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The Bamboo Ceiling Ch. 06

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James sets his sights on Kimmy's family.
3.7k words

Part 6 of the 13 part series

Updated 12/18/2023
Created 01/12/2022
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Dear Reader,

First, I apologize for my long hiatus. I hope to begin writing in earnest so that I can continue my current sagas and, hopefully, start new stories. Second, I now accept commissions.

As always, this story contains graphic content and potential trauma cues for sensitive readers. Having a private raceplay kink does not mean that you condone racism or racial stereotypes. Having a sissy kink does not mean that you condone sexist or transphobic archetypes. Having a non-con kink does not mean that you condone abuse or nonconsensual sexual conduct. This is purely a work of fiction, by and for consenting adults.


Chapter 6: My Sister, Conquered

Several weeks had passed since James collared me and locked up my little 'dicklet.' My male-presenting clothes were gone. My wardrobe exclusively contained an assortment of lacey and kinky lingerie and a small handful of outdoor outfits.

James curated my wardrobe to play up the archetype of the submissive, cutesy Asian girl. Most of my 'outside' outfits involved a pleated or plaid skirt with a tight, revealing blouse. My 'inside' outfits left little to the imagination. As James repeatedly reminded me, I exist solely to serve him and be fucked by him.

As I began using the new phone that James purchased for me, I became familiar with the 'particular software package' that James had described. James could see everything I did. James had access to every inbound text message. Every outbound message or email first went to James's outbox for approval. In short, James had not only stolen my masculinity, but had become my gatekeeper to the outside world.

James had also cut me off from legal and financial escapes. With a little persuasion from my new shock collar, James had 'convinced' me to assign him as the primary trustee to all my financial accounts. Thus, though James allowed me to stay employed, the pittance amount of pay I received as James's secretary went straight into James's control. He promptly moved my birth certificate, passport, and social security to a safe deposit box in his bank. When I protested, James threatened to have me declared legally incompetent and to have himself instated as my legal guardian. Given that James's circle of friends included some of the city's most powerful lawyers and psychologists, I believed him.

One morning, I walked up to James's office carrying his coffee and breakfast on an ornate, silver tray. This day's collar was lined with white lace. A sheer white apron barely covered my little caged dicklet. My ass--and a bright red handprint from the night before--was completely exposed. My chest was barely covered by a sheer, black and white, lacey top. I was the spitting image of some rich guy's fetish maid. Indeed, I was some rich guy's fetish maid.

As I ascended the stairs, I blushed as I contemplated the feeling of the soft carpet against my bare feet. "As my little sissy," James had once explained, "I can't keep you pregnant and barefoot in my kitchen. But I can at least keep you barefoot in my kitchen."

As I entered his office, James didn't bother looking up from his laptop. "What's on the breakfast menu today, Kitten?"

My master asked me a direct question. This constituted permission for me to speak.

"Dark roast coffee with one ounce of heavy whipping cream, just like you like, Sir. And for breakfast, one of your favorites--high protein, wholegrain waffles with peanut butter, sliced bananas, and honey. Is there anything else I can get for you, Sir?"

James looked hungrily at his breakfast. "That's a good girl. You've been a good girl for making such awesome breakfasts for me while we've been working from home. Even when this pandemic's over, I might tell the firm that you and I will be working from home indefinitely."

I gulped. While I hated going out in front of people in the outfits that James chose for me, I longed to see other humans apart from James. I missed my friends and coworkers. Relatedly, I also missed my mother and sister.

As I turned to leave, James clicked his tongue. "Tsk tsk tsk. Kimmy, baby, you forgot something." I slowly turned around as blood rushed to my cheeks. I was hoping that, for today at least, James would forget about our humiliating morning ritual.

That James was looking up and down my body with the same expression that he looked at his breakfast exacerbated my humiliation. I was truly nothing more than a piece of meat to him.

James clicked his tongue again, spread his legs, and pointed to the ground at his feet. I immediately obeyed the implicit command, kneeling at James's feet and looking up at him. James had trained me for this particular command with more than a little help from the electric collar around my neck. I looked like some anime girl as I kneeled low at James's feet, spreading my knees, and putting my feet together behind me, lowering my bare ass onto my heels. I placed my palms together on the ground, using my elbows to push my 'cleavage' together. I opened my mouth in an eager 'O' shape with the corner of lips turned slightly upward, as if I was I was ecstatic about the fact that I was about to suck James's cock.

I was ashamed that, indeed, I was.

"Good girl," James whispered as he unzipped his slacks. His massive, white member lazily swung out of his trousers.

James's cock wasn't yet completely hard, but I worked solve this problem by holding it gently in my hands and putting big, wet kisses up and down the shaft. I hated myself for how much I'd grown to love James's cock. Every day as I cleaned for James and obeyed his little whims, I thought about his cock at least once. Over the past few weeks, I had dreams about that cock. While my moans and whimpers had, at first, been an act to keep him hard, my eager noises had gradually become more authentic. Whatever James was doing to train me was working. I hated James. But I couldn't get enough of James's cock.

I loved the feeling as the member grew and hardened inside my mouth. I had been practicing taking it farther and farther down without gagging, but I still couldn't make it all the way to the base. This fact spoke less to my efforts than the sheer size of James's manhood.

James condescendingly patted the back of my head as I worked. As he ran his fingers through my hair, I felt--correctly--that I was nothing but his possession. Despite myself, it turned me on that James had turned my body into a commodity with no more agency than James's car or nightstand. I was a tool for James's pleasure.

Adding to the humiliation, James began to eat the waffles I'd prepared for him as I sucked his cock.

"This is good stuff," James commended me while I bobbed up and down between his legs, "I can tell that you layered on the peanut butter while the waffle was fresh out of the machine so that it would melt into the grooves. Makes sure that you keep doing that."

With my mouth completely full, all that I could manage was a "Yssh Shr."

James began typing at his laptop while we both 'ate.' After reading one email, James leaned back in his chair and stared at the laptop while I continued to work.

"This is great news," James said to himself, "one of our clients is acquiring the city hospital. This will be a lucrative deal."

Typically, James expected me to respond with some kind of honorary--"Yes, Sir," "Yes, Master," "Yes, Daddy"--but James also liked to talk to himself as he worked. It had taken me a while to tell when he was speaking to me or to no one.

I saw a smile creep across James's face. He glanced down at me from the corner of his eye. "Wait a minute. Kimmy's sister is one of the head nurses at that hospital. I may have to pay her a visit when we conduct our due diligence on that target company."

I stopped what I was doing and stared up and him with a terrified expression. Please no. Please god no. Not my sister. Not Ari. James is an abusive, manipulative monster. And Ari has always dated abusive, manipulative white guys. They're like catnip to her.

I wanted to beg James to leave her out of this. To work on a different deal. But my thoughts were interrupted by the back of James's hand across my face.

"Did I tell you to stop, China Doll?" James was definitely talking to me now.

"Nnnn Shhrr," was all that I could respond with his cock in my mouth. I continued to bob my head up and down and work the base of his shaft with my perfectly manicured fingers. But I looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, Lovely," James stroked the side of my face where he had just struck, "I won't do anything to your sister that I wouldn't do to the other thirsty Asian girls I hang out with."

'What you would do to other Asian girls,' I thought, 'So, you're going to talk down to her, mistreat her, fuck her, ignore her, then text her again when you're horny?'

"I've been assigned to lead the due diligence process on this deal," James continued, "that will involve some fact gathering from key employees. I see from the personnel spreadsheet here that your sister leads an important team of nurses. I may need to do some probative work of my own."

I hated it when James used those stupid puns. The context here made it much worse.

James placed his hand on the back of my head as he started to thrust his hips. Of course the thought of my serving him while he fucked my sister would bring him to the edge.

"That's a good girl," James cooed, "before you swallow, I want you to think about that load shooting up into Ari's tight little Korean pussy. Or ass. Or mouth. Or on her face. Fuck, I might get to all four in one night."

That thought clearly pushed him over the edge, as I felt a warm gush of James shoot down my throat. I stifled my gag reflex as best as I could while James held the sides of my head by my hair, pushing himself into me as he repeatedly shot into my mouth. He caught his breath and pulled out. Like the good girl I was trained to be, I swallowed James's 'gift,' then opened my mouth to show that I got it all down. Despite my best efforts, I indeed pictured James pumping his massive load into my sister.

James patted the side of my face. "Good girl," he exhaled, "now go catch up on emails. And I expect lunch to be ready by 1 today. In the meantime, I have some appointments to set up"

"Yes, Sir," I gasped as I climbed to my feet and meekly backed out of the room.

As I descended the stairs, I tried to think of ways that I could protect Ari from James. With the software on my new phone and on my laptop, there was no way that any messages could get out to my sister before James intercepted them. And with the trackers in my collar and phone, there was no way that I could escape to either warn her in person or find another phone.

Most of the emails in my inbox were directed at James. As his secretary, I was supposed to respond and take on any menial tasks like making appointments. Within the hour, I saw a new meeting on James's calendar with the hospital nurse staff. A meeting scheduled for next morning.

Shit. I was out of time.


The following morning, James was in his bedroom putting on his professional attire when I brought him his coffee and a breakfast sandwich. My asshole was profoundly sore--the anticipation of meeting my sister apparently excited James, and he had taken that excitement out on me all night.

"Ah, Kimmy! You put my coffee in a to-go cup. What a thoughtful little sissy-bitch." James grabbed my jaw and pinched my cheeks together while wiggling my head back and forth as if he was commending an obedient dog. That condescending asshat.

"I called the hospital staff administrator yesterday," James continued, "I told her that I needed a highly ranked nurse to walk me through the staffing and employment documentation to prepare my client for the big merger. The hospital is eager to make the deal go through, so the admin was all too happy to clear a certain nurse's schedule when I specifically requested her."

Despite my best efforts, I glowered at James. I wanted to shout, to scratch his face, to kick him. But this white, racist piece of shit had so psychologically broken me that my fear of punishment--my fear of his belt, or of the shock collar around my neck--overrode my protective urge. Not that I was ever the strong, masculine protector anyway.

I did, however, expect to be punished for giving my master the stink eye. Instead, James smiled his shit-eating smile at me, delighting in my hatred.

"Yeah," James laughed his staccato, nonchalant laugh, "I bet this kills you. That I'm about to oversee your dear sister. I bet it kills you more that I'm probably going to fuck her. Don't get me wrong--I won't do it without her consent. But she's going to consent. She's going to beg for it. I know women like your sister. She'll be on her knees, eating out of my hand by the end of the week."

Fuck you, James.

After James finished buttoning his shirt, he put his briefcase under his arm, picked up the coffee and sandwich, and pushed passed me toward the door.

As he descended the stairs toward the garage, he shouted back, "I'll tell your sister that her sissy brother says 'hi.'"


I spent the next several hours stress cleaning James's house. I was essentially a prisoner in James's home, so the best I could do to relieve stress was to painstakingly clean. To painstakingly clean this posh, luxurious prison. I dusted the furniture, scrubbed the toilets, and shined the expensive silverware and glassware. I scrubbed the borders of the walls, wiped the windows down to the edges, and wiped off the light fixtures. I probably looked like a hysterical mess. In fact, 'looked like' is probably less accurate than 'was.'

I heard my phone vibrate from upstairs. Unable to handle the anticipation, I dropped the paper towel that I was holding and ran upstairs to see what it was. For the first time in several weeks, I received a text from my sister.

"Hey Jung! I met your boss today. He told me that you said hi. Him and I are going to be working on something called 'due diligence' for the next few weeks. He is SO AWESOME. BTW, do you know if he's single? Miss you and love you!"




He was doing it. That piece of shit was laying on the charm. And Ari was clearly interested. I knew exactly what he was doing and how he was doing it. He probably opened with a strong handshake and stupid joke. He probably teased he about something she said or something she did. She probably gave an overly enthusiastic laugh to whatever joke or teasing remark he made. He probably ended the conversation well before she wanted it to end, just to build that interest. I hated James, in part because he was so charming when he wanted to be.

I was also aware that James, who had remote access to my phone, had probably already seen this message. So he had an inside scoop on Ari's reaction. Fuck.

I thought a moment about what to type. How could I warn her about James without James knowing that I was warning her? I was cognizant that, with the Master App on James's phone, James had admin privileges to approve or change any outbound message from my phone before it went out.

I had an idea.

I started to type, "Oh yeah, hey Sis! James is great. And super handsome. He actually reminds me of your old friend, Todd."

For context, my sister had a pattern of dating abusive and controlling white men. Todd, one of her boyfriends in nursing school, was probably the worst. One day, when Ari came home with a distinct bruise on her face, my mother and I confronted her about it. Of course, she claimed that she 'stupidly had fallen in a parking lot,' but my mom and I knew better. Ari defended Todd until the bitter end, but he eventually dumped her after my mother involved the police.

I watched the blinking ellipses with bated breath as my message waited for James's approval. But I was shocked when the message disappeared. It was replaced by, "Oh yeah, hey Sis! James is great. And he's TOTALLY single, he actually just got out of a bad breakup. His ex was totally crazy. Don't bring it up though, he's super sensitive about it. Maybe ask him out to coffee sometime... you two would get along great!"

That son of a bitch edited my message. That manipulative piece of shit. Desperate, I tried to call Ari, only to be greeted by a robotic 'call failed' message instead of an outbound ring.


I fell to the floor as my collar delivered the most painful jolt I had ever experienced. After I recovered, I saw that I'd received a text from James. "I know what you're doing, you stupid bitch. If you keep it up, I'll make a phone call and you'll never see her again. I have clients from around the world, and I know of some Saudi Princes who wouldn't mind her as an addition to their collections."

My hands were shaking as I drafted my response. "I'm so sorry Sir, I wasn't trying to do anything bad. Todd was a great guy, and I was trying to set you up." I had zero doubts that James would see right through my lie, but I also knew that he would appreciate the respectful, obedient façade.


When James arrived home that evening, he strolled through the front door like a conquering hero during a victory parade.

"Guess what," James stated, rather than asked as he threw his coat and briefcase at me, "Your daddy has a date with a certain little Korean chick tomorrow. I'll be picking her up and taking her to a ritzy place in a high rise near the office."

"O-oh," I stammered, "that's g-great news." I kept my head pointed at the floor as I picked up my master's briefcase and coat.

James squared his shoulders and stared at me. "Look at me, Bitch."

It took several tries for me to build the gumption to look him in the eye. I glanced up at James, down to the floor, and back at James a few times in the span of a few seconds before I brought myself to maintain his gaze.

"Y-yes, S-Sir!"

"On your knees."

I obeyed immediately.

James unzipped his slacks, snapped his fingers, and pointed to his groin. Knowing exactly what to do, I crawled on my hands and knees to kneel at his feet before reaching to fish out his big white cock.

"Good girl. I know what you were trying to do earlier. Don't think I've forgotten. I'm not going to punish you tonight. But tomorrow, I'm going to fuck your sister. Do you understand?"

"Ysshh Shrr," I barely managed to mutter with his dominant white cock in my mouth.

James pulled his cock out of my mouth and gently cradled my cheek in his hand. I didn't know whether it was from relief that I wasn't being punished or whether I'd fallen that much deeper into depravity, but despite myself, I cradled my face against his hand. James's cock rested, tall and triumphant, upon my forehead. My eyes were barely wide enough to see James's face past his cock.

James stroked my face. "Tell me, sissy, do you want your daddy to fuck Ari?"

It took me a moment to catch my breath. "Yes, Daddy."

"Good girl. And when your daddy comes home, daddy's cock is going to have Ari's scent--and her taste--all over his cock. Are you looking forward to cleaning that off daddy's cock?"

Intellectually, I was disgusted by the thought. But despite myself, my little dicklet struggled against its cage. "Y-yes, Daddy."

"Good girl. I don't know how far things are going to go with Ari, but she clearly wants to fuck me. I practically had push her off me by the time our meeting was finished today."

I wanted to tell myself that James was lying. But James was a rich, tall, handsome, charming Casanova. And I've repeatedly seen the way that women, particularly Asian women, fawn over him.

"If things go far enough," James started to stroke his cock while he spoke, "I may arrange for you to watch sometime."

I was so distracted by the beautiful, white cock in front of my eyes that I took a moment to respond. "Y-yes, Sir!"


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