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The Big Girl Ch. 09

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Our trio comes to terms with their relationship.
6.5k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/28/2015
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In this chapter, Sarah, Brent and Tracy come to terms with their relationship...but it works out in the end.

"So when did you decide you wanted to get married?" I asked after Tracy had left.

"The first day you brought me here." She said, rolling over onto her back, then lifting me up and turning me over on top of her. "I knew this would be good place for a family, and I wanted it to be ours."

She was more comfortable being physical with me now that my ribs had healed, and it wasn't unusual for her to throw me over her shoulder and carry me around, or grab me and toss me onto the bed when she wanted to play. When it came to sex, she rarely gave or took no for an answer. But the thing I liked most was, she didn't hold back anymore when we made out. She would get on top now and ride me like a bucking bronco, or squeeze me in a death grip when she was cumming. I had known she was strong, but hadn't realized just how strong.

"So how many kids are we going to have?" I asked, pushing her legs apart and getting up on my knees between them.

"I want three, and I hope the boys take after me." She purred, reaching down and wrapping her hand around my cock, stroking it as she rubbed it up and down over her pussylips. "But I hope they're hung like you are."

"Are we going to make one now?" I asked, pushing my hips forward, easing my cock into her.

"No, I'm still on the pill. I wanted to talk to you about it first." She moaned, bringing her heels up and hooking them under my asscheeks. She started pumping slowly, rocking me up and down over her. "I want to start trying soon though, is that okay?"

"Mmmm hmmm." I mumbled, dropping down on her. I locked my lips around her nipple and started sucking gently.

"I was hoping you'd feel that way." She whispered, leaning up to look at me. "But I want to hear you say you want to have kids with me."

"We can fill the house with kids if you want." I told her, stroking slowly in and out of her. "But I have one condition."

"What's that?" She asked, hugging me tightly, holding me deep inside her.

"I want to name the first girl." I said, laying my head on her breast. "I want to call her Rosie. She's the closest thing to a mother I ever had."

"That's sweet, that you want to do that." She said softly, relaxing her grip on me. "Just Rosie, or Rosalita?"

"Either, but we're going to call her Rosie."

"What about boys names, you have any ideas there?"

"We name one after your dad, and one after Tracy. Tracy is one of those...."

"Yeah, but she'll get a kick out of it." Sarah laughed, starting to rock me up and down over her again. "Robert Burke Cochran, and Tracy Burke Cochran. Those sound like good names, names they can live up to."

"We have to make them first." I laughed, moving my ass in time with her movements. "You mind if we concentrate on that for a while?"

"No, you go right ahead." She said, almost to herself. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling happily. "I'm fine."

"You can see them, can't you?" I asked, stroking in and out of her lazily.

"Oh yes, two big strong boys, and one pretty little girl." She said, arching her back as she guided my movements with her hands on my hips.

(A little foreshadowing here. We got one delightfully average girl, (Rosie, the one off), then three big strong girls, (the triplets, Beth, Martha, after Sarah's mother, and Tracy Lynn, after her aunt, and how that name rang through the house!) who all took after their father in everything but size, thank god, then a beautiful little boy, (Brent Jr., who got his dad's looks, his mother's wicked sense of humor, and was hung like a water buffalo), then two enormous boys, (the twins, Robert and Tracy, over eleven pounds each at birth), who took after their mother.)

"Who do they look like, you or me?" I asked, getting up on my forearms. I started stroking a little faster, going deeper, watching her face as I moved over her.

"The boys look like me. They both have red hair, and fair skin." She moaned, relaxing her legs and just letting her heels rest against my asscheeks. Her hands moved gently over my back, down over my hips, then back before starting the trip again. "She looks like you. She has dark hair, and her skin is dark too, almost an olive tone..."

"Do you want to be my wife, and take me as your husband, Sarah? Will you stand by me, sharing your love and your life, no matter what life throws at us, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, good times and bad, till death do us part?" I asked, starting to move faster over her.

"Oh god, yes. More than anything else in the world." She moaned, arching her hips up to meet me.

"Will you protect and provide for our family, love and care for the beautiful babies we make to carry on what we build?"

"Yes...I promise." She gasped, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes.

"Will you forgive me when I sin, pick me up when I fall, tell me everything is going to be okay when things look their darkest...and let me do the same for you?"

"Always...until my last breath..." She shuddered, clutching me to her, drawing me up higher over her.

My cock slipped out of her and she pulled me up so I was laying on her, planting kisses all over my face, neck and shoulders. Tears poured from her eyes as she rocked back and forth under me, and I kissed them away, telling her I loved her every time I did.


I just laid in the dark, waiting for the alarm to go off as I thought about what had happened over the last month. I had gone from living a satisfying, happy go lucky life, to being happy, feeling wanted and needed. I hadn't realized how lonely I had been until I had someone to share my life with.

I felt Sarah move beside me, and I pulled the sheet down and slid up on top of her. I wasn't completely hard yet, but my cock slid easily into her. We had made love throughout the night, and this was just a continuation of that.

"Mmmmmm, is it time to get up already?" She purred, putting her arms around me.

"In a few minutes." I said as I started stroking. "I couldn't stand not being in you."

"Good boy." She chuckled, starting to move with me.

"Tell me you love me." I whispered, raising up over her as I started thrusting faster. I drove my cock deep on every stroke, pulling out until the just the head was inside her, then pounding it back in.

"Oh god...I love you...and I love what you're doing to me." She moaned, putting her hands on my hips and pulling me into her. "Fuck it hard...make me beg for mercy with your big beautiful cock..."

"Is this what my goddess desires?" I asked, moving my ass in tight, fast circles that made my cock move in her, stroking over one slick inner wall on the instroke, then the other on the outstroke. "Am I pleasing my goddess? Speak your desires and have them fulfilled."

"More than I could have ever imagined." She gasped, starting to writhe under me. "You make me feel things I never knew I could are pleasing your goddess so well..."

"Tell me how to make it better..."

"Cum in me." She whispered, raising her head and kissing my neck and shoulders. "Let me feel what it's going to be like when you put a baby in me."

"Oh god." I moaned, slamming my cock into her as hard as I could.

"Do it." She said in a breathy moan. "Cum. I want to feel it shooting in...yessssssss."

The first hot jets spewing from my cock took my breath away. I buried my cock balls deep inside her, humping mindlessly as spurt after spurt erupted from my piss slit, splashing against the clasping, clutching inner walls of her pussy.

"Oh god, that is so good my sweet, sweet man." She purred, moving lazily under me, her knees pressing against my hips, working me up and down over her. "Don't stop, give me all of it...empty those big assed balls in me..."

I collapsed on top of her, gasping for breath. She stroked my back, her knees still moving me, but slower now, letting me come down from the peak.

"Di...did you..."

"Of course." She laughed, using her legs to hold me deep inside her. "The day hasn't come that just having this thing in me doesn't make me cum. You have a magic wand between your legs my love, and you work wonders with it."

I opened my mouth to speak, but the alarm chose that moment to go off.

I don't know why, but I was actually relieved.


"Mornin' pretty." I said when I saw Tracy standing by the counter pouring a cup of coffee. I went over and slipped my arms around her waist, and laid my head against her back. "How'd you sleep?"

"I didn't, so don't start studly, you know you're not going to do anything." She muttered, trying to shrug me off. "Go pleasure your goddess if you want some pussy."

"I just did that, but I thought I'd like a little of the good stuff this morning...and maybe send you off to work with a smile on your face." I said, moving my hand down, pushing it into the top of her panties.

"What are you doing?" She asked quietly. I felt her legs move apart as my fingers brushed over the close-cropped hairs of her pubes.

"I'm trying to tell you we love you." I said, taking a step back. I pushed down on her shoulders, and she leaned over the counter, spreading her legs a little more. "And I'm trying to show you..."

"Don't tease me, I couldn't take that right now." She sighed, laying her arms on the counter and resting her head on them.

"He's not teasing you sweetie." Sarah laughed as she came up next to us. She poured a cup of coffee, smiling at her. "He just gave me a wonderful wake up fuck, and now he wants to do you. I'd jump on the offer if I was you. You might want to find a bed though..."

She turned and headed for the door.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower, we need to leave soon." She said as she walked out the door. "Have fun you two..."

Tracy stared after her, then looked at me.

"I uh...I think I'll take a raincheck, if that's okay with you, studly." She said as she straightened up, a confused look on her face.

"That's fine, Tracy." I said, putting my arms around her and standing on my toes to kiss her on the cheek. "We hit you with a lot last night, but we meant it when we said that we want you with us. Take your time, and let us know...just remember, all you have to do is ask..."

I let her go and poured some coffee, then went back to the bedroom. Sarah was drying her hair, and she looked over at me as I came in.

"She said no?" She asked.

"Asked for a raincheck." I said, pulling a pair of jeans from the closet and pulling them on. "I think we confused her a little..."

"I'll call her later." She said, coming over to stand in front of me. "But I want you to fuck her tonight. I'll be there, but she gets all your attention. She has to know that she's part of this family..."

"And she always will be." I grinned, watching her pull on a pair of panties. "I'm not going to let her feel neglected."

"That's not what I mean." She said, pulling on a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. "I want her to know that she's loved. And you do love her, I can see it when you're with her. You wouldn't have gone to her this morning if you didn't."

"And that's oka..."

"Of course, silly." She laughed, putting her arms around me, then picking me up and tossing me onto the bed. She stood looking down at me, a smile on her face. "She's my sister, and I love her. I think it's wonderful that you love her too."

She was right. I did feel something for Tracy, I just hadn't been able to identify it. Was it okay to love her? I didn't think I was in love with her, but still.

"Don't think about, sweetie." Sarah said as she turned toward the door. "Everything is going to be'll see."

I just hoped that she was right.


I spent the morning wrapping up my current project. I had just uploaded everything when Dave Butler called.

"Hey Dave, what can I do for you?" I asked, hitting the speakerphone button.

"I need you to join a bridge, or better yet, come over and look at the billing system for me." He grumbled. "The dumbasses I brought in have totally fucked it up. Everything is down right now."

"Yeah, if the whole thing is down, I'm gonna need to look at the coding." I told him. "Give me an hour, I want to hop in the shower..."

"Fuck that!" He laughed. "I don't care if you stink. I'll pay you triple time if you're here in half an hour."

"I'm leaving now." I said, grabbing my go bag and heading for the door.

"Thanks Brent. See you in a few."

It took me forty-five minutes to get out to Marietta, and ten minutes to spot the problem. The head IT guy wanted to argue about it, but Dave fired him on the spot, and told me to get to work.

Three hours of coding later, the system was back up, and Dave was giddy with relief.

"You just saved me millions, kid." He said. "What do I owe you?"

"Three things." I said, ticking them off on my fingers. "You pay me double whatever you were gonna pay those bozos, you ask Tracy to do your amazon queen ads...and you come to my wedding."

"The money's not a problem, and Tracy is tall enough and would need less work...but the tits on..." He stopped, catching himself. "Did you just say wedding? You're gonna marry that girl, and you want ME to come?"

"Yeah, you and me got off to a bad start." I said, smiling at him. "But you've been good to me, and for me over the years. I kind of look at you as a father figure."

"Get out of here, and I mean right now, Brent." He said, his voice dropping as he turned away from me. I could barely hear him when he said, "I'll call you later...but I'll be goddamned if you're gonna see me cry..."

"Hey, I'm sorry..."

"Go." He said as he stepped into the bathroom. Just as he started to close the door I heard him say, "I'll call you later, but just go."


I was halfway home when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, and remembered I had turned the ringer volume down. I was surprised to see that I had seven missed calls. This call was from Tracy, so I hit the answer button on the steering wheel.

"Hey pretty, how ya doin'?" I asked.

"Not bad." She laughed. "And I gotta tell ya, I really like it when you call me that."

"I think you're beautiful, but calling you that would sound cheesy, so..."

"Yeah, right." She said. "But relax, you don't have to kiss my ass or try to get on my good side, you're already there. No, what I wanted to know is, what the hell did you say to Dave Butler? He just called and asked if I'd do that modeling thing he was talking to Sarah about. I already talked to her, and she's all hot on the idea."

"Well, as luck would have it, I just left there." I said lightly. "He called earlier and asked if I could look at their billing system. I wrote the original software, and he had some people come in when they wanted to do an upgrade. Turns out they fucked it all up..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...but what does any of that have to do with him offering..."

"Apparently, the trained monkeys he hired had been working on it for two months, and when they tried to go live on it, the whole thing crashed." I laughed, feeling pretty cocky. "I went over, and spotted the problem right off the bat. I had to rewrite a couple of sections of code, and when I got done, it came right back up."

"Okay, that still doesn't..."

"Alright, we can make this about you now." I chuckled. "Anyway, he asked what he owed me, and I told him I wanted double whatever he was gonna pay the other guys, and that he should ask you to do the amazon queen thing. He kind of liked the idea, he said you were tall enough, and would need less work than Sarah would. So he really called you, huh?"

"Yeah, he said he had already talked to the ad agency, and that they went apeshit over the idea once they saw the pictures..."

"Whoa...what pictures?" I asked.

"The pictures off our web site." She said. "Don't tell me that Mr. Techy didn't know we had a web site. What did you think we did, stand out on street corners handing out flyers?"

"Pretty, if you were standing out on a street corner, I'd pay you for a flyer...and anything else you'd give me..."

I don't know where it came from, but suddenly, I wanted her. A deep, throbbing need swept over me, and I almost had to pull over to keep from crashing.

"Oh please, like you'd really do that...I swear studly..."

"Shit. Sarah's calling. Can I call you back...kewl. Luv ya." I said quickly, hitting the disconnect button, then hitting Sarah's picture on my speed dial.

"Pickup, pickup, pickup..." I muttered as it rang. I almost screamed with joy when she answered.

"Hey swee..."

"I wanna fuck Tracy." I said in a rush.

"I know sweetie, and I told you it's okay..."

"No. Now...I was driving home and all of a sudden...I just have to have her, I can't..."

"Then go do it. I want you to." She laughed. "I was hoping you'd figure it out soon..."

" knew...and you were waiting for what? I didn't..."

"When I told her that she couldn't be your second wife...I didn't mean ever, I just meant not yet." She said in a breathy whisper. "You weren't ready, but it sounds like you are now. Go. Make love to her, and ask her what you asked me last night."

"Are you sure?" I asked, stunned by this development.

"As sure as my love for you." She said. "I have to warn you, she may say no. She was pretty upset when I talked to her this morning."

"Then I think we should wait...and ask her together." I said as I got off I-85 at the Piedmont exit.

"That's so romantic, sweetie." She said, laughing happily. "But it's a good idea. Let's wait then. We can give her a little time, and a lotta lovin', then ask her to marry us."

"God, that is so hot." I moaned. "Now I want to come fuck you."

"Then turn around." She laughed. "Have you turned off eighty-five yet?"

"Five blocks ago..."

"You're almost there. Go fuck my sister, then you can come fuck me." She said in a sultry voice. "And tonight, you can fuck both of us..."

"Oh god..." I muttered, realizing that I was less than a block from the gym. "I'm really gonna do this..."

"Yes, you are." She said in a soft husky voice. "And I'm so happy for us...but Brent?"

"Yeah?" I said as I turned into the parking lot.

"Leave your phone on sweetie, I want to listen." She said.


Tracy was standing by the counter talking to an attractive older woman when I ran through the door. She spotted me, and a look of concern crossed her face. She met me halfway.

"Brent? What's wrong, sweetie?" She asked quietly. "Did something happen..."

"I have to have you." I said, grabbing her hand. "I can't wait...where can we go?"

"What are you talking about? Are you nuts?" She laughed, trying to pull away from me.

" Now." I said slowly. "Where can we do that?"

"You're serious." She said, staring at me. "Does Sarah know..."

She stopped talking and pulled her phone from the front pocket of her hoodie and opened a text message. All it said was, 'Do it. We love you.'

She looked at me, then back at her phone, then back at me.

"Did she send you here?"

"No." I said, shaking my head. "But she knows I'm here."

"And you want this...both of you."

My head went up and down like a bobblehead doll as I started talking.

"I was talking to you on the phone, and out of felt like I got hit by a lightening bolt." I babbled, looking around wildly. "I got hard like, BAMMMMM!, look, it's still hard, and all I could think about was fucking you. We gotta find somewhere..."

"Calm down, big guy, just calm down a little." She laughed, grabbing my hand and leading me through a door behind the counter. I watched her ass moving under her tight shorts as she went up the short flight of stairs. My mouth watered with every step.

"Tell me you love me." She said, stopping and turning to face me when she reached the first landing. I was two or three steps below her.


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