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The Anniversary Week - Monday

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Eric and his girlfriend begin celebrating their anniversary.
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Please note that this story is entirely fictional - all characters, locations, and situations are completely made up and nothing in this story has any direct analogue to real life.

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing - and a headache. I solved one annoyance by tapping the screeching device on my nightstand and tried to alleviate the other by rubbing my temples with one hand and reaching for the half-empty glass beside my clock, which was flashing 7:00. It didn't help much, as I knew it wouldn't. I don't often get headaches but when I do they're slow and deep and last for days. With a sigh of resignation I got up from my bed and stumbled over to the bathroom to start my morning routine.

Now I don't want to brag too much - but I will. I've got a freakin' sweet bathroom. It's huge (about the size of my master bedroom) and sports a separate shower and bathtub, a little stall for the toilet, a small closet, and two sinks side-by-side with a massive mirror over both of them. The bathtub itself is a monster at a little over 6 feet in length, which is just long enough for me to completely lay down in it. The only things my bathroom is missing are a wall-mounted TV and a mini fridge.

Unfortunately, my lobbies to include them when the bathroom was being customized were vehemently shut down by my girlfriend. Some lame excuse about my never leaving the bathroom if they were added, or something. At least I was able to push through the surround sound speakers.

The bathroom was already occupied with the shower running, but that would just be Sierra, my girlfriend of 4 years, getting ready for her day as well. Paying no mind to the closed door I went in and availed myself of the toilet, remembering not to flush so as not to cut off the hot water in the shower, and began to brush my teeth and shave. Eventually the flow of water cut off and I could hear faint humming emanating from the shower stall. Eager for a hot shower that usually helped with my headaches, I began pulling off my clothing so I could hop right in. The shower door slid back and the occupant stepped out.

Tall, just a few inches shorter than me, she had long, velvety red hair that was pasted flat to her well-toned body, a flawlessly light complexion, and startling blue eyes. She was gorgeous. She also wasn't my girlfriend.

"Claire!" I sputtered, trying to quickly put my clothes back on. Claire jumped in surprise, nearly slipping and falling down, and finished wrapping her towel around herself.

"Morning Eric," she said as her face became slightly redder than the hot water had made it. "Sorry to surprise you like this, I was hoping I'd be done and gone by the time you woke up. Sierra said I could shower here since, you know."

Oh. Right. With the shock wearing off, my mind was able to rise above my stupid headache and draw from my memories. Claire was an old friend from high school and was staying with Sierra and I for a couple weeks. We did have another bathroom but the shower wasn't working and though I knew what needed to be done, I just hadn't had a chance to fix it yet. Sierra also would have left for work at least half an hour ago. These were all things I should have remembered from the start.

Shaking my head and rubbing my face wearily, I backed away toward the door and said, "No it's cool. I'm just still half-asleep and not thinking, I'll get out of your way."

Claire smirked and walked delicately across the large room, wet feet making slight pattering noises on the tiles. "Well it's too late for that now, since you're blocking my only exit. A less trusting girl would think you were trying to catch her when she was vulnerable."

"I think a less trusting girl would be right," I replied, matching her smirk and standing aside in the doorway so she could brush past me, "but doing so with you is a fool's errand since you're never vulnerable."

"Oh I wouldn't say that," Claire said as she paused at the bedroom door, "at least not by accident." She waved and closed the door before I could say anything else.

I turned back to the shower and removed my clothes, smiling at her words. Claire was still in college, like me, and a drama major, unlike me. She was very good at acting, which is why her comment about intentional vulnerability was mostly true. She was also very good at putting people at ease, despite her stunning looks, which was why I had been able to verbally spar with her so soon after being surprised. It also helped that we'd been friends for years.

Turning on the hot water and letting it run down over me, I closed my eyes and spent a minute picturing the split second when I had been able to see all of Claire, before she'd gotten the towel around herself. I might be in a happy, long-term relationship with a gorgeous woman of my own, but I sure wasn't blind.

I got to my first class just before 8, and was finished by noon. That gave me just enough time to have a quick lunch and start my shift at the music emporium. I'm majoring in English, with just a year left to go, which is good because there is a shortage of English teachers at the high schools around me. Someone like me would be welcomed to the school system - as long as I have a degree. I know I know, it doesn't make a lot of money. But teaching sounds pretty cool to me and I'm totally okay with Sierra bringing in the lion's share of the income with her already surprisingly well-established career as an event planner.

Anyways, it was a pretty average day overall with the exception of my persisting headache. I could forget about it for a while, but it was always there vying for my attention and dampened what would otherwise have been a pretty good mood. I arrived home a little after 7:30. My house is a moderately sized single story suburban place with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, lots of windows, a spacious kitchen and living room and a backyard just big enough for the patio and pool. It really belongs to my parents, but they let Sierra and I live here on the condition that we not wreck the place. And we do our best to live up to our promises - at least on the days when we have no worldly obligations and the place to ourselves. Those days generally involve little clothing and lots of repetitive noises.

I walked in the door and immediately smelled my favorite meal - lasagna. I've had all kinds of lasagnas in my life and while many have been good, Sierra's are by far the best. Or rather, my mom's lasagnas are the best and Sierra managed to convince her to give her the recipe. It wasn't unusual for Sierra to cook, she's pretty good with most things she tries, but it's not often she goes through the trouble to make my favorite lasagna. She must have heard me come through the garage door, because she met me on the way to the kitchen and said "Hey honey," as she stretched up on her tiptoes to give me a quick kiss on the mouth and then wrapped her petite figure around me in a full-bodied hug, snuggling her face into my chest.

Sierra is a little under 5 and a half feet tall, has long, hard-to-control frizzy blond hair, a perfect sun tan and a well-kept and slight figure. Her eyes are a perfect deep brown that are easy to get lost in for immeasurable lengths of time.

When she pulls back from our hug, I can see she has let her hair loose from its usual tight ponytail and that she's wearing an apron along with her work clothes from the day - a smart blue business suit and skirt that I love to see her in because it shows off her curves in all the right ways - though she is barefoot. "Hey Ser Bear," I replied, using the nickname I'd given her because of the way her unruly hair makes her look on its worst days. For some reason she'd threatened to shave my wavy, light brown awesomeness if I ever used her nickname in public.

"What's the occasion?"

"What do you mean?" she said, walking back to the kitchen and starting to lay out silverware and dishes for our meal. "Don't you know what today is? Our anniversary...?" My heart sank and my headache gave a painful spike. Our 5th anniversary! I'd forgotten all about it. Oh man, she's gonna kill me. What am I gonna say- Why is she laughing?

"It's not today, is it?" I panted, reaching out to the counter for support.

"Of course not, it's on Thursday," she replied affably, handing me the last of the dishes to set on the table and moving to pull our lasagna out of the oven, "which you would have known if you had looked at our wall calendar this month!"

"That's not fair, this is the first week of the month!" I complained, setting the dishes down and moving to get some wine.

"It's always one excuse or another with you," she said in her mock-stern tone. "But since you forgot our last 4 anniversaries-."

"I remembered our third one!"

"That's because we happened to be talking about it the week before!"

"Hey, that's because I'm sly and tricked you into reminding me. You just don't want to admit it," I said smugly.

"Blind luck aside, you've forgotten all of our anniversaries so far. So I've decided to plan this one out."

I groaned. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Why not? I am an event planner!"

"Yeah, but you have a tendency to take things too far! Remember Mt. Rushmore?" That was a trip we had taken with my parents. Sierra had wanted to impress them and had over-planned everything into a mess that ended up with nobody able to do what they wanted when they wanted.

"Now honey," she glossed, clearly wanting to change topics, "you know I've learned from that mistake. And I've already planned our anniversary so that's that." By this time our meal had started and we were talking between bites.

"All right all right," I consented graciously, "What do you have in mind?"

"Well..." she said, flashing me a big smile. "It's a secret. Mostly."

"What do you mean?"

"I've planned things out for the week through Sunday, an activity a day. Tonight, for instance, is a special dinner and a romantic bath. Tomorrow is movie night."

"Okay, so what are we doing for the other nights?"

She flashed another smile. "I told you, they're a secret! I shouldn't have even told you about tomorrow. But I will tell you this: I've enlisted Claire to help with some of our other activities."

"That can't be good. It sounds like you've over-complicated things already!"

"Oh, shut up. It's all going to be sensual and romantic and exciting, and that's all that matters."

I exaggerated a big sigh, and smiled down at my food. "Okay, fine. Where is Claire, anyways? She's missing out on a great meal!" Since she'd been staying here, Claire usually ate dinners with us - it was generally the only time all 3 of our schedules coincided.

"She's out with Jacob, for their date night."

"Oh. I thought they'd broken up?"

"Don't be silly!" Sierra chided. "Of course they're still together."

"Huh. Then why did she need to move in with us?"

"She's only here temporarily, and it's complicated, Eric. You'll have to ask her yourself. Actually, why don't you two go out for lunch tomorrow?"

"That sounds good," I said idly, not really wanting to go anywhere else at the moment. "Now, when were we going to take that bath you promised me?" By now we had both finished our dinner and we'd just been talking over empty plates and drained glasses. Grinning and slipping on her sultry bedroom voice, Sierra answered, "There's no time like the present. Go on upstairs, hon, and draw the bath. I'll clean up down here first."

"At once, Ser Bear!" I said, deepening my voice humorously. I hopped up from the table and made my way to the (nearly) perfect bathroom, my headache barely noticeable. Once there, I started to prepare the bath. After the water reached the perfect warmth, I plugged up the drain and threw in some scented bath salts. I almost tossed in the bubbles too, but deemed them overkill. Plus, you can't see as much with stupid bubbles in the way.

Before undressing and hopping into the perfectly drawn bath, I set up some slow music through the surround sound system I was happy I'd been allowed to install. So what if Sierra mostly used it for her audiobooks? It paid off for nights like this.

After what seemed an eternity, Sierra finally appeared in the doorway of the bathroom. I was about to greet her but she shushed me and closed the door behind her as she moved into the room. She began to sway provocatively to the slow music, and I knew I'd be in for a treat. I also cursed myself for never thinking to install a pole in the room! But she didn't need one...

Sierra's clothing slowly disappeared, tossed piece-by-piece into a corner. First her blazer, slowly unbuttoned and removed a sleeve at a time. Her skirt was gone in a flash- I didn't even see where it ended up at first. Then her dress shirt was off and she was left in her matching panties and bra. These took the longest to go, as she kept teasing me with flashes of her full breasts and shaved vagina. All the while she slowly twisted to the music. Finally (at last!), she was fully naked and she approached me.

She knelt down on the soft little rug in front of the tub and reached over the edge towards me. Putting both hands behind my head, she brought my face toward hers and began kissing me slowly but passionately. I put one hand behind her head in return, and ran my other hand along her back. When I finally couldn't take it anymore I broke off our kiss, growled "Come here, you!" and dragged her into the tub on top of me. She fell in with a splash and a squeal of delight.

I had been hard for a long while, so it wasn't long after she'd gotten settled in the tub, straddling my hips, and resumed our kissing that I slipped inside of her. She acknowledged my entry with a sharp intake of breath and a wiggle of her hips. After some slow, sensual writhing together, she broke off our kiss, gasping, wanting more. She sat up, placing her hands on my chest for support, and began to bounce slowly up and down on top of me. I lay my head back for a minute, enjoying the sensation, then began to help her and started squeezing her lovely breasts.

It was hard to get any speed with the water in the way, but we'd had practice and knew how to move with its flow and barely any water spilled out. Not long after, I could feel my climax arriving. "Sierra..." I panted as a way of warning. Sierra, picking up on my urgency, added an interesting circular sway to the rhythm of her bouncing hips, and I couldn't contain myself. Sierra somehow knew just the right second to hop off of me, and she leaned back as she did so, letting my sperm shoot all over her stomach and breasts while she slowly stroked my member and smiled into my eyes. She let go of me and slowly rubbed my juice all over herself as I lay beneath her trying to catch my breath, idly rubbing one hand along one of her thighs.

"Do you think you could help me wash up?" she giggled after a while, indicating her body and then sticking a couple of fingers in her mouth. "This might taste yummy, but it sure is sticky!"

"At once, Ser Bear" I said, reaching for a washcloth and some soap. She drained the tub so there would only be a few inches of water and moved back to me. Once I'd lathered her up well and good, I pulled her into me so she could rest on me while I 'washed' her. There is an indentation in the bottom of the tub at the perfect spot for me to brace my heels while I'm in a sitting position. We cuddled for a bit and then I reached for the massage showerhead.

Sierra's breathing quickly got shallower in anticipation, as I slowly washed off her soap and then changed the setting to a jet. I then brought it down towards her slit. At first I simply teased her, only letting the water hit her there for a split second at a time, while mostly having it stream across her inner thighs. All the while my free hand worked her breasts, slowly kneading them. When I knew she wouldn't stand for such behavior much longer I finally held it steady for her. She gasped and leaned her head back onto me. After a bit I reached my free hand down and started rubbing her clitoris. With her breathing coming shallow and fast, she began to thrust her hips toward the jet stream almost unconsciously. She reached one hand up behind her and wrapped it around my neck for support. She began moaning in between breaths, and rocking her hips faster. I rubbed my finger on her clit even faster, knowing she would be cumming soon.

Suddenly her hand on my neck tightened and she stopped her thrusting with her hips fully extended toward the jet in my hand. She gave a big moan and started repeating my name over and over. "Eric, Eric, Eric!" And then the moment was over and she pushed my hands away, collapsing on to me while panting heavily.

We lay like that for a while, then we kissed some more - her tilting her head back to meet my lips. Then we eventually got out of the tub and dried off, the both of us giggling all the while. Neither of us was really spent -- we could have kept on going for hours yet. But we did have things to do in the morning and, honestly, we had the entire week for things like this. Plus our regular sex routine afterwards. As we climbed in bed for the night, wishing each other a "Happy Anniversary" and saying "I love you," I couldn't help but feel that something was missing. I just couldn't quite put my finger on it for some reason. Once the lights were out and we were falling asleep beside one another, I got it.

My headache was gone.

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MrWryMrWryover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you! The next part should be out soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Most enjoyable. Looking forward to the next part.

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