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The Amazon and her Daughter


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Surreptitiously, so her Mom wouldn't notice, her hand went under her panties to find her slit. She began to gently rub it with her fingers, whilst moving her other arm up in front of her mouth, so that if her Mom did glance down she wouldn't notice the startled little breaths which were emanating from her daughter. The older woman twirled again, her bosoms swinging round with her. Sofy gave a low moan, to quiet to be heard, as she slipped her middle finger up and down the crack, her thumb finding her clit and gently teasing it into wakefulness. Her Mom continued her exercises, placing the sword down and instead waving her arms and hands around like they were the deadly weapon. Her body moved with the elegance of a professional tumbler, agile and dexterous, swift and sure, deadly and dangerous like a viper. The teen rubbed harder under the sheets, imprinting the scene to memory, she knew it was wrong, but after the show this evening she could no longer imagine masturbating into the small hours over anyone else. Her Mom twirled again, coming down into a crouch and almost immediately jumping up, the woman's weapon swinging like a shop sign in a gale. The teen licked her lips imagining it was in her.

The fire began to slowly die as the last burning branches collapsed in on themselves, leaving just a few flickers of flame and the red hot embers. Slowly darkness began to engulf her Mom, the older woman turning from a bronze red Goddess into a black silhouette. Sofy slipped her finger out of her pussy and pretended she was dozing as she heard her Mom pick up her sword and come closer.


Even if Tori had not been an Amazon warrior, trained from birth to observe every tiny thing (for otherwise an enemy might surprise you) she had seen Sofy sleeping enough times to know her daughter was feigning sleep. Nor had she been fooled by the teen covering her mouth as if by accident or that the shifts of the blanket had been her trying to get a comfortable position, the movements of had been tiny and in the darkness almost imperceptible, but to an Amazon, used to noticing every flicker of movement, obvious, even if no others would have seen them.

It did not surprise her that her teen daughter had been playing with herself as she watched the Amazon warrior's dance. It was a sensual display for any woman; back when she was younger training with the other warriors Tori had often picked out a sexy young thing or an older widowed matron who was spectating and directed her exercise at them, more often than not it had led to her fucking them later that evening. And her daughter had admitted she liked women earlier, that was more a surprise, albeit only that Tori had not noticed it earlier, a failure of observation she could only put down to living a soft life as a minor merchant and smallholder for too long. If she had thought about it she should have realised that her daughter had Amazon blood and that was likely to lead her to an attraction to females. She came closer to her daughter, the fire was almost out, casting only a faint glow, but it was enough to see her daughter's face and drink in her beauty. For a moment Tori looked down before she turned and walked round so that she was behind the teen.

Driving the sword into the earth, she pulled off her boots. She had suspected as they rode that Sofy was attracted to her, she had been holding her Mom too tight, even accounting for the scare with the orcs and nuzzling her face too close. The masturbation confirmed it. Tori reached down and adjusted her woman's weapon, which had slipped fractionally out of place during her exercise. According to the Priestesses at home, the sight of it attached to a finely honed and proportion Amazon warrior increased the libido of any woman -- certainly that had been the experience of Tori when she was younger and used to wear it regularly and she wasn't going to gainsay the articulators of the Goddess's will. It also made her extremely horny herself.

She pulled back the sheet and slid under it. It wasn't designed to fit two and she had to crawl so close to her daughter she was hugging her back and even then the sheet didn't fit. She wiggled as close as she could and then paused. Two things were definitely true, she considered, first her daughter had shown signs of being sexually attracted to her and secondly, Tori's own pussy was starting to itch with desire. In the Amazon lands family sex wasn't common, but nor was it taboo. Growing up Tori had known several sisters who were in relationships with each other and at least one of her classmates had been having regular sex with her Mom, even if they both described it as casual. But Sofy hadn't been brought up there, but in Holdaray, which like many, if not all, of the lands where men, not women, were the dominant sex, had powerful taboos against incest. Secret under the sheet fantasies were one thing for Sofy, but if her Mom tried to take it further how would she react?

For a moment Tori lay there unmoving. Her daughter was too close, too beautiful and womanly to resist, there was a risk, but if she went slow she could claim the first moves were an accident and then make sure she went no further than Sofy was comfortable with, whether that was a couple of clandestine touches or a full-on fucking. Slowly she moved her hand up so that it was resting on her daughter's bare arm, just under where the short sleeve of the dress ended on the bicep. She paused but Sofy didn't shake off the 'innocent' touch. After a second Tori began to gently stroke the skin, still in a way that was easy explicable, if Sofy reacted her Mom was just comforting her after her ordeal.

The teen didn't react, at least not in negative way, as there was a tiny moan from her as her Mom's fingers gently skimmed over her skin. Tori put a little pressure on her fingers, so that, even if it could still be described as comforting, there was no way it could be misconstrued as accidental touch in the dark. Still her daughter made no move to stop her. Tori felt decided to that it was time to be even more daring.

She slipped her hands downwards, gliding along her daughter's dress and then lower, onto the thigh. Her palm curved to match the roundness of her daughter's leg, sliding slowly downward and then back up. As she reached the dress again, there was a choice to be made over, back onto the material or under. It was an easy one to make as she continued upwards under the material. Further up she went, almost daring Sofy to say something or move or show she didn't want to continue -- the teen refused to stop her, her only sound a small sigh which sounded as much from excitement as it did anything else. Down she went again and then up, this time going even further up the thigh so that she was near the top and with a slight move over the incline would have found her figures in the valley below. Not yet, she told herself, she still needed to be sure how far Sofy actually was willing to go and moving from sensual stroking to finger fucking seemed a jump. Still her daughter's thigh felt so soft and smooth she kept at it for a few more minutes, even as she began to move her mouth towards the back of the teen's lips.

With her spare hand she brushed the hair to one side so the skin was exposed, pale and white in the darkness. Puckering up her lips she gently kissed her daughter's neck. It was just a peck, easy to claim as just a familial goodnight kiss if challenge. No challenge came. Tori kissed again, still quickly and gently, a nothing, but this time she repeated it again and again, peppering the skin with tiny butterfly kisses. There was another small moan from her daughter and Sofy shivered, even though the night was not cold and the fire's embers still warm. Tori kissed once more, longer this time,. Her hand stroked down and up, and her mouth shifted to below the teen's ear. It was harder to claim these kisses were now innocent, as her lips lingered and the tip of her tongue emerged to tickle at the skin. "MMMnnnn," Sofy moaned, her body stretching and arching so that she moulded into her Mom, "Ohhh, that feels nice."

Was that a sign to go further? Tory thought it was, to finish the pretence and finalise the seduction. She removed her hand from her daughter's thigh and brought it upwards again, over the waist and down towards the bosom. It slid over the curve of the upper tit, down towards where the bodice was laced. Wrapping her finger round the string she pulled it, opening the dress. Her daughter didn't stop her, not even when her Mom slipped her hand under the dress and onto a bosom. Tori squeezed at the plump flesh, feeling the hardness of the nipple against her palm and softness of the mammary under her fingers. Her daughter groaned again and began to turn into her Mom. Tori's head moved to meet her, the teen's mouth opening as Tori's clamped down on it.

Their tongues touched and recoiled, before spearing forward again, turning and twisting around it each other like two fighting ferret's in a sack. Their lips pressed even firmer against each other, like they were glued, their mouths opening and closing like they were fighting to unstick themselves and failing each time. Tori squeezed her daughter's tit harder, too late to deny what was happening, but realising her daughter wanted it as much as she did. She pushed her body forward at the same time as rolling her daughter backwards; the end result was that she was on top of Sofy, her mouth pressed to her daughter's.

"MMmnnn, kiss me more," Sofy managed to break long enough to give her Mom the go-ahead and then resumed the make-out.

Tori was more than happy to oblige, even as her hands reached up to her daughter's dress pulling it down over her shoulders and down. The teen held up her hands to allow her Mom to pull it over them and down to her midriff leaving her bosoms bare, if not uncovered as her Mom lay on them, her own naked tits pressed tight against them. Her hands moved to massage the teen's chest, her fingers playing on the side boob as she rubbed. Sofy's hands, in turn, gripped her Mom's back as if she was scared she was going to get up. As they shifted and rubbed against each other the sheet fell off them and onto the ground, it didn't matter Tori didn't feel cold with her daughter's body so close to her own, the two of them sharing the heat.

"You're so beautiful," Tori raised her head and looked down at her daughter, who even in the darkness looked radiant.

"You're where I get it from," Sofy smiled back, her hands massaging her Mom's naked back. For a second they remained in situ, just gazing at each other and then their mouths opened and their tongues collided.

Tori's hand moved lower, down to the bottom of the dress. She hoisted it up, so it met the top around her daughter's midriff. Then she went down to Sofy's sex, the teen opening her legs slightly to welcome her Mom's touch. The pussy was almost smooth, a result of one of the creams Tori made, which was popular with women wanting to manage unseemly body hair [which also included Tori]. It was also wet and getting wetter as Tori's finger stroked at it. Her daughter shivered and brought her head back to give a small moan of anticipation as Tori slid down the crack, feeling the lips wobble as she touched them.

"Mmmnnn, Mom, touch me, ooohhh yesss, stroke me there," the teen groaned into the darkness.

Her Mom did so, her mouth also lowering onto the teen titty, licking and sucking the hard nipple and playing with it between her teeth. Sofy groaned louder, shuddering excitedly underneath her Mom, her fingers digging into the firm muscle of the older woman's back. Tori switched to the other bosom, giving it the same treatment and getting the same result as she could feel her daughter shudder under her and hear the moans of pleasure. She sucked harder at the teat, sucking in the nipple and slurping loudly as she sucked. Sofy gave out another gasp, "Yes, yes, oh yes!"

Tori could feel the pussy getting wetter by the second, the juice seeping through the crack like a poorly kept wall in a rainstorm. Tori stroked up and down, transferring her thumb to the clit and circling the bud, making her daughter jump and groan even more, her hands gripping the air as she tensed under her Mom's thumbing and sucking. The teen's trembled even more as Tori inserted her finger into the tight twat. Up it went, twisting and twirling, pleasuring Sofy so she cried out and arched her back, her nipples like little rocks in her Mom's mouth. Tori pushed harder and faster, driving her mid-digit deep into her daughter's hole. For too long the only hole her finger had been in was her own, that she'd almost forgotten how good it felt to have another shuddering and gasping under your assault -- and this was only with a finger. She grinned and pushed it harder, going as deep as she could manage, the knuckles of her ring and index fingers pressing at the lips and stopping her shoving detail. She raised her mouth from her daughter's tit and moved it back to the mouth. Sofy responded eagerly, her tongue ramming back at her Mom like she was trying to fight with it.

After a few seconds Tori pulled her mouth back, whilst keeping her face level with her daughter's. Taking her finger out of the teen cunt she slipped it in and her mouth and sucked away at Sofy's juice, "MMMmnn, lovely," she grinned and whether it was the long diet that she'd been keeping or because her daughter's taste was so sweet, she thought it might be best cunt juice she'd ever swallowed. "So tasty."

"Oh yes," Sofy breathed in excitement, her eyes fixed on her Mom's lips as she watched her suck the finger greedily. Her Mom saw and smiled, taking the finger from her mouth and offering to her daughter. There was no juice on it, but the teen still sucked greedily, leaving the finger slick with her saliva. Tori slid it out again and went down to her daughter's slit, driving it in to the cunt again, this time adding her index finger into the mix. Sofy groaned and bucked, "Fuck yes, oooohhh, finger my cunt."

Her Mom returned to kissing the younger woman even as her arm pistoned away, driving the fingers deep into the soaked cunt. The teen's tongue danced back with an eager enthusiasm, fighting for control of the mouth and not minding whether she won or lost. Tori couldn't complain, her own mouth pressed down at Sofy's, her lips moving as she tried to wrap them round her daughter as if she was trying to swallow her and failing. The teen shuddered. Harder and harder Tori rammed, feeling her daughter's pussy wall clamp round her fingers as she did. They were coated in cum, the juice almost dripping for Sofy's sweet slot. "Ooohhh," Sofy groaned, her mouth falling temporarily away from her Mom's, "Ooohhh you're making me cum."

"I can do more," Tori pulled the fingers from her daughter's twat. This time instead of sucking them herself she gave them to Sofy, who took them into her mouth greedily, slurping at her own cum juice. For a moment Tori looked down at her suckling daughter, remembering her as a baby, before she grinned -- the teen was much better looking now, hot and sexy, not fat and bald. She pulled her fingers out and licked them briefly, just in case her daughter had left any trace of sweet juice on them. Then she stood up and took the woman's weapon in her hand, wiggling it over Sofy's face invitingly, "You want to be fucked properly, with this?"

"Oh God, yes, I want that so much," Sofy licked her lips like she was being offered a five course meal fit for the Baron.

"On your knees and lubricate it for me," grinned Tori, not that, as her daughter's pussy was so wet, it would need much oiling. Her daughter however eagerly complied, swinging up and round, getting on her knees on the mattress, her dress billowing around her waist.

She gave a look up her Mom smiling, "I can't believe the first cock I'm going to suck is my Mom's."

Tori couldn't believe it either. She hadn't imagined as she jumped out at the orcs that the day would end with her daughter on her knees in front of her about to suck her dick as a prelude to be fucked with it. Not that she was now complaining, she couldn't see her daughter's face anymore in the darkness, but she knew it was beautiful and who minded a beautiful girl slipping their lips along their woman's weapon.

The teen took the wooden rod in her hand and guided it towards her mouth. Opening her lips she slipped them over the tip, before looking up at her Mom for confirmation. Tori nodded and gently pushed the toy forward, encouraging it in. The teen took it further, her hand rubbing the smooth wood as she did so. It was Tori's turn to lick her lips in hungry anticipation, looking down as the silhouette of her daughter bobbed forward, down the wooden rod barely visible in the darkness. Down the teen went and then up, down again, up, each time going a little further and taking the weapon deeper into her mouth. Slowly she began to get more used to it, her head going down faster and further, her hand jacking the wood into her mouth. Then her lips were hitting her hand and she took it away going deeper. Tori placed her hands on the teen's shoulders, squeezing them in encouragement. The teen probably didn't need much encouraging, as her own pussy was leaking in excitement, her hand down between her leg, stroking and playing with her slit as she had played with her Mom's dick.

"Make it nice and wet, go on darling girl, suck my weapon, make it nice and easy for it to go into that hot hole," Tori purred.

Her daughter's head bobbed in agreement and she went down faster and harder, deep-throating her Mom's weapon like she had been born to suck. Tori felt her breath coming quickly, as Sofy's mouth pressed the weapon back against her cunt. Her only cunt was wet and dripping, both from the way the haft of the weapon was rubbing at her clit, but also from the thought in a few moments that it would be deep in her daughter. "Go on, get it ready for your twat."

Sofy sucked with a seductive slather, taking the dick so far into her mouth, that her Mom could feel the saliva as it slipped down the wood and onto the leather straps and skin under them. She squeezed the teen's shoulders, massaging the blades with her fingers. Her daughter went even faster and harder, her slurps loud in quiet forest. Tori gently rocked her hip, meeting her daughter's bobbing head halfway, the teen responded enthusiastically, her hands moving round to grasp her Mom's naked buttocks and use them to lever herself even faster and deeper down the dick, her hair flapping around her head.

Sofy's mouth pressed the toy at her Mom's clit. The spark of sensual bliss made the older woman's toe metaphorically curl and a moan escaped her lips. But it was time, if she didn't stop, Sofy would probably suck her Mom's cock until she had eaten the weapon away to a twig. That would have been fine if it didn't mean that Tori wouldn't get to fuck her daughter's sweet pussy, which she wanted very badly. Still it took a lot of willpower to push her daughter's shoulder back and step away from the teen's skilled mouth. Sofy looked up momentarily worried, as if she'd done something wrong. Her Mom instantly moved to put her at ease, "I want to fuck you properly now, lie back."

"Oh yes, I want it," the teen groaned as she spread her legs open.

For a brief moment Tori stood above her daughter, looking down. In the darkness all she could see was her silhouette, but the shape was so enticing that she didn't need to see the details. She imagined her neighbours would have been horrified by what she was about to do, but she didn't care, it wasn't the taboo in her old culture even if was here; if she wanted to fuck her daughter and her daughter wanted to fuck her, where was the harm?

She took hold off the weapon, still dripping with her daughter's saliva and got down on her knees, before starting to lie forward, guiding the weapon to the waiting pussy sheath. Her daughter gave a giggle as the tip rubbed at her slit, which turned into a moan of excitement as it began to penetrate her and take her for the first time. Tori descended slowly, allowing her daughter to get used to the girth of the wood, pausing every few seconds and retreating an inch, before resuming. Sofy didn't complain at any point, moaning softly and giving little gasps of enjoyment as her walls flexed to fit the weapon. Her Mom came down again, her stomach brushing over her daughter's as she pushed the dick in. Sofy gave another whinny, her hands gripping the mattress side, "Oooohhhh," she moaned, "I want it all."

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