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The Ballad of Decker Crane Ch. 04

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She's no ordinary orphan. But he's no ordinary cowboy either.
6.7k words

Part 4 of the 12 part series

Updated 04/11/2024
Created 03/31/2024
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Hey. Harp here. Again, I'm just loading the queue, so I don't know what's going on. See my profile for any changes or issues. Thanks for reading.

All characters are over the age of eighteen

Chapter Four


"What's you want us here for so quick, Decker? Did you find the safron?" Bai said, making a joke.

"Fuck you, Bai," Decker replied. "Where's Darrel?"

"Lynched on Delos for horse thieving." Bai answered. "You don't hear anything out here, do you?"

Decker grunted. "I take it Garrett's dead too?" That fucker wouldn't dare stand him up.

"Started running with Clintock's Gang and took a bullet in the face."

"I'm gone for a small time and everybody dies," Decker complained. "You two know anyone?"

"Not who I would trust not to put a knife in my back," Kay answered. "I barely trust you two assholes."

"Nope," Bai said.

"What's the job?" Kay said. "Where is it?"

"Here," Decker answered, thinking. He didn't know if they could do it with only three men. Hell, it would just have to be enough. Besides, if Bai threw in to keep one of the women like Decker would throw in for his girl, that still left a whole lot of dakas to split among the three of them. Riches. Kay wouldn't even want one. He didn't like women.

"What job could possibly be worth our time on this little shithole of a planet?" Bai said.

"Pedigean consorts," Decker said.

The two men studied him.

"The ones that were stolen?" Bai said. "The reward is ten thousand dakas."

"Each," Kay added. "I'd like to collect it."

"I'd pay ten thousand to own one to fuck, if they're anything like what I've heard," Bai said.

"You can both have what you want," Decker said.

"What do you mean?" Bai said.

Decker shrugged, leaning back. "I just thought maybe you'd like to help me steal them from Cochrain."

Both men stared at him.

"No," Kay said.

"Yes," Decker said.

Bai began to grin, and then he hooted. "You are kidding me. The Red Door has them?"

Decker grunted.

"What kind of security?" Kay said.

"Heavy, but only the first layer. Twenty-five men, only some worth a shit," Decker answered. "He's trusting on being able to move them before others know they're there. Pagi locks, back-combers. Heat sensors. I still have the safron cutter. Nothing we haven't dealt with before, although I had anticipated having more men."

"We can do it, Decker," Kay said.

"We haven't traded in live people before," Decker warned them.

"I don't care," Kay said.

"Nope," Bai agreed, grinning. "I take it Cochrain never bothered to find out who his neighbor is."

"I have not advertised my previous profession, that's true," Decker replied. "He's going to find out soon enough. I propose we turn them in to the Cromwells for the reward. That way, there's no risk of prison. We didn't steal them. We're doing a good deed, rescuing them from a terrible fate and returning them home."

"I don't understand," Kay said. "Why don't we sell them like Cochrain was going to? We'd easily get twice that if they're the real thing, maybe more. There'd be plenty of men willing to pay well to own a woman like that."

Decker shook his head. "We could try to sell them, but with only the three of us, we have no way to set up the sale and get the word out while providing enough security that some assholes won't just come and take them from us just like we're going to take them from Cochrain. Besides, our profits will be higher because it's just the three of us. We can afford to take the reward and have less risk."

Bai thought about it and then nodded. "The Cromwells are going to be interested in getting them back. Best to unload them fast."

"All right," Kay said. "Are you sure they're the Pedigean consorts? There's only supposed to be seven of them. And Cochrain could just be pissing on people to turn a daka."

"You tell me." Decker rose, leaning in to the two men, his face getting hard. Both of them leaned back, eyeing him, wary, as they should be. He meant it as a threat. "She doesn't know what she is. She thinks she's an orphan and I'm enjoying her ignorance. Keep your fucking mouths shut until the job's done."



Persya waited in Decker's room, sitting on his bed. She had only become more anxious. Decker appeared to be waiting for these other men he'd mentioned. Again and again, she'd stopped herself from asking. She didn't want to antagonize him on the chance, seeming slimmer by the moment, that they were coming and he was really going to try to do what he promised.

Making a small noise, her shoulders fell. What could a frontier rancher do against a man like Cochrain anyway, who was obviously rich and powerful? Persya didn't want to imagine what her sister was feeling at this moment.

She'd heard the whine of the air transport and Decker had dragged her up and pushed her through his bedroom door. "That's them. Stay here. Don't come out until I say," he'd said, closing it.

Hope had built in her, warring with doubt. The murmur of deep voices came through the wall, but she couldn't hear the words. She waited and then jumped when Decker opened the door, gesturing at her and disappearing.

She rose and peeked out at the other two men sitting at the table. One was a graceful man with dark roaming eyes, straight black hair and warm skin. The other man was as big as Decker, cold eyes and short brown hair. They both stared at her.

"Come on out, baby," Decker said. "We won't bite you."

She wasn't so sure, still wearing Decker's shirt because she didn't have anything else. Her legs were bare. She tugged at the bottom, coming out. Stopping when the men stared at her, her hand went to her hair and dropped. She didn't have a brush.

They didn't introduce themselves. The graceful man with the long dark hair rose, walking to stand over her. She looked up at him. His eyes took in everything about her, lingering. His face was expressionless. She shivered, her nipples twinging, his eyes going to them. Crossing her arms at her chest, she stepped back.

The other man spoke. "Well, no way she's not. Where'd you find her, Decker?"

"Briken enclosure," Decker grunted.

The first man went around her and was in front of her again. He reached and tilted her chin with his fingers. Persya pulled away sharply.

He turned to look at Decker. "What's her name?"

Decker smiled at her slowly. "She's shy. She won't tell me yet." Getting up, he reached and took her arm, his grasp tight. He pulled her resisting closer to himself and sitting again, his hand moved to span her hip. She tried to move away, but he didn't let her.

"That's Bai and this is Kay," Decker said. "Tell them where you're from, girl."

Her body was tense, her shoulders up. "I'm from Pedige. It's a small moon in-system."

"And where were you raised?" Decker said.

"In an orphanage there."

"Well, I think we can safely say we agree," Kay said.

The other man was still looking at her. "She's sweet, Decker."

"You have no fucking idea," Decker said. He reached up to put his knuckles on her cheek. "You're shaking, baby. This is what you wanted, for us to rescue the other women. This is why you're in my bed, remember?"

She flushed, her eyes darting to the other two men, trying to pull away.

"What's wrong?" Decker said, jerking her close and smiling. "Do you need another spanking, stubborn?"

Now she blushed hot, not looking at any of them.

"I'd pay you well for some time with her, Decker," Bai said.

"She's mine." Decker said, his voice flat. "You understand that?"

"Sure," Bai said.

"I'll call a transport for the Red Door," Decker said. "You two fuck some whores and I'll find out what I can about where the others are being held. We may not have much time before he sells them." He rose, getting close to her and speaking low. "Stay here and don't run, pretty baby. Not if you ever want to see your sister again."

When he released her, she nodded, swallowing. She had no idea what these men were going to do.



Decker returned alone, the other men still at the Red Door. The transport dropped him off. He hadn't stayed long, although going there had aroused him. He'd found out the information he'd wanted and some other things and had a few drinks and after that, he hadn't had any reason to stay, pussy waiting for him at home. As much as he wanted. Fuck, that was nice. She was even sort of willing, at least for now. Willing to go along with things, at least, on the chance he and his men would get the other women. Which they would. He was keeping his word, a frontier bargain. There was no reason for any ill will between them at this point.

Making himself a drink, he walked into his room. She was in the bath. She liked to bathe, he'd noticed. He had to admit, it had been enjoyable to show her to the men, if only to see their surprise. When she'd come out, Decker had felt a surge. Delicate and curvy, so beautiful you just wanted to look at her. And then you wanted to touch her. And then you wanted to do all sorts of filthy things to her. His breathing had deepened. That mouth, full and vulnerable, and those eyes. Jutting tits in his shirt. Thighs. Little bare feet padding across the floor. Innocence coming off her in waves. She was a fantasy slut for men such as them. And she was all his.

Slowing, Decker watched her. "Do you want a drink?"

"I haven't tried spirits," she said, her voice quiet.

Of course she hadn't. He was stripping, looking at her body. She frowned a little and then rose to get out.

"Where are you going?" he said, catching her hand.

"I'm getting out so you can bathe."

"No, you're not." Getting in behind her, he kept her hand, sitting and reaching to set his drink on the floor. He brought his knees up, spreading them and tugging. She was the reason he was in the water. "Sit down."

When she hesitated, he sighed. "Do I need to call off the rescue?"

"Are you actually going to do it?" she said, her voice sharp.

"You'll just have to find out, won't you?" he answered. "But while we're on the topic, I still get to fuck you after we get them. I don't want any confusion about that. Sit down."

She didn't like that, but she got back in and sat down, using the side of the tub to hold onto and her pretty butt landing between his legs, her back to him. Her body was tense, her hair floating all around them. He gathered it and put it outside the tub, where it dripped, getting water on the floor. He pulled her back against himself, his cock hard against her back and his heart thudding.

He touched her belly. "Relax, baby," he said. Reaching, he got his drink and brought it around, handing it to her. He was enjoying himself so very much right now.

Taking it, she sipped and coughed as he took the glass. "That's disgusting."

"Frontier whiskey. Some things take a little getting used to at first. You'll be fine," he told her, his breathing heavy. "You listen to me now, girl. Don't get in Kay's way. He's a real mean son of a bitch and women don't turn him on. He's fucking a man right now and probably paying extra to hurt him. Hell, stay away from both of them. Bai knows better than to cross me, but a man can forget things with a woman like you." She was warm and soft, round and delicate, and she smelled so good.

Finishing his drink and leaning to set it down, he was quiet, his fingertips still touching her belly, her soft skin. They made their way up and found a jutting nipple, delicate, squeezing, plucking the bud. It did turn him on that she was so on edge, not quite consenting to what he was doing. It sharpened the sensations for her too, he was sure. She had the prettiest tits, just round.

"What kinds of things did you do on Pedige?" he said, going to the other. He wanted to hear her voice while he did this.

When she spoke, her voice was husky, little hitches. "We're orphans. We attended to our studies and worked."

Her nipples were stiff under his fingers. He traced down her thigh. "Open your legs." When she didn't move, he stopped. "A part of our deal is you doing what I say, right?"

"No. You didn't say anything about that."

"You agreed I could fuck you, stubborn. That means I get to do it how I want. It's implied. Open your legs so I can touch your pussy." This did turn him on.

Her whole body was tense as her knees parted. Putting his hand in the water, he found her. She was soft. He touched her pussy, stroking her clitoris and squeezing her nipples more. "Does that feel good to you?"

Her breath had caught, her pussy moving under his fingers. That was all the answer he needed.

"That's right," he said softly. Before too long, her pussy was swollen and slick in the water. She'd gone limp on him, her breathing ragged. He stopped, returning to her nipples.

When he was ready, his arm slipped around her waist and he lifted her, setting her on her feet in front of him. "Don't move." Getting out and walking to his pack, dripping water on the floor, his cock jutting, he got his rope. He tossed it over the rafter above her head. When it sailed down again, he tied it.

She watched him, having no idea what he was doing until he caught her wrist, and then she cried out, struggling.

He grabbed the back of her neck with his other hand, bringing her close. "Are you going to fight me?"

And there it was. She'd been surprised, when she came out, to learn he was a son of a bitch, because that wasn't in her experience, having been raised without men at all. It had scared her and made her quiet, but now that stubborn look was back on her face, and that was exactly what she decided to do. She fought him.

She twisted, yanking, crying out and batting at him with her other hand, her hair everywhere. He grinned. She slapped him in the face, a stinging smack. He laughed, capturing her hands and binding them, his cock erect. Turned on, definitely. Fuck, he was so turned on. He was just getting her used to the idea for now, and they might as well get into it. He had forever with her, the prospect dizzying.

When her arms were raised, his hand leapt out, smacking that beautiful ass good, and she cried out. "That's in return, stubborn, since I wouldn't ever mark that pretty face of yours."

He heard a door close outside their room. That would be Bai returning and retreating rather than listening to what he couldn't have, Decker presumed. He got out and walked around her, enjoying different angles, her arms over her head. Reaching out, he touched her nipple, tugging, going to the other.

"Arch your back and spread your legs," Decker said.


He grinned, that expression on her face. She was so fucking cute. "Have you forgotten our agreement? I'm planning on going tomorrow to get your sister and those other women. If you don't want that, I have been thinking that maybe I'll let Bai and Kay go on with what they were doing before all this. I was thinking maybe I have everything I need right here and I'm bigger than you and I don't require your entire cooperation."

She went still, panting with his attentions to her tits, tugs and rubbing. "We had a deal."

"Then keep your side of it," he said, his voice sharp, pinching.

Crying out a little, she did it, spreading her legs and arching even if she didn't want to, offering her pussy, turning him on even more.

He released her nipples and his fingers went between her legs. He stroked and tugged. "Don't be scared of the rope. You'll get used to it."

He kept at her. And, because willing or not, she was a Pedigean consort, she went into that shivering stillness. Her hips pumped in a way that sent him entirely somewhere else. He stopped, withdrawing his hand, and stepped into the bath behind her, the water around his knees. His cock was hard, rubbing in her cleft, his hips tilting.

He sank in slowly, waiting for her to adjust. There wasn't any need to hurt her more than he was. She was a sweet woman and he liked her spirit. She'd gone still and quiet. His fingers went under her again, around front, stroking, going slow and hearing his own breathing. Her hair was all over her back, sticking where it was damp.

Shuddering, she widened her stance, her arms over her head.

"Help me ride you, pretty baby," he panted, grinning, his hands going to her hips to guide her with the motion he wanted. "I promise I took off my spurs."

She began taking his cock in and out of herself. He was still, breathing heavily and watching her neat pussy as he disappeared into her. Done waiting, he kept his thrusts gentle, too turned on to let go of his control. She was getting eager. She had the prettiest shape, just round and more round. He was still being gentle as he thrust.

Her body became like liquid, bumping against him behind her. He thrust faster, deep, and she cried out softly, partly pain, but she liked it. After that, she followed right along with him wherever he wanted her to go, meeting his rhythm. He could already cue her. His fingers went between her legs, delicate strokes, and she slowed to feel it. She was just sweet was all.

It was a build. He felt that it was going to happen for her. "Show me that you like it."

Sure enough, she came all over his cock, tight pulls and high cries and sharp nudges, her hips squirming.

His completion was on him soon after, his thrusts sharp. "Fuck," he said, crying out through his teeth and closing his eyes, living in that moment for an exquisite duration, emptying and lifting. Then he was panting. He could get used to this. He'd never felt like he'd had enough of fucking a woman, not in his whole life.

He got a washcloth and cleaned her up, taking her off the rope. There were her wrists to tend to still, red again because she struggled, regardless. He wouldn't tie them for a time. Her arm was already taken care of, but he looked to the scrape on her leg. Women were fragile little things. She was quiet, not looking at him.

His body felt good, satisfied. Not that he couldn't go again. He held off because he didn't want to make her too sore right away. She was delicate and valuable to him. He'd give her a small time. He put her in the bed with him, getting in beside her and lying on his back, content for the moment.

She curled up away from him, her hair everywhere. He was almost asleep when the bed shook lightly. His eyes opened. It shook again, almost imperceptibly, his head turning. Reaching, he turned her to face him. He frowned. She was crying again, her eyes wet and her nose red, avoiding his eyes.

"What's wrong?" he said. "Are you hurt somewhere?"

Shaking her head, she closed her eyes, turning her back again. When he thought she was asleep, his arm came, pulling her close in front of him, a compact and soft bundle smelling like sex and just sweet. He hadn't ever slept with a woman. For some reason, that felt almost as good as fucking her. Almost.



Persya woke when he lifted her leg from behind, his huge sex right there. She was breathing fast, convulsing against the tip, not awake or asleep. He pressed and entered her body deeply, his arms crossed in front of her and his fingers on her nipples. She was caught in his grasp, squirming, nowhere to go. Shivering, she met him until he filled her completely.

"Your pussy is soft, pretty baby," he breathed against her hair.

She was sore, pain and pleasure when he thrust. Like last time, he was gentle. And, like before, his hands did things, caressing her sex, her clitoris stiff and sensitive. It made her ignore the pain, moving to increase the sensations. He seemed to know what to do, making her helpless with the pleasure. And he knew he was doing it, too, taunting her for it when she just wanted him to have sex with her and get it over with.

"Sexy little thing," he muttered, thrusting.

It was a long time climbing to that place and then it broke on her, Persya crying out. She whimpered, trying to be quiet as it went on, her sex pulsing repeatedly on his. She was afraid she was beginning to crave the pleasure.


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