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The Amazon and her Daughter


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Tori had heard of the Amazons, had once even seen a couple gallop past, when she had been out picking mushrooms with her friends. The female warriors were legendary for their dexterity and battle prowess, wearing only the bare minimum of armour so as not impede their agility and speed. They were also legendary for their beauty, more than once Tori had lain in her bed at night, rubbing her slit as she imagined one of them taking her virginity. She couldn't tell how beautiful the one who was attacking was, her helmet left her face half in shadow and she was moving too quickly for the teen to get even a glimpse of the woman's features. But she was certainly fit, her body toned and firm, her stomach flat and her bosoms seeming shapely beneath the chainmail bikini.

The Amazon ducked and weaved, parrying thrusts which had seemed fast when she was alone and the orcs were hurrying her along with their weapons, but which seemed slow and ponderous when faced with a swordswoman of such skill. One of them, the second sentry was down, his skull cleaved so deep that his upper teeth were shattered by the blow. The Amazon heaved out her sword, expertly deflecting a cut from a poleaxe. She jumped back, her skirt shifting as she did and Tori could see the "woman's weapon" jutting out.

She gasped in shock at seeing one. When she was younger of her friends, the same one who several years later had lost her virginity in the back of the stable with a passing drover, had told her about male cocks and their size and shape and what they could do. But truth was that whilst Sofy had joked and japed with the rest of the girls about male equipment, her interest in men was half-hearted, though she suspected that in the end that wouldn't matter and eventually she would marry one, have his cock in her, followed by children. But one night, Greta, the barmaid in one of the local hostelries had told her when she was working in an inn in Hayrush, that several times Amazons had disembarked from one of the ships and that as people do after a long voyage had come to the inn in search of refreshment, liquid and horizontal. She had told a giggling Tori and her friends, that the Amazon's all sported these false pricks, women's weapons, they called them. Greta had sworn that she herself hadn't been fucked by one (untruthfully Tori felt as money was money and Greta never had enough of it), but many of the other barmaids had; the Amazon's riding them like the warriors were men. Tori had a vivid fantasy that night as she lay in bed, of an Amazon sailor coming across her as she walked a beach one day...

But this was no fantasy and the Amazon's most important weapon was her sword. The second sentry was down now, pitifully mewling as he tried to hold in his insides. The leader and the other remaining orc were moving more carefully, trying to creep round either side of the Amazon whilst not getting inside her swing. The woman was stepping back, keeping between them and not letting either get behind her, her stance was both relaxed and ready, as if she was waiting for a pot to finish boiling not the last round of a killing fight to begin.

She did look a lot like Sofy's mom.

The end was so sudden that it took Sofy by surprise. One of the orcs began to make a move, immediately the Amazon was parrying him and whilst he recovered his balanced, she pivoted towards the other, one slash to smash his sword away from his body and then a second upwards, which sliced him open. Then even as the first orc was regaining his footing she was spinning towards him, her sword at horizontal at shoulder height.

The blade hit the orc's neck and carried on through. His head fell backwards and the body toppled forwards, blood spurting onto the floor.

The Amazon quickly walked over to the remaining dying orcs and finished them.

It was over, the only sound Sofy could hear was her own breathing, as if the rest of the wood had gone quiet to listen to the fight. The Amazon walked towards her, black blood dripping from the blade. As she came closer the shadow from the helmet covering her face faded and Sofy realised two things, first that her initial belief that it was her Mom that was dressed up in the Amazon gear, was in fact true, and secondly, that her Mom was the most sexy woman that Sofy had ever seen, even if she only realised now. She stopped in front of her daughter, placing down the shield and stabbing the sword violently into the earth before taking off the helmet and letting her long blonde hair fall down over her shoulders.

"Mom?" Sofy almost couldn't believe it, as if her eyes had played a trick on her, or perhaps she was dead and this was a last imagining before she joined the souls in the afterlife.

"Yes, I'm here," it was her Mom's voice, the older woman's touch as she stroked the teen's cheek tenderly, "You're safe," her voice was soft and tender. Then she reached down and pulled out a dagger from her boot and she became moved away from caring Mom to hardnosed warrior rescuer. "Now let's quickly cut these bonds. This lot are gone, but there may be other stragglers around." She quickly sliced through the rope and Sofy massaged her wrists, grimacing slightly as she touched the burns, getting her circulation back.

"You rescued me. Where did you get the Amazon armour? I thought you were one for a moment," Sofy burbled in relief.

"It's mine," her Mom said, "I'm an Amazon."

Sofy had probably been less shocked when a fully armed orc had kicked in her door. Her Mom was her Mom, an apothecary who lived in a farmstead a few miles from a small town held by minor lord, she wasn't one of the legendary Amazons. Except that all the evidence suggested that she was, it wasn't just the sword and armour, it was the ease with which she had wielded both; only a practised warrior could have parried and slashed so speedily, only one who was used to it could have danced with sword and shield with such dexterity. Her Mom didn't explain further, instead she stepped away sliding her dagger in her boot, "Come, we need to go."

Stepping away from the tree Sofy stumbled, her legs suddenly weak and powerless, as pins and needles burnt into her feet, the circulation restarting now the tight rope was no longer biting deep. Her Mom turned, a look of concern on her face. "My feet, cramp," Sofy pulled her foot towards her and tried to rub it between her hands, though as they were numb it didn't make much difference.

"Let me," her Mom got down on one knee beside her and took one of the feet. She quickly began to massage it, her hands skilfully working over the teen's flesh, restoring the circulation quickly and effectively. It felt so good, that Sofy gave out a low moan. It sounded sexual, perhaps it was a little bit, her Mom's touch felt that good. The teen blushed, noticing her Mom's cheek reddening a touch as she quickly shifted to the other foot and rubbed the circulation back. After a few moments the blood started to pump and Sofy forced herself to pull the foot back, rather than risk another sensual groan. She started to stand, but still staggered. Her Mom was up, looking around as if she feared being ambush. She placed her weapon in her scabbard. "We have to go quick, I'll carry you."

Before Sofy could resist her Mom had slid her arms under the teen's knees and upper back, picking her up in a bride's carry. She began to stride out of the clearing, Sofy against her. The teen reached round and gripped behind her Mom's neck, it was meant as a way to give herself a sense of security against falling, but it also pulled her even closer to her Mom, so that the older woman's barely covered breasts bounced in their chainmail packing literally inches from the teen's stomach. Sofy found her eyes being drawn to them, watching in fascination as they jiggled and jumped, the iron bra barely keeping them in check as her Mom jogged over the forest floor, stepping over branches and ducking under branches. The teen could feel the flatness tautness of her Mom's stomach as she pressed against it; she had never realised under the shapeless dresses that her Mom wore was a body fit and firm, almost like a Goddess... or an Amazon. She forced herself to look up, away from the springing titties, to her Mom's face. It looked different, more beautiful than before, even with the helmet shadowing it. But there was more to it as well, an inner and outer strength and firmness, as if the excess flesh on her chin and cheeks had been shaped into something almost like marble. Her lips were sensual and for a moment Sofy wondered what it would be like to kiss them, to feel them open against her and for her Mom's tongue to slide out. Then she blushed at the thought, trying to force it away and concentrate her gaze down, sadly not managing to bring it lower than the jiggling mammaries.

Luckily before she could lose her mind to inappropriateness, her Mom stopped and put her down. A horse looked at her with a vague interest, before returning to nibbling a much more interesting lump of grass. Her Mom had turned and was looking the way they'd come, standing silent and listening. Then she seemed to relax and turned to Sofy, "I don't think any more orcs heard the fighting, or if they did they decided to stay well clear of it."

"We're safe?" Sofy asked, a feeling of relief of such power sweeping through her, she almost fainted.

"Safer," her Mom replied. "We won't be fully safe before we're a long way from here. " She saw Sofy worried expression and she gave a more comforting smile, "We're a mainly out of danger I think. Any orcs are going the other way and I'm sure I can deal with any wanderers who have got themselves lost." She touched her sword pommel as if to emphasise the point. Then she gave a small frown and reached to Sofy's face, wiping some of the dirt away from the teen's cheeks, before reaching her thumb up and tenderly wiping it over a small gash on the forehead. Sofy winced and her Mom withdrew her thumb, but kept her fingers wiping the cheek, softly, "Are you hurt?"

"It's nothing, just a cut," her daughter replied, before adding, "It would have been worse if you hadn't come and rescued me."

Her Mom's silence showed she agreed and for another moment she continued to stroke the teen's face tenderly almost sexually. There was a slight tingle in Sofy's stomach as she looked at her Mom's taut body and she blushed again, worried that her thoughts were evident on her face. They might have been because suddenly her Mom withdrew her hand. "I've some biscuits and jerk here, you need to eat and then we'll ride."

Realising how famished she was, not having eaten since before she'd been kidnapped, Sofy devoured the food at pace and washed it down with water from her Mom's canteen. The food was hard and stale, the water warm and brackenish, but it was the best meal Sofy had ever had, made better by the fact that her Mom was sitting just feet away, her firm, sexy body hardly covered by the short skirt and chainmail bra. Glancing down the teen could also see the tip of a woman's weapon pointing out from under the metal bands of the skirt. Seeing it wondered if her Mom had used it as it was meant to be used. That made her excited, a tingle in her pussy as she imagined her Mom over a nude woman thrusting away and swiftly, in her mind's eye, the naked woman beneath her Mom morphed into a teen and then into her. For a second she held the image of her Mom thrusting hard into her pussy, then sanity prevailed and she looked at the ground, forcing the thoughts out of her head and only looking up when she was sure they'd gone.

They hadn't, as one look at her Mom's chest and she could imagine the chainmail bra dropping to the floor and her Mom present her sexy bosoms to the teen's eager mouth. She gulped down the last of her water. "I'm ready."

"Let's go," her Mom swiftly stored the half-filled canteen in the horse's saddle, before mounting it with much more ease than Sofy could ever imagine. The teen approached the horse with some trepidation, she'd petted them often -- riders often stopped at the farm and left their mounts in her care whilst her Mom sold the potions and creams, and she had been in wagons where drays had pulled her along. But she'd never ridden one and hadn't known her Mom could. Her Mom seemed to realise her anxiety as she reached down and took her daughter's wrist in her hand and pulled her up, so that she was sitting behind her. "Hold tight to my stomach, I won't ride him fast."

"I will," her daughter agreed. Her hands reached round her Mom's waist, slender, but firm under the teen's hug. Her Mom made a motion and the horse seemed to know what it meant as it started to walk in the direction her Mom wanted. The teen laid her head on her Mom's shoulder and relaxed; she smelt so good, not sweaty and gross like she should have been, but like there was a natural perfumed scent which rose from her skin. She held her Mom tighter, enjoying the smell and touch. They rode in silence for a few minutes, before Sofy spoke, "You said you were an Amazon."

"Yes, I was born one, a long way away in the lands of the Amazons," her Mom replied. She paused waiting for Sofy to ask more.

The teen digested that fact and then asked, "So you do like women?", perhaps that explained where her desires came from, in the same way her Mom had passed down her nose and eyes and chin, she'd passed down the her Amazon lusts.

"Why do you ask?" her Mom seemed interested by the question, rather than insulted.

"They said Amazons only sleep with women... what about my Dad?" She only had hazy figures of him, he had died when she was five and her Mom seldom said much about him, his family (or her own come to that).

"We don't have any men in our lands, save for a passing, and trusted merchant, but it's not a law -- outside we sleep with who I want. I met your father when I was riding with a small company of Amazons after some bandits and we fell in with a posse of men also after them, I was attracted to him, young and probably a little too rebellious -- things took their course and I ended up with you." She paused for a second and then as if she was pre-empting the next questions added, "I've no regrets."

There was silence as Sofy wondered whether to say what was on her mind, before deciding if she couldn't say it after being rescued from being raped by orcs and finding out her Mom was an Amazon, she'd never be able to say it. "I like women as well, sexually."

"I suppose that doesn't surprise me," her Mom replied, "By the time I was your age I had a dozen women lovers... perhaps a few less or a few more... and you're my daughter."

"A dozen...?" Sofy almost let go off her Mom in surprise, even the biggest slut that Sofy knew (Annabel the butcher's daughter) had not had so many.

Her Mom laughed, "We're more liberated, a young warrior is expected to fuck women, pregnancy is more controlled when it's through the will of the Gods rather than a man's seed." She said no more about it and Sofy decided now was not the time for a biology lesson nor to find out more about the women her Mom had fucked -- though, she had to admit to herself, the second did sound interesting and as they continued in silence through the woods, the teen found herself imaging. In her mind's eye she could see her Mom banging buxom wenches and then slender priestesses, all of them gasping in orgasmic enjoyment as her Mom pounded in. She could see them pushing aside her Mom's woman's weapon to get at the juicy cunt beneath, tonguing it eagerly as her Mom pressed them down, her strong hands on the back of their heads. And then it was her in the imagining, looking up under the starlight as her Mom looked down, descending forcefully to drive her weapon into her daughter's eager hole.

Riding on the teen shivered with excitement, trying to control her breathing so that it didn't seem laboured and ragged, but at the same time she couldn't help but clasp her Mom's stomach tighter, pulling herself forward so that she was pressed hard against her Mom's naked back. The older woman made no sign she noticed but continued to guide the horse on. They continued to ride, normally making use of a small trail, but then, for no reason Sofy could tell, suddenly veering off to go direct through the woods, ducking under branches and around trunks, until arriving back on the track (or at least a path that looked the same). The sun was just starting to set when Tori guided them off the trail and into the forest for a final time, guiding the horse to a clearing perhaps five minutes from the track. She expertly dismounted and then held out her hands to take her daughter's waist and help her down. Sofy shivered involuntarily as her Mom's strong arms lifted her down.

"We should make camp here," the older woman said, looking around as if to make sure there were no signs of any other visitors. "If you gather some wood we can light a fire, but don't go too far."

The teen did as she was told as her Mom unsaddled the horse and brushed him down, before feeding him oats from a saddlebag. From another one of the bags she pulled out some biscuits and dried meat for herself and Sofy, following it up with some berries she picked from a nearby bush. Sofy arranged the sticks for the fire, together with kindling. She started to try and start it using sticks, but her Mom pulled a fire-starting kit from the saddle bags and quickly began the blaze. Sofy fed in some more wood and soon the fire was burning merrily, sparks shooting up into the dark sky. Her Mom was over at the saddle bags again, rooting for something. She returned to Sofy with a rolled up mattress and a sheet. "There's only one set of bedding, we'll have to share."

The teen's heart leapt, even if she tried to control it, she forced her voice to be neutral. "That's alright, I don't mind," she said as if it was a minor inconvenience. She imagined her Mom snuggled against her, which was a pleasing image and wondered if she would continue to wear her woman's weapon which was an even more pleasing one.

Her Mom rolled out the mattress and sheet. "You should get in, the night's going to get chilly and the fire won't last forever."

"Are you going to join me?" Sofy kicked off her shoes and slipped under the sheets, hoping the words hadn't come out too seductively.

"I need to do some exercises first," her Mom said. She walked over to the other side of the clearing, though still easily within her daughter's sightline if the teen moved her head just a little upwards. The teen did, following her Mom as the older woman picked up her sword and gave it a few practice swings. Then she stabbed it down into the earth and reached up to her chest to unclip the metal bikini. Sofy had to stifle a gasp as her Mom's shapely bosoms bounced free, jiggling as her Mom swung her hips round and arched. Then her hands reached down to her skirt unbuckling it and pulling it down. She turned her back turned briefly towards her teen daughter as she bent down allowing Sofy to admire the round, but firm cheeks, which hardly shook as her Mom straightened again and stepped back and forth like she was at a dance. She picked up her sword again and began a series of movements.

The glow of the fire gave the Amazon a toned, almost bronzed glow, making her skin seem sharper and sleeker than it really was. She went through a series of cuts and parries and thrusts, holding the sword first two handed and then one, her other hand balancing her. Sofy licked her lips as she watched her Mom, nude, but for her boots and woman's weapon dangling between her legs, do her deadly waltz. She supposed to an enemy, seeing the Amazon slice through the air and swiftly bring her sword back in a defensive crouch, would be gut-wrenching. To the teen it was so sensual and alluring, her Mom's body was both slender and firm, the muscles straining in her biceps and calves but not so much they broke the smooth contours. Her naked bosoms bounced and jiggled with each swing, jumping up and down hypnotically so that Sofy eyes had to follow them, only stopping when her Mom pirouetted away from her. But then her rear was almost as sexy as her front, the cheeks so firm and round, her back smooth and lit on by the fire, her blonde hair coasting down her back, sweeping back and forth as she moved. Then Tori swung round again, so she was facing the teen, even her eyes were fixed on a point above Sofy. The teen gulped as she looked at the woman's weapon, it swung between her Mom's legs, side to side. It was so large, ten inches at a guess, she thought it should impede her Mom's movements, but it didn't -- whether that was because her Mom was used to it or for some other reason the teen couldn't tell. But she could tell it was so sexual and exciting, imagining it slipping it a woman's cunt, into her cunt. She reached down under the sheets and pulled up her dress a couple of inches.

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