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The Basketball Players


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Chris is in a rapturous state. Her sensual high squeals of pleasure are a further stimulus for Jason's excited senses as he literally devours the two appetizing orbs. He pushes one breast into his face and sucks hardly the large nipple into his mouth. He tastes the skin of her areola, he squeezes as much of her delicious gelatinous buttery mass of flesh into his mouth. Then he moves his lips to the other breast, while the first one is let to the eager kneading of his big enveloping hand.

"Oooooohhhh... gaaaawwwwddd... gaaaawwwwddd!!!" the mature woman shudders and screams, fully submissive and dominated by the explosion of sexual energy which emanates from the strong body of the handsome young man. She acts like a fragile schoolgirl whose body is in the hands of a powerful, experienced adult.

The feast on her tits is unending. Jason buries his face in the valley between the milky mounds. He caresses the fleshy boobs, he kisses and licks them.

High female screams and squeaks echo across the sunny backyard. They come not only from the Jason-Chris couple, but also from the other one. Excited at the sight of his friend's attack on Chris' tits, Larry had thrown himself too on Bonnie's equally busty breasts. Now he squeezes them passionately. His large hands crush vigorously her malleable flesh. The powerful grip of his palms molds one round mound into a conical shape. He devours it ravenously, till a good half of her breast is popped into his mouth. He enjoys the smoothness and warmth of her skin, together with the contrasting hardness of her swollen nipple. He manipulates her and she cries and struggles, but she is no match for the superior strength of the young black whose free hand, around her back, keeps her firmly pressed against his body.

After serving himself on one tit, he moves on to the other, where he repeats the same treatment reserved to the first one.

Her nipples extend half-inch from the white globe, hardening into sensitive nubs that are prey to his tenacious fingers. He twists them, then pulls her tits away from her chest.

"Oh god... oh god!" she screams, as he abandons one tit and with his now free hand slaps two three times the elongated side of the other one, enjoying the squishing sound of his hitting palm against the soft boob.

"What goodness, what fullness!" he exclaims and throws himself headlong onto the two spheres, showering them with kisses and small bites, while moving them from side to side, his fingers firmly gripped to her nipples.

When, after a few minutes, he releases his grip, Bonnie looks at her tits and lets out a cry of mixed amazement and mortification. Her nipples have stretched to an inch long.

"Look what you have made!" she says.

"Look how beautiful they are, doll!" he bursts out laughing. "How big are these bazooms of yours, little one?"

Bonnie is in full control.

"Thirty-four D! You mauled them too much!!" she replies shyly.

"Wow! Did you hear bro? The baby carries the D sized mams!" he tells his friend.

"And you, sweetie?" Jason asks Chris, who seats now sideways on Jason's lap. After his lustful attack to her breasts, Chris' large boobs are glistening in a bath of saliva.

"Mine are double D, if you want to know!" she answers.

Jason and Larry are certainly two handsome young hunks that Chris and Bonnie immediately liked. The two mature women have been sexually attracted always to the young men. They indulged in many "escapades" in the past. But because they always kept the situation under control, they gained great self-confidence. That's why Chris and Bonnie agreed to the invitation from Jason and Larry. They would not have been bored alone at home. They would have spent, all together, a nice weekend. They would have accepted kisses, caresses and a little gentle fuck too. But now the situation looks very different from what they had figured, because the two young dominant blacks are going to blow and bang them like two little toys. The two mature women have no alternative but to accept their cravings.

"Let's put our babes face to face and have a nice boobs comparison!" Jason says.

"Yes, pal, but first lemme do something else!" Larry replies.

"What do you want to do?" Bonnie asks, a little worried.

He doesn't reply. He slides his hands to the knots of her thong, where thumbs and forefingers grasp the knotted straps. He tugs at them and the unlaced piece of cloth falls to her feet. He collects it in his hand and throws it far, into the pool water.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!" Bonnie yells.

"Naked! My girlfriend is totally nude! And yours?" Larry exclaims to his friend.

Jason doesn't have to be told twice. With the help of only one arm he lifts Chris from her position and with his free hand he makes her thong sliding down along her thighs and legs. Then the small fabric follows the other one into the pool water.

"This is what you wanted, right?" Chris says in a stern, but not reprimand tone. She has been completely stripped of any cloth, but it's useless to get angry.

"Of course, sweetie!" he exclaims, his hand cupping her pubic mound. "Nice pussies! Yours and Bonnie's! Cleanly shaved and worthy of lickings and kisses!"

Jason and Larry let the women free from their arms. Chris and Bonnie stay fully naked in front of the boys, only covered by their white skin, hands over their own pubis, in a pathetic attempt at decency.

The young men don't give them much time. Each woman is approached by one guy, who grips her wrists with only one hand and raises her arms above her head.

High feminine screams echo in the silence of the backyard as Jason and Larry lift the women up easily, a pair of feet above the ground, making them swing like puppets in the air.

"You are ours, babies!!" Jason exclaims. "You wanted it! Yesterday you took a fancy to a pair of young good-looking men and you accepted their invitation! Today you came here and now we're serving you what you deserve! From now on, girls, you'll stay naked in this house! Fully naked like the day you came out of your mother's hole!"

Chris' and Bonnie's shaved pussies and armpits are on full display to the delight of the guys.

After making them swing in the air for some minutes, regardless of their high-pitched squeals, Jason and Larry lower them down to ground, always taking their hands above their heads.

The round smooth asses of the gorgeous wives are an irrepressible attraction for the Jason and Larry. A series of spanks hit their fleshy curves. Good for them that the site is far from the adjacent property. If not, the erotic smacks, along with the high screams of the submissive babes, would have been well heard by the neighbors.

The white skin of each spanked ass shows off red marks in addition to the previous love bites on the large breasts. It will be difficult, for the two women, to justify the presence of these marks to their husbands.

The long spanking session has removed any resistance from the two mature women who now are even more submissive to the will of their dominating captors.

"That's enough! The bitches got what they deserved!" Jason says to his partner, after about ten minutes. "Let's put them next to each other! So we can compare their boobs!"

And so it happens. Jason and Larry put the two women facing each other, tits to tits.

The sight is highly erotic, especially the double pair of nipples almost touching each other, given the small height difference.

"Woooowwwww! Two sets of pear-shaped tits! Watch, pal! Shortie gets bigger tits! Let's play a little with them boobs!" Jason exclaims.

No sooner said than done. The two guys approach their mature preys. They grab the lush breasts from behind and play with them. They slap them, they make them swing and bounce. They move them left and right grabbing them by the nipples. They squeeze them and knead them like bread dough. They make them rub together, Chris' tits grazing Bonnie's.

The squishing sound of tender manipulated female flesh excites the senses of the two young guys even more. They continue their devastating action for some long minutes.

When they stop, Jason orders the women "Kiss each other!"

"Please... please... let us off... please..." Bonnie begs, but Jason insists mercilessly "Kiss each other, babies!"

Completely emptied of any reaction and dominated by the physical superiority of the two young blacks, the two white women obey.

Bonnie, who is taller, bends her head slightly, takes Chris' head in her hands and joins her lips to her friend's. They hold the kiss on for some seconds.

"Not like that!" Larry shouts out. "A tongue kiss!" The women look each other. The voices of their captors become louder till they oblige. Bonnie pushes her tongue out, licks Chris' lips, which slightly part, and pushes her tongue inside. Now they are both overcome with pleasure, their mouths are working, they eat each other with passion. The women are French kissing and each one starts caressing her friend's boobs and back.

A loud exclamation of approval from the men welcomes the conclusion of the sapphic kiss.

"This is just the beginning, girls!" Jason exclaims, as he cups Bonnie's huge breasts and squeezes them.

Then he addresses Chris and slaps lightly one of her round ass-cheeks. He grabs her wrists and raises her arms over her head. He has felt a sudden attraction to her armpits.

"Mmmmmmm... clean and milky-white!" he exclaims. "Lemme taste you, baby!"

He leans over her and runs his tongue over the hairless skin, while Bonnie looks in amazement at the erotic scene.

"These wives are some real dolls!" Jason says to Larry, clicking his tongue, after enjoying a long licking and sucking of the appetizing meaty hollows.

"I make you fly, little one!" he exclaims as he envelops Chris in his arms and scoops her up in the same ease of an adult who picks a child up. She weighs less than hundred pounds and the young athletic Jason holds her up without effort.

"Ooooohhhhhh!!!!" she moans feebly.

"Put my friend down! Don't hurt her, please!" Bonnie begs.

"Don't worry, sweetie! Your friend is in good hands!" Jason says.

"You're in good hands too, little one!" Larry exclaims, picking Bonnie up as well.

Two mature white wives are cradled now by two young black guys, who carry them around the backyard as if they were some human dolls.

Chris lies abandoned in Jason's strong arms, completely dominated by his power.

Jason feels the gorgeous milf is his human prey, totally available to his commands.

The woman is much older than him. Her son and daughter are the same age as him. She could be his mother. And these thoughts satisfy and increase his sexual lust over her even more.

Chris' body is deliciously warm, her flesh is supple, elastic and tender, her unblemished skin is milky-white, soft and resilient. The sex session he is about to give her cannot be too rough. Chris is a little jewel who needs to be kissed, caressed and cuddled. His cock will give her all the orgasms she deserves and he will make her cum as much as she has ever enjoyed, but without hurting her.

"You want have sex with me, don't you?" Chris whispers.

"Yes, baby, you're a hot piece of fuck-meat! I want to push my cock into your holes, and you want it too, I'm sure!"

"Yes, I want it too, even if I shouldn't, because I'm cheating on my man! Own me, Jason, but don't hurt me, please!"

"Yes, baby, I won't hurt you!"

"Kiss me now, Jason!"

"Yes sweetie!" and he brings his mouth to her left nipple and kisses it. He takes it between his lips without biting. He licks it with gentle strokes of his tongue, he sucks it.

"Thank you!" she says, smiling at him when he takes his head out of her breast.

The couple approaches a large sun mattress at the poolside. Jason wants to lay down here his woman.

"Wait, Jason!" Chris begs him. "Hold me up a little more, please! I feel happy in your arms! I love to be cradled by a junior male who could be my son!"

"Yes, little one! I like it too! It's arousing to cradle like a baby a mature woman who could be my mother! I love to play a beautiful mommy like you!" A kiss on her mouth follows these words.

"You turn me on, Jason! It's like I was again a child, in the arms of my daddy!" she chirps.

"Yeah!!!! I'm your new daddy, baby! Call me daddy, little one!" he kisses her again.

"Yes daddy! You're so strong!" she whispers.

"It doesn't take too much strength to lift you, Chris! You're a feather! All your weight stays in your tits and ass!" he exclaims, bursting out laughing.

"You like my tits, don't you, daddy?"

"Of course! You're a cute and tasty mommy! All milk and honey! A delicious bit of alright to taste and enjoy!"

She giggles as he places a light kiss on the pinkness of her puckered left areola.

"I can't believe you got so massive tits in a so small frame! It's intoxicating the contrast of my black hands over your white skin!" He follows this words by lowering the woman and placing her gently on the mattress.

"Ooooooohhhhhh... I shouldn't!" she moans, but her unconvinced attempts to hold the young man's intentions back stop as soon as Jason takes off his trunks and shows eleven inches of turgid cock to the gaze of the mature milf.

"Ooooooohhhhhhh!" the lust-filled woman giggles, her body aroused by the throbbing member of the well-built guy.

"Big... sooooooo big... my god...ooooohhhhh!!!" she gasps, as Jason kneels and

lays his dick on her belly.

"Take it, baby, take it in your hands, pet it!" he encourages her.

"Oooooooohhhhhh!" again Chris gasps as her fingers close around the cylinder of black meat and massage feverishly its girth and length.

He lowers his head to her chest and takes one of her large nipples in his mouth. Then he widens his suction to the entire sensitive area of her areola.

"Oh god... yeeess... yeeesss... ooohhhh!!" she cries, while reaching out one hand to cradle his heavy balls and roll them in her palm. Her other hand doesn't stop to fist his cock.

Without letting his lips leave her tit-skin, he grabs both of her big breasts and pushes them together with her nipples touching. He is in full control of her fleshy globes. Both of her nipples are in his greedy mouth.

"Ooohhhh... my gaaawwwddd... you bastard... oooohhhh... suck... suck my nipples... suck, please!" Chris yells, as Jason complies. He sucks even harder, he bites down, he opens his mouth and treats her areolae with insane intensity.

She increases the grip on his hard cock. Her thumb caresses lustfully the purple head. He pinches her pressed together buds with his fingertips and pulls on both the nipples, causing her hills of flesh to lift up.

Chris screams uncontrollably. She shudders in waves of pleasure.

"That's it, Jason... oooohhhhh... that's fine... kiss them... kiss them all over!"

He runs the tip of his tongue all around the nipples, then slobbers it over the soft creamy skin of her boobs. She sighs.

"Ooooohhhh... so good... ooooohhhhhh my... ooooohhhhh!" she groans, as his face is buried in the softness of her globes. It's like to have again a baby nursing on her breasts.

"Yeeeesssss... don't stop... I'm going to... you're going to make me... nnnnnggggggghhh... ohmygod... ohmygod... aaaaaiiiiieeeeeeehhhhhh!!!"

Jason's huge black hands squish her white boobs tighter, till Chris, overwhelmed by her first orgasm, lets out a sharp squeal of joy. She clamps her legs together, her ass lifts from up the mattress and her cunt releases finally a thick squirt of hot nectar directly on Jason's belly. The young guy has made the mature woman come, just playing her breasts and nipples.

Five minutes have passed. They lie naked on the mattress, face to face. Given their height difference, his cock rubs against her legs. His hands are always over her big tits. Fascinated by them, he fondles them gently. Chris's arms are spread out.

"That's just the starter, baby! Much more has to come!" he tells her.

His fingers linger on the delicious roundness of her bosoms and on the fresh, flawless, velvety skin of her underarms.

His gaze falls on her armpits and he feels again an unstoppable desire to taste them, to suck them, to lick them. He pulls her arms above her head, then he buries his face in the displayed sweetness of her flesh. He kisses his way toward his sexual attraction. Chris squirms a little when he reaches his destination, but she lets him indulge in her cozy flesh.

The delicate scent of her natural fragrance mixed to the light deodorant are intoxicating. He kisses around the edges, then down to the exquisite hollow. He reaches out with his tongue and starts a passionate licking. She chirps and purrs in a soft voice, she doesn't try to pull away, she loves his treatment. He licks and sucks the soft skin, lost in the feel of his experience. Then he shifts his lips to the other underarm to increase his pleasure, rewarded with a new fresh taste of her delicious body.

"So weird! Not usual to me, but I loved it!" she whispers in his ears, when he raises his head from her soft skin.

He replies with a loving kiss on her lips and a gentle caress on her face.

A few meters away from them, Larry and Bonnie lie on an equally large mattress.

When Jason walked away carrying Chris in his arms, Larry also walked along the backyard with Bonnie.

Let's retrace the scene.

The naked mature woman is held like a child by the young Larry whose senses are delighted with the touch of her hot body.

And Bonnie, on the other hand, also feels a sensual attraction to the manhood of the young, handsome man who cradles her so firmly. From the very first moment she and Chris saw and approached Jason and Larry on the basketball court, they were sexually attracted to these two black Adonis. She and her friend accepted their advances and now the two young guys are using them as some conquered preys to satisfy their lustful desires.

"Where are you carrying me, Larry?" she asks, her body pushed against his ample chest, her succulent left tit wobbling naked just inches from his mouth.

"I take you for a walk around the pool, little one! Later on all of us, you, myself, Chris and Jason we'll have a nice bath together. But first I need a nice place to play your beautiful boobs and round ass. My cock is so hard at the thought of exploring your little holes!"

"But I'm married... you know... a husband... two sons same age as yours!" she replies, as his tongue flicks the stiffening small cylinder of her hard left nipple.

"What's your age, little one?" he asks.

"Forty-eight, Larry!"

"Well! After being in bed with us, baby, you'll have finally learned, at your age, a lot of great games to make happy your hubby!"

With slow steps, without effort, Larry carries the married brunette around the large pool, enjoying the feeling of her smooth flesh. Bonnie is pulled against his ample chest. He moves easily her body back and forth, in his arms, the delicious tip of her left breast grazing his face and making his cock twitch and throb.

"Forty-eight!" he thinks within himself. "This beautiful mommy, all tits and ass, turns me so horny that it makes me want to eat her all up, together with that hot piece of pussy of her blonde friend!"

Bonnie's long, plump, erect rosy nipple, poking out of the elastic, jelly-like tit, is fascinating. Without stopping his steps, Larry wraps it in his mouth and sucks it voraciously, like an infant hungry for mother's milk. He rotates it between his lips. He nibbles it between his teeth, eliciting a muffled moan from the mature woman. He pulls it against his palate. Then his mouth takes possession of the entire tit. He kisses it, licks it, devours it, her screams of joy resounding erotically in the air.

In front of the long side of the pool, near the mattress where Jason and Chris are lying, there is another mattress. Larry deposits Bonnie down on it. Then he invites her to watch at the other couple.

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