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The Big Tits Club Ch. 49-50


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Zofi blanched, now wincing as if realizing she'd unwittingly betrayed her bestie's secrets. "Uh, well... I don't really think you're seeing it the same way that Sam--"

"No, no, don't get me wrong," I cut her off. "I'm not upset at Sam for this. I mean, this course of action actually makes more logical sense than my declaration of love suddenly washing away everything Sam had been saying for months now about how important her goals were to her and that she wouldn't be ready to date me until after college."

Zofi's eyes narrowed. "You're not upset?"

"I don't think Sam and I are ready to be a couple. If we continue on this track, I WILL want to be a primary priority in her life and have certain expectations of her time commitment to me. I wouldn't even do it intentionally, but I'd want that from a committed girlfriend, and I seriously don't want to do that to her right now."

"But you love her. And she loves you."

"I know, I know. But I think things would be better if she and I had the space to continue growing closer without the expectations of a committed relationship. As you would say, 'We're not there yet, darling.'"

Zofi blushed momentarily, but she raised her eyebrows and pointed out, "You've already agreed to become her boyfriend."

"I'm not going to reject her if she wants to stay this course. But I want us to be on the same page, that's all. If she's looking for Prince Charming to come sweep her off her feet and carry her away to a castle in the sky where she can be pampered for the rest of her life - unlikely as that may be - I need to know. If she wants me to suddenly become her committed monogamous partner in life -- hopefully not -- I need to know that too. If she actually wants to keep the status quo, albeit with a ceremonial boyfriend title to keep the greedy bitches away, I think THAT'S more what I'm leaning towards if she's like-minded."

"She is. That last option," Zofi confirmed.

I sighed with obvious relief.

"Or at least, that's what her head wants," Zofi hedged.

I frowned and my eyes narrowed. "You're implying that her heart wants something different. Something more."

"Isn't in obvious?"

I sighed. "How MUCH more does she want?"

Zofi mimed zipping her lip. "For that, you'll need to talk to Sam."


I went back home to find that Sam had not returned but that Alice, Belle, and Mari had all vacated the premises on their own. I found three panties atop my bed along with a note, reading: You should have been here. It was SPECTACULAR.

It was nearing dinnertime, so I walked over to Belle's house to start dinner. She obviously wanted to know where I'd gone off to, and I explained about going over to Zofi's house to extract what information I could about Sam's thought processes the night before.

Belle, of course, tried to squeeze out all the juicy details but I told her I was done talking about this stuff and just wanted to get dinner going.

We had a pleasant meal with Belle's dad, and when I walked back to the house, I felt my heart skip a beat at the sight of Sam's Escalade parked in the driveway. I hurried inside, and as soon as the door shut, I called out excitedly, "Sam?"

"Matty!" She was already at the top of the stairs and hustling down, her feet banging the treads. I met her at the foot of the stairs as she launched herself at me, and I staggered beneath the impact of the busty, curvaceous blonde as she wrapped her legs around my waist and crammed her tongue straight into my mouth.

Whatever uncertainty I'd felt all afternoon evaporated in an instant beneath the waves of intense passion the girl I loved obviously felt for me. And suddenly consumed with a need to be inside her, I rapidly carried her over to the living room sofa just a few feet away from the front door, pivoted, and sat down heavily without ever breaking our liplock.

"Matty, I need you in me..." she whimpered, fingers scrabbling at my shirt.

"The feeling's mutual," I muttered, my own hands sliding into the back of her shorts. We stared at each other hungrily for three seconds, just panting from the exertion. And then suddenly we both moved.

She stood up on the floor, frantically tearing at her shorts while I hopped on the sofa cushion to strip down mine. There was nothing seductive or sensual about our actions. We were just getting our clothing out of the way as fast as we could to get straight to the main course as if we hadn't eaten in days.

With less than a minute of foreplay, Sam wasn't super wet, but she was wet enough as she climbed back into my lap and notched my cockhead at her entrance. We both groaned as I entered her, my hands hooked around her shoulders yanking down as hard as I possibly could. It was like my dick was on fire and the only way to quench the flames was to get my entire schlong fully immersed in Sam's sweet snatch. And once I finally succeeded, we both gasped in utter and complete relief.

My body went spineless as I flopped against the backrest. Sam groaned and collapsed against my chest, her forehead braced against my shoulder. Both of us were breathing hard and neither of us was in any hurry to start moving again. For now, feeling this ultimate union of two bodies joined together as intimately as they ever could be was all we really needed.

"I love you, Sam," I muttered, feeling strength flow back into my limbs so that I could clutch her fiercely.

"I love you too," she sighed happily, kissing her way up my neck and jawline before holding my head and initiating a fresh makeout session.

We kissed for what felt like five minutes, no longer in any rush whatsoever. Joined together, it felt like all was right in the world and there was no need to actually pump in and out or do all the normal things a couple does when having sex. I just wanted to BE together with Sam, and accomplishing that goal felt like I'd already conquered Mount Everest.

I loved her.

I did.

I had feared losing her when she ran away yesterday morning.

I feared letting her down now.

I knew with a hundred percent certainty that I would accept whatever role in her life she wanted from me, up to and including a monogamously committed boyfriend. I absolutely HAD to have her in my life.

I LOVED her.

I couldn't pinpoint any one moment when it had happened. True, Sam would always be special to me as my "first". But ever since then, she'd never been at the forefront of my life or my emotions. Belle... my Annabelle... had always occupied the lion's share of my attentiveness, and she would always be a huge part of my life. My sexual attraction to Naimh and our ill-fated romance had taken up a huge chunk of the rest of my focus. Caring for and protecting Mari... my angel... had helped give me a sense of purpose. Discovering sex with my best friend Alice, and helping Zofi come to terms with her own sexuality, had driven me for a while as well.

And yet through it all, Sam was always there. Ready and willing if she was needed, but never an intruder when she wasn't needed. So strong and yet so fragile, she fascinated me. She was a lady in the street and a freak in the sheets. She was both smarter and more assertive than me and yet made me feel both needed and loved. I still had so much to learn about her, and I was desperate to find out.

I loved her.

And I came.



"Oh, shit," I grunted as I felt my balls evacuate their contents into her, my eyes flying open WIDE.

Sam broke the kiss and sat back, a look of wonder on her face as she felt me splatter her insides with my hot spunk. "Are you cumming in me again? I haven't even moved!" Her tone wasn't upset, more amused than anything.

I was still in the throes of ejaculation, my abs clenching as I squeezed out the final spurts. I grunted and groaned, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. And in the end I gave her a helpless look and muttered, "Aphrodite's pussy made me cum."

Sam grinned and pecked my lips. "Damn straight."


Sam climbed off me and reached down to scoop a glob of my jizz leaking out of her pink taco. She popped the glob into her mouth and gave me a saucy grin, which almost kept me hard. But it was clear that the initial urgency had passed, and she grabbed her panties and shorts and started casually putting them back on.

My own shorts and boxers were around my ankles, so it was a simple matter to pull them up, and once again we were both fully clothed. Sam narrowed her eyes and remarked, "I take it as a compliment that I have this effect on you, but I'm warning you now -- boyfriend -- that you'd better make it up to me before we go to sleep."

"Absolutely, ma'am," I replied hurriedly.

Sam nodded and started walking out of the living room. I got up and followed her into the kitchen. "Did you get dinner already?"

She nodded. "Ate dinner with Neevie, actually. I went over to her place this afternoon."

I blinked in surprise. "Really? I'd assumed you had extracurriculars or stuff."

"Usually I would, but you know... second-semester seniors and all. I promised you I'd wind down that stuff in order to be a more attentive girlfriend."

"Yeah, about that." I grimaced, although I paused as she finished filling a glass of water and handed it to me.

"Hydrate," she instructed. "I need you at full strength when you make it up to me."

"Absolutely, ma'am," I repeated with a smile and took a big swig while sitting down on one of the stools at the kitchen island. But once I swallowed, I continued, "About you giving up things in order to be a more attentive girlfriend, I wanted to make sure you understood you don't need to do that for me. I'd never ask you to give up things you want to do or demand more time from you than you have. Like, I'll never be the kind of guy who asks unfair questions like, 'What's more important to you: me or XYZ?"

Sam's eyes narrowed. "You talked to your mum about us."

I blinked. "Well, yeah."

Sam smiled again. "I'm glad. I know how little you actually WANT to talk to Beverly, so it just goes to show how much you actually care."

I arched an eyebrow. "I will state, Mother was pretty clear that she did NOT want us to start dating now. I don't remember exactly what she said verbatim, but it was something along the lines of you needing the stability of our group of friends, not the inherent instability of a new romance."

Sam pursed her lips and sighed. "She told me the same thing."

I took a deep breath and added, "And this is the part where I'm supposed to tell you I'm not sure I want to be your official boyfriend either."

Sam's eyes abruptly popped open and her mouth gaped. "Run that by me again?"

I winced. "Please don't get upset, and I need to make absolutely clear that if this is really what you want, then I'll be with you a hundred percent."

Her eyes narrowed. "But you're not a hundred percent about this right now."

"I rather doubt you're a hundred percent about this either. Not after talking to Zofi this afternoon."

"You went to talk to Zofi?"

"You apparently went to talk to Neevie. What was that about?"

"What did you talk to Zofi about?"

"Nuh-uh. I asked you first." I cracked a grin.

Sam took a deep breath and sighed. "She's not happy about me asking you to be my boyfriend."

I blinked rather rapidly at that pronouncement, rather surprised.

"She's not happy with you for telling me you loved me, either."

I grimaced. "It doesn't mean I didn't love her."

"I tried to remind her of that. But it's still a bit of a kick in the tits for her to have this big dream of making you fall in love with her again, come to an agreement to just be friends, and believe that the seven of us would stay one big happy BTC until the end of summer..."

"And then have you and me hook up together instead."

Sam grimaced. "I failed to factor her into my calculations with Zofi last night."

I arched an eyebrow. "Really? I thought the whole point was to make me official in order to get me off the market. At least, that's what I seemed to get from Zofi. Just keep things status quo except for the title."

Sam frowned. "She said that?"

I shrugged. "-I- said that and watched the way her expression gave her away."

Sam pursed her lips and furrowed her eyebrows. "I DO love you. I've always loved you. Please believe that."

"I do believe that. But I also believe you're not a hundred percent certain a romantic relationship is what you really want."

Sam gave me a curious look. "But isn't a romantic relationship what YOU want?"

I made a face. "Not really."

Sam looked genuinely surprised. "Really?"

I spread my hands out. "I thought I made that part pretty clear when I first told you I loved you. I want you to be a permanent part of my life long-term, but I wasn't asking you to be my girlfriend or in any way change the way you were going about your life."

"But I thought..." Sam frowned. "I mean, especially after you complained about the lack of emotional intimacy in your relationship with Neevie..."

"What, you thought I wanted emotional intimacy with you?"

"Don't you?"

"Well in general, yeah. Waking up with you in my arms and getting laid every morning was pretty dang nice."

"That's physical intimacy."

I took a deep breath. "I want to get to know you better. I wasn't lying when I said it felt like out of all six BTC girls, I spend the least amount of time with you. Yes, I want to have more conversations with you. You fascinate me, and I want to know everything there is to know about you."

"You want more quality time with me."

"Well, yeah."

"And you love me."


Sam furrowed her eyebrows. "Then I don't understand why you said you don't want to be my boyfriend."

"I didn't say I didn't want to be your boyfriend. But I do need to admit I'm not completely sure about it, either."

"That's basically the exact same thing to me. You're either 'in' or you're 'out'."

"I'm in, I'm in," I assured her, "if that's what you really want as well. Is it?"

Sam looked REALLY frustrated now. "I don't get why YOU'RE not sure it's what you want. The whole thing with being in love with me, that I'm your favorite, that you want me to be a permanent part of your life... wasn't that basically asking me to be your girlfriend?"

I frowned and shook my head. "I thought I explicitly told you I wasn't asking you to be my girlfriend."

"Because you didn't want to mess up my life and because I'd made clear for months that I didn't have time for a boyfriend."


"But I thought..." Sam was pretty huffy now. "I thought you were just saying that stuff to be... I dunno... Like, you were in love with me and you wanted to be my boyfriend but you knew I didn't have time for a boyfriend so you were just trying to be nice about it and say it would be okay that I wasn't your girlfriend but deep down you actually wanted to be my boyfriend."

I pulled my head back. "Is THAT what you thought?"


I shook my head. "I'm pretty plain about what I mean."

Sam narrowed her eyes and muttered, "Tell me if this sounds familiar: Last year I'm dry-humping virgin Matty's boner out by the pool peeling back my bikini inch-by-inch while shoving my tits into his face, and when I ask him if it's okay that I don't bare my nipple and let him suck on it, he says it's okay."

I blinked and frowned. "It WAS okay."

"You saying you didn't secretly wish I'd bare my nipple and let you suck on it back then?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of COURSE I not-so-secretly wished that."

"How is this any different?"

"It's not any different. When I was still a virgin and you were asking me if it was okay that you didn't bare your nipple and let me suck on it? That was me being supportive and not making you do anything you didn't want to do. Last summer? You weren't ready to cross that line, and I was fine with it. And in case you haven't noticed, we did cross that line eventually."

Sam managed a little smile at that.

"And right now?" I continued. "It's exactly the same. I want to be supportive and attend to your needs, whatever they may be, at whatever comfort level you feel."

"But I knew you wanted to suck on my nipple back then, and I know you love me and want to be with me and want to have the kind of close emotional relationship you never got with Neevie, don't you? I mean, you're gonna SAY you're okay with not getting it just like you ALWAYS say you're okay with not getting it. You've spent YEARS telling me you're willing to accept whatever I'm comfortable with even if deep down you actually want more from me, and do you have ANY idea how guilty that's made me feel when I realized I was treating you like a disposable plaything? I USED you for years, always taking, never giving. And with you now telling me that you're in love with me, I just can't--"

"Whoa-whoa-whoa," I held up both hands, cutting her off. "First of all, please don't feel like you were using me. I got PLENTY out of your teasing; my mental spank bank was permanently overflowing because of you. And the absolute LAST thing I want is for you to try becoming my perfect girlfriend out of GUILT. Is THAT why you asked me to be your boyfriend?"

She shook her head, still clearly confused. "Do you honestly NOT want me to become your girlfriend?"

"Like I said, if you and me becoming devoted girlfriend and boyfriend is what YOU want, then I will do everything in my power to make you happy."

Sam screwed up her face. "That is NOT what I want to hear right now Matty! I'M the one standing here trying to tell you I will do everything in my power to make YOU happy!"

I snorted. "That's not how this relationship works. That's never how this relationship has worked."

Sam splayed out her hands and gave me an incredulous look of both confusion and frustration.

Closing my eyes and holding up both index fingers, I took a deep breath to collect my thoughts, Mother's words about power in the back of my mind. When I opened my eyes again, I found Sam pacing back and forth across my kitchen with her arms folded over her chest and her lower jaw jutting forth with her teeth clenched.

Taking another deep breath, I gave Sam a serious look and stated evenly, "I want you to listen close: I. Don't. Need. You. To Change. You've always set the pace in this relationship. You run, I follow and stare at your ass the whole way. I'm the marionette, and you're holding the strings. THAT'S how this relationship has worked, and I LIKE it that way. You're strong, and you're confident, and yeah, you like feeling in control. I'm happy to help you feel in control."

Sam stopped pacing and gave me a curious look.

"And let me repeat for what feels like the millionth time: When I said I wasn't asking you to change a thing about your routine, I meant it. No secret wish for you to become my perfect girlfriend. This is different from the baring your nipple and letting me suckle on it thing. Yes, I will absolutely grant that I wanted to suck on your boobs from the moment you brought them within six inches of my mouth. But this? No, I was genuine about not asking you to change your routine. I don't secretly want you to blow off your extracurriculars to be an attentive girlfriend. I don't secretly want you give up ANYTHING about your current life for my sake. I ONLY wanted to tell you how I felt. That's it. I mean, I appreciate that you were willing to subjugate your own needs in order to appease your sense of guilt for my sake, but it's not necessary. I am perfectly happy keeping things the way they are."

"Just the way they are?"

I blushed. "Well I really did like waking up with you in my arms - I loved the emotional intimacy - and then of course getting laid every morning. But I genuinely don't mean for that to become a requirement or anything."

Sam blushed as well. "I rather enjoyed those mornings, too."

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