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Tarlos Ch. 01

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TK and Carlos love story, is it love or lust at first sight?
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Special thanks to ChanceAre, for editing this piece, I didn't give up because of you. I'm really grateful.


The endless sounds and smells of traffic on the highway made TK Strand's head ache, and he felt more nauseous with every breath he took. He leaned into his seat and put on his headset to listen to a podcast, which gave him something to concentrate on and take his mind off the road.

"Whoa, hold a minute, Dad! My Oh My, what a fucking beauty!" TK screamed in wonder as his head swung back and forth to both sides of the road, while his father drove on casually. With an enormous grin splitting his face, he pressed a button to roll down the windows halfway except his, which was entirely down, to allow fresh air inside the car. He stuck his head out of the window, tilted his head to face the bluest sky, and breathed in the natural flower-scented air as the delightful breeze blew through his hair. He loved flowers and their amazing smell.

TK's father, Captain Owen Strand, had earlier branched from the motorway to a deserted country road, but this wasn't what TK expected. A few minutes' drive down the road, they came across beautiful trees and shrubs, with gleaming red, green, orange, purple, and orange foliage, hemmed by the greenest zoysia grasses, which lined up at the left side of the road. On the other side were a swift river, waterfalls, and various radiant flowers.

"Dad, this is paradise. See the amazing colors of fall, I mean this is a rainbow on earth." TK couldn't obscure his excitement as he filmed the exquisite landscape with his phone. "It's extremely awful that I can't capture its divine fragrance on camera, air in this area hits differently." He sulked as he took a picture of his father who was driving, with a magnificent waterfall in the background.

"I know right, it's pleasing to see your cheerful face once again," he ruffled TK's hair while smiling down at him. Owen knew his son's love for colorful flowers, so, when he sensed his uneasiness earlier, he decided to give him a treat. Branching to the country road prolonged their trip for an hour, but the lively look on TK's face was worth it.

The 3 days road-trip-turned-sightseeing had been entertaining for TK, of course, when he wasn't having motion sickness. He objected at first, when his father suggested it, but Owen coaxed him into accepting, assuring him of a gratifying journey. Being a man of his word, his father honored his promise, yet again. The drives through the states and cities TK only knew by name, and again, seeing some of the monumental things these places were popular for, had been educational, but the striking nature and landscapes he encountered topped them all. They differed from Manhattan's skyscraper buildings, traffic, and noise pollution.

TK snuggled into his seat, and angled his head towards the window with his eyes shut, as he listened to the young crooner, Harry Styles' fine line album. He smiled as a cool breeze blew through his hair, tickling his scalp while the warm July sun kissed his face. His father took his eyes off the road for a few seconds and took a picture of his son in that rare posture. He reluctantly fell asleep to the sun rays that mingled with the pleasant breeze to dance gracefully on his skin. No matter how hard he tried to stay up, he couldn't cheat nature.

"Hoo hoo! Who is excited? Welcome to Texas, baby!" Owen Strand's cheering as he pumped his fist on the steering wheel continuously, startled TK awake. "Sorry to disturb your nap, son, but look. Finally!" Owen pointed to something ahead of them as he grinned, oblivious to the glare on his son's face. TK looked around, expecting to still be in paradise, but realized they were back on the hellfire of a motorway. He lifted his eyes, only to be greeted by the 'Welcome to Texas' sign.

Fuck! This is happening! Suddenly, TK's heartbeat raced, and breathing labored; his chest tightened, and it seemed he was suffocating as he trembled. He felt lightheaded and gave into the dizziness.

"Son! TK! Open your eyes... please." TK woke up shortly to his father's trembling voice and gentle tapping on his face. He took in the scenery again; Owen had parked the car at a bus-stop, while vehicles sped off pass them. He realized his face was flushed and glistening with sweat, when he looked into the rearview mirror. His skin and shirt were dampened with sweat as well. "Fuck!" He groaned as he leaned into the seat and covered his face with his hands.

Owen passed his son a bottle of water, which he gratefully accepted, murmuring his thanks, as he gulped its content at a go. He waited for his TK's breath to steady and asked, "Are you okay, son?" The older Strand's worried gaze stayed on the younger's face while he rubbed his boy's back in comfort.

TK's brows furrowed in a frown as he turned to look at his father with the glare of death, "I am over the moon glad Dad: I'm not a 26-year-old man who still needs rescuing like a lost puppy from his old guy. My boyfriend of 3 years said YES to my proposal and I'm to be married in six months. I didn't almost die only to be saved by my father... again! And oh, my father is still the captain of ladder 252; he didn't trash his 20 years of hard work to start afresh in a new state because of me. I didn't just have a panic attack, so yes! I am okay." he bellowed in one breath, got out of the car, and banged the door after him.

Owen heaved a sigh and went after his boy, who was rummaging through his suitcase for a shirt to change into. "Come here, son," He took TK, who was then shuddering into his arms for a reassuring hug, and murmured encouraging words into his ears. He didn't let him go until he felt a calmness in his son's body. "We are going to make beauty out of these ashes, my boy, that's who we are. We have always turned the worst situation to our good, and this will be no different," Owen affirmed, as TK clung to him.

"It's okay to be down at this moment, I'm running with this baton of faith on our behalf now. Who knows, maybe months from now, you'll take over. Life is good, TK. At least you have me, and I'm not dead yet." Owen added as he kissed TK's temple.

"Trust Owen Strand to ruin the moment, what's that supposed to mean, Dad? Never crack that joke again, it wasn't funny," TK admonished his father and broke the hug. He changed into the first shirt he laid his hand on.

I made the right decision to keep him in the dark about this cancer thingy. Owen flashed TK with a smile that did not reach his eyes as he helped him close his suitcase.

His doctor had diagnosed him with stage 1B of lung cancer the same day TK had relapsed. She assured him he could work as he sought treatment because he's strong and the numbers are on his side. The doctor remained optimistic, but her facial expressions gave out what she didn't touch on. If not telling TK would save him from another heartbreak, then so be it. He needed to get his son back on his feet if death was going to lay its icy hand upon him.

"Dad! You have spent enough time in space, it's time to snap out of it and come back to earth. We still have over 200-mile journey to travel." TK had called his name and slammed the car's door to get his father's attention but he didn't flinch. He snapped his fingers in his dad's face and he was back to reality.

"You're exhausted, and it's your fault. You turned this relocation into a road trip," TK shrugged and snickered, "Less than 5 hours in the air and not spending three days on the road would have been delightful."

"Admit it, TK, it was fun." Owen winked.

"Well, it has been, Thank You, Captain," TK agreed as he hugged his dad.

"Dad, I'm sorry about my outburst earlier; you know, pouring out my frustrations on you disrespectfully. You have been nothing but supportive right from the get-go, you didn't deserve that," TK apologized with a contrite face when they got inside the car.

"Hey, you can use me as your punching bag anytime, if that will make you feel better afterward," Owen said as he tousled his son's hair and kissed his temple.

"I'm grateful, dad and I love you so much," TK said in a low voice with a smiling eyes.

''I know, and I love you right back. Now, are you ready to take Austin by its horns, TK Strand?" Owen's hopeful eyes danced on his boy's face.

"I think I am now, Captain Owen Strand." TK smiled and shook his head at his dad.

Please Austin, be easy on me, TK prayed, as they drove in silence. It was always New York: born and bred there, educated and trained as well. Only a week ago, he was in the FDNY, station 252 to be precise. And oh, all his friends and ex-boyfriend, who was almost his fiancé, were Yankees as well.


They drove straight to the firehouse 126, when they arrived in Austin. Sympathizers had littered the sidewalks with flowers and pictures, obviously as tribute, in honor of the fallen firefighters. The inside of the firehouse seemed no different; it looked like a tomb. The place was exactly how they left it to respond to the call six months ago. The Austin Fire Department shuttered the 126 the next day after the unfortunate incident.

The fire they were trying to extinguish at a fertilizer company wiped the firefighters of the 126 out. They rescued the caller and were in the middle of putting out the fire when Grace Ryder, the 911 dispatcher, informed them about the ammonium nitrate fertilizer stored at that factory. She advised them to fall back, which they did, but it was too late. The entire factory exploded. There was a lone survivor though, Judson Ryder, the husband of the dispatcher, who was yet to recover from the trauma.

"Cap, just tell them you changed your mind; we don't belong here," TK blurted after they saw the state the station 126 was in. "We are the last thing the folks in this town need after what happened to this house. They are evidently still grieving and they don't need city slickers invading their space," TK continued to convince his dad to get them back to New York.

"I'm exactly what the 126 and 'Austin' need now... an outsider, someone they can blame. This is a challenge I intend to overcome. I did the same with the 252 over 20 years ago, and I will do it again here," Owen countered with a frown.

"Fine! Suit yourself," TK said, as he nodded his head and walked out of the firehouse when his persuasion failed.

It is my damn fault we are here, anyway. If I had not relapsed and nearly died, my father wouldn't have accepted this job offer. An offer he had turned down but accepted a day later because of me, TK thought with remorse and settled to rally behind his father and help him build the 126 from scratch.

TK went back inside to give his dad his support. "You can count on me Dad, I'm fully in this one with you, but please, don't go out of your way to prove the point, okay?" He pouted as he pleaded with his eyes.

"You know I always tread lightly, and thank you very much. This means a lot to me," he responded with a sly smirk, and hugged his son.

That's how, together with his son, Owen Strand went about recruiting the new 126.

Marjan Marwani- The Firefox, goes viral almost every day with her wild heroic displays on calls. A Muslim from Miami with 11 reprimands from a single year for insubordination and reckless behavior.

Paul Strickland- The badass Afro-American from Chicago. He was well known for his ability to assess threats; an ability he self-developed, when he was growing up as a transgender. He had learned to figure out people before they figured him out.

Last, the relentless Probie, Mateo Chavez from Austin. He has failed the written exams of the Austin Fire Department four times but always ace the field tests.

Together they are a crazy team, but TK was certain he would love this new family.

The entire process of recruiting and renovating the firehouse into an ultramodern facility took a month, and now they were ready to open for business.


''Reyes, you better have a good explanation for why you stood Cole up yesterday,'' Ryan Baker questioned Carlos with his brows arched while they drove to the police station.

"Trust me, Baker, Cole is cool and all that, but I don't think I'm capable of giving him what he deserves," Carlos Reyes replied unbothered as he maneuvered his way through the crazy traffic.

"These people only respect the uniform, not the person wearing it," He honked at a crazy driver who tried to cross him.

"Don't throw me off this discussion, you sly fox. The traffic didn't irritate you until I mentioned Cole. Just call the guy and tell him you're not into him. It will save you both from a lot of stress."

Carlos Reyes found a place to park the car, and he was immediately on his phone, typing profusely. "It's done, and we are both free of each other," He shrugged and looked at his friend with a straight face.

Baker's brows puckered in a grimace. "Wait! Carlos, did you just break up with Cole by text?" His mouth gaped in astonishment, "I can't believe this! Where are your manners, Bro?" he shook his head.

"A closed mouth catches no flies, mi amigo, and I mean that literally and figuratively," Carlos said with a mocking laugh as he reached over to cover his friend's parted lips. He yelped and broke out in laughter when Baker slapped his hand off with force.

Baker was still fazed, so Reyes added, "Why are you so mad over this, Ryan? No, I didn't just break up with him, because he wasn't my boyfriend to begin with. I just ended whatever that was before it escalated to the next level. And yes, I did that through text. It will save us both from unnecessary lengthy phone calls and drama. I believe Cole will understand. Come on, fix your face bro, you're making me look like the devil's incarnate."

"When did you become so cold-hearted, Carlos?" As he expected, Reyes didn't answer, so he sighed and added, "The rate at which you are breaking hearts, I'm certain Karma has packaged yours in a form of an aesthetic man you can't resist, my friend."

"Pfftt" Carlos rolled his eyes and waved a hand to dismiss Ryan.

"Ha! You don't believe me, eh? Karma, The Great Equalizer, brutally act on your word in your law book, which says, 'You will fall in love with someone who doesn't love you, for not loving someone who did.' You only have one job, Biggie K, fight the cause of all the hearts Carlos has broken," Ryan crossed his finger and squeezed his eyes shut as he prayed dramatically.

Carlos pointed his index finger at himself, "Have you seen me, Baker, who won't fall in love with me?" He shrugged and broke out in an unruly laughter, "I didn't know you were a valedictorian in the Karma School of Law. Splendid speech, my brother, I wish I wasn't confided in this car, I would have given you a standing ovation. Can I join, is it tuition-free?" Carlos stifled a laugh as he tipped off an imaginary hat to Baker, "Well done, bro, you made me proud once again."

"Fool! You can make fun of me all you want, Carlitos, but trust me, when the time is precise, big K will deliver him right at your doorstep in a grand style. You will never see him coming for you to guard your heart," Baker's lips curled up in a sardonic grin as he poked his friend on the chest, "As your best friend, this is ever available for you to cry on." He tapped his shoulder.

"Ha ha! Bring it on, Karma," Carlos hollered. "Watch me beat big K's ass as his proxy falls for me slowly, every single day. Are your shoulders available to big K too? Because he will be needing it, after I'm done with him and his proxy," Carlos teased his friend with a smug grin on his face.

Baker couldn't hold his laughter. "You know you are an asshole, right?" Baker couldn't believe his friend as he laughed his ass off.

"You love me regardless," Carlos stuck out his tongue.

''Unfortunately my friend, unfortunately," Baker sighed, "You know why I go through all the trouble to get you boo'd up right?'' His eyes riveted on Carlos, seeking his full attention.

He continued when Carlos looked up to meet his eyes. His voice softened, "You need something real in your life. Being gay is hard enough, but an openly gay cop... pfft. I have always admired you for your bravery, which you already know," Baker acknowledged.

"How you came out even in our rookie days and matched up fair and square to the fuckers who tried to bully you! Michelle and I will always be there for you, but we don't warm your bed at night, and we obviously can't fill that emptiness in your heart and life," Baker said, sounding genuine.

"You don't fool me with the 'I can do bad all by myself' facade you have been parading in, all over Austin. Oh, and you will not be handsome forever," Baker ended with a smirk.

"In a nutshell, what are you implying, Dr. Phil?" Carlos asked, raising a brow.

''Jeez, Carlos, you can be daft when you want to be. Fucking find someone to love and be loved right back. You deserve it. Do I have to spell this one out for you? You let all these guys go without lifting a damn finger," Baker bellowed, throwing his hands in the air.

"Cupid Baker, how about you find me someone I connect with, and I promise we won't be having this conversation again." Carlos winced inside but laughed it off to mask the desolation he felt at that moment.

Baker had poked the bear and from Carlos' demeanor, he knew he had hit where it hurts. Enough salt to your injury for today, Big Man, we live to add more another day. Ryan grinned smugly as Carlos drove to the station in awkward silence.

Ryan Baker has been Carlos' anchor from the first day they met at the police academy, when he helped him fight off some bullies. They became good friends right from there and their friendship gradually grew to brotherhood. Luckily, they were both posted to the same station after they passed out from the Academy. They shared an apartment until Ryan married his beautiful wife, Kimberly Baker, and moved out. He had a rocky start with her, but progressively, she wormed herself into Carlos' heart and became family as well.

Damn you, Baker, Carlos cursed his friend in his head for knowing him that well.

A dispatch call came through on the radio as soon as they got to the station, and from the location alone, Carlos knew it was her... again. "Go save the belle. Between you and her, I don't know who is worse," Baker exploded with laughter.

''Hey Michelle.''

''Hi Carlos.''

They exchanged pleasantries as he handcuffed Michelle and put her in the car.

"You can't keep doing this to yourself; you've gotta get out of this rut, Chica," Carlos admonished her as he drove.

''Happy to. Just find me a single lead on my sister and I will never step foot in this neighborhood again. If not, you will keep arresting me for violating the restraining order, because guess what Carlos, I will keep knocking on the door of the man who last saw my sister before she vanished from the surface of the earth," Michelle replied, feeling angry and dejected.

Carlos knew better not to say anything that would sound like he was defending Dustin, her sisters' boyfriend, so he kept mute and drove.

"Hey, can you just drop me at work? My shift starts in 20 minutes," Michelle implored sadly in her naturally soft voice after a long silence.

Carlos rolled his eyes replied, "I'm not an Uber Michelle."

"Good, who said I was going to tip?" Michelle quipped back.

Carlos shook his head as he drove to the 126 in silence, concerned about his friend.

Michelle Blake is the EMS Captain of Station 126, and a humanitarian, who volunteers at shelter centers to provide medical help to the needy. She is Reyes' best friend. She and her sister, Iris Blake, grew up with Carlos, attending the same basic and high school. Iris disappeared three years ago, and all attempts to find her have been proven futile.

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