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The Accident

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A disaster leads to another chance.
4.5k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 03/13/2024
Created 10/06/2023
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This is a continuation of my story The Agreement. If you have not read it I would advise doing so, as this story assumes that you have already.

October was slowly rolling by and things were getting colder as leaves changed to red, orange and yellow. I locked my front door behind me and took off my work boots.

"Thia?" I asked, looking around for my girlfriend, "You up yet?"

No answer... I stepped down the hallway into my bedroom and found her still asleep under the covers wearing one of my old high school hoodies. Agatha had moved into my room a few weeks ago and I have to say it was really nice waking up in her arms or coming home to see this.

I grinned, taking off my clothes I carefully moved the blankets exposing her beautiful body as I climbed up over her. I pulled the hem of my hoodie up and pulled down her black panties revealing her beautiful heart shaped ass and slit before I rubbed my hard cock against it. Even though she was asleep her body still reacted, her lips opened just enough for me to slide in a couple of inches.

I had wanted to take my time but I couldn't resist her warmth as I started to thrust back and forth, careful not to hit her. She moaned softly as her pussy clenched and relaxed in time with my thrusts. After a few minutes my hips were clapping into Agatha's ass making the bed squeak loudly, slamming the frame into the wall as my cock bottomed out with every thrust.

Agatha had given up her sleeping act and was now loudly moaning, she's a light sleeper so obviously she'd been awake the whole time.

"Fuck yes!" she shouted, grabbing at the sheets, "Don't stop!"

I lifted her ass up while pushing her chest into the bed with my free hand, I felt every ridge and bump in her as I hammered her g spot repeatedly.

"I'm cuming!" She shouted out, spraying her juices across my crotch and legs.

Her pussy tightened and relaxed rhythmically, milking my cum into her eager womb. Agatha slid off of my cock and collapsed into the sweat stained sheets.

She looked up at me smiling and in between panting softly said, "Good morning."

"Morning," I said softly, leaning down and kissing her cheek, "Trying to sleep in? Sorry if I woke you."

"I don't mind," she replied, rolling over under me and wrapping me up in her arms, "In fact, I wish you'd wake me up like this every day."

"I would," I joked, kissing her lips, "But you always wake up before I start."

Over the past several months we kind of have developed a consent-is-implied type relationship when being intimate. I know that might sound a little weird, but honestly Agatha tended to initiate things and I was almost always up for it.

I laid down beside her as she straddled my hips and reinserted my cock into her dripping flushed snatch. I could feel my load sloshing around in her womb as she started riding me like a high school slut failing her math class. I reached my hands up under my hoodie and flipped it over her head so I could watch her breasts as they bounced hypnotically. She told me that they'd been feeling a little sore lately so I'd massage them occasionally... then we'd usually end up fucking. Agatha came twice more before I added a second load into her womb, combining with the previous one.

"I love you," she said softly, leaning down and kissing my lips.

"I love you more," I whispered back, shifting my hips so my now limp cock slid out of her warmth.

We laid there content in our shared love for a while as she drew lazy circles on my chest. The peace was broken when her phone buzzed, I watched as she reluctantly got up.

"Yes?" Agatha answered as professionally as possible, there was some silence before she muttered, "Seriously?"

She hung up and hung her head low before walking over to our dresser, she bent over to go through her side of the drawers and pull out fresh underwear and blue nurse scrubs.

"Sorry, someone called off," she muttered bitterly, coming over and sitting down beside me, "Gotta go in and cover... and do my shift too. Sorry about this."

"It's okay," I said reassuringly, my hand cupping her cheek, "Let's get some takeout later."

Agatha grinned, leaning down she kissed my lips before stepping into the bathroom to get ready. I got up to make some scrambled eggs for her to eat on the way. My girlfriend came in after about ten minutes grimacing.

"Hot water running out again?" I asked, putting the eggs in a bowl with a fork.

"Just threw up my guts," she muttered, "That's the third time this week.

"Maybe you're pregnant," I joked, passing her the eggs.

Agatha didn't say anything, instead pointedly stepping out the front door with me following behind.

The city's VA hospital used to be the old mental asylum, so it looks fittingly creepy. It's a towering building made from black bricks and every window has iron bars. I pulled up to the nurses' entrance, Agatha leaned over and kissed my lips before she got out. I watched her walk inside before I drove back home and got ready for bed by ten.

I usually wake up around five or six in the afternoon. I picked up my phone and texted Agatha for what food she wanted. She texted back after a couple of minutes to get beef ramen with extra noodles and a spicy shrimp rice bowl.

"Sheesh," I mumbled, grinning, "If she eats all of that she'll get fat."

I placed an order with our neighborhood's ramen shop, it would take them an hour or so because they were so busy, a perfect amount of time. I got up and got dressed before driving back to the hospital. I parked in the visitor's section and walked inside. I stepped into an elevator and selected floor eight: Long Term Care.

I've never been comfortable in hospitals... Nothing good has ever happened in one...

I stepped through the maze of hallways looking for my girlfriend, when I spotted her standing beside a help desk flipping through a folder. I quietly stepped up and quickly grabbed her hips. She jumped startled, but calmed down when she noticed it was me.

"You gotta be careful, boy," she joked, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my lips, "I almost shouted rape."

"Well, you're worth the risk," I joked back, wrapping my arms around her waist and noticing the dark look in her face, "Rough day?"

"You have no idea," she sighed tiredly, "Some old Nam fucker keeps calling me 'a fine piece of nigga cunt'."

"Want me to beat his ass?" I asked, my lips curling into a scowl.

"No need," she muttered, shaking her head, "He's getting moved to a different VA tomorrow."

"God help their nurses," I joked, smiling.

"Macintyre, you're still on the clock!" A surly looking older nurse snapped at Agatha, "Stop sucking face and get that ass in gear."

"When do you clock out?" I asked, letting go of my girlfriend.

"Thirty minutes, hopefully," she answered, nodding to the folder, "Do you have the take out?"

"Getting made as we speak, I'll wait for you in the car."

We kissed again before she hurried off with some other nurses to answer a sudden emergency. I started walking back to the elevators but stopped when I noticed a particular room with an open door. It had a single patient and sitting beside the bed was a woman with long black hair. She looked up and I saw that she had a soft face, a long nose and stormy gray eyes.

"Megahn?" I asked, surprised to see my old JROTC classmate. I hadn't seen her since senior year of high school when she joined the Air Force, "Megahn Jalle?"

"Oh, hey, Red, please come in," she said, softly, "It's been some time, what're you doing here? Don't tell me you actually joined up?"

"No, no, my girlfriend's a nurse," I answered, pulling up a chair and sitting beside her, "What about you? Never thought you'd come back."

"Yeah, I got transferred to Offutt last year actually," she said, offering a smile, "How is Skye? Didn't think she'd become a nurse."

"No, uh, different girl, Skye and I broke up after graduation."

"Oh... sorry..."

I lost track of time as we talked, she told me she had been to eight different countries across the world since graduation and had enjoyed the experiences. I learned that her mother had suffered a stroke and so she requested her transfer here from southern France.

I told her about my own life, about working in air conditioning for a couple of years before leaving and becoming a security guard.

As we talked I noticed that her belly had a noticeable bump through her green sweater, I guessed she was probably five or six months along. I also noticed the pair of wedding rings on her left ring finger.

"So... umm," I started, gesturing to the patient, "Do you know him?"

The man was wrapped in bandages and his left arm was amputated on the elbow and his left leg about mid thigh judging by the outline in the blanket.

"Yes, this is my husband, Mike," Megahn said, her hand drifting up to her belly as she smiled at the unconscious man weakly, "He was deployed to Afghanistan a few months ago..."

"What happened?" I asked without thinking.

"He... his squad said he was giving them covering fire... but then he got hit by an rpg... Doctors say he should recover... but for some reason he just isn't waking up."

"Sorry about that," I said, genuinely, "If there's anything I can do to help, just give me a call."

"Thanks, Red," Megahn smiled, suddenly leaning close and kissing my cheek.

I blushed slightly but then noticed Agatha was standing in the doorway staring at me.

"What the hell?" she asked.

"Oh hey, Agatha," I said, standing up and stepping over, "This is-"

"I know who she is," she interrupted, "How do you know her?"

"Well, Megahn's an old classmate," I explained.

There was an awkward silence before Agatha said, "Isn't that a coincidence, he's one of my patients." She gestured to the man in the bed.

"And you've been a great help," Megahn said, "It was nice seeing you again, Red."

When we got into my car I turned to Agatha and asked, "Are you mad?"

"Surprised, yes," she answered, "But why would I be mad?"

"Because Megahn kissed me?" I said, like it was obvious.

Agatha stared at me for a long time before she started laughing, "Seriously?"


"You really think I'm that shallow? That I'd get mad at you because some girl kissed your cheek?"

"Then... you're not mad?" I was very confused.

"Red," she said, grabbing my hand, "You've proven how much you love me. I wouldn't be mad."

"But I'm not giving you a hall pass, Mister Lafayette," she quickly snapped, jabbing a finger in my face, "If you go behind my we're done."

"What about you?" I asked.

"Red, as long as you keep pounding me in half I won't need anyone else."

We drove to the ramen shop and picked up our order and went home. When we finished I picked Agatha up and princess-carried her into our room to have some fun until she passed out and I had to go to work.

I thought about what she had said, would she really be okay with sharing me with someone? While the thought did have some appeal... I mean if I was single I totally would, but I decided I shouldn't tempt fate.

"Agatha?" I asked when I got home the following morning, "Are you up yet?"

The room was dark and I noticed the shower was running. I knocked on the door before opening it and saw Agatha sitting in the shower with her knees pressed to her chest. Her skin was pale and hollow as the water washed over her.

I turned off the shower and knelt down beside her, "Agatha, honey, what happened?"

She continued her thousand yard stare into the middle distance like I wasn't even there.

"Just... stay here, I'll get you some dry clothes," I said, getting up and going to our room.

When I opened the door a foul odor wafted out and I noticed the small pool of blood in the bed... and the small thing in the middle of it. I felt my stomach churn as I realized what had happened.

I managed to get Agatha to the hospital and after some tests the doctor confirmed what I had feared... she had miscarried.

She had been about two months along and had been waiting for the right time to tell me. Grief held me in its icy cold grip for a couple of days as I came to terms with the loss of my first child. I most certainly was not ready to be a parent, I mean I can just about make doctor appointments by myself. How could I possibly be expected to care for a child?

But still... so many possibilities, gone....

I told my parents, they came over to comfort us. Mom had even softened her stance on Agatha because she understood. She had developed ovarian cancer when she was forty-five and eight months pregnant. She went into premature labor and had a stillborn little girl. The doctors surgically removed her ovaries and uterus afterwards. Dad was grief stricken for months after losing a daughter, but the two came to terms with it and rebuilt their relationship together.

Agatha hadn't spoken much till one morning in early November when I got home from work and found her sleeping in our new bed in one of my hoodies. I stripped out of my work clothes and put them in the washer before stepping into the shower. The hot water felt really good against my tired body as I washed myself, when I was done I turned off the shower and dried myself. I stepped back into our bedroom and saw that Agatha was awake and waiting for me. I laid down beside her and she scooted closer, laying her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," she muttered quietly, her fingers drawing lazy circles on my chest.

"It's not your fault," I said, placing my hand on her shoulder, "We probably would've sucked as parents anyway."

Agatha looked up at me and asked, "Do you even want kids?"

"Honey... I'm way too tired for this right now."

But Agatha wouldn't let it go, she got up and straddled my hips and grabbed my wrists to hold me down, "No, answer the question."

We stared into each other's eyes for a long time before I relented, "Yes I want kids... someday."

It was the truth, I'd always wanted to be a dad and raise a kid. Even if I never got married I did picture myself adopting a kid and giving them the best life I could. I'd always told myself it was a pipe dream though because of my night shift job and ineptitude at relationships. But then after these months of dating Agatha, the idea was starting to bloom again.

My girlfriend smiled softly, she leaned in to kiss me and whispered, "I think we should make up for lost time."

She scooted down to my hips and pulled down my boxer briefs, she licked and sucked on my cock. She spun herself around and pushed her pussy into my mouth. She squirmed under my assault, her legs wrapped tightly around my head. My tongue hit every spot that I knew would drive her crazy until she tightened around me and squirted sweet tasting fluids into my waiting mouth.

She pulled my cock out and moved to straddle my hips. I grabbed her and rolled us over so I was on top, Agatha squealed happily as she wrapped me up in her arms and pulled us closer together. I lined up my cock with her dripping snatch... but then stopped.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked softly, "If we're gonna fuck, I'm not pulling out."

"When have you ever pulled out, Red?" she purred back, "I'm surprised that we haven't done this a dozen times over by now."

I smiled, leaning down and kissed her lips as I pushed into her pleading warmth.

"I love you," I moaned, thrusting hard.

"I love you too!" she cried out between moans, "Please, never leave me!"

We fucked like dogs in heat... hell we were dogs in heat. After weeks of barely any intimacy... this was indescribably heavenly. Agatha wrapped her legs around my hips so I wouldn't leave her... not that I would want to. I was soaring through the heavens with every thrust into the woman I loved most. Our lips were almost glued together, only parting enough to breathe.

Unfortunately it wasn't long before I felt my edge approaching, in our shared sex drunken state my pace only increased. Agatha's crying moans spurred me on, we cried out, her nails bit into my back and sliced through my skin drawing blood as her pulsating pussy milked my cum into her womb. We laid there in each others' arms content in our reignited love, it wasn't long that my exhaustion won out and I slipped into sleep.

When I woke up I found that Agatha was gone, after a moment of confusion I heard her voice and smelled something delicious wafting in from the hallway, "God only knows what I'd be without you!"

She was standing in front of the stove wearing one of my hoodies cooking something, she had on her headphones listening to music.

"If you should ever leave me..." She sang as she swayed to the beat, "Well, life would still go on, believe me!"

"The world could show nothing to me... so what good would living do me?" she sang, spinning around to face me, "God only knows what I'd be without you!"

She opened her eyes and noticed me, she pulled down her headphones and smiled.

"Sleep well, my Love?" she asked, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my lips.

"I did," I answered, "Though I'm a little concerned."

"Do you regret it?" she asked, letting go of me and leaning against the counter.

"What if you're pregnant?" I asked, placing my hand on her belly, "What if you miscarry again?"

"One bridge at a time, Red," she weakly offered, placing her hand over mine.

As the weeks rolled by we stopped fucking entirely. It's not that we were falling out of love, it was just that the risk was too damn high. Agatha took a pregnancy test to be sure and she showed me it was negative.

Now I know you must be thinking, 'Why not just use condoms?' The thing is our city had been facing mass shortages of damn near everything for months, especially contraceptives. Guess when you keep families and couples home for months on end with nothing to do, maybe a few babies are to be expected.

Christmas Eve rolled around, thankfully we both got it and the twenty-fifth off so we could enjoy ourselves.

I woke up naked with dozens of red lipstick kiss marks peppered all over my body, especially on my cock and balls. I got up and stepped into the bathroom to pee before pulling on some clothes and stepping into the main room.

"You heard me singing a prayer for..." I heard Agatha's voice drifting down the hallway, "Someone I really could care for!"

The apartment had minimal seasonal decorations, a paper snowflake here, a Christmas wreath hanging on the front door and a small plastic Christmas tree on the shelf above the tv which showed a college football game.

Agatha was in the kitchen in front of the stove and a pot of bubbling delicious smelling ham and potato stew. She was only wearing a red knitted sweater with green Christmas trees. I watched as she danced to Frank Sinatra, one of her favorite singers.

"Blue moon... now I'm no longer alone," she sang, swaying her hips to the beat, "Without a dream in my heart! Without a love of my own!"

As her song finished she opened her eyes and noticed me.

"Good afternoon, my love," she said brightly, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my lips, "Sleep well?"

"Yes," I whispered, hands snaking around her thin waist and groping her ass, "But I'm much happier now."

She leaned against the counter as I pulled up the hem of her sweater above her hips, exposing her bare pussy.

"You naughty girl," I growled, coming close, "You can't just walk around like this."

"You're one to talk," she giggled coyly, "Coming in here and pressing that hard cock into my thigh."

I smiled as she turned around and bent over the counter for me. I knelt down and slipped my tongue into her snatch.

"No, Red!" Agatha complained, wiggling her ass, "Skip to the fun part."

"As you wish," I grinned as I got up and rubbed myself against her dripping lips before pushing my cock inside her very comforting warmth.

"I love you, Red," she moaned, "I love how you hit my spots."


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