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Tara Gets Taken Ch. 04

Story Info
Sexy wife gets taken again by bisexual blonde.
4.9k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 03/23/2008
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To all readers -- This is a story of FICTION. The characters are not real and they do not exist. I am not writing to make anyone angry or to bring out your indignation at the content of the story. It is meant for one thing one, sexual enjoyment. It is not a grammatical thesis and neither is it a test for the spelling bee. It is a FICTIONAL story to be enjoyed and maybe even supply some with gratification. Other than that your comments are welcome. I do want to write a good story and I want the story line to flow and be easily followed by all. So enjoy and if you like it enough I will write more parts for it in the future.


Tara grew more apprehensive as the week began to head for Friday. Today was Thursday and she was nervous constantly about Jerome coming over for a cookout. He had fucked her twice already and he threatened to fuck her again at the cookout while Brent was still at work. She trembled as she considered the outcome.

She had fallen deeper into an abyss of which she thought there was no way out of now. Bill had raped her with his friend Sheila two days ago and there was no telling what he still planned to do to her in the future.

She was trapped.

She had packed a few things the morning after Bill and Sheila had raped her and told Brent she was going to stay with her Mother a couple of days.

"That's a good idea, honey. You have been nervous and under stress for the past few days and a little time with your Mom may help you." Brent quickly agreed.

He had a plan of his own.

While she was gone for two days he was rigging cameras all over the house to catch anything that happened when Jerome was there alone with her. He had cameras placed to cover every angle in the living room, dining room and kitchen. Every camera was the newest high tech camera he could buy and all of them were built with incredible digital and zoom capabilities. When he had built the house he had placed cameras in the bedroom first thing where he could enjoy their love making whenever he wished to. Tara has hesitated at first but soon got into the show of fucking for the camera and then watching it together with him later.

When the installations were completed he retreated to his hideaway room and checked them for clarity and sound. When he was satisfied with the outcome he placed recorders on all of them and hooked them into his second phone line for remote hookup. This would ensure his ability to turn them on from work at any time of the day or night. He would not miss anything.

He went into work the next morning and ran into Jerome as he got off the elevator.

"Hey Boss! How the hell are you?" Jerome asked with a big grin

"Just fine, Jerome." Brent asked as he made his way to the security room with Jerome following close behind.

"We still on for that BBQ this weekend?" Jerome seemed anxious to Brent

"Yeah, sure we are. I still have that meeting but I should be done by 5 or so." Brent said still baiting Jerome about coming to his house early.

"You sure your wife don't mind me coming over early to help her get things ready and all? I sure don't want to be in her way." Jerome said

"No way! She is fine with it and so am I. I am just pissed I can't be there with you but business calls." Brent said trying to act upset

"Well, I will do everything I can to make her feel good about my spending time with her. I thought about bringing my friend Harold with me if you don't mind? His wife left him and he has been sort of bummed out for a while. If you don't feel comfortable with it just say so, it don't matter to me. I just thought he could use the company and all." Jerome asked

Brent knew Harold. He had hired him just after Jerome and they had worked together since then. Harold was another huge black man who shaved his head and was built like chiseled granite. He was not as tall as Jerome but he was bigger bodied.

Something went through Brent like a bolt of lightning as he thought of his wife being fucked by both big black men at the same time. He took a deep breath and wondered if by letting Harold come with Jerome anything would happen between him and Tara by having a third wheel along. He dismissed the thought as anything being better than nothing right now.

"Sure thing! Tell him he is welcome."

"What time would be good for us to come over and help your wife with all her needs?" Jerome asked with a sly smile

"How about noon? She is at her Mother's house until tomorrow morning and she is coming by the store on her way home to buy the groceries and all. I will call her and tell her that Harold is coming with you at noon on Saturday." Brent said as he fished his cell phone out of his pocket.

"I can't wait, Boss man!" Jerome said as he headed out the door to find Harold

Harold was on the 7th floor working on an electrical security box wiring system when Jerome came walking over to him.

"What's up?" Jerome said and sat down on a tool box beside Harold

"Damn wiring is all wrong. I been running diagnostics all morning and shit ain't reading nothing right." Harold said disgustedly

"You know how hot the boss's wife is?" Jerome asked with a small grin

Harold stopped working and slowly turned to face Jerome.

"You remember how I said that one day I was going to make her my little fuck toy?" Jerome said as his grin got bigger

He hesitated waiting on Harold to say something. Harold chewed on his gum a little while longer and said nothing.

"Well, Harold, I fucked that little bitch twice already and I was thinking you might like some of that sweet twat too?"

"Shut the fuck up! You fucked her already? Twice?" Harold said in disbelief

"The first time was at her house and the second time was on that elevator right there and both times happened this week." Jerome said as he motioned at the elevators with his head.

"You is one lying sack of shit, Jerome. There ain't no way a fine piece of trim like her is going to let you slap uglies with her. That bitch is outta your league dude." Harold threw his hand up in disbelief

"I didn't say she gave it up willingly. Not at first at least but she came around once I got my snake in her tight little pussy and then she went wild. That bitch is one more hot piece of trim Harold and she can throat my cock all the way to the root again and again."

"You got to be kiddin' me. She can take the whole thing down?" Harold's eyes got big and he whistled as Jerome nodded his head

"I kid you not. This bitch can root it and then swallow the whole load. Her pussy has got to be the hottest I have ever felt wrapped around my cock. I swear I can't get enough of this slut. In fact I am going to get more of her this weekend." Jerome said

"How the hell is that going to happen?" Harold was excited now

"The boss has invited me over for a BBQ on Saturday at noon."

"You asshole! You can't fuck her with the boss being there!" Harold turned to go back to working on the security box

"He ain't coming home till five." Jerome said softly

Harold slowly turned and looked at Jerome.

"He asked you to come over at noon and he ain't going to be there until five?"

Jerome just nodded.

"You lucky fucking piece of shit!" Harold said through clenched teeth

"I asked him if I could bring a friend along who needed some company and he said it was fine with him."

Everything froze inside of Harold as he stared at his friend waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Jerome chuckled.

"I told him you would love to come and help me take care of his wife on Saturday and he said sure!"

Harold's big black face broke into a huge grin.

"I love you dude, I surely do!"

"I don't swing that way and you know it you homo." Jerome said good naturedly, "I will pick you up at your place at ten so save yourself till Saturday and we will make this bitch our little slut whore by the time her husband gets home at five."

"I thought you said noon?" Harold asked confused

"There is no reason we can't get there a little early and warm the grill up for the meat." Jerome said as he walked toward the elevator

Harold laughed loudly and went back to the box of wiring with thoughts of all he was going to do to that fine piece of ass on Saturday. He wondered if she had ever been ass fucked? It didn't matter he thought. She was going to learn about it all in a few days.

Tara left her Mother's house on Friday morning after talking with Brent on Thursday night. She tried her best to talk him out of having the BBQ but he was set on it and she hated to disappoint him. She was relieved to find out Jerome was bringing a friend when he came over at noon. She felt like she was now going to be safe from any advances Jerome might try had they been alone together for that long. The more she thought about it the more relieved she became as she drove to the grocery store to pick up everything she needed.

It was noon by the time she pulled into her drive way and began to unload the bags from the back of the Tahoe. She had just taken the last bags inside and was going back outside to close the back hatch of the Tahoe when a strange car pulled into the drive behind her truck.

She shut the back hatch and turned to see who it was and she gasped when she recognized it was Sheila getting out of the car. She gasped and turned to run into the house. Her shoe caught in the grass and she fell head over heels and landed flat on her back with the air knocked out of her lungs. Before she could get up Sheila had knelt beside her and was holding her arm trying to help her sit up.

Tara began to struggle thinking she was being attacked but Sheila grabbed her with both arms and softly began to talk to her.

"Easy, easy Tara. I am not here to hurt you, I just needed to talk to you. Please let me explain! Please!" She said quickly

Tara finally calmed down and sat upright on the grass as Sheila still held her but her grip turned softer as she calmed down. When Tara had finally caught her breath Sheila let her go and tenderly started to pick the grass from her hair and clothes and helped her to her feet again.

Tara turned and stepped away from her quickly.

"Please Tara, I am so sorry and I really wanted to tell you about why I was here and what has happened to Bill where you can rest easy again!" Sheila blurted out before Tara could run into the house

Tara looked at her and shook her head in confusion.

"Tara, Bill was arrested yesterday. He is behind bars and his lawyer told me he will be staying behind bars for a long time to come." Sheila said quickly hoping it would help her to remain calm

Tara looked confused.

"Arrested? But what about the DVD he made?" Tara asked in fear

"Bill told me that it had been taken away from him and he never had it after that afternoon he made you...well you know."

Tara shook her head trying to comprehend all of it.

"But why did he say he still had it when he came here with you that day?" Tara's eyes grew wide again in fear

"He lied to you and to me. He said he had the goods on you and you would do anything he asked because you were afraid your husband would find out. He never had the DVD from that day on. He just wanted to use you one more time before he was arrested. I think he knew he was going to be in prison for a long time and he wanted to have you first." Sheila said softly

"Then who has the DVD?" Tara asked anxiously

"I don't know about that." Sheila answered honestly

Tara's eyes grew hard as she remembered that Sheila was also there forcing her every step of the way with Bill directing it all. She started backing away from the big blond and edging closer to the door of her house.

"Please, Tara. I didn't want to do this with Bill but when I saw how beautiful and sexy you were I couldn't help myself. I realized that I would never have a woman as beautiful and sexy as you were without taking her. I am not a good enough catch for the likes of someone like you. I was intoxicated with your beauty and with your gorgeous body. You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. If I were to die right now I could at least know I had tasted what true beauty is. Please forgive me for forcing you that way, please!!!"

Sheila fell to her knees sobbing and grabbed Tara around the knees with her face buried between them as she cried. Tara was taken back and confused. This same woman had dominated her just a few days before and slapped her and forced her into sex and now she was groveling at her feet sobbing like a baby. She couldn't help herself as her hand reached down to stroke the blond hair and whisper to the crying woman.

"It's ok, it's ok. Stop crying now, I forgive you. Please stop crying." Tara said soothingly, "Come on in the house and I will make you a cup of tea."

She helped Sheila to her feet and walked her into the house still crying uncontrollably.

Tara sat her down on the couch in the living room and handed her a box of tissues from the coffee table. She went quickly into the kitchen and began to make the tea she had promised. As she scurried around the kitchen she realized she was shaking like a leaf. She stopped at the sink and grabbed the counter and tried to stop the shaking but she couldn't. Then she felt the tears began to flow down her cheeks and she was sobbing.

Sheila heard the sobbing and came into the kitchen and saw Tara holding onto the counter top so tightly her knuckles were white. She slowly went over to her and put out her hand to Tara's shoulder and softly began to rub her shoulder and arm. Tara turned to her and Sheila slowly took her into her arms and they both sobbed for a long time.

Sheila held her head against her breasts and stroked her hair as she cooed to her softly.

"That's it baby, let it all out. Give it all to Sheila, baby."

She stroked the back of Tara's head with one hand and rubbed her back with the other as Tara sobbed with her face pressed tightly into the big woman's breasts. Sheila started kissing the top of her head as her sobs grew less and less and finally she stopped crying. She was talking softly to her and kissing her head as she did. Tara finally lifted her head from her chest and sniffled as she looked up. Sheila softly wiped her cheeks and eyes free of the tears that stained them. She kissed her forehead as she softly touched her face and continued speaking softly to her as she kissed her way down her nose and across Tara's cheek.

"I am so so sorry, baby. I wish I could make the pain go away. Please tell me what to do to make you feel better, baby."

Sheila was kissing her face softly as she spoke to her and Tara closed her eyes as she felt the soft lips brushing against the side of her face. Her emotions had brought her body to a level of response and the tenderness of this woman was having an effect on her senses. Her breath was growing deeper as she let her head fall back a little enjoying the sensuous touch of the lips on her cheek and now moving across toward her ear.

"You are so beautiful baby. I would never have done anything to hurt you in any way. I just wanted to be with you and near you." Sheila's lips and hot breath brushed against Tara's ear as she spoke so softly to her, "I just had to taste you and please you with everything I had."

Her hot mouth brushed against Tara's ear and she shuddered in Sheila's arms. Sheila smiled when she felt the tight little woman shudder against her and she knew she was going to taste this beautiful creature again. Only this time it was not going to be forced, this time she would give herself to Sheila without reservation.

"Oh baby, you are so beautiful and so sexy. I have never held a woman as sensuous as you are. I have dreamed of you nonstop since I saw you. I will do anything you ask me to do for you. I belong to you, baby, just tell me what you want from me." She breathed into Tara's ear feeling her shudder again only this time stronger.

She let her tongue softly slip across Tara's earlobe. She did it very subtle as not to scare her but it had the right effect as Tara moaned. She kissed down her neck until she could feel her heartbeat against her lips and she opened her mouth against Tara's neck and kissed her with open lips across her neck and back up her cheek.

When her mouth came to Tara's mouth she breathed her hot soft breath straight against her mouth. Tara was not thinking but simply letting her body and will react to all the jumbled emotions she was feeling. Her mouth slowly moved forward until she felt her lips meet softly against Sheila's lips. Sheila moved very slowly and carefully letting Tara take the lead and open the door. She was familiar with straight women and their tendency to freak out when they came to their senses in the middle of a seduction.

Sheila opened her lips and softly sucked the lower lip of this gorgeous creature in between her soft big lips and she let her tongue slip across the portion inside her mouth. She slid her lips up and captured her upper lip softly just as carefully and sucked it softly into her mouth.

Tara didn't hesitate but pushed her lips against the lips of this tender woman who had her light headed and giddy with desire. Sheila opened her mouth and felt the soft tongue of Tara hesitantly push its way into hers and she sucked it softly inside her hot waiting mouth.

Tara immediately feeling the tongue of Sheila touch and suck on hers wrapped her arms around the big blond and started kissing her fervently. Their tongues danced against each other as both of them seemed to want to swallow the other desire.

Tara moaned as she felt Sheila's hands move down to wrap around her waist and pull her body tight against hers. She stood on her tip toes to reach the lips of this blond goddess and felt her pussy grow wet as the hands slipped down across her ass and pulled her from the bottom of her ass hard against her.

Sheila took her time and continued kissing Tara ardently and deeply. She kept her body pressed tightly to her and only pulled her ass up against her tighter without trying to become too aggressive too quickly. She knew everything hung in the balance and if she moved too quickly it could all come crashing apart.

She left one hand caressing her ass and slowly slid her other hand up until it was at the back of Tara's neck pulling her lips harder against hers and driving her tongue deeper into her mouth. This woman was intoxicating to her. Her own breath was coming rapidly as she heard the panting of the young woman kissing her back. Sheila realized she had to keep Tara at this level of excitement until there was no turning back.

Tara finally broke her mouth away to catch her breath and Sheila immediately went to work on her neck with her tongue and mouth. She kissed her way down her throat sucking and licking as she did. Tara's head fell backward as she felt the hot mouth sliding across her skin down to the front of her dress.

Tara had worn a blue stretch one piece dress that had spaghetti straps on the shoulders and reached half way down her thighs. It was a comfortable outfit and she wore it with no bra and a thong underneath was all. She had chosen to wear a pair of simple blue pumps with no hose to match the dress.

She felt herself being pushed back against the counter as Sheila's hot mouth continued its path down her neck to the top of her dress. She felt Sheila's hands caress her back and move slowly up to her shoulders and down her bare arms. Goosebumps formed on her arms from the excitement of the touch as she felt the hands caress their way down to her hands. Sheila interlaced her fingers with Tara's and raised her mouth back up to kiss her again. Tara did not hesitate but quickly opened her panting mouth to the seeking hot mouth of the big blond.

Sheila pulled her hands back behind Tara again and pulled her up tight to her as she pushed her tongue deeply into the gorgeous woman again. Tara moaned again and felt her head grow lighter with all the attention. Their tongues were dancing and twisting with each other. Tara didn't remember ever being kissed so thoroughly or fervently before and especially by a woman. She had experimented while she was in college but had never gone any further than kissing with her friends. This only happened until they felt silly and giggled in embarrassment. This kissing she was feeling right now had no embarrassment or giggling to it. It was hot and sexual and she was reveling in it.


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