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The Allotment

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Wife relunctantly sees the old codger's 'Special Tool'.
4.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 04/25/2007
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"I went to the allotment today, dear," Sarah revealed as her husband sat at the small dinner table.

Sarah sat opposite and started to eat her dinner with her husband Allen.

"Have the rabbits got to the vegetables yet?"

"No not yet the small fence you put up has kept them at bay for the time being. They've devastated several other plots thought," Sarah went on as she ate, "I had a go at weeding that plot we're resting when Derick made some very suggestive remarks to me."

"What did he say?" Allen asked curiously. He'd seen Derick eyeing up Sarah on several occasions while they worked the allotment.

"Well, he's been chatting me up for the past six weeks or more. Today, though he came on really strong and invited me into his shed where he wants to show me his special tool!"

Allen chuckled. "You sure he's not just playing around with you, I mean 'special tool' it's a bit corny."

Sarah smiled too, "Yeah I know. It's just that he came on really strong and wouldn't let it rest. He just kept coming back over to me on any pretext and asked over and over again."

"If he's pestering you I'll speak to him if you want?"

"No, I don't want to make a scene."

Allen continued to eat his meal and pondered on what his wife had said. For sometime, Allen had harboured the fantasy of his wife going with another man, which he'd shared with Sarah. He'd never thought it might be an older man that could achieve his dream. Derick was an old codger who worked his plot to give himself something to do in his retirement. When Allen and Sarah got the plot next to Derick's the old boy must have thought his luck had changed with a young good-looking woman next door.

"What are you going to do the next time he approaches you?" Dick asked as he finished his meal.

"Don't know, laugh it off like I've done up till now," Sarah said also finishing her meal, "It's obvious what sort of tool he wants to show me."

"Is it?" Allen asked with wry smile.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, he's got an above average cock."

Sarah looked shocked, "How on earth do you know that?"

"The other week I noticed Derick was taking a piss beside his hut and saw it. It definitely was above average."

"And that's where it going to stay - in his trousers. I'm thirty one years old; he must be going on seventy."


"Look I know we've discussed this scenario with another man but I was expecting to be doing it with someone closer to our ages, not someone old enough to be my Granddad."

"Okay, as I've said we won't do anything until you're comfortable with it and not before."

"I'm flattered that he finds me attractive enough to flirt with me but that's as far as it's going to go."

Eight weeks later Allen came home from work early for a change and parked his car behind Sarah's car. On entering the house, he found Sarah sitting at the kitchen table drinking a coffee.

"Hi sweetie how've you been?" he asked as he put his case down and removed his jacket, "You been to the allotment today?"

"I'm fine, it's been a lovely day," she replied, got up and made Allen a coffee, "I went to the allotment this morning."

"I'll get changed and we can go back and do some more, what do you say?"

"Yes if you want, Derick's back!"

"Is he now?"

"Huh huh," Sarah placed Allen's coffee on the table and sat.

"I asked him where he'd been, he said he'd been in hospital for an operation on his back and he's okay now."

"Blimey is he ok to work on his allotment?" Allen asked concerned.

"Apparently, but he was more interested in knowing if I'd made up my mind to see his special tool."

"I see, what did you say?"

"Nothing really, I just said don't be silly and laughed it off telling him that I have my own special tool."

"That was nice what did he say to that?"

"Nothing, all the time I was there though he wouldn't leave me alone. He was becoming very persistent so I came home."

"Look, I don't mind having a few words with him if he's becoming a pest," Allen suggested seriously.

"No, it'll be okay I'm sure he'll get the message one day."

"Hmm, maybe you should call his bluff?"

"What go along with his suggestion?" She was clearly shocked a her husband's remark.

"I wouldn't be surprised to learn if you agreed to see his special tool he'd run the other way. Men are sometimes like that all mouth and no back bone."

"But what if he doesn't – it's a bit of a risk isn't it?"

"Maybe, if it starts to get out of hand then just walk away."

"That could be easier said than done," Sarah said concerned.

"Look it's probably a load of banter or flirtation so don't worry too much about it."

Sarah wasn't so sure; she gave her husband a weak smile and finished her coffee.

The day had been warm and Sarah was wearing shorts and a loose fitting top with no bra. She didn't have to wear a bra, as her tits were small and very firm.

As they arrived at the allotment, Allen noticed Derick was putting his tools away and preparing to go home. As soon as he spotted Sarah he came out of his little shed with a spade in his hand.

As they passed the old man to get to their plot the lecher didn't take his eyes off Sarah. Allen could see his eyes moving from her tits to her crotch and back again as he couldn't decide what to look at first her jiggling tits or the tightness of her shorts.

"How you doing, Derick you better now?" Allen asked as he came up to him.

"Yeah, quite good really," Derick replied.

"I expect the rest you got in Hospital made a lot of difference?"

"Did me the world of good, Allen I'm raring to go now, girding up me loins as they say."

Allen laughed, "So you're raring to go are you; real horny like?"

"Sure am, Allen I'm hornier now than I've ever been."

"You need to find yourself a woman to satisfy that horniness?"

Derick gave wry smile, "Well I'm working on that at the moment," he said as he unashamedly looked at Sarah.

Allen watched him and realised that he really was after his wife. He could see the lust in his eyes as he watched Sarah's arse while she bent over putting some tools on the ground.

"Well I suppose I'd better get on," Allen said bringing Derick's mind back to reality.

"You've got a fine woman there, Allen."

"Thanks, Derick I think she's a real stunner."

"That's for sure," Derick agreed still watching Sarah.

"So who's this woman you're working on then?" Derick asked.

"Oh, she's a stunner as well, but she's so far refused to play."

"Why's that then, Derick a strapping mature man like your self shouldn't have difficulties in getting a good woman."

Yeah right," he replied flippantly, "Woman of my age are only after someone to sit and watch TV with and reminisce. The young ones only want you for your money and the ones in-between don't even look at you; they're either too busy looking after the kids or are so neurotic about keeping up with the fashion that they don't even have the inclination to even look at an old codger like me."

"There's plenty of fish out there, Derick you just haven't found it yet."

"Hmm," he replied as he looked at Allen then back at Sarah. She was still sorting out the tools we'd bought with us.

"Well I've got work to do, see you later."

Derick grunted.

Allen joined Sarah and they set about the tasks in hand. Allen kept his eye on Derick as time ticked away and he was doing very little with the spade in his hand. He could see the old man was openly staring at Sarah and when she bent that bit further to pull out a stubborn weed, her top fell forward revealing a lot of tit. Derick's eyes would nearly pop out of his head.

Allen then glanced over at Derick's tomatoes and called to him, "Hey, Derick your tom's look a bit droopy don't they need a drink?"

The old man looked at his plants and called back, "You're right, Allen I'd better go down to the standpipe and get some water."

Without further ado, he picked up two watering cans and headed for the standpipe at the southern end of the allotment.

"Sarah how about I leave you alone to see what happens?" Allen suggested.

"I don't know, Allen I'm not sure I want to do it."

Allen ignored her hesitancy, "How about I leave, drive up the road a bit and then walk back and come in from the other entrance Derick won't see me I'll be shielded by the huts over there. I'll be able to sneak back and keep an eye on things."

"Honestly, I don't know, Allen. I wasn't expecting it to happen like this."

"Come on we have to be quick he'll be back soon!"

Sarah looked at her husband anxiety written all over her face. Allen kept looking down the allotment for Derick and then back at Sarah. They were silent as he allowed his wife a few moments to think it over.

"He's coming," said Allen looking at his wife.

Sarah just nodded her head and went back to weeding.

Derick was back and watering his Tomatoes. After allowing a couple of minutes to pass Allen spoke in a voice loud enough for Derick to hear, "I've got to pop home, sweetheart forgot a couple of things."

Allen leaves the plot and walks hastily to the car. He saw the old man watch him drive away, he drove out of sight and parked up. He doubled back on foot and entered the allotment where he said he would. The sheds on this side of the allotment hid him from Derick's view. He was now just seconds away from watching Sarah take up Derick's offer of seeing his 'special tool'.

He was about to move closer to Derick's hut when a voice called to him, "Hello there, Allen how are you?"

Allen spun round thinking he'd been discovered. Instead, he found fellow gardener, Jack Chapman whom he hadn't seen for over a week.

"Hi, Jack."

"Where you been lately young man?"

"No where just work and that."

"You know that Birch Sap wine I was brewing?" Jack whispered as if it were a state secret.

"Yeah," Allen replied wanting to move on to Derick's hut.

"Well it's ready for tasting, thought you'd like to be the first." He offered with a sly smile.

"Couldn't it wait . . .?"

"Come on, come in to me shed, lad I've got a couple of glasses already for us."

"But . . ."

"No buts, now lad lets get drinking."

Allen reluctantly followed Jack into his shed. Jack had always been a good friend to Allen so he thought he'd just try his wine and then get the hell out of there. Jack, at eighty-four can be extremely persuasive and knowledgeable and yet after ten minutes or so can be completely boring his only topic of conversation being home brewing and carrots.

Jack passed the glass of wine to Allen, "This is me Birch Sap wine; it'll warm the cockles of your heart, Allen," he said with huge grin.

Allen had tasted Jack's wine in the past and had to show he liked it when it was total crap. On this occasion, the liquor went down just as Jack said it would with a mild explosion of warmth when it hit bottom.

"Hey, Jack now that's not bad. Hmm that was nice do you mind if I just pop over and see Sarah to let her know where I am."

"Sure, lad you go ahead I'll have another glass ready for y' when you get back."

"That'll be good, Jack why don't you save me a couple of bottles and I'll take them home with me."

"You mean that, son you're not just saying that are y'?"

"No, no course not, Jack you bring me a couple of bottles and I'll pick them up tomorrow night."

"Alright then tomorrow night," Jack agreed happily

"Well I've got to see Sarah I'm already late." Allen went to leave the old man's hut.

"Allen me lad . . .?" Jack's voice was soft and wanting.

Allen turned, "What's up old man?"

"Thanks lad, thanks for giving me the time of day. Your dad would be proud of y'."

Allen smiled and quickly left the shed. In double quick time, he rushed back to his car and drove it back to the allotment. Rushing down the narrow grass path, he headed towards Derick's hut. He couldn't see either of them. As he got closer to the shed the door opened and Sarah emerged looking flushed indeed.

Derick stepped out and saw Allen coming towards him, he quickly stepped back in, but not before Allen noticed he was still doing up his trousers. Anticipation run through him as he wondered what they had been doing. Derick called after Sarah, "If you want me to show you anything else, Sarah then don't hesitate to ask."

Allen returned to his digging while Sarah was once again weeding unable to look up at her husband.

Derick in double quick time put his tools away. Allen watched him as he looked over at them. He saw the lust in his eyes and a smug smile of satisfaction on his face.

Allen looked down at his wife and asked, "What happened?"

Sarah's reply was brief and uttered in a shaky fearful voice, "He had me!"

Allen looked up to find Derick had gone. His emotions were full of confusion as he tried to work the ground with the knowledge that the owner of the plot next to theirs, a sixty seven year old man, had fucked his thirty-one year old wife just a few minutes ago. His cock was semi-erect and his heart was beating hard not from rage or jealousy but from lust, knowing that his fantasy had just been realised.

Once he was sure, Derick had gone they too packed up their things and went home. The drive to their place was done in silence neither one of them knew of what to say.

Once home and sitting at the kitchen table, Sarah had made them a glass of lemonade each, "I want you to tell me what happened?" Allen asked.

"Can I take a shower first?" She asked knowing Derick's spunk had soaked into her panties. She felt dirty, used, and desperately wanted to shower. Even though Allen wanted her to have sex with another man it didn't make it any easier on her feelings of betraying his trust and more importantly the fear of losing his love, as she still loved him dearly.

"No I want to know what happened in that shed."

"Didn't you see anything?" she asked concerned.

"No, I did as we planned . . ."

"As you planned," she cut in sarcastically.

"I parked the car in Beaufort Road and came back to the allotments. However, as I came passed the shed old Jack Chapman stopped me and he got me to try some of his homemade wine. By the time I got out of there, I thought it best to return to the car and make it look as though I'd just returned. I could tell something had happened by the way you walked out of his shed and the flushed look on your face."

"So you weren't there for me," Sarah gasped.

"Was I needed?"

Sarah looked at her husband and realised that after all that had happened he never got to watch.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?"

Sarah pondered on the implications of what happened and she realised she still loved him and always will. He's her man.

"Okay, once you had driven off he was pestering me . . .

". . . You decided on seeing my special tool, Sarah?" Derick quietly called over to her.

"I don't think so, Derick. You shouldn't keep asking me – it's not right. I'm a married woman and have my own special tool."

"Come on, Sarah I want to show it to you."

Sarah stood up, "And if I do will you behave?"

"Um, yea sure," he replied with a shocked looked that Sarah had agreed.

Sarah looked about the allotment and then said, "Okay, let's go and see your 'special tool'."

Sarah went to Derick's shed with him following. Her heart beat hard in her chest. She'd noticed Derick's surprised look when she agreed to this, maybe Allen was right after all.

Sarah entered the shed to find it a mass of clutter. A small bench stood under the window that was so grubby you could hardly see out of it. She wondered how Allen was going to see anything. The bench was also a mass of clutter.

Derick turned to face Sarah with his flies open and his cock out fully erected, "What about this for a special tool," he grinned revealing yellow teeth that a dentist hadn't seen for years.

Sarah just stared at it, mostly in disbelief. It was definitely three inches longer than her husband is.

Derick reached over, closed and fastened the door. He then took Sarah's hand and pressed it against his rock hard cock. Her fingers automatically curled round his stiffness and she found herself playing with it. At the same time, she was aware of Derick undoing her shorts.

"Do like the feel of my special tool, Sarah?" Derick asked his voice full of lust.

Sarah felt her Demin shorts fall down her legs revealing her scantily black panties to the old man who was now plunging her hand straight down the front of them, "Open up for Granddad, Sarah," he urged.

In a whirl of excitement, Sarah opened her legs and her reward was the pleasant movements of his fingers rubbing her sex. The feelings coming from between her legs were growing fast and she gasped at the intensity of it.

"Take y' top off, Sarah," he ordered.

Again, without a second thought she obeyed the old man and lifted off her top exposing her tits the old man's gaze.

Derick gasped, ". . . y' have lovely tits, lass better than I thought that'd be," he said drooling and started mauling them, squeezing her young flesh and pinching the nipples. He then leaned forward and started sucking on each in turn.

The thirty-one years old housewife gasped at the pleasure this old man was giving her.

While she pulled on his cock, Derick released a nipple from his mouth with loud smacking sound, "Hasn't y' old man got a special tool like mine?"

"Yes," she gasped from the sensation from her tit, "But it's not as big as yours," Sarah replied without thinking.

Derick chuckled.

Sarah regretted her rash words as some sort of betrayal of Allen.

"My cock can reach places hubby's never been," he said taking a nipple back into his mouth nibbled on it.

Again, Sarah gasped with a gentle moan escaping from her lips.

His hand was still in her panties working on her clit, "I've dying to get in y' knickers for weeks!"

A grunt escaped Sarah's lips as her excitement grew; she knew that if he kept this assault on her clit she would come off on his finger. She found herself pushing down on his hand as her orgasm grew.

Derick leaned forward and sucked on Sarah's neck, squashing her tits with his chest, "I've dreamt of this day for months and I'm now going to fuck you Sarah and spunk you deep."

Sarah suddenly thought of Allen. Her conscience brought thoughts of betrayal and divorce and if Allen, the instigator of it all was watching. Her lust very quickly quashed these thoughts. Her husband wanted her to do it from the start. Now, here she was standing in a garden shed with another man, a man old enough to be her grandfather with his hand in her panties pleasuring her minge while she pulled on his cock. Her lust was driving on caused by the movements of his fingers in-between her sex lips. She was forcing her cunt down onto his hand and she was panting from the pleasure of it.

"Are you ready, Sarah? You ready to be fucked?"

In a rash moment of extreme sexual excitement, her orgasm on the verge of completion Sarah groans, "Then do it – I'm ready!"

She really was on heat with his gorgeous fingers in her panties and the excitement of being practically naked in Derick's shed made her mad with lust; a feeling she'd not had since her college days.

Derick spun her round to face the grubby window, "Brace yourself lass – against the bench," he ordered.

Sarah complied while he dropped his trousers and moved up close behind her. She felt his knees slide down between her legs as he stooped; his fingers pulled the gusset of her panties to one side and she felt him sliding up into her cunt.

"Oh Christ he's in me!" she thought as Derick straightened his body driving his cock deeper inside of her.

"God, he's right up me!" She thought, "So deep!" She'd never had a cock penetrated so high up inside her before and she braced herself as he began to fuck her cunt.

Derick's hands came and grabbed her dangling tits and pulled back on them using them for leverage, he licked the back of her neck making shivers ripple down her back. Sarah was in heaven.


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