented wash, which would you prefer?"

"Lilac and citrus." She responded.

As she quickly put her hair up in a messy bun, Lindsey racked her brain deciding as to the heat of the water.

"What temp did she use with you?" Her voice asked.

"Duh..." She said to herself as she turned the water on. She waited until it was the same temp as the last shower, she took with her. When it was perfect, she stood back and opened the glass door. "Mistress Tara, your shower..."

Tara walked in and underneath the showerhead. "Mmmmm, very nice pet, you remembered..." She said with a smile.

"May I please wash your hair first, Mistress?" Lindsey asked.

Tara moved her head under the water and then out. She smelled the shampoo being put into her hair and then Lindsey's fingers massaged it in. "You have a very good technique, Lindsey." She complimented her.

"Thank you, Mistress Tara, I'm happy you approve."

Lindsey finished washing her hair and then took the nozzle out of the mount and rinsed the shampoo out, being careful not to get into her Mistress's eyes. When that was finished, she picked up the poof and washed her Mistress's body. She was careful to wash every spot and rinse all the soap off. When she was finished, Lindsey reached over and shut the water off. Walking out of the shower, she handed her Mistress a hand towel which she used to dry her face.

"Thank you pet. That was better than I expected." Tara told her.

"Thank you, Mistress, I'm glad you're pleased... May I dry you off?" She asked holding a large fluffy towel.

"No, you may not. You will quickly dry yourself, and then I want you kneeling in your spot in front of the couch. I'll be out presently." She said taking the towel from her.

"Yes, Mistress Tara," Lindsey said. Quickly doing a rush job on drying herself off, she then ran out and saw Kathy kneeling next to the couch. Finding her spot, she quickly got down and folded her hands in front of her like she'd been told to.

A moment later, they both heard the hairdryer turn on. She heard Kathy whisper, "Do your best, it's the effort that counts this early, not the results." To her. Lindsey nodded her head and thanked her.

Fifteen minutes later, Tara came walking out of the bedroom. Lindsey could see with her peripheral vision that she was wearing black, but not really WHAT she was wearing.

Finally standing in front of her, Tara spoke. "I'm ready to speak to you now..."

Lindsey lifted her head and her eyes widened in surprise. Tara was standing in front of her, but it was a far different version of her. She had black thigh-high boots, a very short leather mini skirt that barely covered her pussy, and black lace-up bustier. When she made it up to her face, she saw smoke-colored glasses with dark eye shadow. Her cheeks had a light shading of dark blush, and her lips were covered in blood-red lipstick. Lindsey felt her cunt getting wetter the more she looked at her.

"Fuck. Me. Running. She's. Gorgeous." Lindsey's voice said to her.

Tara smiled seeing the look of desire on her face. "I take it you approve of my attire?" She asked her.

"Yes Mistress, very much so," Lindsey answered. Not able to take her eyes off her. She slowly looked at everything her mistress was wearing. Her legs were absolutely gorgeous encased in black leather with lace accent, "So Dominant, but yet feminine" she thought to herself. The skirt she was wearing did nothing to hide the flare in her hips. Lindsey started to reach out to touch her, but quickly pulled her hands back and bowed her head again. "Apologies Mistress Tara, I can't help it."

"No, I want you to desire me." She took one step forward. "You may touch me..." Tara told her.

Lindsey closed her eyes as she used just her fingertips to explore her Mistress. She started at her calves and slowly worked her way up. When she got to the top of her boots, she lightly ran her fingers around the tops. Her breath caught in her throat when she touched bare skin. "So soft..." She whispered as she was lost in her own thoughts. She moved her hands further up and touched the bottom of the leather skirt. She moved her hands outward to where she felt her Mistress's hips. "So firm..." She whispered. Lindsey felt tears forming in her eyes and then she opened them. Looking up, she saw her Mistress staring down at her and immediately was in awe. "You are my Mistress..." Lindsey whispered to her.

Tara cupped her chin and smiled. "And I will NEVER give up on you..." She said to her.

"Thank you, Mistress Tara..." She said with tears of gratitude. She quickly resumed her position and put her hands back in her lap.

Tara sat down on the couch. "We will now work on your poses." She looked over at Kathy. "You will make suggestions to her where you think she could improve."

Kathy bowed her head. "Yes, Mistress."

They spent the next two hours working on Lindsey's poses with her. Even with her injured arm, Kathy was able to show Lindsey better ways of moving into the various poses. When they were finished, Lindsey had a better understanding of her poses and was already thinking of other ways she could improve.

Soon it was time to leave so that Kathy could make her therapy appointment. Kathy kissed Lindsey on the left cheek. She told her that if she had ANY questions or needed knowledge about something, she was to call her first. Lindsey thanked her for all her help and promised she'd stay in contact.

"Wait for me in the car, I'll just be a minute," Tara told her.

Lindsey bowed her head in respect. "Yes Mistress..." she said walking out to the garage.

As she heard the door close, Tara turned to look at Kathy. "Well?" She asked.

"Mistress, she has the potential to be the best pet you've ever trained," Kathy told her.

"Why would you say that?" Tara asked.

"She's a blank slate with no training at all. You can mold her into something beautiful if you have patience with her as she learns." Kathy told her. "Most importantly... She wants and NEEDS this and she knows it. She's like me in that she wants the emotional freedom and the release that she'll feel with not being in control..."

"She is special, I will admit that," Tara told her.

"Would you like to hear the last thing she said to me before you walked inside?" Kathy asked. Tara nodded her head. "She had told me how unworthy she felt of you. I had asked her what she was going to do, and she told me that she was going to be worthy of OUR Mistress."

Tara nodded her head and smiled. "I really am glad that you're going to be able to resume your duties. I know what this job means to you." She told her.

Kathy bowed her head. "I wouldn't be where I am at this point in my recovery if it hadn't been for you caring for me." She said to her.

"Go, get ready for your appointment. You will call me later and tell me how it went." Tara told her.

Kathy knelt, took her hand, and kissed it. "Of course, Mistress..."

When Tara got into her car, she looked at Lindsey. "Did you get all your questions answered, Lindsey?"

"The ones she could answer, yes. There were a couple that your pet told me you would have to answer, Mistress."

Tara pulled out of the garage and out onto the street. "Well, let's start with the easiest of your questions then."

"Mistress, your pet mentioned that she attends you when you're training another submissive. What is her role?" Lindsey asked.

Tara smiled as she looked out the window. "When I have another pet attending me while I train another submissive, it's because I'm teaching multiple lessons. For example, if the new submissive needs to learn focus, I'll have the pet attending me use different forms of stimulation, or the crop when the submissive is learning the lesson. Understand?"

"I do Mistress. But why do you use a pet to discipline when you could do it yourself?" Lindsey asked.

"Very good question Lindsey," Tara told her. "This will sound very arrogant, but I want the pet in training to focus on me. NOT because I'm her Mistress, but because I want her to be able to look into my eyes and see the pride I have in her when she succeeds. Does that make sense?"

Lindsey was surprised at her answer. "It does Mistress. It's like a non-verbal reward for getting it right."

"Exactly. Words are good, but expressions are sometimes better in some scenarios. What's next?"

"Your pet mentioned something about different submissives needing different things to complete them. Mistress, what is it that I need?" Lindsey asked.

"That's an easy one. You need someone to devote yourself to and who will unconditionally love you in return." Tara told her.

"How can you have so much love to give to your pets, Mistress?"

"Do you want the textbook psychology reasoning, or would you like MY reasoning?" Tara asked.

"Yours please Mistress..."

"My love for you is a direct reflection of the love you have for yourself," Tara told her.

Lindsey stared out the window for a moment trying to wrap her mind around what she was just told. "That makes no sense..." She said to herself.

No, it makes complete sense, you just have to get to the point that you understand what she's saying to you... her little voice told her.

She looked back at her Mistress. "This is one of those things that I'll understand as I progress..." She asked Tara.

"It is. And when you understand it, you'll see another side to yourself and your life that you didn't know was there." Tara explained. "You'll get there, but it's up to you as to how long it takes you."

"May I ask what your plan is for me?"

"You may, but I'm not going to tell you what it is," Tara asked. Lindsey was about to ask why when Tara put her hand up. "I'm not going to tell you what my plan is because I don't want you taking shortcuts in your training in an effort to reach your goals faster. The effort is a better teacher than the results."

Lindsey nodded her head, understanding what her Mistress was telling her. "Am I worth your time?"

Tara looked into the rear-view mirror and smirked. "Ask yourself that and tell me if you are." She replied.

Lindsey stared back at Tara for a moment and then smirked herself. "When I earn my collar... I will be."

"Very good, Lindsey, you're learning..." Tara said in a pleased tone.

Three weeks later

Lindsey was putting the vacuum away and was finishing cleaning her Mistress's apartment. She looked around trying to find places that she'd missed. She had been working since she got home from school to clean in preparation for her Mistress's arrival. Scowling when she found a bread tie under the table in the dining room, she snatched it up and put it in the garbage. Suddenly the alarm on her phone went off. She looked at the time and strode to the door with a smile on her face. She draped her robe over a coat hook and assumed the Wait position in the foyer. She had a plan to show Mistress Tara how well she'd been working on her poses since last week. Suddenly she heard a car pull into her driveway. She smiled bigger and got ready. When her door opened, her Mistress walked in. Tara was surprised to see Lindsey waiting for her at the door.

"Welcome home, Mistress Tara..." She said dropping to her knees and smoothly moving into the humble position.

Tara walked into her apartment and closed the door. Looking down at her pet, she spoke. "You have obviously put a lot of work into your poses. How long have you been practicing doing this?"

"Since Friday of last week, Mistress..." Lindsey told her as she moved forward to kiss the toe of her boot.

Nodding her head, she walked past Lindsey and into the living room. "Inspection!" She commanded her.

Lindsey jumped up and ran into the living area and assumed her pose. Her forearms were parallel with the floor and her fingers were touching, but not interlocked, just as her Mistress had instructed her.

"Recite the first rule of Inspection..." Tara told her as she looked over her body.

"Mistress's first rule of Inspection is that this body is your possession, and I will treat it with respect." Lindsey recited.

"What does that mean?" She asked Lindsey.

"Mistress, it means that I will always be mindful of my actions in my submission to you."

Tara walked around and looked at her ass. The red marks have almost completely healed and there were only faint red stripes denoted that her pet had been disciplined. "What's my second rule of Inspection?"

"Mistress's second rule of Inspection is that If I see something on this body that concerns me, I will tell her immediately so that she may get me the proper care that I need."

Tara walked around to the front and pulled her crop out of her boot. Touching Lindsey's knee, she started to bring it up towards her cunt. "What's my third rule of Inspection?" She asked.

Doing her best to keep her breathing regular, Lindsey started to speak. "Mistress's third rule of Inspection is that this body will be clean, shaven, and always ready for inspection at any time she so chooses."

When she had finished the third rule Tara was circling her clit with the end of the crop. She watched as Lindsey's face started to turn a bit red. Smirking, Tara took the crop away and pushed her index finger in between her labia. Lindsey was soaked. "Very good pet, do you think you've earned a reward?" She asked.

"My Mistress will reward me when SHE thinks I deserve it, and not when I do," Lindsey told her.

Tara continued to rub her clit and Lindsey got wetter as she went. "You've obviously worked very hard on my welcome today."

"Ah.... Yes... Mistress, I have worked hard on this in the hopes... Ohhhh... that you would be pleased with the progress that I'm making... Oh yesssss." Lindsey told her trying to keep from cumming.

Tara rubbed her clit a little harder and leaned forward. "Lindsey..." She whispered.

"Yes, Mistress..." She replied.

"You may cum."

Lindsey stayed standing and let the orgasm flow over her. Trying to keep from moving, her legs started to shake a bit and her arms shifted some as she came down from the stimulation. "Th-th-thank-thank you Mistress-s-s-s..."

"You're welcome my pet. And just so you know..." She leaned in close to her ear again. "I am VERY pleased with your dedication and efforts."

She smiled hearing her Mistress praise her. She felt warmth move through her body and feelings of joy and happiness were at the front of her mind.

"It's time to talk though, pet," Tara told her sitting down on the couch. "Assume your place and position."

Lindsey moved to her spot in front of the couch and knelt into the Kneeling position. She carefully moved her hands to where her Mistress had told her she wanted them in this pose. Bowing her head until she was spoken to, she waited.

Tara had sat down and was watching Lindsey. She was always evaluating her to see what progress she had made. She watched as Lindsey moved well and assumed the pose and bowed her head. Tara watched to see if her eyes would move, but she did nothing but look at Tara's knee boots as she was instructed. Satisfied, Tara spoke. "I'm ready to speak to you now, pet."

"Yes, Mistress..." She said lifting her head to look at her Mistress.

"I want to talk to you about how you think you're getting along in your new life, but first, I want to ask you how you're getting along with the brood." She asked the submissive.

"In what way do you mean Mistress?"

"Is it difficult or easy to still be friends with the girls in the brood?" Tara asked.

"The brood and I are..." She thought for a moment. "We're not the same as we were."

"In what way?" Tara asked.

"I'm in a unique situation. I'm still decently close with the girls, but I find that mentally at least, I'm growing beyond them." Lindsey looked up at her Mistress who was nodding her head.

"Why do you say that you're growing beyond them?" Tara asked.

"Before you, I was more worried about twitter this, Instagram that, and Facebook them. I was always looking at the best clothes to wear and what would look good on me. I was more concerned with my status as..." Lindsey paused for a moment and smiled. "Call it what I was, queen bitch, and who I could make miserable just because I could."

"And now?"

"I don't post nearly as I used to on social media, I haven't been shopping for clothes in forever, and I actually prefer to be nude when I'm in your apartment, Mistress," Lindsey said with a smile.

"Has anyone asked you about our fight?"

"Katelyn and I were on our way to lunch one day. We saw both you and Stacie walking back to class. She told me that I should have kicked your ass and then gone after Stacie. I told her that would be a mistake since her mom works for the DA's office. She asked me about you, and I told her that I had my Couture blouse on that day, and I didn't want to ruin it in a fight." She told her Mistress.

"So, it's safe to say that you're growing apart from them then?"

"Very safe to say. I keep them as acquaintances, but they really aren't people I need in my life. I know that after graduation, I'll never see them again unless they run into me on the street."

"Why is that?" Tara asked.

"I don't belong in that group anymore after being with you for a month now. Lindsey replied.

"Are you sure you don't?"

Lindsey bowed her head in respect. "I'm positive Mistress. My place is at your feet."

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