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The A-Team Ch. 05

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A reimagining of Pretty Little Liars with more lesbian sex
8.2k words

Part 5 of the 16 part series

Updated 12/10/2023
Created 09/05/2015
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All are characters over eighteen


Ella Montgomery entered the HQ of the A-team, a frown of irritation across her attractive features.

"You're late" Melissa Hastings said and then aware that it sounded like an accusation and noticing her fellow team member's storm cloud expression added in a softer tone "Tough day at school?"

The teacher and founder of the A-team nodded and strode over to the pictures, admiring the recent addition of Hanna and Ashley Marin standing together with their gaped open ass holes. Melissa, Mona and Ali waited silently for a moment as Ella gave a small smile as she looked at the photos and then a shrug as if her problems were inconsequential compared to the team's mission to fuck sexy bottoms. She turned back away from the pictures and took a seat on the couch, next to Alison, who was trying her best to look sympathetic - and almost managing it.

"It's your younger sister, Melissa," said Ella exasperatedly, "Giving her the answer is never just enough, she always wants to push it. I spent ten minutes trying to convince her that 1984 is a left wing criticism of Stalinism and she spent the whole time arguing back that it's a more general critique of bureaucracy and Government. If I said something was black, she'd argue it was just a light form of grey. I wouldn't mind if she did it in class, but she waited until the bell had gone before button-holing me at my desk."

"She needs reminding you're the teacher," said Mona sympathetically.

Melissa thought her younger sister needed more than that, but it was Ella who put it into words, snorting, " She needs butt-fucking. I mean she's so obviously a dyke fuckhole," she looked at Melissa, slightly reddening as she remembered she was talking about her friend's younger sister.

Melissa shrugged, "I'm not arguing, if ever a girl needed a cock up her ass it's Spence. I'm her sister and I think she needs to know her proper place, her head between an A-teamer's legs and her cheeks spread for another. But is she ready?" She looked at Alison the master manipulator, who almost seemed to be able to read minds and then open them so that they flowed in a way their submissive owners had never consciously considered.

It was Mona who answered with a smile, "Oh she's ready and I've been thinking of a plan... that is if we don't mind Ella breaking her in and by breaking in I mean banging her virgin butt."

"Oh I don't mind," Ella said with a smile. She looked at Melissa.

The older Spencer sister nodded, "No, I'm okay with that as well." Then she smiled, "In fact I'd love to hear about how my goodie-goodie sister is going to be made in anal whore."

"Here's my plan..." said Mona and began to go through it. Like many of Mona's plans, the core was good, but the details ill-thought through. Luckily Melissa had the forensic skill to see them and dissect them, throwing the problems to the rest of the group to solve. The four A-teamers talked and schemed for hours, but by the time they broke up they all knew Spencer's time as a heterosexual anal virgin was at an end.

And all it would take was Ella's red pen...


Spencer stared down at the paper, looked up just to check she hadn't fallen asleep and was having a nightmare, and then looked down again. It was her paper all right, her carefully argued and immaculately typed English essay of a quality most Yale graduates would envy; erudite, witty and above all correct. And there in the corner in red pen, circled as if for emphasis was an E. Not even a B+, which was the lowest she'd ever had (and she was on prescription drugs at the time), nor even a C or a D, which was what her friend Hanna normally got, but an E - a grade reserved for the dumbest of the dumb. She looked up at Ella Montgomery's retreating back as she passed the marked papers to the rest of the class. "Mrs Montgomery, I think there's been some mistake with my grade."

"I don't think so," said her friend's Mom. She turned and walked back to Spencer's desk, leaning over to look down at the paper as if she was checking what she had said was true, Then she straightened up, "No, there's no mistake. I've graded the paper with the mark it deserved."

"But..." Spencer knew it was worth more than that and was about to argue.

Mrs Montgomery made a gesture which said that she wasn't in a listening mood, "Spencer, we have to get on with the lesson. If you want to discuss the poor grade I've given you can see me after school." Spencer went red at the collective gasp that went round the room that she'd been marked as less than perfection. She gave a brief nod, deciding this was not the moment to argue, but equally convinced Ella Montgomery had made a mistake in the grading and that Spencer would need to persuade her of the error of her ways.

The rest of the day seemed to drag, the other classes Spencer had been too simple for words and seemingly designed just to make the day longer. As soon as the final bell rang she was out of her seat and striding towards Mrs Montgomery's classroom. It was empty, but all of Ella's books were still sitting on the desk, suggesting the teacher hadn't left. Spencer waited as outside the room the school emptied, the corridors clearing and the parking lot becoming denuded of both students' and teachers' cars. Just when Spencer was starting to think that she was, for once, wrong and Ella Montgomery had left for the day the classroom door opened and in stepped her friend's Mom.

Spencer immediately wondered if the reason Ella had been away from the classroom was that the divorced Mom was preparing for a date. She'd changed from her formless slacks to a shorter skirt which went half-way up her thighs, her sensible shoes replaced by knee length leather boots and her blouse with a sweater so tight Spencer could see the nipples. If so, the guy was in for a treat - Spencer wasn't a lesbian like her friend Emily, though if she had been she'd have been impressed. However date or no date Spencer wanted to get her grade put up to its proper place, an A- at the least. "Mrs Montgomery you said to come to see you about my essay and the grade."

Ella didn't answer straight away instead taking her seat behind the desk and pushing the chair a few inches back to allow her lovely legs space to cross, the skirt riding up a bare thigh. "I did. I was thinking about going to your parent's direct, but I've decided to give you a chance first - though if I don't see an improvement I'll have no choice."

This wasn't what Spencer had expected, she had thought Ella would quickly accept her mistake and up her grade, not talk about going to her parents. She quickly moved back into the attack, "Mrs Montgomery, you know this essay wasn't E grade material it was at least A. No-one else has done the depth of research."

"No, Spencer, it was sloppy, poorly written, with out of date and discredited ideas, I was reading your essay directly after Alison's and the difference in them was telling. For a smart girl you seem to be incredibly lazy and slack in your school work."

Spencer blushed; it was unfair, she thought, she had worked hard on that assignment. But more wounding was the fact that Mrs Montgomery believed Alison's had been better; there had always been a rivalry between the two girls, but it had become exacerbated now she'd come to realise Ali wasn't her friend but a girl who'd get A+ for being a bitch. She was about to protest more, when Ella held up a hand stopping her, "I don't want any excuses Spencer, what we need to think about now is where we go from here."

"I could redo it?" suggested Spencer.

There was an abrupt shake of Ella Montgomery's head, "If it was only this essay I'd agree. But we both know its more than that. I've been looking over your past work with a more critical eye, I've been marking too high - it's my own fault, you're Aria's friend and also I remember how bright your sister was and that may have influenced my marking. If I'd been marking properly I think you'd be bouncing around a D average."

Spencer's head swam, one essay was bad enough, but all her work.... She opened her mouth and closed it. Luckily, as Ella hadn't finished, "And there's your behaviour in class. Inattentive, argumentative, disruptive...."

Spencer seriously wondered if she'd wandered into an alternative universe where her alter-ego Spencer was everything she wasn't. She was the best student in the whole class, listening intently, never speaking unless she had something constructive to say and always first with her hand up for an invariably correct and well argued answer. How could Ella think otherwise? She looked at the teacher, for once speechless, of all the scenarios she had played in her head, this was one she had never even contemplated.

"So you see," Ella continued, "We have a problem. The question is what do we do about it."

Spencer was still shell-shocked and silent, but seeing that Mrs Montgomery was looking at expecting an answer she managed to mumble, "I don't know."

The pretty Milf teacher sighed, "That's the attitude I've come to expect from you Spencer, an 'I don't care'. You've been able to get by on being lackadaisical and lazy in school, but this is your final year. If you're lucky enough to get into a college tutors there won't be letting your poor quality work slide through, and as for if you need to get a job..." She didn't complete the sentence.

Spencer blushed red, "I'll try and improve," she said, though she wasn't sure how.

Ella shook her head despairingly, "I'm sure you will, for about five minutes, before letting your work slip again. That's the truth and there's little I can do about that, at least nowadays."

"What do you mean, now? Was there something you could have done? Am I too late?" Spencer could feel herself close to panic; she hadn't even known there was a problem with her work and if it hadn't been so life-destroying she'd have thought it ironic that there had been a solution that she had missed.

"I don't mean something recent, but more that whilst much of teaching has moved on, we've lost something about how to deal with poorly performing students. Now we can only tell you off, but it used to be we could physical chastise poor students..."

"Did that work?" Spencer asked.

"Mostly not, but with a few students it did. It made them realise they were going down the wrong path and righted them again," Ella shrugged and made to stand up from her desk, "It doesn't matter, spanking isn't allowed."

"Please, please, can we try it," Spencer said in desperation. There was opening, a way to get her work back on track and she wasn't going to get the law get in her way; she just had to talk Mrs Montgomery, Ella into doing it. It would be humiliating, she was sure, and possibly painful, depending on how hard the teacher smacked her, but it was a lot less bad than failing to get into college and ending up selling Big Macs and fries.

Mrs Montgomery looked shocked, "Spencer..." she snapped abruptly, her tone angry.

She shouldn't push she knew, but Spencer also knew that failing wasn't an option - no Hastings in living memory hadn't got into a top college, grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, her sister... Whilst she couldn't see how an old fashioned spanking would help she had to try, or be a loser. "Please Mrs Montgomery... Ella," the teen wasn't above emotional blackmail reminding the teacher that she had known her since Aria was small.

Ella pursed her lips, "I shouldn't have said. It probably won't work."

Life was so unfair, thought Spence. She clenched her hands tightly into fists as she put every ounce of energy she could gather into her pleas, "Mrs Montgomery, can we give it a go. I want to do better, I don't want to be getting E's and if spanking will help..." Ella didn't say anything, but, from her expression, was at least considering it. Spencer didn't allow her any let-up, "I want to be spanked. I want my bottom to be thrashed until I squeal. I want to be good."

There was another silence, only for a few seconds, but to Spencer it seemed longer, before Ella spoke, "You know what you're asking is illegal. If anyone found out I'd be fired... at best."

"I won't tell anyone," said Spencer.

"If I do this, and I'm not saying I will, I won't be giving you a few light slaps on your bottom it would be a proper punishment, whipping you so hard you'll be sobbing." Ella spoke quietly her eyes on Spencer's face as if she was expecting the teen's expression to tell her something the young Hasting's words wouldn't.

Keeping her features in tune with her words Spencer nodded, "Yes, Mrs Montgomery. I understand. It won't work if it's not a proper thrashing."

The older woman sighed, "Okay Spencer. Go and shut the door and pull down the blind. Make sure it's locked as well."

Spencer almost skipped over to it, doing as she was instructed. In the few seconds it took her to do that and turn around Mrs Montgomery had moved her chair backwards from the desk so that there was a couple of feet of space between them. The teacher sat down and patted her thigh rapidly, "Over my knee Spencer."

Spencer quickly did as she was told. It felt strange having of her stomach resting on her friend's Mom's legs, but it felt vaguely right, almost comfortable. She waited for the spanking to begin. It didn't start, instead there was a cough from Mrs Montgomery, "Spencer if I wanted to mark my hand with your denims I'd have said so."

"Mrs Montgomery... do you mean?..." Spencer wasn't exactly sure what the teacher meant.

However Mrs Montgomery soon made it clear, "Yes, Spencer, pull down your jeans and your panties as well. Spankings need to be on bare bottoms, otherwise they're not going to do anything."

Spencer stood up, blushing. She turned away from the teacher as she fiddled with her jean buttons, all the time aware the older woman was looking at her. Perhaps the humiliation was part of the punishment, another spur to do better. If that was so she should have pulled them down to her ankles or kicked them of altogether, but she couldn't face being bottomless and over her teacher's knee so she just pulled them down to the top of her thighs. She turned back and waddled to Ella's knees, glad that her blouse tail covered her naked pussy. Slowly she lowered herself over the teacher, her head dropping down and her ass raising up.

"That's better," said Ella. For a moment Spencer could feel the older woman's hands caressing her cheeks, almost like she was playing with them. But before Spencer could fully think through the ramifications of that her teacher had raised her hand.

And then she brought it down.

With force...

"Yooowwww!" Spencer gave a cry, as much of shock as pain. It did hurt, more than she had expected, Ella must have put some strength into it. But it wasn't agony, not like ripping a nail or stubbing a toe, more like banging face first into a door. And it was embarrassing like that as well, as if she walked headfirst into one and bounced back in front of a room full of laughing students. The fact that there was only her and teacher and Mrs Montgomery wasn't laughing didn't stop Spencer blushing.

"Oooowww!" she gave another squeal as Ella's hand came down again, making her butt cheeks wiggle and dance. She hated this; it was humiliating enough to be over the older woman's knee with her ass getting tanned, that it was naked and exposed made it even more so. In fact the only thing worse would be the sniggers of the class as they'd heard of her grades. The thought of sitting in the corner wearing a dunce's cap kept the teen in position.

"Yoooucchh!" Ella's hand came down for the third time in as many seconds. Spencer felt her ass cheeks glowing, her face cheeks as well - possibly for different reasons. It didn't help that the position Ella had her in meant that the blood was rushing down to her head, making her dizzy and light-headed. There was another slap, as hard as before on her buttocks and Spencer squeaked out another cry. Face down, butt up meant she couldn't see them coming and it was hard to say anything, sure she could open her mouth and speak, but only to the floor - and why would Mrs Montgomery listen to that? The teen gritted her teeth, opening them again as a fifth slap spanked across her ass.

'Smack, smack, smack," Ella's hand ricocheted down in a series of ultra-quick slaps, each one leaving a print on the teen's firm butt. Spencer squealed and squeaked some more, involuntarily shaking one of her legs, like a nerve was jangling. Ella ignored the twitch and brought down her palm again, 'Smack, smack.'

"OOOowww," Spencer squeaked, was that ten or eleven?, she wasn't sure. Nor was she sure how many she was going to get. Did Mrs Montgomery have a set number in mind a dozen or a hundred? Surely her own hand would be stinging soon, it wasn't like she was holding back - Spencer's ass was red and sore, but the teacher's palm would also soon be aching. Was that what she was planning? To spank until she couldn't do any more? Or did she just suddenly hit a magical point when she would know Spence had learned her lesson. Spencer wanted to tell her that if so, she'd learnt the lesson after the first slap - her grades would improve, she knew it. She also knew that Mrs Montgomery wouldn't believe her, Spencer would be here for a while. Another series of slaps wiggled her naked butt - it was over a dozen now, it must be near fifteen or sixteen even. And Mrs Montgomery wasn't stopping, her hand careened across Spencer's ass taking the number of spanks up to twenty. Spencer opened her mouth and squealed again, "Ooooowwww!"

Would the teacher stop at a round number; even if Spencer had miscounted and it was twenty one that might be the time she stopped. 'Slap', Ella's hand pounded down again, there was no sense that she was weakening and Spencer gave another squeal, shaking in humiliation as her buttocks bounced. 'Slap, slap' the palm came down twice more in quick succession, concentrating once on each cheek, hard enough to have left red imprints in the flesh if her round buttocks hadn't already been scarlet. "OOOwwww," Spencer squealed again, the sound as much due to the embarrassment as the pain.

'Slap' once more the hand came down as hard as before, making Spencer jerk. She waited for the next blow.

And waited...

And waited...

The break might have only been a minute, but to Spencer, splayed across Ella Montgomery's legs with her naked, red, ass pointing upwards at her teacher it seemed like it was hours. Had the punishment finished? was that it? Twenty five slaps or twenty six? It might even be twenty seven? Spencer bit her lip, willing it to be so, silently promising to redouble her efforts on her essay for Mrs Montgomery. The silence continued and Spencer wondered if the teacher was waiting for her speak, to say she'd learnt her lesson and would be a model pupil from now on.

She was just about to do so when she felt Mrs Montgomery's hand on her butt again; except this time it wasn't a hard slap, but a slow, gentle caress of the teen's cheeks, moving over the round mound like she was stroking a favourite cat sitting in her knee. Spencer bit her lip harder, unsure what to do. After the hard spanking the soft touch felt good, worryingly sensual. Was her pussy starting to tingle? It was, just a little, a small feeling of horniness, growing as the teacher continued to rub her. Spencer's face went even redder than when Ella had been thrashing her, hoping that the teacher wouldn't notice the arousal. Over her cheek went the brunette teacher's hand, gently, softly, sexily. Spencer's face was burning with embarrassment; she wasn't a lesbian or a sado-masochist, so why was her body betraying her like this? She could feel her cunt was getting wet, not soaking or gushing, but certainly starting to dampen. 'Please, please, please stop', she thought, 'please, please, please don't notice'.

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