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The Amazon and her Granddaughter

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Amazon's Granddaughter is in peril from evil stepfather.
9.4k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/03/2024
Created 01/10/2024
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There's no direct incest in this chapter, but there are incest themes.


A few peasants looked up from the field as Katarinka rode past. She wondered what they thought of her. She was far out of her own lands, at least sixty miles, where women, both Amazon and thrall, worshipped the Goddess and nary a man set foot, and was now in one of the dozens of small baronies and Kingdoms which dotted the centre of the continent, each one ruled by a man who claimed the allegiance of his fellows by dint of his sex as much as his bloodline. She was deep enough in that they had probably never seen a woman in her armour, the metal bra and short leather skirt, a winged helmet on her head and a half-cloak, half-jacket of furs for warmth. They couldn't imagine that the sword on her back, larger and sharper than a normal man could hold, was not there as an ornament, nor was the dagger in her boot or the bow strapped to the horse's side.

She continued on, wondering, what their thoughts were. Did they think she was still in her prime -- she was past sixty but could easily be mistaken for a woman twenty years younger? Or did they think she was a heathen, even if they were the ones who had no proof of their Gods and little knowing that every time a thrall gave birth to her Amazon's child it was a direct message from the Goddess of her existence? Or perhaps they thought, in a land where only men bore arms, she was a freak, a monster, a living insult to the natural order?

She shrugged to herself, none ever said what their opinions were. In the inns and shops they were as happy to take her coin as anyone else and the whore she had fucked had made no comment as she was pounded with the Amazon's wooden weapon (apart from cries of pleasure, possibly fake, but probably real) in the same way as if it had been a flesh and blood dick. Anyway, even if these lands were strange she had to remember her old daughter-in-law, Yulianna, lived here now with her new husband, together with her eighteen-year-old granddaughter Aina, -- both the women may have been born in the Amazonian lands, but as thralls (as four-fifths of the population were) there was little difference between their treatment in either place; wealthy thralls might still live in luxury unimaginable, but they had fewer rights than even the poorest Amazon.

As castles went it was not a big one, more a two-storey manor house with a couple of towers and a surrounding wall than the large keeps and palaces of the kings and major magnates. But then the owner, Aina's stepfather, Hugh, was just a jumped-up merchant who made his money from trade and farmers and had probably never been on a reave in his life. Katarinka had thought it was a mistake that, when her own daughter had died, Yulianna's Mom had arranged for her to be married to a man -- but then she too was as much a trader as a raider and had money links with him, so it was a good deal for her

"Hmpf," Katarinka snorted as she got nearer. Hugh had hired some guards, who were standing at the gate, leaning on their spears, but they looked little better trained or equipped than a farm boy conscripted from his field. It was lucky she wasn't planning an attack otherwise both men would have been dead. They began to show more interest as she approached, making a lackadaisical attempt to smarten up and put their spears together as she approached. She reigned up her horse, "I'm expected. Katarinka, sometimes called the Brewer of Witches or the Dragon Slayer." They were names from years ago, from when she'd burnt down a tower with a coven of evil sorceresses and another from when she killed a dragon terrorising a small fishing village (it was a wyvern in reality, but few knew the difference); she had other names but it had been a long ride and she knew that men such as these would not have heard of them.

"Lady Yulianna's Mama?" the man asked. She almost replied coarsely, only a man wouldn't know that only a thrall was a Mama, an Amazon was always a Mom. However, losing her temper would gain her nothing so she held in the obvious reply and said, "She was my daughter-in-law before my own died in a battle." A Goddessforsaken skirmish with some Orcs.

The first man went into the guardhouse and shouted something. A few moments later the double doors creaked open and she rode into the courtyard.

Hugh of Four Fords was waiting for her there. He was a thin-looking man, who, if he wasn't older than her, looked it "Mother," he said in a way that was supposed to be outwardly avuncular and friendly, but inwardly rude as he knew the correct forms of address, Mom, would have been acceptable, Katarinka permissible as they had no relation, Mother made her sound like she was in the religious orders. "How was your journey?"

"It was easy, there were inns along the way and where there was not a tent and a bow means I neither lacked shelter nor food," she replied as she dismounted.

"It is always good to have you here," he lied, "Though we are not formally related, I look on you as a second Mama," there it was again the veiled insult.

Katarinka let it wash over her, if he was trying to rile her or insult her, she would not let him have the pleasure of it. "I should come more often," she lied. The only time she had been down was for his and Yulianna's wedding, though she had seen Hugh, Yulianna and Aina a couple of years ago when they had travelled up for business and stayed with Yulianna's Mom and Mama for a month. "I miss seeing Aina grow up," that was the truth, it was a knotty issue who had guardianship of the girl when her Mom died, her new step-mom (or Dad in this case) or her Grandmom. Different legal scholars in different lands took different views, though in reality, possession was nine-tenths of the law and Aina lived under Hugh's roof.

"A charming girl," said Hugh, perhaps through gritted teeth, "and betrothed you know? I'm sure she has mentioned her suitor in her letters to you?"

Katarinka was not a strong reader, but she thought not, "I don't believe so," she said.

"He will be here for dinner tonight, I'm sure he'll be delighted to meet you," another lie.

"And me him," untruth piling upon untruth, "and how is Yulianna?"

A sorrowful expression came to Hugh's face, which would have fooled many, "I'm am afraid for her, her digestion is not good, I only hope that she lives long enough to see Katarinka married to the man of her dreams." Yulianna was the only living child of her Mom, the monies she would be due, once the estates had been sold, would surely temper Hugh's sadness at his wife's passing. "She is asleep, but hopefully she will be well enough to see you later." After passing on the sad news he immediately bucked up, "Come you must be ready for food and drink after your journey and I know Aina has been looking forward to seeing you ever since you announced your visit." He gave orders for a stable boy to deal with her horse and another boy to take the saddlebags to her room; when he made moves to take her sword from her Katarinka hesitated, before glancing at her boot knife, and reluctantly accepting that she could not go fully armed around the building.

She followed Hugh in the building, the opulence of it confirming her view it was more manor than defensible position -- the stairs were wooden and straight, the rugs expensive and burnable, the servants unarmed and unimposing. However, even as she was taking it in there was a cry of excitement "Grandmom."

Turning towards the sound, Katarinka beheld a vision of loveliness coming towards her

The teenager grasped her in a hug, staying there for at least half a minute before disengaging and stepping back to allow the Amazon a proper look at her. The last time she'd seen her granddaughter she'd been barely fifteen, chubby and clumsy, with a bright smile and long light brown hair; the smile was still there, toothy and bright and the hair was a little shorter barely below her shoulders. But the spare fat had vanished and where previously she had been gawky and prone to stumble over herself, she was now graceful and angelic, as she came towards her Grandmom. She was dressed as a woman too, no longer in a shapeless dress, but glad in silks around her waist and breasts, the material almost see-through, likely it would have been if there had been fewer layers, the top and bottom both shaped to accentuate her cute bottom and shapely, pert, breasts. It had been over a week since Katarinka had last banged a woman, a barmaid/prostitute in a roadside inn, her granddaughter easily reminded her what she was missing.

"By the Goddess," she smiled, "You look grown-up."

"Like a woman," said Hugh.

"Like a thrall," Aina corrected him, "I'm a daughter of an Amazon, so I'm a thrall."

"Just so," said Hugh, but the smile on his face was forced and spoke of an argument which had been had too many times and which he didn't want to go into in front of Katarinka, which was probably for the best because even if Aina hadn't been her Granddaughter, the Amazon would have agreed with her. He forced himself to look calmer and more relaxed, "Why don't you show Katarinka around? You can tell her about your fiancée as you do." From the curl of his lip he obviously thought that he had got the better of the interplay with his step-daughter.

From the look of loathing on Aina's face when her betrothal was mentioned, perhaps he had. However, she too forced herself to smile cheerfully, "I would love to, if you want Grandmom?" She slipped her arm through Katarinka's.

"I would enjoy your company," Katarinka replied.

"I shall leave you to it," Hugh said, "There is much business I need to attend to, but please treat my home as yours."

He gave a curt, quiet formal, bow and retreated. Aina seemed to relax when he was gone, her smile becoming wider and more radiant and her shoulder's looking less tense and stiff. "Let me show you around."

The tour just confirmed Katarinka's impressions -- the house was that of a raised-up merchant with no thought to defence and her granddaughter had turned into a sexy and alluring young woman.

They ended up in the garden, in Katarinka's sister's keep, where the Amazon had some chambers, the garden was functional, with vegetables, fruit, and some herbs, but here it was filled with flowers and statues, even a pond with a waterfall -- it was all very pretty, but nothing of any use in siege when you'd be reduced to eating petals. Her Granddaughter looked around for a seat for a second, before settling on a flat boulder (obviously carved and smoothed for comfort) drawing her feet up under her and sexily leaning forward, just enough that the silks around her breasts seemed to tighten and pull against the two pert breasts.

Katarinka was a sitter, so she remained standing. There was still one topic of conversation that she had to address, "So you're betrothed, who is your fiancé?"

Aina's face twisted in so intense a hatred that Katarinka almost took a step back as if faced with a deadly Gorgon, "I hate him," the teen snarled, "Sir Belgrothian. He's fat and he's old and he smells and he's boring. What's worse, he doesn't love me either."

"Why marry then?" Katarinka asked the question though she knew the answer. In Amazon lands Aina would have no choice because she was a thrall and here, she was a woman, so the result was the same. As for why Belgrothian wanted to marry a woman he didn't love the reason was equally obvious even if Aina hadn't responded.

"For my lands and money, when Mama dies, half of it passes to him..." the vehemence with which she referred to her stepfather with was second only to that of her fiancé, "...and half to me. Sir Belgrothian is a rich man who wants to be richer still and he's promised a trading partnership with him once we're married."

It was an old story.

Katarinka gave some condolences, but there was little she could do. If her daughter had still been alive, she could have talked to her, but then if her daughter was alive a thrall as pretty and attractive as Aina would be being married to an Amazon warrior, not an old pot-bellied jumped-up shopkeeper. Further conversation was interrupted as a couple of maids came out, the older one said, "Mistress Aina, we have poured you a bath. The Master thought you'd want to be washed and perfumed for your guest tonight."

From the look, Aina gave she had no desire to clean herself up for Sir Belgrothian, but after a second or two's thought she could see it would do no good to say it, the servant wasn't to blame and she would only call Hugh. The teen forced a smile, "I will come now." She turned to Katarinka and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Though you're the guest I'm looking forward to."

The older maid stood back to allow Aina to pass by her and then followed behind, leaving just Katarinka and the more junior maid in the garden. The young woman curtsied, she was eighteen or nineteen, certainly no older than twenty, with large breasts almost popping from her dress, "Master Hugh said you might also want a bath, I have poured one for you."

It had been a long ride and several days since Katarinka had the luxury of a bath, rather than washing herself in a river or stream. "That would be good, girl, what's your name?"

"Margo," the young woman replied with a coquettish smile, "I'll show you to your room, shall I?"

"Lead on," said Katarinka. The teen nodded and turned, gesturing for the older woman to follow her. She had the most sexy rear, wiggling it as she walked, whether accidentally or, Katarinka suspected (or at least hoped) deliberately.

"You're the first Amazon I've seen," the girl said as she led Katarinka down a corridor, "I mean I know Mistress Yulianna comes from there and Mistress Aina as well, but they're not proper Amazons are they?"

"No, they're both thralls, they're more feminine, homemakers and wives and Mama's not warriors," Katarinka was impressed with the girl's knowledge, few in the land of men knew the difference between Amazons and thralls; thinking that as both were women they must be the same.

"Mistress Aina says Amazons are strong, stronger than men," Margo continued.

"Some are, some men are stronger too, it depends on the man or the Amazon," modesty forbade Katarinka from saying that she'd never met a man with her strength or skill at arms, though the overall point that there was little difference was true.

"I'm not that strong though, I guess I'd be a thrall," the teen said, was there a touch of wistfulness in her voice? Perhaps there was, but everyone is born to a station and few could escape it.

"There's nothing wrong with being a thrall, Amazons may decide the great affairs of state and defend our lands, but thralls are the ones who put the food on the table and cure our hurts, playing the harp or massaging a warrior's limbs are things which make life worthwhile," Katarinka replied.

The teen stopped by a door at the top of one of the towers, "Here you are my lady," she said allowing Katarinka to step forward and open it.

The chamber was probably meant to be mean and small compared to the rest of the house, but to Katarinka it was almost too opulent and luxurious, a four-poster bed in the middle of the room together with a wardrobe and weapons rack. A chair and a small table were in the corner, a jug and a couple of goblets next to a fruit bowl on it. Finally, there was a large wooden tub from which Katarinka could still see the steam rising.

"Would you like me to pour you some wine as you bathe, my lady," Margo asked as Katarinka stepped in.

"Yes, do," the older woman said and moved to the bed. She took a look to see the few pieces of clothes she'd brought had been folded up and were in the wardrobe drawers; there was a locked small chest in there as well, with some of her higher denomination coins, a pouch next to it with coinage for day to days spend, she briefly held it, checking its weight and that it was the same as when she'd held it this morning. It was, few were stupid enough to risk stealing from an Amazon Warrior.

Margo had followed her into the room and was pouring wine into one of the goblets. Ignoring her for a moment Katarinka reached for the straps of her metal top, unhooking them and then quickly removing the rabbit fur bra beneath so that her breasts were free. She stood for a moment in front of the mirror admiring them and thinking how well they had resisted the call of gravity (a new discovery, she had been told about a few months ago). In the reflection she could see Margo had turned so that she too was looking in the mirror and admiring the round pair. The Amazon grinned and moved to sit on her bed, glancing briefly at the teen, who pretended she was a statue and stood still with the wine goblet in her hand. The boots were off next and then she stood again, reaching for the buckles on her scale armour skirt and removing it.

Margo's stone-like expression changed to one of surprise and then awe as she saw the women's weapon attached to Katarinka. Ten inches of polished wood shaped as a phallus, held over the pussy by tight leather straps. It was the sign of the Amazon, a weapon that needed a sheath and in Katarinka's case it had found many over the years from peasants to princesses. The Amazon ran her fingers over it, the wood was both strong and solid, but also surprisingly soft and supple, taken from the Halamon Tree, which some said were evil invaders from an ancient past turned into forests so almost fleshlike was the wood. Smiling Katarinka stroked at the weapon, almost like a man's cock, or so she was led to believe. In front of her, Margo kept her eyes on it, even as a small flush came to her cheeks.

"You have never seen a woman's weapon before?" teased Katarinka.

"No, my lady," Margo shook her head in wonderment, still looking at it, "It's very big."

"You asked whether we're stronger than men, no, perhaps as strong, but our weapons are bigger than there's" grinned Katarinka.

"Perhaps if men carved their own, they would be as big," replied Margo. Then she shook her head, "Once when I was with Mistress Yulianna, she told me she'd never had a cock as big as a woman's weapon... I've not seen one as large either." She blushed, "Not that I've seen a lot."

"It's the mark of an Amazon, no thrall would ever wear one, though all love to touch one," Katarinka said and the teen blushed even redder as she realised what was being said. The older woman grinned and undid the straps, exposing her smooth pussy, recently shaved, to the teen's gaze and from the look of her Margo found that scarcely less enticing than the wooden dick.

Naked, she walked up the wooden steps by the side of the tub and then lowered herself into the water. It was no longer literally boiling, but it was still heated and more than pleasantly warm. Katarinka relaxed against the wooden wall, she did not mind the cold chill of a lake, but equally, the hot comfort of a heated bath was enjoyable and relaxing and kept her muscles supple and ache-free. The teen was by her side for a moment, passing her the wine. Unlike the bath, it was lukewarm and was passable rather than as flavoursome as many of the wines she was sure Hugh had in his cellar.

"Would you like me to wash your back?" Margo asked, with just a hint of a mischievous smile.

"Is this something you offer to all Hugh's guests?" Katarinka grinned lustfully back.

"Only those I like," the teen said cheerfully.

"If that's the case, wash away," Katarinka moved forward so that there was space between the walls and her for the teen to get in.

The young woman got on the steps, leaned over with a woollen cloth and began to gently dab at the older woman's skin. As Katarinka made no complaint soon the soft dabs were turned into slow sensual brushes going further and further down to the lower back and the rear, the teen almost falling into the tub as she leaned so far over. Her hand came up again and she washed the sides of the warrior up and under her arms, before sliding around the front and running the cloth over Katarinka's ample breasts, taking great care to massage them and rub sexily at the naked flesh.

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