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The Adventures of Abigail Pt. 08

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A young woman makes her way in the world.
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/08/2010
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This story is based loosely on some real experiences and is mixed with a healthy dose of my kinky and perverse imagination. What is included is a lot of bisexual FF -- a little MM, MF. There is punishment, spanking, exhibitionism, wrestling, groups and a little incest. It is primarily a fantasy. Do not try this at home -- and always be safe. Also, all of the characters are all over 18 and everything is completely consensual. This story is long and I will post more and more of it as time passes. I am always interested in feedback and suggestions. The musical references in the chapter titles are there to ground the story in musical events. Feel free to listen to them while you read the chapters. I would love to find an artist to draw illustrations. Enjoy.

Chapter 13 -- Schubert, String Quartet in D Minor -- "Death and the Maiden"

I had now been in Caracas for about two months. I had made many friends and was certainly busy. Life in the penthouse was strained however and I began thinking that maybe I needed to find another place to live. But for the moment I was stuck. Kirsten was very demanding at home and it made it very difficult for me. It wasn't just the sex, which she demanded constantly. But also, she expected me to do all of her chores and I got tired of being treated as a servant girl. We were constantly having arguments, which I always lost. So my resentment was beginning to build.

Not only that but my other roommates were getting weirder by the day. Jeff spent every waking hour playing chess. He had a string of opponents from outside the company who would come over to play him. There was one guy in particular, a guy named John. He supposedly worked at the embassy and was a CIA agent. Maybe. Who knows? I doubt it. Real CIA agents aren't suppose to brag about it! All I know is that I found him odious. He was always talking about how important he was. And he liked to brag about his sexual conquests. He considered himself to be irresistible. He was always flirting and making crude comments. Now I am no prude -- but I got tired of hearing him compare my "tiny tits" to the other women in his collection. Kirsten would have nothing to do with him, but Mary and I had to put up with his comments and his groping. He kept asking me out and I kept refusing. In fact, I got very impatient and began to drop my accustomed cheerfulness around him. But Mary, Jeff's wife, reacted differently. She continued to flirt and she let him grope at her. He would be playing a match and while Jeff was pondering his next move John would get up to go to the bathroom, corner Mary and feel her up and down before returning and acting as if nothing had happened. I asked Mary why she put up with it and she just shrugged. It was obvious to me why though -- she had a very low opinion of herself and liked the attention. And this worried me.

Now, one thing about me that I have not yet shared in this story is that I have very strange sleep habits. I often will take many short naps during the day and then sleep for short periods of time at night. As a result I rarely sleep through the night. I will get up in the wee hours to take a bath or shower or read and write in my diary. One evening I was up at around 2:30 in the morning reading and writing as usual when I heard the elevator. Now it was a Wednesday and we had had a performance earlier in the evening. I actually came home with Kirsten, in an effort to smooth things out with her and I had serviced her pussy with my mouth, she had spanked me lightly for being difficult and then she had gone to sleep. The guys had come home later around 1:00 and were asleep, but Mary was still unaccounted for. I had not thought much of this until I heard the elevator. I walked over to the entrance and stood in the shadows so I could see who was coming up. Now the elevator stood right outside the entrance to the penthouse. There was a locked gate, and I stood inside the locked gate. The elevator stopped and out staggered Mary, fumbling for her keys. She looked terrible. Her hair was a wreck, her clothes were ripped, her arm was bleeding and she had bruises on her face. It was also obvious that she had been drinking.

"Mary! God, what happened?" I quickly opened the gate for her and took her in my arms and led her into the kitchen. She was crying.

"Mary, you are a mess." I noticed something in her hair and put my hand on her head and realized that it was sperm. I wiped my hand on her ripped blouse.

She sat in the kitchen and I sat next to her and gently rubbed her shoulder and neck. "It's ok, you are safe now." I kept repeating over and over.

She couldn't really talk but she did indicate that she was scared of Jeff or others in the apartment seeing her like this. So I gently led her to my room and closed the door. I had my own bathroom so I led her in there.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

I turned on the shower.

In a low voice, "Mary, get out of those clothes and get in the shower."

Slowly she tried to pull off her clothes. I helped her as best I could. I helped her pull off her blouse and unclasped her bra. Her pantyhose was ripped and her panties were gone. She had lacerations on her arms and chest. She also had bruises on her face and on her body. She got in the shower and started to wash. I stayed close by. I was afraid she might fall since she was obviously somewhat drunk.

As I watched her I noticed she was wincing from the pain of the soap in the cuts. "I'll put something on them when you are done." I also noticed that she had wet her hair but was not washing it. So I turned off the water. I had her sit on the edge of the tub and I lathered and washed her hair, then I told her to rinse it herself. Then I helped her towel herself dry and grabbed a long nightgown from my closet and helped her put it on then I covered her with a blanket. She sat on the edge of my bed and started to cry and cry and cry.

I held her in my arms and tried to comfort her.

Eventually she settled down. "What happened?"

"John raped me." She said after a long pause.

More silence.

"He had asked me to meet him after the show. He took me to some club in Silencio (which is a part of town) that was mostly guys with a couple girls, who turned out to be hired whores. They were stripping and doing stuff and I told John I wanted to leave. I didn't like it. He laughed at me and took me in a back room where he... well you know. He started kissing me. I resisted and he started calling me names. He ripped my pantyhose and ripped off my panties then he raped me. But then he took me out into the big room and told everyone that I was a whore and to have fun with me." She started crying again. "Then he left me there alone."

"They did things. They ripped my clothes. Exposed my body. Made me suck them and a couple of them fucked me. They used me like a whore." She broke down into sobs again.

"I didn't want to do that. I went with him because..... well because I am so lonely. Jeff completely ignores me all of the time. I thought John liked me and I thought he wanted to have a nice evening with me. I would probably have gone to bed with him willingly. Why did he have to rape me, Abi?" She was beside herself crying. I took her head in my hands and gently kissed her forehead then I let her lay her head on my lap and I gently rubbed her shoulders and her hair and her neck. "It's ok...." I whispered... "How did you get home?"

"Someone called a cab for the whores. After the cabbie dropped them off and noticed that I was a gringa who was a complete mess he took pity on me and drove me here for free."

"Didn't the other girls notice you were not Venezualan?"

"They didn't seem to care." She cried. "And please don't tell anyone. Please."

"I won't tell anyone." I assured her.

"John told me he had connections and would have me killed if I told anyone. He works for the CIA, you know. So, he can do it." I started to feel angry with that comment. Not only had the asshole raped her but he terrorized her with this crap story of him being some important underground spy. What a jerk!

"Just relax sweetie, you are safe now. I won't let anything bad happen to you."

She sobbed and sobbed until she fell asleep. I then tucked her in gently into my bed and then when I was sure she was sound asleep I went back to the kitchen. It was now almost 5:00 in the morning.

I made myself a cup of tea and sat at the table. Her purse was still laying there. I opened it and noticed that all of her wallet and money were still there. So they didn't rob her and the cabbie must have driven her home for free. The trip from Silencio up to Los Palos Grandes would have taken all of the money she had with her.

The longer I sat nursing my tea thinking about all of this the angrier I got. I am not a prude. I like sex and am very active and slutty myself. But rape is not sex. It is violence. It is not about getting off, it is about power. Mary is a sweet lonely girl who made the mistake of agreeing to go out with a jerk. I wondered why those other girls didn't do anything to help her?

But of course, I mused, the men here victimize us all to some extent. They all just want one thing. Fabio, the Maestro even Kirsten -- they want to look, to humiliate and to cum. And I do not resist. I go along with it. Am I just as bad as John? But, there isn't really much fucking. It is all stripping and oral sex. But still. I like it. I like being stripped because I like the attention and I like the feeling. So why was this different? It was different. What happened to Mary was just violence, it wasn't sex. And she didn't want it. She even told me she would have agreed to the sex, but he just wanted to abuse and use her. There is a difference!

"You're up early again." It was Kristen.

She startled me out of my ponderings. "Hi, I made some tea. There is still some on the stove if you like." I didn't look at her. "Then sit down, I need to tell you something."

She poured herself some tea in silence. Then sat. She looked at me inquisitively. "What's up?"

I took a deep breath. "Mary was raped last night."


"John took her to some club, raped her in a back room and then gave her to a bunch of other guys."

Kirsten turned red and stared at me.

"She staggered home around 3:00 last night. She was a wreck. I helped her clean up and put her to bed in my room. She was also totally drunk."

I could see rage in her eyes! I started to cry, the first emotion I allowed myself to feel all evening.

I wiped my eyes. "Kirsten, she is scared of Jeff and Sid finding out. She's afraid they will hate her. She is also totally terrified of John. She said that since he is a CIA agent he will have her 'disappeared' -- desparicido -- if she says anything to anyone."

Kirsten got wide eyed. "Did he tell her that?"

"Yes, apparently so." I said coldly sipping my tea. "What do we do? I really don't think I should tell the men. They are a bunch of idiots and Jeff doesn't act like he cares about her anyway."

Kirsten shook her head and sat quietly for a moment. Then she stood up and walked to the sink. Suddenly she slammed her fist down on the counter. "That bastard. I will cut off his balls!"

"Well, let's not do anything rash. First things first - She is probably in no condition to go to rehearsal. And I am afraid to leave her alone."

"Right." She was thinking. "You stay with her today, I will take care of getting you both excused from rehearsals. And I will take care of that bastard."

"You are not going to do anything crazy, are you?"

She smiled.

"Please Kirsten. You will just make things worse."

"I am not stupid, Abi. Don't worry, I have my ways."

"Yeah...." I was not convinced. "We don't want to re-victimize her. Ok? She is very fragile."

"I know. Don't worry. Trust me on this ok?"

I sighed, tears came to my eyes again. "Ok" I whispered.

She started to go, then she stopped.

"Abi, you are a sweetie for taking care of Mary. Thanks."

I was surprised, "Of course...."


The day passed slowly. First I had to make excuses for why Mary was in my room and why Jeff should not go in to see her and why she had to miss rehearsal. Kirsten helped me and we managed to convince Jeff that nothing was amiss. Sid was not as convinced. And asked me about it in secret before he went to rehearsal. I didn't tell him the details, but I did tell him something had happened and that we needed to keep Jeff in the dark. He agreed to help with that.

They all left and the first thing I did was to put all her clothes in a bag to be dumped. I then had a nice quiet morning to myself during which I napped. Mary did not wake up until around noon. She had a hangover and was very weepy and very much in pain. I was surprised that she remembered all of what had happened. I assured her that Jeff didn't know, but I told her that I had told Kirsten and that I believed Kirsten would take care of this in a way that she would never have to be fearful of John again. This made her uneasy, but I kept assuring her that she would be ok. I told her I had made up a story and that Jeff seemed to buy it.

After lunch I was surprised to hear the elevator again. Usually on a rehearsal day we don't come home for lunch but stay at the theater. It was Jenni and Emmy. Kirsten had told them a little about what had happened and they came to offer their support and love to Mary. We all had a very nice pleasant lunch together that I made. After they left, I put Mary back to bed for a while and she fell asleep again.

Kirsten had not been idle all day. She had immediately gone to the Maestro and told him everything. He in turn had actually called the Ambassador directly. By the end of the day John was on a plane back to the states. We were all stunned to hear this. But I guess he had pushed the envelope one too many times and diplomats are supposed to fly under the radar. Jeff was disappointed that his chess friend had been "reassigned," and we never told him differently. I asked Kirsten if she had confronted John, which is what I was expecting. She told me that she would have, but that the Maestro had told her not to. He would take care of it. And he did. He explained that with diplomatic immunity there was no way that they could do anything to him anyway and that the others who participated in this rape really could not be identified, since Mary didn't know who they were and besides going to the police in this country would just serve to victimize her all over again. I think Kirsten would have cut his balls off if given the chance, but she agreed to back off and let a man handle this. In this country, only men could be affective with dealing with other men. Unfortunate, but true.

By Friday, Mary was able to get out and play the next performance and Jeff I think never found out the truth. I did tell Sid and he was thrilled to hear that John got recalled. He has convinced that John was a double agent and was involved with the KGB in trying to keep him away from his Russian girlfriend. Yeah, right, whatever!

I had put my musings out of my mind. I did like sex, but I did not approve of violence. The line between sex and violence is a bit fuzzy at times, but I determined that John had stepped over the line. The others were close to the same line. But I chose to ignore that. Fabio's party was coming up soon and I knew that there was to be some sexual sharing at that party. And the closer it came the more excited I got. How confusing is that?!?

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Insanehippie69erInsanehippie69eralmost 3 years ago

I really like this story.Do you plan on finishing it.This is the first story of yours that I read.I will read more more of them.Please finish this story it deserves to be told.Thank you.Be Safe, Be Kind,Be Happy PEACE

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