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The Adventures of Emel Ch. 03

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The rotation. A painful call to the past.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 12/01/2023
Created 10/14/2023
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The Ramases Hilton has 36 floors.

The rooms 3621 and 3622 had a recurring booking every three months. The new cohort of recruited girls for 'Egyptian World Escorts' were assigned amongst 22 houses around the World in all major Capital Cities, London, Frankfurt, Cairo, Washington D.C., Rome, Moscow, Edinburgh, Abhu Dabi, Stockholm, Pretoria, Madrid, Lisbon was the most prestigious and in general were the ones involved in the expensive quarterly rotation. What made Egyptian World Escorts unique was that a good percentage of the escorts working were not as a result of sex trafficking but genuinely applied as applicants to work.

A lot were young students who found the prospects of good money and meeting wealthy customers most attractive, for these escorts there was a generous 30 percent of the fees that they were paid and services like private bank accounts and unique investment opportunities were made available. However, the sex trafficking operation still accounted for 30 percent of the escorts.

Although advertised as a confidential service where Clients identified were protected the service never operated on a cash basis but strictly by credit card or other online payment methods like PayPal with payments always required in advance. Although the clients' details were kept secret and secure internally the data was farmed for the purposes of identifying them and particular characteristics of interest such as net wealth, profession, and of course preferences for specific types of escorts. Such information at times were used to maintain the three pillars of three key pillars of local government, law enforcement and central government. So, it was true for each of these capital houses that there were members across all three pillars that were regular clients of Egyptian World Escorts giving Achillas Ibrahim an unprecedented network of influence globally.

It had been Inessa who identified this key element of the data that was captured and its value, a forward thinker she recognised the true value of data that could be collected by IT systems and used in creative ways other than just selling more to consumers as was the prime reason for the large IT giants like Google, Meta and Amazon capitalised on subscribers' data and had important security measures to protect data leaks.

For the 30 percent sex-trafficking girls' agents were paid to source them. The initial data height, weight, body type, age was all updated at source, each girl was assigned a QR code before being processed at centres like the Ramases Hilton. In the key cities Achillas had properties that were used for similar purposes where at times particular types of escorts were in demand and often local abductions and kidnapping was deployed to meet the need.

Room 3621 had 12 Malaysian girls waiting to be processed for rotation all dressed in red shorts and tops.

Room 3622 had 18 Filipino girls all dressed in white tops and long turquoise skirts with fashionable white whorl designs.

The girls were all of ages between 18 for the youngest and 22 for the oldest. Egyptian World Escorts did not cater for any true underage girls in any house, it was a strict principal set by both Achillas and Inessa. They provided sexy young woman rather than prepubescent girls, woman with curves and sex appeal.

Inessa waited in room 3622 and had already viewed the Malaysian girls. She selected one of the Filipino girls, her QR code was updated with the I flag.

Her name was Amihan Salvador. She was waiting for Achillas to finish in the room next door to visit and make his rotation choice. When he arrived, he spent time looking at them and chatting, Achillas was quite the charmer and many of the girls were clearly excited by the handsome businessman.


"As beautiful as these ladies are, my choice is waiting next door, i couldn't resist how she looked."

"I see."

"Your choice?"

"This one." She said indicating Amihan.

Achillas looked closer at Amihan, lifting her chin with the index finger of his right hand.

"Beautiful." Amihan blushed and lowered her eyes and involuntarily swallowed.

"Submissive too I see, personally I like a bit more fire in mine. I am sure you will enjoy her in your own way Pushkin."

"I will Achillas, I will."

"Well, the minibuses are ready downstairs."

Inessa signalled for Amihan to remain in the room while the other fillipino girls filed out, many laughing in high spirits and stealing a look for the final time at Achillas.

Inessa left Amihan in the room and went to meet Achillas's rotation choice in room 3621.

"This is 19-year-old Farah Maidin."

Inessa looked at Farah and knew exactly she was the type of girl that would fire Achillas's sadistic excesses. Very beautiful, slim, young with long brunette wavy hair.

"Nice to meet you, Farah." She approached and they shared a brief kiss. There was a bottle of champagne on the side table.

"Well I will let you go and enjoy your fun with Amihan."

Inessa knew when she was being dismissed. She took a look at Farah's face, excited as Achillas opened the Champaign with a pop. As she closed the door, she could hear his commanding voice.

"I need you to take off all your clothes Farah! I NEED YOU NAKED BEFORE ME!"

Inessa returned to Amihan. She did intend to enjoy Amihan sexually and take her time. It had been a busy week. With the rooms adjoining she expected to hear the noises from next door's activities. She took in some manner Achillas's lead and picked up the bedroom phone and dialled for room service.

"What do you drink usually Amihan?"

"I don't normally drink Miss Inessa."

"I am sure you eat though, are you vegetarian?"

"No. I enjoy meat and fish dishes."

"Hello room service, I would like to order the mixed food platter for two, a bottle of red Bordeaux 64 and a bottle of mineral water and also of apple and orange juice."

"Come and sit beside me on the bed Amihan." Amihan did as instructed.

"You are very beautiful Amihan!"

"Thank you."

"Remind me of how old you are Amihan?"

"I am 19 years old Miss Inessa."

"Have you ever been with a woman? A man?" Amihan shook her head.

"That's alright Amihan. But you will need to learn."

"I would like you to undress me, Amihan. I will start by teaching you how to please a woman."

Next door Inessa could hear the unmistakable sound of leather being smacked hard against skin. She could not however hear any cries. Amihan could hear it too.

"Like I said Amihan, I will teach you. Don't get distracted. Please start to undress me."

After a short while she could hear muffled moaning. He has her gagged, she thought. The sound of belt on flesh grew louder, as did the muffled moaning. Amihan had finished undressing her. There was a knock at the door. Inessa went to the wardrobe and took out a white towel dressing gown and put it on.

"Room Service!" Inessa opened the door and a hostess trolley with the food and the drinks was wheeled in.

"There was a note against this room that all Room Service is complimentary on the house."

Inessa handed the waiter a $20 bill. "Thank You! She closed the door.

The sounds from next door increased in level for a period and then she could hear Achillas's voice loudly.




Then there was a brief pause and once again the sound of bed springs squeaking and the sound again of muffled moaning.




Clearly Achillas was sadistically enjoying Farah Maidin. Inessa worried however if it was indeed too much too early and would he have once again "used her up."

She had Amihan however to turn her attention too.

"Noises from other rooms is something you may have to get used to, in particular if a client wants an InCall service. You might not be the only one serving that night you see."

Inessa cast of her dressing robe and sat on a chair and opened her legs.

"Come and kneel in front of me, I want to start our meal." Inessa instructed Amihan to please her with her tongue and 'eat her out', as the noises continued next door she worried less about the fate of Farah Maidin and more about her own sadistic needs as Amihan brought her her first climax of the night.

She would go on to enjoy the rest of the time enjoying both the food and drink with Amihan and teaching her many things about both pain and pleasure. The noises from next door had finally died down. She checked her watch and the time. She left Amihan sleeping and sexually exhausted on the bed and went to shower and change. When she was ready to leave she gently woke Amihan noticing the light red marks on her back and buttocks where she had whipped her moderately.

"There will be a taxi downstairs waiting to take you to your new house. You will do well there I think Amihan Salvador. Just learn and listen to the advice of the others."

Apprehensively she went and knocked on the door 3621.

After a minute the door opened only a little ajar, she saw Achillas with his hair wet, a white towel round his waist, another drying his hair.


"I was just checking on the taxi for Farah, will she be ready?"

"Farah Maidin was but ready for one man." He continued to dry his hair.

"Yes Pushkin I used her up. I did not intend to but then my thoughts turned to the Turkish Whore while I was working on her."

"I... I need to leave for the airport, to meet her. I... I won't...."

"It's okay Pushkin, leave it to me. I will take care of it this time."

"Okay, if you are sure." Achillas nods.

"It is as well maybe that I exercised my excesses with Farah. When you install my gift in the place we agreed, I will play a visit to her. I will let her know exactly what I expect from her. Tonight's excesses will mean I won't be in quite the same necessity to use her up all at once."

Achillas countenance was fierce, uncompromising.

"Ok. I will let you know when she is secured in the flat."

Michelle Ryan was seriously distracted, ever since the conversation with Simone and the situation with Emel. She put all her resources to work but there was no obvious breakthrough. It seemed too much of a co-incidence that the Düzgüns money was withdrawn for the exact amount of the winning big. But Egypt? The Turks had little interest or business with Egypt. There must be a connection but she could not see it. It was then that her thoughts turned to Frank King. Frank King, her master. She toyed absentmindedly with the slim silver collar chain around her neck. Her slave collar. She had never removed it. It had been over five years since she even had a contact with him.

As much as Michelle owed a lot to Frank, the main emotion that sprang to mind was guilt. She had always felt guilty when she had been around Frank, primarily that she would not be enough for him, give him what he wanted, no needed she reminded herself. It was true that both Frank and others at the time including Simone had told her that she was enough but for her the doubt remained. There was always that small part of her she knew she held back. It was only with Elizabeth that there was no barriers, but Elizabeth was her sub. There was a part too that Michelle knew that she was pretty much strongly lesbian, not bisexual like Simone. It was true that Frank had been the only man she had sexual relationships with and took her virginity at the age of 19 years old but she had truly wanted to give all of herself to him but being honest with herself knew there was that part that she selfishly kept to herself, until Paris.

It was no use, she had to call him, if anything it would be another string to the harp of guilt that was now playing constantly on her mind. He had to know, after all they had been close, make that very close, lovers and Michelle knew well how strong those feelings could run when Frank was involved, he that impact on every woman.

She picked up the landline phone in her office, she had to look his number up on her phone, she did not want to call him on her mobile, why? She thought to herself. Because she did not want to risk him not answering, this was too important.

The phone rang for a good while, she was about to hang up and try later when she heard his unmistakable Scottish voice.


"Hi Frank, it's me. Michelle." She paused and added "Michelle Ryan." There was a good long pause. She thought initially he might hang up and she wouldn't have blamed if she did.

"Michelle. My goodness. The last person I expected to ring me out the blue."

The comment hurt, but was valid.

"I'm sorry Frank to open up old wounds, I know I hurt you, but I wouldn't have called you unless it was important."

"No it's okay. What we had..." there was a pause.. "is in the past Michelle. We both needed to move on." Michelle fingered the collar chain, thinking... some of us in some small way never did.

She sighed.

"Yes Frank. We did. I am calling you, it's about Emel."

"Emel!" There was another pause, Michelle knew this was also going to be painful for Frank.

"Is she in trouble? Ill?, something worse?"

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