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The A-Team Ch. 16

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A reimagining of Pretty Little Liars with more lesbian sex.
6.3k words

Part 16 of the 16 part series

Updated 12/10/2023
Created 09/05/2015
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The picture was so high-def that it almost looked live, Melissa Hastings didn't believe in false economies and a cheap screen would certainly be that. What was the point of saving a few dollars and get a fuzzy, barely watchable picture? She wasn't short of money, her legal career was going well and now she was fucking her Mom she'd got the older woman to transfer most of her salary into her eldest daughter's account as a top-up allowance. However even if she had to scrimp and save Melissa would have gone for the expensive TV, it was worth every cent to watch movies like this.

She slid her hand over her naked pussy gently rubbing it as on screen her sister danced to some music. It had to be said Spencer Hastings was not a natural dancer, her cavorting, whilst superficially joyful, were out of time and the smile on her face was fake, as if she didn't want to be doing it, but did want to please her sister. The music wasn't something Melissa would have picked either, her sister's taste was eclectic and she'd chosen something which possibly had them dancing in the nineties. However, Melissa was in a forgiving mood, returning home from work to find her sister had slipped the sexy DVD under the door to the barn as they'd agreed. Whatever Spencer's dancing skills, she could work her titties, playing the bra over them teasingly, before finally snapping it off so she was just in her panties and socks.

She continued her sexy dance for the camera, swaying almost in time, her fingers under the elastic of her panties, teasing with brief tugs down that nearly showed her slit. However she couldn't tantalise forever and soon they were down to her ankles, the teen dancing and swaying with her sexy pussy on display. Melissa grinned as her sister turned and wiggled her ass, the silver head of the butt-plug visible between her cheeks. It hadn't been the cheapest toy available, but Melissa thought that the bright metallic colouring looked good between her sister's cheeks and she didn't begrudge a cent spent on it (especially as it had come from Spencer's allowance).

Her sister continued to move, now twerking her ass cheeks so the plug moved between them. There was the sound of a small sensual groan above the music, showing that Spencer had enjoyed making the movie as much as Melissa was enjoying watching it. The movie came to an end as Spencer gave one final wiggle to the music and then as the song ended straightened and walked over to switch off the camera.

Attaching the file to an e-mail Melissa sent it to her fellow A-Team members, sure they would also like it. She closed the laptop and walked over to her drawer, perusing the collection of strap-ons within. Finally she chose one, black and ridged with a bulbous head that would break open the seal and stretch the hole.

Her mother was out at the moment, as ordered by Melissa, with a set time to return - which the older woman would adhere to to the second. Melissa smiled as she thought of her sister's sexy butt and what she was going to do to it. She slipped out of her clothes and into the strap-on, before sliding into a robe and some slippers. The house was near enough that she didn't mind the coolness of the outside for a few seconds and the door was unlocked as always.

"Spencer," she shouted up to her sister from the main room, "I want your fuckhole down here in sixty seconds."

She heard movement from upstairs and glanced at the clock to make sure she timed it right. Loosening her robe she stood astride, her hands on hips, the strap-on dangling in front of her like a real cock. At fifty-nine seconds Spencer appeared still adjusting the strap on her tiny negligee, it barely covered her tits and was translucent enough that Spencer could make out the nipples underneath and so short that as her sister rapidly descended the stairs Melissa could get glimpses of the shaven pussy.

"I was hoping you'd come round," Spencer said as she got to the bottom and stood in front of her dominant sister. There was a smile on her face, nervous and excited, glad to see her elder sibling, as her eyes fixed on the dildo that Melissa was wearing.

The clock ticked, by Melissa's reckoning it was one minute and one second since she called - she might be wrong, but Spencer wouldn't gainsay her. "You're late," she said sternly and waited for the excuse she knew would come; Spencer wasn't Aria - her friend's fuckhole would just accept she was tardy, Spencer always had a reason.

"I wasn't quiet ready, I know you like me to dress sexy for you and I needed to put on my new nightdress," Spencer said, her eyes to the floor.

"Did you not think I'd be over once Mom had left?" Melissa said.

"I hoped you would, but not so quickly," there was a whine in Spencer's fault, almost as if she was blaming Melissa. The older Hastings couldn't take that, if she hadn't been going to punish Spencer for being late (and there was a high likelihood of it), she certainly would for her attitude - a hole should be obedient at all times, not seeking to imply there was a fault with a top.

"Tardiness isn't something I expect from you Spencer, when I call I want you ready. As soon as Mom went out you should have been preparing."

"Yes Melissa," her sister's response was meek, but it was too late and Melissa's mind was made up.

"Go and get the ties," said Melissa forcefully, "If you're going to be late you're going to get punished."

"Yes Melissa," Spencer's response was dutiful, her momentary spark of rebelliousness snuffed out like a candle. Melissa watched as her younger sister scurried up the stairs, her ass bobbing delightfully under the nightdress. As soon as she was out of sight Melissa turned and walked into the kitchen. On top of one of the cupboards was a one-metre ruler. It had originally been something which her Mom had used to measures her daughter's heights (the marks still visible on the doorframe), but as they'd grown it had been forgotten and languished unused on the cupboards top. However it made a lovely spanking implement and more than once over the last couple of month's Spencer's ass had been roasted by it as Melissa punished and trained her sister to full obedience.

She gave it a practice swish, listening to its purr as it swiped through the air and the satisfying crack as it hit the leather of the stool.

"I've brought them," Spencer stood at the door holding a couple of their long left Dad's ties.

"Assume the position," Melissa said curtly, not needing to give anymore instruction.

Spencer leant forward over the kitchen counter, her arms spread out and her ass raised. Melissa tied first one wrist and then the other to the metal bar, before lifting the nightdress fully to expose her sister's rump. It was nicely fuckable as well as spankable and Melissa ran a finger over the round cheeks, feeling the tremor of Spencer as she did. She wondered how much was fear and how much excitement, the teen's introduction to the A-Team had been by a spanking and she seemed to get off on them, though she would never say it. Not that Melissa minded, she loved ramming her sister's butt with strap-on, but whipping it was also fun - it put them both in a place they should be. "How many?"

"As many as you think I deserve," Spencer replied.

"A dozen," said Melissa, she didn't want to ruin Spencer's ass for later - not that it would have stopped her fucking her, even if the ass was torn up like the Western Front - but she was a dominatrix, not a sadist. "Count them out."

"One" squeaked Spencer as the ruler cracked over her. Melissa raised her hand again and brought it down with speed.

The thin strip of wood bent in Melissa grip as it connected. The teen's cheeks jiggled and wobbled with the blow, reddening when it struck. "Two," yelped out Spencer. Seconds later she squealed again, "Three."

Melissa paused for a second, looking down at the reddened asshole and admiring her handiwork. She shifted her aim so that she would land above where she'd struck before and brought down the ruler. It hummed through the air, blurring at a speed which was almost supersonic before crashing firmly on the cheeks, "Aaarrgggh, four," screamed out Spencer, involuntarily pulling at the ties which bound her. Melissa grinned and brought down again, the ruler smacking across the struggling teen's rump. "Five!" Spencer tried to pull further back, but that was why she was knotted to the table - it was for the teen's own good; if she had escaped she'd have had to be thrashed even more.

Melissa swung, putting all her effort into the blow, spare the rod, spoil the bitch was a motto of the A-Team, even if they were adherents of Zeus not Yahweh. "AAarrrghh," screamed Spencer as the thin wood bit into her cheeks.

"Count it," admonished her sister.

"Six," choked Spencer.

"I'm hoping you're learning your lesson," Melissa brought the ruler down again.

"AAarrrggg, yesss, seven," shrieked Spencer. Her hips bucked as she tried to escape the blow and duck away. Melissa smiled and raised her hand again. The ruler hissed and snapped. There was another scream from Spencer, followed by a cry of "Eight."

"You're lucky, others would have beaten your ass raw for your tardiness," said Melissa as she smacked down again.

"AAArrrghhh, nine, yes Melissa, you're the best," squeaked Spencer. "It's my own fault for not being the perfect fuckslut sister."

"I'm glad you realise that," Melissa aimed and then hit the point, a red weal appearing across the bottom of her sister's buttocks.

"Aaaaarrgghh, ten."

"If you'd come down when called you could be fucking at the moment, having your ass full of my cock rather than being punished," Melissa said. She laid the ruler down hard as she was speaking, feeling the cheeks giving way it and seeing the wood dig deep into the trembling flesh.

"Yes, eleven."

Melissa paused, flexing the ruler in her hands and looking down at the red-lined cheeks. They'd soon recover, but for the moment they looked like a zebra, bruised marks across pale skin. She raised the ruler once more, putting in all her effort for one final strike.

"Aaaarrrghhh, twelve," Spencer screamed, bucking and rocking as the ruler thrashed across her ass.

"Good, now what do you say?"

"I'm sorry Melissa, I'll try better," Spencer sniffed. "Thank you for the lesson."

Melissa untied her sister and Spencer rubbed her wrists where the material had dug in as she'd tugged against it. "Take them upstairs and put them away," Melissa passed the ties to the teen and then placed the ruler away. She glanced at the clock, there was plenty of time. Moving into the main room she sat on the sofa. She switched on the TV and clicked onto the lesbian porn channel her Mom had recently ordered. A few seconds later Spencer arrived down the stairs, Melissa saw the teen's eyes widen as she realised what was on the screen, but she didn't say a word - probably assuming Melissa had bought it and not told their Mom. The younger Hastings stood to one side of her sister and waited for instructions. Melissa let her stew for a couple of minutes before saying, "That spanking took it out of me, I could do with some grapes."

"Do you want me to peel them?"

"Of course," Melissa snapped. Her sister was either really dense or a dozen spanks had not been enough and she was angling for more. Spencer scrambled away, returning with a plate of grapes. She got on the couch, on her knees beside, her sister, peeling a grape. Melissa opened her mouth and allowed her sister to pop it in. It was the work of seconds to devour and Spencer was still peeling the next even as Melissa was swallowing. Melissa tapped a foot impatiently and opened her mouth, Spencer adding the grape and quickly reaching for another.

The porn on screen was making Melissa horny, as was the touch of Spencer as the teen fed her. Melissa looked at the clock again, a few more minutes and she'd fuck her sister. She forced herself to relax and enjoy the grapes and the movie, both of which weren't bad, she had to admit and when Spencer got herself into a rhythm she could peel quickly and feed her sister. Melissa laid her head back and allowed the teen to pop in the grapes, aware that she was following the path of so many mistresses with their slaves in years gone by. The thought that perhaps, one day, this would be normal as the Amazon's regained their power was a big a turn on as the touch of her sister's nubile body.

But Melissa needed to turn to the present. She glanced at the clock and then straightened. "You want my dick in your ass?"

Spencer nodded eagerly, "Oh yes, you know I do."

"Get on your knees and beg for it," ordered Melissa, opening her legs for her sister to kneel between.

Spencer was down in seconds, "Please Melissa, fuck my ass. I don't care if I cum I just want you to bang it."

"Perhaps, plead some more," Melissa said, though she undid her robe and shrugged it off so all she was wearing was the toy.

"Please, so much, please, fuck my ass. I'd love to have your big dick gaping it open and stretching it. I'll be so good, I'll be a total slut for you, you could ram it so hard that it'd be wrecked. Please, please, please fuck it," Spencer's yearning expression matched her words.

"Suck my dick first, make it nice and wet and then I'll consider," grinned Melissa.

Immediately Spencer's mouth was open and her head was going down the dick. The teen didn't go too far with the first bob, but she went further with the second and with third Melissa helped her, pressing all the way down until Spencer was gagging as the cock vanished all the way between her lips. "Make it nice and wet," said Melissa, easing the pressure a little.

There were no words from her sister, but plenty of action. The teen's head went up and down as fast as she could, gobbling loudly and enthusiastically at the plastic prick, pressing it at Melissa's cunt and making the older Hastings dampen with anticipation. Whatever you could say about Spencer's poor time-keeping there was no doubt her skills with her mouth made up for it. Now she'd got into a rhythm she was going fast and deep, taking the cock so far into her mouth it was pushing at her throat. Several times she gagged, but that didn't stop her; she'd pause, choke and gasp, sometimes pulling her head up for a breath of air and then was down again, deep-throating the dick.

"Mmnnn, that's it you skanky whore, suck my strap-on, uuuhhh, yes push it at my pussy," Melissa groaned in pleasure. The toys haft was rubbing at her, pleasing her cunt. She ran one hand through her own hair, pushing the fringe back as she used the other to encourage her sister, gripping the skull and managing the younger Hastings movements. "Yes, deep-throat this dick you slut, mmmnnn no-one can deep throat dick like you Spence, you're the town's biggest fucking whore."

She stood up, taking control. Her hips jolted as she began to face-fuck her sister, driving the dick in deep. She held the back of the teen's head, making sure the vigorous thrusting didn't push it back and off her cock. Spencer shuddered as the cock banged into her mouth, her eyes watering and white bile oozing from between her lips. Well-trained as she was she took it, her hands round on her sister's ass, dragging Melissa forward so the older sibling fucked harder and faster. "Take it slut, take my fucking dick in your mouth, mmmnnn it like fucking a hot pussy, your mouth was made for cock."

The teen shuddered and choked, her head bouncing forward. More liquid leaked from her mouth, down over her chin to drip onto her negligee. Still fucking the teen Melissa reached for the nightwear, gripping it and pulling. Spencer was dragged further up the cock, her eyes widening at the dick went as deep down into her mouth as it ever had done. Then the nightdress ripped and Melissa was left with a piece of tattered material in her hand as the rest of the ruined silk dropped away. She tossed it and watched it flutter to the air. She didn't know how much Spencer had spent and she didn't care - whatever the amount it had been worth it to Melissa to tear it off and show her dominance. Her cock went in faster and harder, turned on by her control.

"You're such a slut Spencer, a complete whore. You know I'm going to ruin your ass after fucking your face. What do you think Mom would say if she knew? She'd think you're the dirtiest slut ever, she'd think you're a disgraceful cock-sucking bitch, mmnnnn she'd know you're a complete slut fit for only one thing and it's not college. Yes, I am going so to enjoy your ass...."

So saying she pulled her cock out and roughly grasped the gasping Spencer by the arm, dragging her up and round to the back of the sofa. Glancing at the clock again, she pushed Spencer forward over the couch's back. "I'm going to bang that butt."

"Oh, God, yes Melissa, fuck my slutty ass, ruin and wreck it, I'm your whore, Mom would throw me out if she knew how much of a slut I was."

Taking hold off Spencer's ass cheeks Melissa spread them opening exposing the treasure within. The hole looked tight and firm, though from experience Melissa knew how easily it buckled. Keeping one hand on her sister's butt she used the other to guide her toy to target. Spencer gasped and bucked as the dildo pressed at her sphincter and pushed through it into her tunnel. Melissa continued to hold it long enough to make sure it was encased before moving her hand to Spencer's shoulder, pulling her back with it, as her other hand pushed the teen's ass, pressing her at the couch. Spencer moaned and bent, her hair running down her back. The cock slid down her anal passage, the walls hardly bothering to put up a defence.

"Ooohhh, yes Melissa bang my ass hard, make it yours."

"It is mine already you slut, I own it and you, I can fuck you whenever I want," Melissa corrected her sister, but continued on down.

The cock carved through Spencer's flesh, drilling deep into the anal chute, spreading the walls like butter. Soon it was in as far as it could go.. Melissa's hands moved up and down and round the front, finding Spencer's tits and squeezing and playing with them. The teen bucked and moaned, her nipples hardening under her sister's lithe fingers. Melissa tweaked them until they were stiff as iron and then resumed her fucking, driving in and out of Spencer at speed. The teen squeaked and squealed in appreciation, her body bucking and rocking against Melissa, her back squashing at the older Hastings' tits. "Ooohhh, yesss, yesss, fuck my slutty ass, ram it open."

Reaching down for the pussy, Spencer ran her fingers over the moist slit. Her sister bucked and quivered, trying to press her cunt at Melissa. Melissa took control again and thrust a couple of fingers in, pushing them up one of her sister's fuck-holes as she pounded the other with her big toy. Spencer cried out louder, her body twisting and pressing at Melissa's like she was trying to mould to it. The couch squeaked as they pressed down on it, Spencer grasping the back's top as if she feared falling off.

Pounding forward Melissa looked at the clock. It was nearly time. She moved her fingers from the teen's pussy, they were soaked with cum. "Open wide," she ordered and as soon as her sister did she shoved the fingers in her mouth. "Suck them," she ordered and pounded forward.

With her sister no longer squealing the room was quieter, the only sound the creaks from the sofa and the smack of Melissa's body onto Spencer's. It was exactly what Melissa wanted. Outside she could hear the sound of her Mom's car coming up.

And from her sister's panicked reaction so could Spencer. Desperately the teen pushed Melissa's fingers out of her mouth so she could speak, "That's Mom, we've got to stop now, before she catches us."

"I'll say when we stop," Melissa said curtly and stuffed her fingers back into Spencer's mouth, thrusting at the teen's ass even more powerfully, so that the couch began to scrape across the floor. Spencer struggled a second, but a swat on her ass reminded her who was boss and she ceased her movements, though Melissa could see she was focussed on the door and willing her sister to stop before their Mom came through it.


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