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The Bet

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Sometimes not all bets are worth winning.
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It's lunchtime at our worksite, we're renovating an apartment building here in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The guys on our early shift are getting ready to leave while the crew I'm on still has half our shift to go.

My name is Justin James, but my friends call me 'Jay-Jay'. I'm a thirty-year-old construction worker. I live in an apartment building here in Atlantic City with my twenty-six-year-old wife Rose. She does part-time work at a nearby daycare center, she's trying to get a full-time position there soon, hopefully.

The three guys I work with in my crew are Bill, Tony and Davy. We all like to joke around, have the occasional bet on a game or sometimes something random, we all get along really well. There are also another four guys in our crew that work the early shift, they finish at lunchtime every day.

One of those guys is Petr 'Bear' Krakov. We call him 'Bear' because that's what he looks like. He's about 6'4" and is as big as a bear. He has massive shoulders, arms and chest, legs like tree trunks, and he's covered in hair. He even has hairy shoulders. Hence the name 'Bear'.

Bear is a quiet guy though, he doesn't say much and when he does talk, well, let's just say that he's not going to win any vocabulary contests. Not that we'd ever dare putting shit on him for that, we've seen him knock-out three guys in a bar by himself without raising a sweat.

"Hey Jay-Jay, check out Bear. Look at him, he's getting all on edge for going home again, I wonder what gets him going every time." Bill Spinetti said as we both looked over at Bear.

"Yeah, he must be going somewhere when he leaves work every day. He always looks like he's half-asleep until lunchtime. Then he gets all fidgety and shit, excited for something." I responded.

"I've seen that look before, I bet he's been into those fucking slot machines." Davy added.

"Yeah, my brother-in law's just like that. He hits the slots every day after work, the days he doesn't, he acts like he's climbing the damn walls." Tony said, backing up Davy.

"Nah, I don't think so. He doesn't seem like the gambling type to me. I bet he's got a woman, that's why he's getting all excited to knock-off, he's about to get some pussy." I replied while laughing.

"Bear? With a woman? I haven't seen him so much as even talk to a woman in the last couple of years. There's no fucking way his banging some piece of ass, where would he even meet her? He can't afford hookers every day either, that's for damn sure." Bill responded to me.

"I'm just saying, I don't think he gambles, so it must be a woman he's getting all excited for." I said, defending my position.

"Want to have a bet? I'll bet you one hundred fucking dollars that he's feeding a slot machine and not some fucking broad." Tony responded to me, challenging me to put my money where my mouth is.

I never back down from a bet, today's no different.

"Fuck yeah, you're on. Who else wants a piece of this? Davy? Bill? Care to put a hundred down to back-up your words?" I challenged them.

"Yep, I'm with Tony. There aint no way he's getting laid. He'd fucking crush the poor woman if he ever got on top." Davy replied, laughing at my idea.

"Same here, I'll take a hundred from you, it'll be the easiest hundred bucks I've ever made." Bill replied.

We all shook on it, the bet is on.

"Hold on, how the fuck are we going to figure out who's right?" Davy asked us, he had a point.

"We could just fucking ask him." Tony responded.

"Nah, depending on who she is he'd never admit that he's banging some chick, we need to see where he goes after work. One of us will have to follow him or something." I replied.

"Well, he lives in the same apartment building as you, right? Maybe you should be the one to follow him." Davy said to me.

"No way, if he goes to a casino, you think Jay-Jay's going to tell us that and lose three hundred?" Tony retorted.

"Alright, let's just think about it for a bit, if someone comes up with something, let the rest of us know." I replied as we got back to work.

It's an interesting bet, but I'm not sure how we find out exactly what Bear has been up to when he leaves work every day.

A few days later, I'd almost forgotten all about the bet we'd made about Bear, it was just a bit of fun after all. But Davy approached me at work in the morning, looking around to make sure no-one else was within ear-shot.

"Hey, I have a way to find out about what Bear gets up to in the afternoons." Davy almost whispered to me.

"Why are we whispering?" I whispered back.

"Because, if Bear finds out about this, he'll probably rip my arms out my sockets." Davy whispered back again.

"Fuck Davy, what are you planning to do?"

"Well, I got this baby camera see, well, it's more of a nanny-cam." Davy started as he handed me a small kid's toy.

"What? A fucking spy camera? Were you checking out your cute baby-sitter when you and your wife were out?" I asked him, a little surprised.

"Well, yeah. To make sure she was doing her job, of course. Not because she's hot as fuck. I swear." Davy said raising his hand like he was swearing on a bible.

"Don't you need it at home anymore?" I asked.

"No, Charlie goes to daycare now that my wife's gone back to work. It's your wife's daycare center too. I asked Rose to keep an eye on him for me while she's there in the mornings." Davy replied.

"So, what are you planning on doing with the camera?"

"Well, that's just the thing, it's not what I'm planning to do, it's what you're going to do." Davy replied with a growing smile on his face.

"You live in the same apartment building as Bear, just go visit him after work and place the camera down while you're there." Davy continued.

"What? Why me? You know this shit is probably illegal, right? If Bear finds it, I don't want him ripping my arms out too." I protested.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. I want you to put the camera on top of his dresser in his bedroom. Make sure it's facing his bed, so if you're right, we'll soon know who he's banging." Davy replied, still grinning from ear to ear.

"And what if he finds it?"

"You've seen all the knick-knacks he keeps on his dresser; he'll never even notice it amongst all the other crap." Davy replied.

"Okay, but who's going to be there to start the camera? Do we just bust in and say, 'hold on Bear, let me hit record for a moment'." I laughed back at Davy.

"That's not how they work dumb ass. You can connect via blue-tooth to download any data saved, it only records when something is happening. It's triggered by a motion sensor. Look, here's the device ID and the passcode to connect to it." Davy stated as he handed me a piece of paper with the info on it.

"I still don't get why it has to be me to do this shit."

"It's because you live in the same fucking building, Jay-Jay. You can connect to the camera from your laptop at home, download any data and then let us know once you've watched it. We can collect the camera next time one of us is over there; he won't even know we did this." Davy explained once more.

"And you're trusting me to tell you the truth about what I see?" I asked.

"Yeah, if you see nothing, then you're wrong. If you do see some action, I'm sure you'll show us because it's worth three hundred for you." Davy replied.

"It won't mean I'm wrong if there's no action. He might be going somewhere else to meet her instead." I replied.

"Yeah, that's possible, but one step at a time." Davy replied and I nodded back in agreement.

I can't believe we're doing this. Bear's a good friend of all of us, and this might be taking the joke a little too far. But I can't back down from the bet now, I refuse to.

A few days later, I went down to Bear's apartment which is a few floors below mine, I took a six pack of beer with me as a reason to visit. He'd never say no to a beer, so he happily welcomed me in. After our second beer, he had to go for a piss, so I used the opportunity to place the camera in his bedroom, making sure it was facing the bed. I quickly went back out and sat in the living room before Bear re-joined me.

Mission accomplished.

The following day when I got home from work, I grabbed a beer and went into our second bedroom that we use as an office and storage. I fired up my laptop and searched for available Bluetooth devices, finding the one that matched the info Davy gave me. After putting in the passcode, I was able to see that there were four video files to download, although they all seemed rather small.

After downloading, I began to watch each one. The first one was Bear getting changed and getting into bed later that night and that was it. Thank God he had his back to me when changing.

The second was him getting up in the morning for work, again getting changed. This time however, I wasn't fortunate enough for him to face away from me, instead he dropped his boxers standing there with his big fat cock staring at the camera. It was just as big and thick as the rest of him, with big hairy balls as well. I almost yelled at the screen for him to put it away.

The third video had him quickly getting changed when he got home, the timestamp was shortly after lunch. I was hoping the fourth video would show the woman he's been with, but instead I got to see him getting changed again a few hours later, and once more he unknowingly showed off his big cock again. I don't know where he went in the few hours in between, but he must have gone somewhere for him to need to get changed a second time.

So, day one was a bust. Maybe I'd have more luck tomorrow.

Davy came over to chat with me in the morning shortly after we started work, it's been a number of days since he gave me the camera.

"How have you gone with you know what?" Davy asked me.

"I had a few beers with Bear two days ago, I managed to setup the camera just fine." I replied.


"Well, I downloaded a few videos last night, they were just of him getting changed or going to sleep. Nothing special, unless you don't count him waving his big old cock around."

"Yeah, he's got a whopper, that's for sure. Imagine if he didn't, if it was just a normal size, it'd look ridiculous on a guy as big as him." Davy replied while chuckling out loud.

"I didn't know you like to check out guy's packages, you got something you want to tell us Davy?"

"Nah, we've been out drinking together plenty of times, we've shared a urinal a few times too. The damn guy makes you feel small all over." Davy replied while continuing to chuckle to himself.

"Yeah, well. I'll give it a few more days. I think he's going somewhere in the afternoons though, he got changed before and after." I replied.

"Yeah, he would if he's going to the casino for the slots. I can feel some money coming my way soon." Davy replied with a sly grin.

"Yeah, we'll see." I responded as we both got back to work.

The next two days yielded the same results, I didn't see anything except for a naked Bear and his fat prick. I was hopeful that as it was the weekend, maybe he'll have his woman over if that's what's going on. But no, there wasn't much of anything.

Once again Monday yielded the same result, so I decided to pull the plug. If he's seeing someone, it's not at his apartment. At least the guys have no proof that he's going to the casino's yet either, so my money's safe for now. I again took some beers down to Bear's apartment on Tuesday afternoon and was able to collect the camera from his bedroom.

I told Davy on Wednesday that it appears that nothing's going on, that he's going somewhere else; That we'll need to find out some other way of how to determine who won the bet.

On Thursday night, I was on my laptop while my wife Rose is cooking dinner for us when I saw that I'm still connected to the camera. Shit, I forgot to give the camera back to Davy. I clicked on the camera, seeing that there were now a lot of new video files available, a few of which were pretty big in size. Where the fuck is the camera? I brought it back from Bear's apartment, I can't remember where I put it down. Maybe it's out on the bench in the kitchen.

I selected the first video file; it was a decent size. At least I'll know where the camera is, I guess. It showed me grabbing the camera in Bear's bedroom, then walking back out to his living room before I made my way back to my apartment shortly after and placing it down in my bedroom, then it ended.

That's right, I put it down on our dresser in our bedroom along with my keys and wallet when I got home on Tuesday afternoon from Bear's apartment. The view was similar to what I had previously done for Bear's bedroom, it showed most of our bedroom in the camera view, facing towards our bed.

The second file was smaller in size and showed my wife getting into bed before ending. The third showed me getting into bed an hour or so after my wife. We didn't have any sex last night, so I wasn't going to be able to watch myself in action.

The fourth, fifth and sixth videos were pretty short and showed both of us getting out of bed in the morning, getting dressed for our respective jobs before leaving for work. I did enjoy watching Rose getting dressed though, I always love seeing those big tits of hers being free and wobbling around on her thin twenty-six-year-old body.

The next video was much larger in size, when I opened it, it showed Rose in our bedroom, she was getting undressed. The timestamp showed 1pm, this is shortly after she's got home from the daycare center she works at.

I was busy admiring my wife getting naked, occasionally looking back out towards the kitchen to make sure she wasn't about to walk in and see herself on my screen. Back on the screen, she appeared to be looking towards the bedroom door, I could see her talking while taking off her bra, but the camera doesn't have audio, so I don't know what she's saying.

But more importantly, is she talking to herself or to someone else? Is it possible she's talking to someone while she's getting naked? Who the fuck is she talking to?

Rose then moved up onto the bed, naked and on all fours, still looking towards the door. What the fuck is going on?

Two big hairy thighs then appeared on the right-hand side of the screen near the doorway. I could then see two big arms move to drop his boxers to the floor before stepping towards the bed. That's when I saw Bear hop up onto the bed, laying down on his back as my wife positioned herself over him in a 69 position, taking his big fat prick in her hand before lowering her head to take him in her mouth.

I'm stunned, the shock of what I'm seeing on the screen has frozen my brain. I've been sitting here for a at least a minute, my thoughts not registering as my wife is trying in vain to put as much of Bear's big cock in her mouth as she can.

What is going on? How is this even real? I feel like the whole world is collapsing in on me at this very moment. I simply can't understand what I'm seeing on the screen in front of me. Like my brain is trying to deny that it could possibly be real.

I put my head down into my hands looking down at the floor, away from the images on the screen that have just ruined my life. Why? Why is this happening to me? How could she do this? I've never suspected her of cheating on me, not ever. This is so unexpected I simply don't know how to react.

Eventually I raise my head to look back at the screen, my wife is on top of Bear still, but she's riding his fat cock now. Her ass is facing the camera as I can see her pussy being stretched to accommodate the thick cock she's now riding.

I slowly get up, stepping backwards towards the office door. My shock is starting to turn into anger. I turn my head to look out to the kitchen where Rose is busying herself with cooking.

"Rose, come here." I said coldly.

"Give me a few moments, darling. I'll be with you shortly." My wife replied.

"Come here, now!" I almost yell in a forceful tone.

Rose looks up at me, she can probably tell that I'm upset. She turns the heat down on the stove top before walking over towards me. Before she reaches me, I walk back into the office and stand beside the laptop.

On the screen, it's now showing my wife getting fucked from behind, she's facing the camera, and I can clearly see Bear's powerful body behind her, pumping hard into her.

I look back up as my wife enters the office, she's looking at me, then looks down at the screen in front of her. She quickly covers her face with her hands in shock, before looking back at me with pleading eyes.

"How did you... Where did you get this? Oh my God. I'm so sorry Justin, I'm so sorry." She utters before running out of the office and into our bedroom.

I can hear her crying but right now I'm not feeling any pity for her. I 'm feeling angry and empty, like my life has just been drained from me. She's done this to me. Bear too, that mutha-fucka. If I had a gun I'd go down there and shoot him right now.

My whole world has just ended.

I looked back on the screen, my wife has an expression across her face of absolute sexual bliss, she's loving how he fucks her, that's clear. I'm still struggling to understand why she'd ruin our marriage just to sleep with him. And how long has this been going on for?

She's been working part-time in the mornings for two years now, and Bear has gone home at lunchtime looking excited for almost just as long, as far as I can remember. Has he been fucking my wife this entire time?

How the fuck am I going to go to work tomorrow? I'll want to hit him with a steel beam every chance I'll get, maybe I'll use a rivet gun instead. I know I can't beat him straight up; he'd throw me around like a fucking rag doll. And all the other guys will know as well. No, I can't work there anymore if he's going to be there too. Just no fucking way.

I sit back down on my office chair, and I stop the video. I select the other large file and move the video forward to once again see my wife and Bear fucking for a second straight day. That fucking bitch!

I walk out of the office and into our bedroom where my wife Rose is still crying, laying on the same bed that she's cheated on me with.

"I want you to get your stuff together and get the fuck out, now! You can come back and collect the rest on the weekend." I said with a venom in my tone.

"Justin, please. I'm so sorry, just let me explain." Rose answered in between her sobbing.

"No. I don't want to hear anything you have to say, not now, not ever. Get your stuff and get the fuck out!"

"But Justin, where can I go? I don't have anywhere to stay." Rose replied.

"I don't care. I really don't fucking care. Now, get the fuck out!" I yelled in response.

My wife got out of bed and quickly started packing clothes into an overnight bag. I left her to it as I went out to the living room and sat down on the couch, still feeling frustrated, confused, but above all angry. How could she do this to me? With fucking Bear of all people.

Ten minutes later I watched her go into the bathroom before coming out to the living room, standing in front of me with her bag in hand.

"You hate me, don't you?"


"I never meant to hurt you, Justin."

"What did you think you'd do to me when I found out? Or have you been doing it with him for that long now that you thought you'd never get caught?"

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"I don't want your apologies; I don't want your explanations. I just want you to get the fuck out of my life." I replied coldly.

With that, my wife left our apartment. I have no idea where she's going, and I don't care.

The following day I got to work and went straight to my boss, explaining to him what Bear has done. That I can't work here with him, that I'm resigning. He told me no, that if anyone was leaving, it'd be Bear for having caused this to begin with. That there'd be no way the other guys would want to work with him once they find out what happened.


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