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The Awakening Ch. 46-50

Story Info
Relationships. Friends, Love, War.
13k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/23/2015
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Thank you for your comments and your support. I am so excited on how the story is coming and how it slowly reaches the end I have envisioned. I appreciate the comments, but please understand I am not a native English speaker, and I depend on what I have learned and the help I get from my patient editor HellRaser by going through each chapter. If you wish to help with advices, specific examples are the best for me. Just click on my profile and send me a message and I will give the proper time and dedication to make sure I please the readers.

What do you all think of the story so far? I love reading your comments so please don't hold yourselves on them!

Enjoy :)



"Go ahead; wait for us in the house... I need some minutes with her alone before we continue... don't start without us..."

Elaine was the first to stand up and nodded, everyone else followed towards the house. Caliope sat straight on the chair and looked everyone leave. She started to feel a little tense, but when they all entered the house; he sat on the grass next to her without releasing her hand.

"I am going to give you a shock of reality information... but you need some of this before we can continue... even though you don't remember us and you don't understand what is happening, the fact that you feel you can trust me makes me feel there is hope..."

"How do you know?"

"...because I feel what you feel... but that won't make sense until I explain it to you... that crazy girl who is trying to hug you is your best friend from since your childhood... something tells me you already started to remember her..."

She nodded and sighed. He smiled.

"Do you believe in God...?"

He looked at her carefully, she blinked with surprise at his question and a vague sense of Deja Vu came creeping through her. "Are you... are you going to tell me you are God?"

He chuckled and gently pulled a strand of hair behind her ear. He shook his head and sighed.

"No... but do you believe in him?"

"I used to... I think... God... I don't think I was a devoted person... I want to believe." He smiled at her, a smile of hope.

"Do you believe in heaven and hell? Do you believe in Angels?"

"I... think... what are you trying to say? Why do I feel this is not the first time we are talking about this?"

"We are all Angels... everyone but you and Vanessa... we had walked a long path to get here... it wasn't easy for you to cope with this but you did so well... if you can accept this, it will make everything else you see much easier..."

She pulled back slightly and pondered. Since the moment she woke up in her own mind and saw what she saw, she knew there was no reasonable explanation for it. Furthermore, now seen and hearing what she did, it left her wondering on her own sanity.

"I can't deny there are many things happening that make no sense... so... ok... I believe you... now what?"

"The person who was in your mind is being held in a dungeon inside the house... we are going to see him and face him, question him about why he did this to you, about why he erased your memory. He was supposed to be a neutral Angel in Earth, yet by doing what he did to you, he had chosen the side of the Dark ones. I could have killed him, banished him, which is the final death. But, if I did, we would never know why he did this to you..."

Caliope sighed and nodded, she knew that her body and part of her mind agreed to everything he said, but some part of her was scared and afraid.

"There is something else..."

She tilted her head and looked at him, holding herself for what he could say more.

"You... also have powers..."

"You said I am not an Angel... how is that possible?"

"This all has a much better and longer explanation but... due to the circumstances; we can't go the long path..."

Caliope nodded and took a deep breath.

"You were never fully human. We didn't know at first but later we found out your father was a dark Angel, and his half gave you some abilities. Once we married, you became something else... we could never really figure out what but it is much stronger. You are much stronger... and so are your powers... you saw what you almost did to him"

"So... I am... half of an Angel? A dark one... but I am with the good ones?"

"You are my Asteria... my star... my love... my wife... I would destroy worlds if it pleased you..." She blushed at his words; there was no way of denying how it had an effect on her. She lowered her eyes but he lifted her chin up slightly, giving her a smile. His words felt true and so how she felt around him. "Why would I want you to destroy worlds?"

He sighed and smiled with relief. "You have no idea how happy it makes me hear you say that... it is a good sign... are you ready to see what power looks like?"

She nodded and he got up in one quick move, offering her his hand to help her up. As they both started to head back to the house, she looked around and sighed.

"Such a beautiful place... is it ours?"

"It can be if you want to... but it belongs to Maxwell, we had our marriage here not long ago... just a couple of days behind now."

"I wish I could remember it... such an important event... erased..."

"Don't say that... because I can barely hold myself from killing him as it is... you were so beautiful... you were so brave... you were amazing..."

She blushed again with a smile as both walked in and headed towards the stairs, she followed his lead and they reached the arch that presented itself as an entrance. There, everyone was leaning against the walls waiting for them. Maxwell stood straight and nodded at Amra. "It is time then, let's see what we can see..."

His words held a promise. With a swift of his finger, the locks on the door gave in and opened, Caliope opened her eyes wide at the first direct sign of what she would call 'magic'. Meng Yi and Meng Tian came after him and followed by Elaine, Wiltshire, Pronab, Vanessa and finally Amra with Caliope, leaving Falshore as the last one to go inside, closing the door behind him. Tian set himself at one side, Yi at the other facing the familiar face on the chair.

"I don't think my chains are of much use with you two... but just in case, let it be there... it will be fun..."

"You and your Angels are so cocky... you want to pretend you are the good ones when you enjoy hunting and torturing others..." Gusion spilled with anger.

Maxwell gave a step towards him "Oh but we have nothing in comparison to what your new friends do, like kidnap and kill people... or just use them to their advantage..."

Elaine buffed "I am so disappointed in you Gusion... by far you were one of the legendary ones, a proof and a promise that there was a chance to be here in peace without choosing a side. Why would you do this? Why would you pick a side and throw thousands of years away...?"

"It was in my best interests..."

Pronab's chains glowed softly and squeezed around Gusion a little; he gasped and looked down at the chains around him.

"You see, we have our ways to know you are lying..." Pronab smirked.

Amra frowned "Enough with playing games... why you erased her memories?"

Gusion looked at Amra showing some fear for the first time; he did not expect to be approached by him directly, much less so soon. He swallowed hard and tried to compose himself.

"She is just a pawn..."

The chains embraced him tighter and he was now looking down at them worried. Caliope gave a step forward, placing herself next to Amra, gaining courage.

"The chain doesn't obey my will, it simple reacts to the truth and the lies... each lie you say, the chains will squeeze tighter around you."

Gusion seemed submerged in deep thoughts and Caliope frowned a little, upset for the lack of collaborations from him, Amra squeezed her hand as he looked at him. "I will ask you one more time, why did you erase her memories..."

"I panicked..."

Pronab perked a brow "Say that again?"

He sighed and looked up at them, a deep regret and fear in his eyes. "I was asked to find a specific memory; it wasn't supposed to erase everything else..."

Elaine stepped in "What wasn't supposed to be erased? Did they do something to you?"

"They know I can get inside people's minds... see specific memories... but is the first time I had to look for something that was not being thought off... The Oracles saw the direct future in different forms, I would get inside their minds and interpreted them... they were thinking on it... you understand?"

Amra nodded "Perfectly... we are familiar to that kind of power..."

He perked a brow and looked at Amra with questions reflected in his eyes. However, Amra knew better than to spill any more information to someone who was in death sentence for him.

"I... I just don't know what happened... to me it was a maze... I don't know what I was doing digging there... they asked me to find the first memories of her father... but she... she started to block herself, to defend herself... and I could see all the doors closing, and I started panicking and that is when the memories started to vanish..."

"Thanks to your wonderful job, she lost so much... I could kill you right now..."

"I would prefer that... I don't want to be alive anymore, I don't want to be here, I failed her... I failed them... it is over..."

Elaine opened her eyes wide, almost afraid of the answer to the question she was about to ask, "What do you mean by 'her' and 'them'?"

"They got my Asteria Elaine... if I don't have the answers they look for, they will kill her... and I can't live with that... I just found her! I can't... I can't have them take her away from me..."

"That is not possible... no one messes with something so sacred...!"

"They are obsessed and desperate Elaine... they are... not sure... I don't know if scared... but they are now more interested in her than ever before..."

"This brings new issues to the table... we will have to schedule our gathering sooner and I am sorry to say the honeymoon is over for now..."

"It is ok... I can't have a honeymoon until I make her feel normal again... and I definitely won't let anyone harm her anymore... from now on, no matter who they promise to be, no one will touch her..." Amra put an arm around her as he talked.

"...is there any way for me to recover my memories? I feel so many Déjà vu's..." Caliope sighed.

"I never expected them to be erased... and I am not sure they were... that was never supposed to happen... you are different..."

"That she is... you are going to be set free Gusion... go back to them and tell them whatever they want... invent something, I am sure you can... and as soon as you know what they will do next, you will tell us."

"Is not that easy Amrafel, they have so many good weapons at hand... they can see what I saw with an ancient gadget, I've never seen that before in my life... they can see in my head exactly what they want..."

Maxwell sighed, "Falshore..." and he replied giving a step ahead "Yes my General..."

Gusion looked curiously at them both and then focused his eyes on Falshore who approached him. He lifted his hands and placed them on his head. He tried to shake his head but they felt weak.

Amra gave a step back and pulled Caliope with him "Whatever it takes..."

Maxwell nodded "Stay still Gusion... Falshore will implant a memory in your mind..."

"What? A memory?"

"Yes... he will play this to our advantage... We need to stop walking behind them... I think it is time we start to walk ahead of them."



She sat on the bed and sighed. Her hands were on her knees as she caressed her legs. When she turned her head to see the door close, she saw him standing and looking at her with a tender smile. "I will be here, don't worry... you need to rest... "

He pulled a chair near her and sat there watching her. She lay on the bed not breaking their eye contact. "Go ahead... sleep a little... "

"I am not tired, although I think I should be... I just... feel drained..."

He nodded and she sighed again, closing her eyes trying to have some sleep. Under the darkness and silence, she focused on her own breathing and the almost undetectable heartbeat of Amra. There was so much to digest yet, and the more she thought about what she had forgotten, the more frustrated she would get. She opened her eyes again and looked back at him, he had not move an inch and was still staring at her. She felt goosebumps on her skin and blushed. "Everything ok?"

She nodded and closed back her eyes. She heard him get up and felt him sitting next to her, causing her to open her eyes wide. "What is wrong? Tell me what worries you... I feel helpless like this... not knowing how I can help you."

She sat on the bed; having him so close to her, just at her knees and a breath away, made her unease. "I just feel strange... "

"What do you want me to do?"

"Can you... lay next me?"

He smiled and kicked his shoes off, crawling to her side and resting his head on his arm as he watched her slide back down onto the sheets. She smiled and closed her eyes again, this time she felt herself slowly drifting to sleep.

In her dreams, she saw a young girl pouting as she watched her cake melt. Another girl was laughing and several more joining her, but only one walked to her and hugged her saying "we will just have to eat it fast, and get a new one tomorrow". As easy as that, her pout became a smile and both girls started to eat the cake and watch all the other girls look in surprise.

She opened her eyes and rubbed them as she grew accustomed to the dim light of the moon and stars through the window. When she turned her head to the side of the bed, she saw Amra resting with his eyes closed. She frowned a bit and slowly sat on the bed; there was something, her instinct maybe, telling her that he was just pretending.

"Why am I not convinced that you are sleeping at all?"

He chuckled and opened his eyes to look at her. She blushed immediately. "I am just resting, but you are right, I do not sleep."

"Oh... did I interrupt you? I am sorry... I am being inconsiderate with you..." She sighed, "I really thought you were just pretending to be asleep..."

He shook his head and sat next to her, slightly turned to the side so he could face her. He took her hands in his and gently massaged them as he spoke. "I know it is hard for you to understand a lot of what is happening around you, even if you are trying to get it all in your system, don't... it will overwhelm you... you tried that once and it was too much for you, you almost had a breakdown. But do not worry about me... the only way for me to be harmed is by hurting you... and by all means I invite anyone to try... I am prepared to banish anything and anyone who wants to attempt such thing."

"So... we really are married..."

He closed his eyes and chuckled, then nodded and opened his eyes again giving her a smile.

"It must be difficult for you to see me like this... unable to recognize you..."

"It is hard, I miss many things... but the fact that you feel you can trust me, which allows me to be close to you and keep you safe... that is all I need for now."

"Can you promise me that you will tell me if I am doing something wrong?"

He lifted a hand and caressed her face making her shiver slightly. She blushed again and tried to look down, but he lifted her chin up and made her look at him. She was breathing heavy.

"What can you possibly do wrong? I have such trust in you... I know you will never do something to harm me or those close to you."

"But... I don't remember who are those close to me... how can you trust in me like that?"

"I love you; I am blinded by that..."

He closed his eyes and sighed, she felt her heart ache when he was reflecting the slightest sadness. She lifted her hand and tried to caress his face, making him open his eyes to look at her.

"I do not remember you... but I feel how important you are to me..."

"You mean so much to me..."

"I guess I do... you are the only one I feel I am safe with..."

"Thank you..."

She took a deep breath and looked at him with a warning.

"Stay still... please..."

He nodded and did not move. She slid her thumb to his lips and caressed the contours slowly, he held his breath and his eyes grew wider. She looked at his reaction and continued to caress his face, his nose and then his forehead, getting familiar with him as she did. He was like a glowing statue under the light of the night sky. She kneeled on the bed and under this position reached closer to him, both of her hands now on his face as he was now looking up into her eyes. She was examining his face, the shape it took as he looked at her. When her thumb went back to his lips, he parted them and breathed heavy.

"...are you ok?"

He nodded and closed his eyes, she caressed his now open mouth as her other hand caressed his neck. "I want to... try something... can I?"

"Yes..." he whispered without hesitation, and keeping his eyes closed he felt her getting closer. She wasn't really thinking on what she was doing, but she wanted to feel what it would be to be even closer to him. She closed her eyes and slowly brushed her cheek against his, her body reacting in a million ways, her pulse grew stronger, her skin slightly hotter, and her head dizzy with the sensation of his closeness. He was tense and became stiff as she parted away and looked at him worried.

"You are not ok... you are suffering... I can feel that..."

"I am..." he sighed, "You have no idea how much I am controlling myself..."

He opened his eyes and looked at her only inches apart. She felt confused and sad. "Controlling yourself? From what?"

"From scaring you..."

"Why would you scare me?"

"I could devour you right now..."

She was red and shaking at his words, she didn't need any further explanation for what it was obvious now, his intentions were clear. She swallowed hard and kneeled closer to him.

"I am not afraid... I don't know why... should I be afraid?"

"I... honestly don't know how to answer that..."


"Because I miss you too much to be unbiased with my answer..."

She closed her eyes and leaned closer to him, resting the side of her face on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her tightly without hesitation and kissed the top of her head. She shivered as her body felt tingles all around, she gasped and pulled back to look at him.

"One more time..."

"One more time what?"

"Let me try this... one more time..."

He was not so sure but he nodded and watched her come closer to him, her hands both on his face holding him firmly. Then it happened; she closed her eyes and pressed her lips on his. He was still shocked but his arms reacted instantly, he was holding her tight, kissing her back with passion. She might have wanted to just test their lips together, but it was too late for that now; their lips felt like magnets, both strongly attracted to the other. She was parting her lips and her tongue was caressing his, her own body floating on a sea of sensations she felt both familiar and strange at the same time. His hands now were on her face holding her as she was holding him, their lips merged as she leaned more to him. He only pulled back when he realized she wasn't; they usually had to stop for a break for her to catch her breath. When he gently pulled her, she was blushing and looking at him with surprise.

"Oh... I am so sorry... I do not know what came to me... I am..."

"Stop... don't apologize... it is ok..."

"Then... why...?" she asked ashamed.

"Because I don't want to harm you... and before our wedding, I had to always be careful... not to harm you..."

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