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TDofF Birth of a Succubus Ch. 04

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Temple of Gorgon.
10.1k words

Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 11/24/2022
Created 05/03/2019
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There are graphic scenes of a supernatural nature. There are graphic scenes of violence and cannibalism. (note: Such scenes are happening on a mental plain of existence and represent a battle between personalities. No actual physical harm comes to any physical persons.)

Ch. 04- Temple of Gorgon

As Owen kissed 'Easter's' mouth, power pulsed inside us like a solar flare. She gasped when she became aware that I was trapped outside of my body and laughed scornfully at my predicament, and for the first time I sensed other souls inside my body with her...

A softly crooning voice began singing and suddenly my hand was suddenly being snatched out of Josephine's grasp... she disappeared in the white ocean of sperm as I was pulled away at incredible speed!

Before I could scream out to Jo, the ocean of white disappeared and I was floating in endless darkness... time stretched out for and what could have been only seconds... but felt like eternity. Slowly, darkness receded like the night before dawn. My vision was blurry at first but as the light grew brighter so too my vision cleared. The light turned into colors and colors took on shape, and soon, I saw that I was standing inside a Parthenon like Temple.

Somehow, I knew that I was in the very center of the structure, and somehow, this structure... this Temple... was my soul... my body!

Like a wonder struck child, I turned in a circle and looked around in every direction, from horizon to horizon. For as far as I could see every 500 feet stood huge garnet pillars. Every 4 pillars made an open air park like space. None of the pillars had bases, instead, it was as if they simply grew up out of the marble floor, 10 feet in diameter, perfectly circular, and each one etched with snake scales before ending with a simple Grecian 'Dorica' styled capital 500 feet above the floor.

In the center of any 4 pillars, except for where I was standing, for as far as I could see were garnet statues. The first 4 statues closest to me were 500 feet away, and I could just barely see that they appeared to be female.

Feeling suddenly wet and sticky, I looked down and realized I was completely naked except for being covered from matted hair to toes in a thick layer of white... slime!

'Ugh,' I gasped, before using my hands like blades to scrape the gelatinous goo off; starting at my arms, then moved to my chest before moving down my belly and waist to my hips, ass, and legs!

Shifting my weight, I groaned when a huge dollop of white stuff gushed out of my anus and dropped from my vagina. Squatting sped up the process as gallons of goo puddled between my feet atop a huge solid gold disc seal. As soon as my bowels and vagina quit evacuating, I hurriedly moved away to the side of the disc to stand on white marble tile cut in 10 feet by 10 feet squares and veined with garnet and sapphire. Turning to look back at the disc, I figured it was close to 20 feet in diameter. Kneeling down I traced my hand along the parameter, engraved with runes and glyphs. Inside the runes the rest of the disc was a carved snake coiling around itself with its head in the center of the disc.

'Where the hell am I,' I mumbled as I stood up and looked around again, trying to think of where I was before I was here.

'Ohhhhhhh fuck! I have gone fucking crazy haven't I,' I wailed mournfully and slammed the palm of my hands against my forehead!

The result was immediate, upon touching my short auburn pompadour white goo fell into my eyes and ran down my nose and cheeks. Trying to wipe goo off my face, the goo went up my nose and in my mouth and a memory sparked!


I was with Owen!

Licking the cinnamon flavored cum off my hands, I relaxed as my memory began to return. Looking up at the sky I found it startling and very uncomfortable. There was no moon, sun, sky, or stars from horizon to horizon. The sky was a great sapphire serpent eye staring down at me! Beautiful but frightening, casting light upon the world in blue moonlight.

Looking down, away from the disturbing sapphire snake eye, all I wanted was to not have to see it again, closing my eyes I called out, 'Hello, is anyone here besides me?!'

Silence... deafening... silence was the only answer I got in return.

I had no idea how to leave this world and I was starting to feel scared that I never would, so reluctantly, I turned around and walked straight ahead for 500 feet until I came to the first statue... it was me!

I knew it was me!

The face was right and the hair was right, but I had no tattoos. Walking swiftly to the next statue, and then the next as it became a recurrent theme, like the ancient greek statues of the gods, particularly Aphrodite, all these statues were completely naked, and they all had disturbing glowing sapphire serpent eyes.

Much to my distress, the next statue I came upon was wrong in that my breasts were not that small. I am a B-cup and this statue was obviously an A-cup. They were tight, perky little A's, whereas mine were not tight nor perky anymore. Another major flaw were it's hips and ass, my hips are already ridiculously broad and thick with my bubble butt measuring 38 inches, and I haven't even had any kids, and yet, this statue had hips much wider with an ass nearly twice as thick!

'At least none of them show me as being fat so far!' I mumbled to myself before leaving and walking to the next one.

The next statue was large and fearsome, but this time the entire lower body was a snake's body! It had no legs, it's hips and ass curved out even more dramatically than the statues previous to it and turned into a scaly snake tail! Below the statue was a mountain of eggs; while above it's snake tail, the lower belly had a roundness to it I don't actually have. Touching my abdomen to make sure, I looked down and sure enough, I was as flat as a board from pubic mound to sternum.

Looking back up at the statue, it had 4 arms instead of 2, breasts that were still tiny A-cups, an open mouth with long viperous fangs and a long 2 foot long, forked tongue. Horns stuck out of its forehead and curved up like demonic goat horns, and floating above its head was a garnet halo.

This was the weirdest dream I've ever experienced!

I must be dreaming!

Leaving the statue, I walked for a long time moving from statue to statue until time lost all meaning and relevance. I had no idea, anymore, how long I had been in this place... this dream.

Moving along, I continued until I found a statue where I looked almost completely human. It was the most human one I had seen in some time, and even though it was the only one so far, I welcomed it.

I was portrayed with a human body, and especially normal human legs, but it also had long garnet Ravens wings...

The next statue was another where I had a human body, but this time I also had demon horns and a shattered flaming halo...

Another statue of me had broad hips, a thick booty and my thighs were thicker, but the rest of my legs were misshapen from the knee down so that they resembled a large goat's hind legs with feet that were split hooves...

I ran to the next statue hoping for a normal one, and this one I had the horns and halo, the wings of a raven, 2 arms at least, wide hips, the rounded lower belly, the legs of a goat and a tail! The tail was weird however, it was as if my statue's tail was a 5 foot long cobra growing from it's tailbone so that the end was actually a venomous cobra's head!

Movement at my periphery caught my attention!

I was alone for so long... I thought, I was supposed to be alone!

Strangely calm, I watched as a dark shadow became what appeared to be my mother slithering across the marble floor towards me!

My mother and I were as much identical twins as a parent and child could be, separated only by the 18 years before she gave birth to me. I knew it was her... I was sure it was her... because of her hair...

She slithered up on a 30 foot long snake's body much like many of the statues of me I saw earlier. Her eyes were glowing sapphire snake's eyes, and her skin, even the scales of her snake tail, were milk white. She had 4 arms instead of 2. Her breasts were taut A's with just enough fat to be perfectly defined teardrops sitting proudly on her chest. Her hair was curly auburn, like mine, but she never cut hers shorter than the backs of her thighs, which for this version of mom, was about 2 feet below her ass before falling down her snake body in an impossibly intricate Celtic braid.

'Mom,' I called out happily!

She started talking to me, and I could tell immediately that she had the same snake fangs the statues had, and her tongue seemed to flick weirdly as she spoke making it plain her tongue was very long and forked.

'Mom, where the hell am I,' I laughed giddily, interrupting her, I was just so happy to not be alone anymore, 'I have been here for hours!'

She realized that she couldn't hear me nor could I hear her. I could only see that she was trying to say something to me. Glaring at me sternly, she snapped both of her right hands up, resorting to gestures, pointing for me to leave!

I was dumbfounded and shocked and didn't really know how to respond...

Growing frustrated, Mom snapped her fingers and gestured for me to leave again!

Shaking my head, I raised my hands up and shrugged my shoulders, gesturing my hopelessness I'm being able to leave as I whined, 'I don't know how to leave! I've been trying to get out of this dream for hours!'

She looked me up and down and suddenly lunged forward, 2 hands grabbing me by my shoulders while she placed her second set of hands on my lower belly, her right hand on my silver ankh tattoo. Warmth radiated from her hand, soaking into me before penetrating deeper, probing my womb. Suddenly, she snatched her hand away as if burned by the tattoo and reared backwards, all the while, glaring at me and shaking her head as she mouthed a tirade at me I blessedly couldn't hear.

She mouthed something and nodded her head as if she were now talking to herself, looked at me and grinned sinisterly only a moment before lunging at me. Her arms wrapped around me and I screamed in terror as her fanged mouth opened unnaturally wide just before her teeth sank into my neck!

Raising my hands to defend myself the world wobbled and warped as I was thrown into a black void once again...

A small white point of light caught my attention and as soon as I turned to look at it directly I was pulled towards it! My breath caught, I blinked my eyes and I was surrounded by a white ocean with no horizon against a white sky, and a familiar scent of cinnamon filled my nose as I began salivating...


The darkness gave way to light and I was in the very center of the Temple standing atop a golden disc carved with runes and a giant snake. For as far as I could see there were tall garnet pillars 500 feet apart with statues at the center of any 4. From statue to statue was 500 feet, just like the pillars, all with the exception of the space I was in with the disc.

Looking down I saw I was covered from head to toes in thick white gelatinous goo!

'Ugh,' I groaned and started wiping myself clean!

It helped that I was completely naked, but it didn't help that when I shifted my weight about 5 gallons of the white... stuff... suddenly began evacuating out of my intestines, bladder, and vagina!

'Fuck me,' I hissed in embarrassment as I squatted and let my body do what it needed to. When I looked back up, I wasn't alone...

Standing around me, on my left and right, in front and behind, stood 4 supernatural versions of me! Blushing crimson in embarrassment for getting caught taking gigantic white gelatinous slime shit in the middle of the floor, closing my eyes I wished I was dead... rather than here... wherever here was... as I stood up as the last tendrils of goo ran down my inner thighs! Looking at the 4 people surrounding me, I knew that I should be freaking out... I was freaking out... but for some inexplicable reason... somehow... I managed to appear calm as I opened my eyes again.

Looking around, I began assessing the situation. I got the feeling that I was in the center of this Temple. Looking at the 4 me's surrounding me again I amended my observation to I, normal human me, was standing at the center of this Temple!

I felt the weird sensation of Déjà vu and shook my head to clear my thoughts. It felt as if I had been here before. Seen myself naked in this Temple before, but everything was hazy... like a vanishing dream after waking up.

Running my fingers through my auburn pompadour, I hissed and decided to leave my hair alone lest I wanted goo in my eyes and mouth. Looking down and taking stock of myself, I realized that my skin was whiter than it used to be. I was now completely milk white! My skin was soft and smooth and completely hairless beside the hair on my head, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Even my pubic mound and my pussy were now completely devoid of hair making it easier to see my silver fertility tattoo. Aside from my complete hairlessness, which I didn't mind at all, I was supremely disappointed that my breasts were little B-cups again!

It struck me only after I thought it... when were my breasts ever bigger than B's... Déjà vu made the world spin as I saw a brief memory of a white ocean of sperm swelling my belly and breasts... and then it was gone!

Looking down at my body, using my hands to assess myself, I felt an incredible sense of happiness that my belly was flat and my waist was a slim 24 inches! With an explosive sigh of relief, I moved down to my hips that were still a wide and thick 38 inches.

Looking back up, I was finally ready to take my companions' measure. Standing directly in front of me, was Amunet. I had never seen her before, but as soon as my eyes locked with hers, I knew her as well as I knew myself. Memories flooded my brain until my eyes rolled back into my head as my eyelids fluttered... I was just about to swoon when it stopped...

Amunet was the first persona to manifest within me. It was on the day uncle Russell first told my brothers to go out and play...

To go find a treasure he had hidden in the yard...

A game I had wanted so much to go out and play with them...

Instead, he told me to stay inside his small, hot, dank trailer with him...

He said he had a present for me since it was my birthday...

But, to get my present I had to take off my clothes...

It sounded stupid, but I couldn't go outside... and, I wanted my present...

I undressed in the middle of his little living room and dropped my clothes where I stood...

He said to come to him so I did...

I felt pressure and then twinge in my groin as I sat down on his lap and everything became a smoky haze I have never been able to fully recall...

'I saved you that day,' Amunet thought directly into my mind, 'What he did was unforgivable, but I sheltered you from the worst of it as best I could...'

'I know and I thank you,' I thought back to her, my mental voice shaky, my feelings raw from the memory, but I tried to sound warm and thankful for her help all those years ago.

'I should have manifested within you much later,' Amunet answered, her voice grave, 'I would have guided you in the loss of your virginity when the time was right to a noble and righteous boy, possibly a boy that would become your man and in turn your husband.'

'That would have been nice,' I answered, my thoughts sad and regretful.

'I am Amunet, your Succubi Aspect of the spring time, of youth and new growth, or virginity and fertility,' Amunet introduced herself formally, 'I am your youthful desire for sex and your lust for young male virgins. I will no longer rest inside you Megan! I demand that you anoint me so that I may sit on the throne and satisfy my desires with Owen first, then all the young virgins I want to seduce!'

I tried to take a step back from Amunet's fierce insistence, from her aggressive demand for pleasurable release, but I couldn't move. Instead, I was frozen in place and made to face her.

She was fierce and beautiful, standing 6 feet 6 inches tall to the tips of auburn tipped curved demon horns, 12 inches tall, while 6 inches below the tips of her horns and 6 inches above her head, behind her horns was a halo of garnet flame. Beside her horns, she resembled me the most in the fact that her hair grew around her horns in a high shaved undercut while the top was a curly auburn pompadour uppercut. Her face was my face exactly, although her lips seemed a bit fuller, more puckered, but it could have been the fact that her plump pink lips hid canine teeth that were longer than normal and hid at least 40 venomous fangs within them. Her eyes were whiteless sapphire slitted serpent's eyes trimmed with long auburn lashes, much thicker and longer than mine and elegantly arched auburn eyebrows, and her skin was flawless. The color of supernaturally shimmering snowflakes in the sun.

Looking over her body, I felt depressed, her breasts were somehow even smaller than mine! They must have been double-A cups! Behind her breasts were a second set of arms, built into her ribcage just under her primary arms. Her second set of arms were only a little more petite than her primaries, but they looked no less strong. Under her breasts, she wore a silver under-wire, a half inch thick, that curved from just under her pectoral muscles down around her breasts to end at points on her sternum. The silver under-wire was etched with intricate swirling designs, and seemed to be buried in her skin and muscle, bonded directly to her ribcage, and lastly, above and between the 2 points of the under-wires, embedded in her sternum, was a thin 1 inch long cat's-eye sapphire.

Adjacent to the sapphire and above the silver under-wires, piercing her small pink nipples were small silver hoops with a woven silver cord connecting them.

Further down, hanging from the top of her navel like a chandelier was a silver hoop with a solitary woven silver chain that hung down her lower belly until it simply ended at her pubic mound. Half way from her navel to her pubic mound, encircling Amunet's 24 inch waist and sat on her 40 inch hips, was a woven silver chain roughly 30 inches in circumference with 9 pearls pierced through their centers. Behind her broad hips and thick thighs, whipping in agitation was a long white tail, at least 5 feet in length, with a flat broad leaf shaped tip.

Scanning down further, her thighs were thicker than mine while her femur was a little shorter. Her knees were a little more delicate while her calf muscles were shorter and thicker since the tibula and fibula bones were also shorter before meeting goat-like rear cannons leading to large human sized white goat hooves.

'This is my Temple,' I asked, uncertainty trembling my mental voice. I waited for Amunet to answer with a nod before I continued, 'Then, why should I just hand over my Temple to any of you!"

'Because I'm a part of you,' Amunet answered reasonably, but then continued, 'I will be free whether you like it or not! We all will! We are Succubi! We are Goddesses! I demand to be given my fair share of time as the High Priestess of this Temple! You have monopolized it long enough!'

'I... will consider your request,' I answered diplomatically before turning away.

Standing to Amunet's right and to my left, facing me was Easter. How I knew it was her I don't know, I just knew exactly who she was as soon as our eyes met and a flood of memories flooded my mind.

She is the manifestation, persona, the Aspect of Motherhood within me...

She stood taller, or I guess I should say longer, than me by 24 feet 4 inches. Reared up so as to appear standing, Easter was 8 feet 6 inches tall with the first additional foot of her height being above her head as 2 demonic horns grown out of her forehead and curled out then up for 12 inches just like Amunet. Likewise, they were white like her skin but turned more and more auburn towards the tips. Also, 6 inches above her head was a halo of garnet flame. The remaining extra 2 feet of height was the long white serpent's tail that coiled back and forth behind her for 21 feet 4 inches. spanking audio"sister literotica"lierotica"free adult stories"lance and honey on a vacationmom snuck in litero ticaR410a sex storiestoga party gay literoticaIndian shaving literorica"lesbian milf"literotic cruise cuckoldliterotica.comBoss locked a remote control chastity belt on his secretary bondage"mixed wrestling"literoticiayoung stud ch. sextending the curriculumliterotcaDik piel seks stories"porn stories"Literotica Husband caught stealing yoguts at work so his boss uses his wife"nude dance"debra barone does anal storysucking the janitor confessionmcstories mother's desire lesbianwifelovers"literotica mother in law"darkxcoolval(the bitch"literotica forum"cunt prick gamahuche girlmasterbate"nudist family story"Xwedodah stories xxxlifeguard forced to cum literoticaForcing my little siste ravihu"literotica futa"frat bro given to sorority literoicaNanites chastity belt litertica/s/crush-from-the-pastship waitress litorica storiesI was fucked by donkeystories"butt fucking"lesbian dildo "good girl" -anal -sissy -plug -butthole literotica"femdom literotica""literotica giggling goblin"sorority orgy pussy felt storyoneclickchicksasstr footperv"incest porn stories"curing my son incest sexstoriesTaken in the Shower (Erotic Nonconsent, Forced Sex, BDSM, and Rape StoriesRaksha bandhan aani tai sex stori"gloryhole literotica"wicked son taboo sexstories"literotica incest"a mother's dilemma taboo sexstoriesमॅडम सरांच्या सेक्स स्टोरीLiterot Mum fuck son in kitche sex storyliterottica minotaur"literotica daughter"I made her my slut through subliminal messages dirty stories literolyricsmaster bastard "literotica cheating"Page 3 "i could masturbate you"said mom"literotica top"புண்டைகாட்டிCirkon jungleWalmart fuck literoticaBig sister shave an injured brother hairy penies in bath incest historyi groaned and shuddered with my son each thrust / Literotica"xxx short stories"litteroticadaddy cums inside daughter's cervix literoticaliterotica the towel boy's ordealyou grope your cock between my ass.i feel it so hot in my ass/erotic couplings/literotica.comenf stories unconsciousa tight spot taboo storydoped milf at black house, liteuroticaravishu gang kidnapping slaversLiteroticsa chemical sex change stories xxxxhome for horn* monsters literot*mom and son durin thunderstorm incest sexstories"my mouth" piss cuk mistress story "please no"Thrust5 submissions