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The Blackmailed Virgin Pt. 02

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The Blackmailed Virgin is forced to suck ten cocks.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/21/2019
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Part 2 Ten Hard Cocks

James Bennett was not at all who I thought he might be. I expected someone capable of blackmail to be some seedy looking character with beady eyes and abnormally long fingers. Maybe someone with big ears, a pock marked face or a weird haircut.

He was none of that. James Bennett was probably one of the most handsome men I had ever seen. He was tall, athletic, ruggedly masculine. He looked very intelligent and was sharply dressed. If he had an English accent, I would have been convinced he was James Bond.

After our eyes adjusted to the presence of light, he stepped toward me and offered his hand. I responded in kind and we briefly held hands.

"So very nice to meet you, Kelly Grant" he said.

Awkward moment! What do you say to a man who just blackmailed you into giving him a blow job? I slapped his face as hard as I could. He didn't try to deflect the blow and he didn't even flinch. Instead, His eyes lit up and his mouth formed a slight grin.

"I deserved that" he said.

"Damn right you do" I told him. "Give me back my files and leave me alone please."

"I can't do that yet" he said. "I have a reservation at La Poule Rouge at 10:30 pm. If we hurry, we will be on time."

"You know, I really don't think I can sit across the table from a man who is blackmailing me and really enjoy a meal."

"OK, fine. You don't have to eat. But you do have to listen, and we are going" he said. "There is a new toothbrush and some tooth paste in the bath, and you'll need to fix your makeup. Your mascara looks ridiculous from all that crying."

I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Hurry along" he said. I turned and did as he said. I had no choice but to obey him. One moment he was being charming and thoughtful, the next moment he was threatening me with madness and mayhem.

20 minutes later we stepped out of the hotel together. A chauffeured limousine was waiting to take us to the restaurant. This guy doesn't even drive his own car. Who the fuck can he be?

At the restaurant we were seated at a very nice table. James ordered a fancy 1968 vintage of red wine for me and a scotch "neat" for himself.

"I thought we might have a bit of conversation before we ordered, or would you prefer to order now?" he said.

The aroma of food emanating from the kitchen caused my stomach to growl like a tiger.

"Actually, I'm starved. Let's order."

James Bennett ordered prime rib for both of us.

"Mr. Bennett...?" he cut me off before I could finish my question.

"Call me James. There's no need for formality." he said. "And I will call you Kelly."

"James, exactly what will it take to make you stop blackmailing and threatening me?"

"One year of your life, exactly. I want you to work for us." he said.

"Work for you! I have a very good job. I can't give that up." I said.

"No need to. I shall arrange for you to be granted a leave of absence for the duration of your employment to us." James said.

"How can you do that?"

"I have many friends who have many more friends. Things can be arranged if one knows how." he said.

Once again, I asked myself, "Who the fuck is this guy." Did he really have the muscle to do the things he had threatened me with?

"I need someone who can act in the capacity of a courtesan of sorts. I will pay you an extremely large amount of money. You will be taken care of in every way and will be provided with a security detail."

"Courtesan of sorts? You mean a fucking hooker! Oh my God!" I was shocked by his offer. I couldn't believe what he was suggesting.

"My business sometimes requires that I provide my clients with certain distractions. Some require money in the form of kickbacks. Some require favors in the form of making certain arrangements, as in making people disappear, getting someone to promote someone, that sort of thing. Sometimes they simply require the company of a woman, not just any woman. The woman must be extremely attractive, highly educated, and very sensual, and possess a level of knowledge about the business at hand. Like a movie star, or a fashion model. You fit that description to a tee."

I had to admit, such a compliment from a man as handsome as James Bennett made me blush for a moment. But the moment didn't last very long, this man was about to blackmail me into being a whore.

"You want me to be your high-class hooker so you can make a profit off whatever kind of bullshit and probably illegal business you do, that is unacceptable!"

"Kelly, I know how preposterous this may seem to you, at the moment. All the other girls felt precisely the way you do, but eventually they all adjusted. Many of them even opted to stay on after the year was up. But that was entirely up to them." he told me.

"You mean there are others? Holy shit. You're a serial blackmailer. Look Mr. James Bennett, I am still a virgin. I do not intend to be deflowered by some sleazy business associate of yours."

I could see in his eye that the fact that I was a virgin stunned him a bit. Non the less, he recovered quickly.

"None of the girls are ever required to have sexual intercourse with any of our clients, unless they want to, of course. It does happen, but it's not a requirement. You may keep your precious virginity until you and you alone are ready to give it freely to the partner of your choice."

"So, just for the record, what are you expecting me to do, if I decide to agree, which I am not?" I asked.

You would be expected to accompany my clients to certain formal occasions. Sometimes it might be a dinner party, or a night club. An afternoon of tennis, the occasional trip to a foreign country..."

"That's it! Are you kidding? You're resorting to blackmail to get someone to do that for you?" How ridiculous was this?

"You didn't let me finish. You would also be required to make yourself available to the client's, if asked, in a sexual nature."

"But you just said I could remain a virgin. I knew you were lying." I spat the words at him.

"That's true, I did, and I meant it. You would however be required to make yourself available in other ways. The client may ask you to undress for him, to give him a hand job or a blow job. The client may wish to undress and receive a massage from you, for which you will be trained in the art by experts." he told her.

"That's disgusting. I won't do any of that. Go ahead. Post my files on every dirty porn website in the world and I won't do that. Fuck you, James Bennett."

"Will you trust me on one thing? Honestly, if it were only up to me, I would not force you into this. I like you, and I hate that this is happening to you. But it is not up to me. I report to a higher level of the organization. They will not take no for an answer. They will ruin you in ways you cannot imagine. They may even have you killed since you know what little I have already told you, and that isn't much at all. The organization is very serious."

I started to cry, softly. Tears streamed down my face as I sobbed into my napkin. I realized that for whatever reason, by some satanic twist of fate, I would be ushered into a life I did not want to live. Fate had chosen to derail every aspect of my life.

"What if I get raped by one of your clients? What if one of them won't just settle for a hand job or a blow job?" I was still sobbing.

"No one will harm you in any way. You will be provided with a detail of professional body guards. One click of a special pen, a button pressed on a special watch, a catch phrase word mentioned, and you will be extracted from any situation in which you are not supposed to be in. Your safety will always be monitored."

My sobbing subsided. You can only cry so much until reality sets in.

"So, you're dead serious about them planting drugs on me, sending me to prison, maybe even having me murdered?"

"Deadly serious. As I said, if it were up to me alone, I would walk away, and you would be free to go. You are not like some of the others. Most of the beautiful women who are recruited are self-centered and egotistical because of their beauty. It's almost a pleasure to see them come down a peg or two."

"There's absolutely no way out, is there?" I asked.

I'm afraid not. It would be too dangerous to resist. I'm sorry"

I weighted my options. Comply with my blackmailer's demands or at worst, be murdered. What choice was there to make? I did not want to give blow jobs to strangers for the next twelve months, but I didn't want to die either. I had to comply and hope I made it out the other side.

"I have no choice. I will do it. There is no other way." I was resigned to my fate. I hated it. Maybe I could find another way later on, but for now I had to do what they demanded of me.

"There is more I should tell you," he began, "Most of the men you'll encounter won't exactly be good looking preppy boys. Some may even be a bit fat and old. Thy are all successful men who are good at what they do. Oddballs and unintelligent people rarely make it into the league you will be in."

"That's why I forced you to fellate me in the dark" he said.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand."

"I needed to know that you could fellate and swallow any man. You had no idea what I looked like until later. I could have been covered in warts and looked like a gnome, but you did it anyway because you were afraid if you didn't do it. You didn't freak out. We need to know that you can handle the mission. Our clients are very important to us" he said.

There he goes again with the word "felate". Who the hell talked like that? No one ever talked like that.

"I see. Anything else I need to know before I begin the hooker phase of my life?"

"You will be provided with everything you will need. You will be given a credit card with an unlimited balance, within reason. With that you will purchase clothes, jewelry, anything you need to accomplish the goals. Of course, your expenses will be monitored. For example, you won't be able to purchase an estate in Great Briton, but you could purchase an expensive sports car, after all, a woman has to be able to get around. Most of the time you will be chauffeured."

I could not believe what James was telling me. What was I getting into? Could I really handle this without cracking?

"You will not go back to your home. It would draw too much attention. I will take you to your new quarters. Trust me, I think you will find them most adequate. All the things at your old home will be mothballed for the time being. It is being taken care of at this very moment."

"But what about my computers? I have to have my computers! Without them, I'll go insane." I told him.

"You will be provided with a new state of the art system. It has already been installed at your new facility and is fully functional. It is all connected to the latest fiber optics."

"Wow!" was all I could say.

"Lastly, when you have fulfilled the obligation that is being thrust upon you, 5 million dollars will be wired into an account in your name, payment for your services to the organization.

Did he just say 5 MILLION $$$...? Holy Cow! That was more money than I ever dreamed of. I could easily retire next year and see the world. Little did I know how much of the world I would see in the next year before I ever saw the money. It was easy to get excited about that much money, but hard to forget how humiliated I would be earning it.

Our dinner finally arrived, and we began to eat. James explained a few more tiny details of what would be expected and what I needed to know. He also took the time to explain that if I at any time balked about the assignment, it would be over, and all of the consequences I feared would crash down on me immediately. It scared me silly. I kept seeing a vision of myself in an alley with my throat cut.

When the meal was finished, James said it was time to go. We returned to the limousine and drove off. I had no idea where we were headed. James said almost nothing. He did take a phone call on his cell. Whoever called him, James replied in French. Although I had taken some French language classes, I could not make out the conversation. All I could make out was "Tout va bien", which means "All is well."

Initially, I thought James would take me to my "new quarters", whatever that meant. Then I realized we were headed to the airport outside of town.

"James, I thought we were going to my new quarters. What's up?" I asked.

"We are. Your new quarters are in L.A. We conduct a lot of business in L.A. and it's been decided that's where you should stay."

Within minutes we were boarding a private luxury jet. When we were seated, a beautiful stewardess came to us and served us a drink, again wine for me and scotch for James.

"What if I didn't want wine, James? What if I wanted sweet tea?"

"Do you want sweet tea."

"No James, I do not want sweet tea." I told him. "What I would like is to at least have some choices left in my life."

"I understand completely. If the wine does not agree with you, feel free to send it back and order whatever you like."

"It's just fine." I said

I must have been exhausted. As soon as the plane was in the air, I fell fast asleep. The next thing I knew I woke up in a huge bed totally nude in a room I had never seen before. It was someone's bedroom and it was also huge, and very well furnished.

On one side of the room the sun was peeking through some drapes. There was a satin robe on a chair beside the bed. I got up and put it on, wondering whose it was and where in the hell was I at?

There was a beautiful bouquet of flowers in a vase on the dresser. There was an envelope propped up against the vase. Curiously I opened it. There was a bank debit card inside with a letter. The debit card belonged to Ivana Shoyu. Shit! That's the name I had to give to the desk at the hotel. I read the letter.

Dear Kelly,

The room you are standing in is your bed room and this is your new home. You have a lovely ocean view. Please feel free to enjoy all the amenities. I hope you like it. Miss Vera Standish will be staying with you. She will attend to your every need. I'm sure the two of you will get along nicely. You have total security. You're body guards are stationed in various locations should they be necessary. Otherwise you will never know they are there.

You will assume the identity of Ivana Shoyu. The enclosed bank card should open any door you need. If there is anything else, please inform Miss Standish and it will be taken care of. Any questions you have, Miss Standish can answer.

I'll be in touch.

Your Servant,

James Bennett

Ivana Shoyu, really! I had to go by that stupid name! Why didn't they just call me Ima Slut? Maybe Pussy Galore! Crap!

I started to explore the bedroom. I found the clothes I had put on at the hotel but not a stitch more, only a wide assortment of towels and bath cloths in the bathroom.

The bathroom itself was quite nice. There was a huge walk-in shower and a bath that was like a small swimming pool. All the fixtures were very elegant.

I heard a knock on the door. It startled me. I didn't want to answer it. Who could it be?

"Who is it?" I asked. "

"I'm Miss Standish. The ladies are here to offer you some wardrobe selections." she said.

I opened the door. Standing before me was a very attractive slightly older woman dressed very sharply. I guessed her age to be late fortyish.

"Did you say wardrobe selections?"

"Allow me to introduce myself, Miss Shoyu. My name is Vera Standish. I am an expert in the field of karate and two other martial arts. I speak seven different languages. I can put a .45 magnum bullet between a man's eyes at forty paces. I am also proficient in the culinary arts, having studied in France for two years. There are many other things I could tell you about myself, but that will suffice for now" she said. "I am here to protect and serve you during your time here."

Wow, that was a lot to process. She didn't give me time to do that, either.

"Follow me, Miss Shoyu."

I followed her from the bedroom, barefoot and wearing only the satin robe, into a hallway that led to a grand staircase. We descended the staircase to emerge into what can only be described as a mansion. There were artworks on the wall and plaster embellishments everywhere you looked.

Miss Standish ushered me into a main room and directed me to sit down in a chair that must have cost a few thousand. To say I was in awe of the place would be an understatement.

Miss Standish picked up what looked like a gilded antique phone, said some words, and in five minutes the show began.

Sharply dressed ladies about my own age or only slightly older started bringing in racks of dresses by the dozens and over one hundred different boxes.

For the next three hours I was shown dresses of every kind, formal, casual, slutty, you name it. Every item of feminine apparel was displayed before me in every style and color. It was amazing. I liked everything, but the ultimate decision was made by Miss Standish. When she gave a subtle nod, an item would be set apart from the rest.

Finally, after three hours of this, the ladies and all the rejected items disappeared. Then, two ladies in business suits appeared to gather the items. They took them upstairs.

"They will put your wardrobe away properly, Miss Shoyu, I assure you" Miss Standish told me. "You may need more, but that will do for now."

"Thank you, Miss Standish, for helping me with that. I needed some clothes. I had nothing."

"A selection of jewelry will arrive tomorrow, but for now you may take your leisure" she told me. "There is a sauna, as well as an indoor pool. You may utilize these as you wish."

"Thank you so much" I told her. "May I call you Vera since we are going to be so close?"

Miss Standish smiled. "You may end up calling me Bitch soon, but for now, you may call me Vera."

That was ominous, I thought. Why would I ever call her bitch? She seemed like a very charming person.

"Tomorrow, you will begin your initial training" she said. "But for now, rest!"

I was thankful for that. I had a million questions for Miss Standish, but they could wait.

I took a long bath in the super large bath tub, carefully shaving my body, and was soon asleep again in my new bed, which was very comfortable. I rested well.

At 8 am I was awakened by Miss Vera Standish, who had a very nice breakfast prepared for me. There was eggs, toast and apple butter, and oatmeal. I ate like a starved kid.

After breakfast, the jewelry arrived. Miss Vera approved it all and they left all of it with us, watches, necklaces, rings, earrings, you name it. It was all stored in a secret wall safe inside my dressing room. Miss Vera gave me the combination to unlock it.

At lunch time, Miss Vera once again knocked on my bedroom door. When I answered, she said, "It's time for you to begin your training."

She led me downstairs to the main room where, to my surprise, there stood ten men in a line up, wearing nothing but their boxer shorts.

"These men are all Organization men. Your mission is to fellate these ten men in under 60 minutes and swallow each one."

"If you can do it, you will have passed the test. If not, you will have to repeat the test until you pass. Understood?" she said.

I was horrified! The very thought of sucking these men off in broad daylight scared me to death. How humiliating it would be. Sucking off each one as the others stood around watching, not to mention Vera, would be so embarrassing. This couldn't be happening. I blushed with shame.

"A pillow has been provided for your comfort. You will remove you're clothing and drop to your knees on that pillow. We will begin as soon as you are ready." Vera said.

Strip naked? In front of ten men, ten total strangers! How degrading!

How could I possibly do it? I had only sucked James's cock before, and that was in the dark, alone, with no witness but James. I found myself wishing James was here, to suck James again, and not these ten strangers.


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