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The Accidental Cockold

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A man's dream turns bad.
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During my fifty years on this planet, I've noticed how my sexual fantasies have changed. My early fantasies were simple. I would be with some pretty girl I knew. A real girl I had no chance of actually getting my hands on. These fantasies remained popular until my mid teens when my mind introduced imaginary women. These imaginary women didn't replace my real girls, they supplemented them along with two and three girls at once.

I love fantasy. There's no limitations. In real life I'm lucky to satisfy one woman, but in my imagination, I can handle any number of lovers. Over my early fantasy years, there were times when I was with real women, but eventual my mind would keep them out of my imaginary world. There was a break where I no longer wanted real women in my sex dreams. Real woman aren't perfect and can't compete with my usually faceless fuck toys.

At twenty four, I thought marriage would end my fantasies. Emotionally immature for my age, I figured now that I was married, I could have all the real sex I wanted and would need to fantasize or masterbate. That concept didn't survive the honeymoon. If anything, being limited to one woman, I not only used fantasy for thrills, I also used it to spice up my married sex.

In my twenties I had some major double standards. While checking out other women, I was very jealous of another man looking at my wife. Mary is an attractive woman and I couldn't stand the idea of another guy lusting over her. Fortunately for me, Mary wasn't a party girl and didn't give me any grief. As for me, I didn't cheat on her, but I'm not sure if it was morals or lack of courage and opportunity. In any case, I've managed to keep my cheating to the fantasy realm.

I'm not sure how or when my fantasies changed next. I guess it was some time in my mid thirties and it was gradual. Looking back, it seems odd how my early fears were now starting to turn me on. Thinking about Mary with another man used to be my worse nightmare, but somehow the thought began to turn me on and in time I started thinking about it on purpose. In a way, my fantasy life came full circle and my main character once again had a name and a face. I was having sex fantasies about my own wife. And of course a varying number of guest stars.

I never told my wife about these fantasies. We don't have that kind of marriage. When it comes to fantasies, we're a don't ask, don't tell couple. The only exception to this rule was on the rare occasions when we were both really drunk, and even then we never talked about it the next day even if we remembered.

As the years passed and we celebrated our twenty fifth anniversary, I can honestly say I never made plans to live out my fantasies. Still emotionally immature and nearly fifty, I at least understood the dangers. I not only love my wife, I need her. Mary keeps my world in order and takes care of all the grown up stuff. And she's kind enough to let me believe I have something to do with it. And for some reason, Mary really loves me. I wouldn't risk that for some sexual thrill. That was my frame of mind when I went to Mike's to watch Monday night football.

Mary and I don't have guy and girl nights, so when Mike invited me over, he knew Mary would be with me. Nobody ever complains because my wife isn't a pain in the ass. She doesn't bitch or try to control people. She's not big on football, but Mary does like spending time with me. I don't know why, she just does.

We got to Mike's at about seven and carried in two cases of beer. Our friend is twice divorced and paying a shit load of child support. We try to help out by supplying the beer and Charlie, another divorced friend, brings the snacks.

Carrying everything to the basement, I put the beer in the fridge while Mary hangs up our coats and says hello to Eric and Tony. They're married men, but their wives only attend things they like, and football isn't one of them.

Cracking open a beer, I knew this would be a special night. By special, I mean there's a good chance I'd get hammered. The beer tasted so good, and went down easy. I tend to be a binge drinker, and I haven't tied one on for some time. Within a few minutes, I was well into my second beer.

My wife never tries to stop me from drinking too much. Instead, she usually does damage control by keeping me out of the hospital, out of jail and away from fire. The third item was added last year when I stumbled into a camp fire and caught my pants on fire. I also tend to get mouthy when I drink and she tries to keep me from getting my ass kicked. Buy the time I get that stupid my motor skills are long gone and I'm an easy target.

When I'm drinking Mary doesn't. But tonight she made an exception because we're off tomorrow and Mike has an extra bedroom to spend the night. I fix Mary her favorite drink, a strawberry daiquiri, and we settle in for the game. I can't remember who was playing.

By halftime, I'm in my know it all stage and my wife if feeling cuddly. When I'm like this the guys can bring up anything and I'll be an instant expert. At least in my head. If I don't know it, you can bet I'll make something up. Or I'll take a crumb of real information and make it sound like a text book. So while I'm rambling on, Mary curls up on my lap.

Sitting on the couch, my wife distracts me and I forget what I'm talking about. She's leaning against my chest and my left arm wraps around her. Mary only weight about 115lb and I'm comfortable when I notice I can see her bra between the buttons on her blouse. Seeing my wife's bra pushed me into the impulsive stage. My right hand is free and I slide in between the buttons of her blouse, under her bra and cup her tit. Mary sighs, turns slightly and muzzles against my chest.

Now I can feel, but I can't see. I'd lost my angle and my hand is filling the opening in her blouse. Her tit feels great, but I need to see damn it! Gently sliding my hand back out, I slowly unbutton her blouse while I talk to my friends. If I keep talking about something else, my wife won't notice while I expose her. I was only going to do a button or two, but I just kept going because I was busy talking. Eventually, I ran out of buttons. Looking down, I saw skin peeking between the material of her blouse, plus the whiteness of her bra. My heart was pounding as I pulled one side open, and then the other.

Babbling on, I looked at the guys and realized something when I saw them staring at Mary's chest. If I could see, so could my buddies. The guys looked confused. My actions stunned them and I was the center of attention. Mary was my instrument, but I was the real show. I slid my hand back under my wife's bra, expecting Mary to stop me and put her blouse in order. She didn't.

Mary's tit was warm, but the bra was limiting my movement. I needed to loosen it, so with my left arm, I eased my wife forward and pinched her bra clasp. It popped free and my right hand was free. Mary looked up at me and smiled.

"Let's take your bra off baby," I said."I want to play with your tits."

Mary sat up and removed her blouse and her bra. My wife was now naked from the waist up. The guys could now see my wife's tits. I could feel my heart pounding in my ears and my cock stirred under my wife's ass. Fondling my wife's tits and hefting them a couple times, I soon lost interest and let my hand slide down over her stomach and let it rest on her jeans. If I left it there for a bit, Mary would forget it was there.

Feeling the button to her jeans, I maneuvered it and the button popped open much easier than I'd expected. Mary's jean's were tight and she could definitely feel it. The released pressure pushed her zipper nearly halfway down. My wife's reaction was not what I expected. Mary looked up at me. I could feel her hot breath on my neck. Kissing my neck, I felt her tongue sliding along the base of my neck and up to my ear.

My wife is wearing blue panties. I can see them in her jeans. White bra, blue panties. What could it matter? No one will see it besides me. I slide my hand down her pants, but even with them unbuttoned, it's a chore. I know how difficult it is to remove tight jeans off a woman. Especially when I'm drunk. It's a mood killer. By the time you get them off you're wore out.

"Take your pants off baby," I said, figuring it worked on the top half.

Mary stood right up and pulled off her pants. She was flush with passion and looked right at the guys as she did it. Her blue panties went with them. Totally naked, my wife returned to my lap. My hand went between her legs and Mary spread them to give me complete access. She was soaked of course and I slid two, then four fingers into her cunt.

A hand was moving up Mary's leg and it surprised me. I could account for both of mine. Following the arm to the person, I saw Charlie's grinning face. For some reason I thought it would remain a private show. Like a strip club, I thought the crowd would stay off the stage.

With my naked wife on my lap and a friends hand sharing my wife's cunt, I was so turned on I just watched when Eric started playing with her tits. While I was distracted by the assault on my naked wife, Mike had gotten naked. He was stroking his cock and getting between Mary's legs. Everyone stopped and watched Mike's cock slide in, including Mary.

"Ohhh fuck!" Mary moaned."That feels so good!"

A cock poked my wife gently in the ear. Mary turned her head and took Eric's cock into her mouth with a moan. With Mike fucking her cunt and Eric fucking her mouth, I didn't know what to do with my hands. Even her tits were occupied so I sat under my wife. A platform holding my Mary in place while my buddies fuck her.

Mike was fucking Mary harder and faster and I knew he was going to cum as I felt her ass move to meet his thrusts. With a load moan, Mike arched his back, then collapsed onto Mary. Eventually, my alcohol addled brain processed everything and I finally understood my friends were fucking my wife.

"You fucking whore!" I yelled."You going to spread your slut legs for my friends while I just sit here?"

Mary let Eric's cock fall out of her mouth and pushed Mike off her. I thought she'd dress and want to go home as she stood and turned to me. Wiping some cum and drool off her mouth with the back of her hand, Mary undid my belt and pants and pulled off my pants and underwear.

"Shove your cock up my ass," Mary said."Our friends can use the rest of me."

I didn't need to do anything. Mary turned her back to me, grabbed my cock and guided it up her ass as she sat.

"Ohhhhhh, that hurts so fucking gooood!" Mary said.

"You're still a fucking whore," I said, feeling Charlie's cock enter her cunt. Our two cocks separated by a thin wall of skin.

"I know sweetie," Mary said."But doesn't it feel good?"

We're not porn stars, and in a few minutes everyone came and one by one we got dressed. Everyone but Mary. We'd forgotten about the game and were watching a Dr. Who marathon. Mary was naked and would go to anyone with a hard on. We'd tell her what we wanted and she'd do it. Ass, cunt, mouth or between the tits, Mary would meet any request. I watched my wife slide onto Mike's cock while facing him as they made out like teenagers. Long passionate kisses while he felt her up and fucked her. It was obvious she was in love with Mike. Then she did the same thing to the rest of us.

At some point I drank myself into a stupor and passed out. In the morning I woke up in Mike's extra bedroom next to my wife. Crawling out of bed with a well deserved hang-over, I went to the kitchen for some coffee. Mike was already up and sitting at the coffee table. He never gets hang-overs and I hate him for it.

"Wild night huh?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, wild."

In too much pain to feel shame, I got a cup of java and joined him at the table.

"How's Mary?" Mike asked.

"I don't know," I answered."She was still sleeping."

I took a sip of coffee, trying to get it down without getting sick.

"Can I go check on her?" Mike asked.

I shrugged and Mike took off down the hall. A couple minutes later, I could hear them fucking. Yep, my fantasies sure have changed.

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HandsomeMann1991HandsomeMann1991about 1 month ago

Well written story 😍

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Similar situation only I did not have a fantasy of sharing my wife Ariel with anyone else. Ariel and I had a Super Bowl party. Now I have never been drunk in my life because of the way I had people act when they were drunk. After looking back I figured out that some of my so called friends were pushing the alcohol on me. I also figured out those 3 had sex with my wife. I woke up in our bed alone. I got up looking for Ariel and found her Tim and Jerry on our family room floor naked. Johnny was already gone. Thank God our 3 children were at Ariels parents. I grabbed our son's bat and aa big galvanized tub and returned to the family room and started pounding. They all jumped up yelling at me to stop. Then I think reality hit them. They realized that they were naked. Ariel grabbed a blanket and ran to our bedroom. I hit the tub again and told Tim and Jerry to leave and never come back forget they ever knew me. They started dressing and explaining it's not what you think. That has got to be at the top of the list for stupid statements. Get out now! I found Ariel in bed crying. She looked at me and asked can you forgive me? I answered it's to soon to know. When you are completely sober we need to talk at least you could clean up and wash everything thing that you and them touched I have some phone calls to make. I want to make sure the spouse's know what happened. Please don't cause 3 more families to have problems she asked? Who the Hell else did you F___? Johnny she cried. I so sorry she cried I guess he looks and acts so much like you and then Tim joined in. I guess I was drinking too much and thinking Johnny was you and you were okay with it and before I knew what was going on Jerry on me. What a mess I thought. We talked for a while and I said I needed time to decide what I was going to do. Later I decided that I wanted to have a meeting with her and the 3 involved. I wanted to make them sweat and I did. It was agreed that I would have sex with all their wives. Of course I never did and didn't want to. I flirted with each of them a lot. You should have seen some of the looks I got because they never knew when or where I would make the deal. One thing for sure Ariel never had more than one drink after that. The guys really respected me.

iameaseliameaselalmost 3 years ago

Another badly told tale by a closeted gay man about a closeted gay man who lives vicariously through his "wife" or in the case of all cucks a "smoke screen marriage" to hide the truth about themselves.

Literally true statements whether, like your sexuality, you accept it or not.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Accidental cuckold? Not possible, you’re either a cuckold or you’re not. Either kill them, or let them kill you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
So hot

I have fantasized about watching my wife fuck another guy for years

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

She's a whore now. They were never his friend so fuck them too. Get a equity loan on the house and take it all. Cancel all joint credit card and empty all accounts. Empty bank boxes. Take everything of value from house on day of departure. Find new job across country or better overseas. With every thing of value gone or in a off shore account. Leave and disapear to the place you have already established. Then during vacation each year destroy something from each of them. They will for ever be looking over there shoulder. Also do identity theft on all of them.

impo_58impo_58almost 10 years ago
His new fantasy...

His new fantasy is to divorce his cheating wife....And I hope get revenge on his so called friends....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
right about now, if I were him,

any fantasies I'd have would involve a gun and at least 2 dead.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
a chnage is due

The whole marriage thing seems to be seriously damaged with this, not to mention losing at least 1 friend. mike like the in house slut, but how about supporting her? leave her there and move forward without her, she's left him it seems.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I Think

Its great all you old closet gays come out of the closet, I just wish you all didn't write about it. Story should be in gay.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I'll bet she is finally releived - out in the open now and hubbys' drunkedness allowed her to get it going. Wonderful drug alcohol and now hubby thinks he got her started...hah! Now, she has her cake and eat it is good and Mike does her in the morning after and hubby still can't figure it out...hell, they're sober now and she's screwing Mike...Hello!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
You are a worthless piece of shit and so is she.

I am particularly pleased that you haven't written any more of this crap in the last year.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Very barftastic. Typical wimp man meets woman, man marries woman, woman fucks everyone, man is inadequate, blah blah fucking blah. I'm starting to think the small percentage of man pretenders (also known as cuckolds) have all decided to write for Literotica. Come on guys...look at the fucking category, it's "loving wives," not "loving wives loving everyone but the hubby," not "loving wives loving everybody and hubby cleans up after stroking his two inch pecker and having watched the wife fuck a black 44 incher." If you're going to write something this pathetic and meritless, at least have the common fucking courtesy to put it in the fetish or gay category. Thanx....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Accidental Chockhold?

So the victim died?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Holy Shit!

God damm Batman, the joker stole some guys balls, and now they are trying to write stories about it and they are makeing people sick. Can we just shoot these sick wimps?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
My wife fucks other men - mostly black men

Your story is great. Wives should be allowed to fuck other men. I encourage my white wife to fuck black men. She used to fuck my friends (mostly white) until she told me she liked fucking black men. I got turned on and she now only fucks black men.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
The Sickness Is Spreading

You write of failure to to be a man and instead a self cuck into male humiliation with a 180 ho.<P>

A waste of ability, space and time.

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969about 16 years ago

Sorry I read this by mistake I thought this was aloving wife story. I read the start and then jumped to the finish. Normal run of the mill cuck story. Those who do cucking will love it those who don't won't.

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