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The Aphrodite Wendslydale School for Girls Ch. 02

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The plot thickens, so does Dr. Memser when he sees his bonus.
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/06/2015
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Chapter 2: Meanwhile, Back At the School...

As Wilton Hargrane, the Dean of Students at the Aphrodite Wendslydale School for Girls, pressed the button to terminate his phone call to Alan Sloan he returned his attention to the meeting with the school's Chief Conditioning Consultant, Dr. Amos Memser and the school's Headmistress, Olivia DeMonde. He had placed the entire conversation on speaker so that the other two could hear it.

"I think that went well," Wilton said smugly.

He looked down over his rotund belly to the petite brunette head bobbing up and down in his lap.

"Helena," he said, "that will be all for now. We can finish this later. You should return to your work."

"Yes, sir," Helena said obediently.

She lovingly place her employer's dick back into his shorts and trousers, zipped him, placed a large, sloppy kiss on the still stiff bulge, stood, straightened her blouse back over her massive bazooms, and left.

"It's deucedly unfair of you to be getting serviced while we're sitting here without, old boy," said the gaunt faced, middle-aged physician.

"Yes," said Olivia, "You're the only man I've ever met who needs to be fellated to make phone call."

"It helps me to focus on the task at hand," the dean said defensively. "Speaking of which," he continued, changing the subject, "I believe that we have everything in place to welcome Alan Sloan into our little circle."

"Do you think it wise," the doctor asked, "to wait until Saturday for him to come up here? A lot can happen in a week."

"I have no intention of waiting until Saturday, Amos," Wilton answered.

Amos looked at him quizzically.

Wilton turned to Olivia and asked, "Have the wheels been set in motion to get our new instructor up here by Monday afternoon?"

"Yes," said Olivia, her full, inviting lips curled into an almost sinister smile, "and it was a good deal easier than our team thought it would be."

"How so?" Wilton asked.

"It turns out that the principal of the school which employs Sloan, a fellow named" Olivia paused, "Damn! What is his name?"

She opened the black, leather folder she was holding and thumbed through the papers in it for a moment or two.

Pulling a sheet triumphantly from the folder she said, "Here it is!" Reading from the paper she continued, "His name is Arnold Nittling.

This time around we didn't need to plant or fabricate anything. It turns out that Mr. Nittling was actually embezzling from the company," Olivia said as she carefully returned the paper to its proper place in the folder.

The dean and the doctor laughed heartily at the news.

"I love those rare moments when a plan executes itself," said Wilton.

"Skimming off the top, was he?" said Amos.

"I don't think that I would use the word 'skimming' in this case," Olivia opined.

"Oh?" Wilton asked.

"No," said Olivia, "He had his hand in the till up to his shoulder. All we had to do was gather the evidence.

We gave it, first, to the authorities. Then we leaked key bits of it to the media. The following day we gave a small portion of it to some of the upper executives in the education company that owns the school."

"It sounds like you went a little overboard with this one," said Amos.

"Not at all," Olivia retorted, "We gave the evidence to the authorities, of course, to spark an investigation. We leaked it to the media to prevent any investigator who might have been too chummy with the company from covering the whole thing up. That also removed the cover up option from the company itself. We leaked information to the company largely as a matter of embarrassing them and keeping them off balance."

"I stand corrected," said Amos respectfully.

"Spoken like a gentleman, Amos," said Olivia.

"If I may steer us back away from our digression," said Wilton, "Is everything in place to properly receive Sloan on Monday."

"There's only one more thing, Wilton," Olivia said, "Did you want one of our girls to demonstrate our unique curriculum to Sloan, or were you going to let Helena have a go at him?"

"No," said Wilton, "No. I definitely want him to experience one of our girls straight away. I'll leave that to your discretion. I'm certain that you will choose wisely and well."

"Thank you, Wilton," said Olivia. She glanced at her watch and added "Gentlemen, if there's nothing else I have a class to teach in ten minutes and just enough time to get there."

"Go," said Wilton, "The students, after all, must come first."

Olivia stood up from her chair to leave.

Olivia DeMonde was a strikingly beautiful and imposing woman. She stood six feet tall. When she wore he customary four inch heels she towered over most people. This was particularly helpful to her ability to maintain control, especially in situations with men. The soft, almost porcelain skin of her face featured high cheek bones, full, sensuous lips, a slightly patrician nose, a long graceful neck, and almond-shaped, hazel eyes. Her raven black hair tumbled down over strong, broad shoulders. Inside he severe business suit her massive breasts jiggled and bounced with her every movement as though they we struggling to break free of their confinement.

Beneath those she had a narrow waist, and hips just wide enough to carry the promise of erotic delights beyond the imaginations of most men and many women.

As she strode across Wilton's office to the door neither Wilton nor Amos could take their eyes off her.

As she reached for the doorknob Wilton said, "One more thing, Olivia. Was your bonus delivered properly?"

Olivia smiled and answered, "He was and he's perfect. Thank you, Wilton. That was very thoughtful."

"If you find anything amiss let me know," said Wilton, "We can always make adjustments. We want you to be happy with him."

"Thank you, Wilton, but he's exactly what I wanted," Olivia said. Then she left.

"I take that you replaced her paramour?" said Amos with a wry smile.

"Well, she rather wore out the last one, didn't she?" Wilton responded.

"She seems to do that about every two years or so," said Amos.

"They don't last long with that woman," said Wilton.

Amos started to rise from his chair saying, "If there's nothing else, Wilton, there are other things that I need to get done."

"Don't go anywhere just yet, Amos," Wilton said, "I haven't forgotten you. I have what I think is a very special treat for your bonus."

"Really?" the doctor asked as he sat back down, now clearly intrigued.

"Yes," said Wilton, "I do have one question first, though. Have you taken care of enhancing Sloan's regular Saturday afternoon activity?"

"Yes," Amos answered, "But, I say that provisionally because we've never used the sonic mesmerical device through the phone lines in quite this manner before. We've only ever used it for intelligence gathering. This is the first time that we have tried to issue an actual post-hypnotic suggestion with it."

"Fair enough," said Wilton, "We're breaking new ground here. But, as I understand it the margin for error is negligible."

"Quite right," Amos responded, "There is virtually no reason that it shouldn't work swimmingly. I was merely pointing out that we won't know for an absolute certainty until Sloan gets here and we've had a chance to talk to him about it. By now, however, Miss Zinful should have arrived at Sloan's apartment insanely randy and totally submissive. Not to put too fine a point on it, Sloan should be fucking her slutty, little brains out as we speak."

"Excellent! Excellent!" the Dean of Students exclaimed. "I was looking over our data on his sexual history and realized that he has never once been in a situation in which the woman was absolutely obedient. He needs to experience that sense of power at least once if he is to fully understand what we do here."

"That makes perfect sense," Amos agreed.

"Now," said Wilton with a big grin, "to your bonus." He pressed a button on his desk phone and said, "Helena, you may bring in Reiko now."

Amos sat bolt upright in his chair and said enthusiastically, "Reiko?"

"Yes, Reiko," said Wilton, "It's time for her quarterly evaluation anyway. So, I thought that you might like to do the honors."

"Thank you, Wilton," said Amos, "Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

"In this case, Amos," Wilton said with a smirk, "I suspect that it's more likely from the bottom of your balls. But, you're welcome."

Amos had had his eye on the tiny Japanese girl since she had fist come to the school. He knew that she was twenty-three years old, however, if one was to judge exclusively by her round, cherubic face one might mistakenly think that she was under aged. Her amazingly buxom body would then give lie to that, though. Her four foot seven inch frame supported wide, sensuous hips, a thin waist, and breasts that would have seemed excessively large even on a woman of Olivia's height. On Rieko they looked positively cartoonish, just the way Amos liked them.

When Helena led the tiny girl into the office Amos was struck dumb by her beauty. His eyes were glued to the way her copious breast flesh freakishly stretched the top of her little sailor suit. She stepped forward and bowed low at the waist in front of the doctor. It caused her pendulous tits to sway hypnotically.

When she again stood erect she kept her eyes lowered as she said softly, "May I serve you?"

Amos nodded.

The petite flower knelt before him worshipfully. She parted his thighs and began lightly caressing them from his knees to his crotch and back again.

"I hope you do not mind my saying so, but, I know that you watch me," she said.

Her voice was childlike and seemingly innocent, almost angelic.

"You look at me when you think I am not looking," Reiko continued, "You cannot seem to take your eyes off the way my big breasts jiggle when I walk through the halls."

She folded her hands in her lap as she rested her head on the doctor's thigh just below his rock hard bulge.

"Sometimes," she continued, "when I know that you paying full attention to my body, I look to see what kind effect I am having." She turned her head so that she was staring directly at his cloth covered erection. "I see the long, hard impression it makes in your trousers."

Amos couldn't believe what he was hearing. This sweet looking, cherub faced girl was talking about staring at his cock.

"Sometimes," she purred, "I wonder what it would be like to hold it in my hands," she paused to take a deep breath, "or put it in my mouth."

Amos was beside himself with lust. This was working out better than he could ever have possibly imagined.

"May I touch it?" she asked.

Amos nodded vigorously.

She reached out with one delicate finger to lightly touch the head of the hard, hidden pole. She traced tiny circles around it for several minute before slowly, teasingly running her finger from the tip to the base and back again. On each down stroke she would add a finger until at long last her entire, petite hand gripped the doctor's pulsing rod.

Amos was half out of his mind with the sensations her skilled hand was creating. It was at once excruciating and exquisite. He had never felt anything like it. This young lady had elevated the simple hand job to an art form.

"It is very hard," Reiko said, "and very hot" She rested her hand in the middle of his hardon and gently squeezed it. "I can feel the heat through your trousers. It also feels very strong."

Suddenly she withdrew her hand, sat bolt upright, looked him straight in the eye and said, "Please forgive me. I can no longer control myself. I must do this."

She grasped the sides of the doctor's head and pulled him in for a deep, wet kiss. Her full lips were soft and pliant. Their tongues danced and weaved. Amos tried to imaging what her talented mouth would feel like on his cock.

Amos threw his arms around her to hug her closer. Her huge breasts mashed against his stomach and his legs. The bulge of his erection was buried beneath her right tit. That pressure alone was making him hotter than he could ever remember being. He began to lightly hump the underside of the huge orb.

The tiny Japanese darling pulled back from the kiss and said, "Now I do not feel so bad about having been so bold. You are as eager as I am. I am grateful."

She placed her hand gently on his bulge and resumed stroking it.

"May I see it?" she asked, "May I see you hard, strong cock?"

Hearing the word "cock" come out of that sweet, little mouth almost made him cum in his pants right then and there. Amos nodded spiritedly.

Meanwhile, Wilton and Helena were getting hotter by the second watching Amos getting so meticulously teased.

"She's playing him like a violin," thought Wilton as he stroked his erection through his pants, "on that alone she should get a passing grade."

He looked away from the Reiko's sexy seduction to watch his secretary standing by the door. She was glassy eyed, licking her lips and fondling one of her big jugs. When she glanced at Wilton he beckoned and pointed to his crotch.

Helena crossed the room, swinging her hips invitingly as she went. He stood up as she dropped to her knees. Hurriedly Helena unfastened her boss's belt and pants and yanked them down. She plunged the hot, ten inch flesh pole down her throat and began furiously bobbing her head on it. They were both, by that time, desperate to finish what they had started earlier.

While they were doing that Reiko had unfastened the doctor's pants and had pulled them down to his ankles. As she removed his shoes and socks so that she could take his pants off all the way, her eyes never left his throbbing hardness.

She held his meaty pole gently in her hand and said, "It is more beautiful than I had imagined, and harder," as she began rubbing all over her face she added, "and hotter."

Inside his head Amos was desperately chanting, "Please, don't let me cum yet. Please, don't let me cum yet."

Reiko lovingly stroked him as she nuzzled his balls.

"Even your scent is that of a powerful man," she murmured, "I am becoming intoxicated by it."

Amos squeezed his eyes shut. He tried to think of something else, baseball stats, horror movies, cartoon characters, road accidents, anything to maintain control of himself. He opened his eyes, but all he saw was Wilton clutching Helena's huge tits as he manically fucked her mouth. That didn't help.

Reiko continued stroking him as she lifted her nose from his nuts.

Gazing intently into the doctor's eyes she said, "I can take no more. I must do something that may seem drastic, but I have no choice."

She took a deep breath as though to gather her strength and asked plaintively, "May I suck it? May I suck your cock," she leaned forward to give him a soft peck on the lips, "please?"

Hearing that kind of language coming out of that mouth was almost more than Amos could take. He desperately wanted to feel her soft lips on his skin covered bar of steel. But, still unable to find his voice, all he could do was nod so vigorously that he looked like one of those bobble-head dolls that people sell at sporting events and roadside tourist traps.

"Thank you," Reiko squealed with glee.

Reiko leaned down to place a wet, sloppy kiss on the head of his cock. Amos moaned and shuddered. Slowly, carefully the petite girl slid her lips down the shaft, licking and sucking as she went. Amos placed his hands on the back of her head and caressed her silky, black hair.

When the tiny Japanese honey reached the bottom, with her nose buried in his pubic hair, she snaked her tongue out to lick her man's bloated, cum-filled gonads. Then Reiko started the journey back up his pole just as slowly, stroking the newly exposed portions with her dainty fingers.

The sensations she was creating were miles beyond any fantasy Amos had ever had. It occurred to him that if he had a heart attack and died right then he wouldn't mind. It would be the way he would want to go.

Her lips seemed to massage him as they moved up and down, while her tongue darted and danced over every surface of his prong. He had never felt anything like it. He thought that maybe nobody had felt anything like it. Reiko seemed to have created an entirely new approach to cock sucking. She wasn't just giving pleasure. She was making magic.

After several minutes of her torturously languorous fellatio, Reiko suddenly lifted her mouth off of Amos. His dick slid out of her mouth with a loud slurping sound.

Amos stared at her with an expression of near panic. He was close to insane with lust.

Reiko bowed her head contritely saying, "I hope that you can forgive for stopping. But, I did not want you to finish yet."

He tried to pull her head back down to his cock, but she wrestled free of his grasp and stood up.

Poor Amos looked like he might cry at the separation.

Reiko grabbed the bottom of the one piece sailor suit as she asked, "Do you not want to see the breasts you have been staring at and lusting over for so long?"

She whipped the suit up over her head and threw it aside. She had worn nothing underneath.

"Do you not want to cum between them?" she said with a smile as she lifted the massive orbs in offering.

"Please," Amos whimpered, "Please."

Reiko took a step toward him. He immediately reached out to, at long last, fondle Reiko's magnificent tits. They were surprisingly firm given their size. They were every bit as soft and beautiful as he had hoped.

Reiko knelt again to give his dick one final, sloppy suck to make sure that it was good and slick. Then she buried his raging hardon in her cavernous cleavage.

The world around Amos suddenly ceased to exist. There was nothing but the velvet pressure of Reiko's breasts on his rock hard prick, and the desperate pressure in his balls to empty themselves all over her angelic face and massive tits.

Somewhere in the distance, almost as though from another universe, he heard what sounded like a guttural groan as Wilton shot his load into Helena's grasping throat. But, he wasn't sure. He was only sure that his cock was trapped between the most magnificent pair of tits he had ever seen.

He held her massive flesh mountains in a vice-like grip as he began humping them as though he was possessed. His hips became a blur with the speed and fury of his motion.

"Yes," Reiko murmured, "give me your essence. Cover my face and breasts with your seed. Drench me in your powerful, manly discharge."

When his internal dam finally broke he let go with a savage, incoherent roar. He doused the young girl with spurt after spurt of his thick ball butter. It was on her cheeks and in her hair. It was forming a small lake in the deep valley between her giant mams. He felt like he couldn't stop cumming. Reiko leaned forward to sink her soft lips over the head of his cock to swallow the last five or six volleys he shot from his now shrinking nuts.

When she was certain that she had sucked him dry she raised her head and started to scoop up dollops of his viscous discharge from her face and tits with her dainty fingers. She sucked each finger until they were wet only with her own saliva. She wanted to make sure that he saw her swallow every drop.

As he slowly recovered his presence of mind and control of his body, Amos looked up at Wilton. The Dean of Student was seated in his office chair with Helena bouncing up and down in his lap while he roughly groped her huge funbags.

"I take that you enjoyed that, Amos," he said with a smirk.

"She's unbelievable," Amos wheezed.

He looked back down at Reiko who was still cleaning herself.

"You are incredible," he told her.

"Now, be careful with her, Amos," Wilton warned, "She could be a very valuable young lady after she graduates. Remember the rules, no vaginal penetration. Her mouth, tits, and ass, however, are yours until noon tomorrow. Have fun."


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