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The Boat

Story Info
Dad and daughter explore each other with husband's consent.
10.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/13/2021
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If you want 10" cocks, women who orgasm in 10 seconds flat, simultaneous orgasms or gallons of cum then I'm sorry, but this is not the right story for you. I like to write about ordinary people with ordinary sexual appetites in slightly out of the ordinary situations. I try to keep the plot lines as near to reality as I can.

I try to keep the sex as true to my own experience as possible. I love to write about kissing, stoking, how sex feels and sex as an encounter which involves all the senses. I do like to 'get dirty' but only in the height of my character's arousal. All my stories have my own experience in them, but they are not autobiographical.

This story is an exploration what circumstances are needed to change a dad-daughter relationship into a man-woman relationship with a husband's consent.

Constructive feedback welcome. I am from UK, so UK spelling applies. Thank you for reading my story.

Act 1 My Dad and I have always been close and a bit 'touchy feely'. Nothing inappropriate, no inuendo just nice cuddles, holding hands and kisses on the cheek. Maybe just a bit on the physical side of a normal daughter-dad relationship.

My name is Madeline ("Maddy"). I married Bob and moved out of my parents' house about 10 years ago. My mum left my dad, for another woman, soon after. Maybe she had been waiting for me to move out. I don't know as my mum and I don't really speak much. I was daddy's girl, and he was hurt emotionally, his ego was severely dented. I wanted to support him.

The separation hit him hard. He was a one-woman man, he never remarried and as far as I know he didn't have a girlfriend.

On summer Bob suggested I invite dad down for a few weeks to house. He had ulterior motives! No, not what you think. We had a small boat which we were working on and we needed help. Dad cheerfully accepted. He knew he was being used as unpaid labour. But I think he wanted the company and was always ready to help me.

It was a hot Sunday in July and all three of us were hard at work on the boat sanding the paint work by hand. The boys were dressed in flip flops and shorts and I had shorts, bikini top and flip flops. As you can imagine we were hot and sweating. On reflection two things happened which seemed unusual that day.

We were taking a drinks break, chatting away about how much we had left to do. A rivulet of sweat broke from just below my neck and slowly trickled its way down my chest until it disappeared into my cleavage. As I was talking to Bob, I saw dad out of the corner of my eye watching it intently. When it disappeared, he noticeably lingered on my breasts for a few seconds, visibly sighed, tore his eyes away and re-joined the conversation.

At one-point dad and I were working close to each other. I became aware of his musk. He always was a clean man and today was no exception, but we had been working hard. Before I rationalised anything, I was thinking what a great smell it was. A sweet heady mixture of shower gel, aftershave and man. It was the "man" bit I had noticed most. I fantasised that he could smell me. A similar heady mixture of shower gel, perfume and woman.

My body tingled a bit at the thought he could smell me as a woman. I came back to reality. What the fuck, was I thinking! I wasn't in a very good mood after that. I was angry with myself. I think both of the boys noticed but nobody said anything.

Lying in bed that night Bob said to me "what was the problem today Maddy?"

There was painful silence, eventually I replied, "did you notice dad looking at me?"

"I did, but didn't want to say anything."

"Hmm, what sort of look do you think he was giving me."

"I'm not sure I know what you mean, Maddy. I did notice him glancing at you. It seemed to happen most when you were bending over."

"He was looking at my arse?"

"err, yes and down your cleavage"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"He is a good man and I didn't want to embarrass anyone. Besides which you have a great body so I don't blame him."

"He is my dad!"

"Yes, and he is a man and you are a woman. If it bothered you why didn't you say something?" There was a long silence and Bob spoke again. "Maddy, why didn't you say anything, didn't it bother you that much?"

"I don't know, it didn't seem appropriate to say anything. Looking wasn't hurting anyone. I'm ashamed to say, I sort of liked it."

"Oh, I did wonder."

"Is that bad Bob?"

"I think you know the answer. Society says it's very wrong. People would judge you very badly. Everyone would pretend they never had such feelings, when everyone does."

"mmmm. You haven't said how you feel about it, Bob".

"I have no problem with my father-in-law looking at you. It probably was sexual, but as I said he is a man and you are a great looking woman. You know my view about lots of 'societal norms', if no one is hurt I don't have a problem."

"I'm not sure what you mean Bob, how far does that go?"

"If no one is hurt, as far as you like."

I didn't know what to say. Had my husband just given me permission to do whatever I liked? How did I feel about that? I wanted more answers. "Bob, when we were all hot, I smelt him, and I felt something stir"

"You smelt him? what did he smell of?"

"Shower gel, stale after shave and man. Mostly man."

"oh I see, probably his pheromones."

"Bob, why do you have to be so irritatingly logical?"

"What's the problem, he smelt and it turned you on, who cares why? I don't care whether it was in your head because you found it sexy or a deep subliminal and automatic reaction to your sense of smell. It just doesn't matter."

All this was frying my brain and I didn't want to think about it anymore.

Act 2 Dad and I went to the boat (Bob went to work), it was another hot day. We sanded in the morning but in the afternoon, dad said he would start work on the engine. The engine was accessed by a trap door on the back of the boat.

It was only big enough to get his body into it and he needed to get all of his torso in to get to the engine. That meant every time he needed to change wrench etc he had to haul himself out. I felt like a spare part and was almost going to go back and do some sanding when I came up with the idea of handing the wrenches down to him.

I suggested this and he gratefully accepted as I think he was getting tired and frustrated. It was great. Me and dad working like a team. I loved it, it felt like the old days when I used to 'help' him in the garage at home, handing him tools.

Every time he needed to swap tools I had to lean in and get my arm down the trap door. I hand to fumble around for his hand, take the tool from him. The go back again so he could fumble around for my hand to take the new tool from me. This brought us very close together. Our hands and arms were feeling for each other every time we swapped tools.

None of this was a problem until I became aware of his scent again. Then, I became very aware of every move I made. Every brush of his skin against mine. Every time his fingers touched mine. Every time my bikini and the skin above my cleavage brushed his back as I leaned in. It was forbidden torture.

My logical head was not turned on, this was my dad, and we were fixing a boat. My logical head was ashamed that I could even have these thoughts and kept insisting we get back to the job in hand; fixing the boat.

My dark side would not shut up. It was intoxicated by the smell, by the proximity, by the intimacy, by being this close to a man. It was enjoying every forbidden moment and urging me to breath in my dad and get ever closer. My dark side was thrilled every time my bikini moved on his back. It imagined my bare nipples moving over his wet skin. I was totally conflicted.

I didn't want to think this way. I was just handing Dad some tools like the old days. But it wasn't the old days, I wasn't 12 years old, I was grown woman. I tried to hold my breath while handing him his tools, but that was no good because as soon as I took a breath it had to be a deep one and I smelt him all over again.

I tried not to touch his back with my bra, but the fumbling around for tools just took longer and was more frustrating for both of us, it wasn't getting the job done. I decided to ignore both sides of my brain. I would just get the job done. If that meant touching dad and sensing him as a man, then so be it. I would not touch him for the sake of touching him and I would try to ignore his scent.

It sort-of worked. I did not feel so conflicted, but my dark side was still turned on. I got into the steady rhythm of leaning against dad, breathing him in, placing my hand on his upper arm, following his damp skin and strong muscles down to his hand so I could relieve him of the wrench. Swapping tools and then leaning back into him, breathing him in and waiting for him to find my arm / hand. It wasn't just my skin that was wet, I could feel my pussy getting tingly and lubricated.

I reasoned it was inventible he was having the same conflicted feelings. The sweaty skin of our thighs were touching all of the time. When I leant down my bikini and the skin above my cleavage touched his back and my hand ran the whole length of his arm while I searched for the redundant wrench.

He touched my arm and hands while he searched for the next wrench. He was even getting my scent as there was an extractor fan in the engine bay drawing fresh air though the trap door. I was kneeling right next to the door. The air was being drawn over my crotch. He must have been able to smell the woman in me.

That torture carried on for a couple of hours until dad said it was time to finish for the day. We were both very quiet as we walked home from the boat. I didn't know what to say. It was obvious he didn't either.

Later that night when I was in bed with Bob. Just as he was about to drift off to sleep, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I started another conversation. "Bob can we talk?"

He rolled over to look at me "I thought something was up. Yes Maddy."

I didn't want him to look at me when I was talking as I was embarrassed so I turned away and said, "cuddle up while I talk." I described in detail what had happened that day.

Bob said, "so what do you want me to say?"

"Am I bad?"

"Not in my eyes, Maddy, I have said to you I don't have a problem. I don't own you, I love you. I want you to experience anything you want to experience. No one got hurt today except maybe you and your dad are left feeling very guilty. As far as I'm concerned guilt is the only downside of anything you have said or done. You dad is a good man I am sure he is feeling exactly the same."

"You mean my dad was feeling horny?"


"Do you think he liked it?"

"Did he complain or try to find a different way of working with the tools?"


"He liked it."

"Fuck!" I said. I don't normally swear out loud, it just came out. It was only then I felt Bob's boner in the small of my back. I smiled, someone else liked it. A bit unfair on Bob but I didn't want sex as my head was all over the place. We drifted off to sleep.

Act 3 Dad and I went back to the boat the next day and did a morning's worth of sanding. I resolved to just act normal. I didn't want find ways of being intimate, but I wasn't going to avoid them either. I think dad felt the same because he was his usual cheerful and chatty self.

In the afternoon he wanted to work on the electrics which meant he had to lie on his back with his head and shoulders under one of the seats in the cabin. To save him getting up and down I settled down next to him to help him with tools. I knew what this could mean, but I had my husband's logic in my head. If no one is hurt no one is harmed.

Whenever he needed to change tools, I would get my head under the bench seat and swap tools. There was no groping in the dark this time although my thigh was touching his calf. Most times I handed him a tool my bikini unavoidably brushed the front of his shorts and of course I could smell him. All I could see until I got under the seat was his shorts and legs. I could clearly see he was excited by our predicament. I smiled and for the 1st time in my life I mentally noted my dad's "size". He looked perfectly normal to me.

Bob and I talked again that night. I felt quite horny explaining what had happened in the day. I felt safe being horny about the situation. Bob had eased my conflicted mind, and nothing had really 'happened'. I explained I thought my dad was enjoying our intimate work. Bob asked whether I thought things would go further. I said no, dad wouldn't. Bob picked up on this straight away. "he wouldn't but you would?"

I paused as the thought had not even crossed my mind. "I don't know, Bob, my dark side keeps chuntering in my head. Sometimes its torture, sometimes I relax and just enjoy the moment. It's all wrong. Anyway, it isn't going to happen, he's my dad."

"It's not wrong, Maddy, its natural, maybe not normal but it is natural. But then what the fuck is normal anyway".

I agreed. Bob had a great way of putting things in context. I slept well and woke refreshed with a clear conscience.

Act 4 The next day dad and I continued with the electrical work. It was much the same as the day before, just as enjoyable. This time dad needed to join some cables, which was a fourhanded job. I needed to hold the two cables under the bench while dad need both hands to join them. It was awkward and I tried to do it lying next to dad, but I couldn't reach the cable the other side of him. In the end dad said "Maddy you are going to have to lie on top of me and hold the two cables."

I didn't have a problem and crawled up dad's body, so my chin was on his chest. I was able to hold the two cables together so dad could join them. We had 3 pairs of cables to join. It sounds mad but I think we were both so focused on the job that we didn't notice the position we had put ourselves in.

Maybe it was because all I had to concentrate on was holding cables, but my mind soon drifted to recognising our position. I could feel my dad's cock nestle in my cleavage. It was hot and my nose was level with his armpits. I could smell him.

Don't misunderstand me I don't like dirty smells. But work sweat, aftershave and shower gel are a very heady mix. Whenever my dad moved his cock ground into me, and it responded as you would expect. I wondered a few times whether he was purposely doing it. By the same token every time I moved it caused by breasts to mash into his now obvious boner.

At one point he needed me to use a wrench on a tight bolt. Every time I tried to move the bolt my body moved over dad. I needed more leverage, so dad offered to use one hand to steady me while I turned the wrench. He held my arm high up at my shoulder. I could feel his fingers in my arm pit.

I am not ticklish, so it didn't feel uncomfortable. Quite the opposite I found it distinctly erotic that my dad was holding me in an intimate part of my body. I fantasised him smelling his fingers afterwards just same as a man might do after fingering. Anyway, this worked but, wow! His boner, my breasts and him holding my arm was very sexy and my pussy tingled so much I almost couldn't turn the wrench. But I did.

We finished, got up and stood close to each other. Dad reached out to me and pulled me into his arms. I felt so horny and I know he did, but I was unsure and confused. His cock was lightly sticking in me, and my bikini was touching his chest. I was, again, totally conflicted. I didn't want anything to happen, but I did want something to happen. My brain was mush. Dad to the rescue!

He simply said, "thank you for your help" and kissed me on the cheek, dropped his arms and took as step back. I beamed and we walked back home. I was so relieved we hadn't gone further I was almost skipping, but someone else was dragging their feet behind us like a grumpy teenager. My dark side was really pissed off. She had been turned on all day and had a soaking pussy, she wanted fulfilment and it had been denied. She was plotting her revenge.

I reported back to Bob later. The size of his bulge and the look in his eyes meant Bob was even more turned on. I was just happy and content. I felt so close to both of them. In some way closer to all three of them, Bob, dad and the sexy man I had been lying on top of.

Act 5 That night, after dinner, all three of us were sitting on our sofa. Me with a man on each side. Bob said, "You both did a great job today."

Dad said "No problem, Bob. I love working with my daughter even when we are in a bit of a compromising position." Dad smiled at me and winked a 'dad' type wink.

Bob sniggered "yeah I heard about that. I'm not sure you thanked Maddy properly for that."

"Oh, I did give gave her a kiss and a cuddle, didn't I Maddy?"

Before I could answer Bob said, "I think you should thank her properly with a kiss in keeping with the position you were both in".

I looked at Bob quizzically as I was not immediately sure what he meant. Dad slowly turned to me and smiled. "Thank you very much for going above and beyond the call of duty, Maddy." I smiled back and said, "it was a pleasure dad." He leant over me and kissed me lightly on the lips.

Bob said, "is that the best you can both do?" I knew what Bob meant and as if by magic I smelt Dad's aftershave. The sexiness of the last few days washed over me. Miraculously in front of my very eyes, dad stopped being dad and turned into a man. The man started to sit back but responding to Bob's words and my desires I very slowly I put my arm around the man's neck and gently pulled him back.

We kissed again, this time a bit more forcefully. I felt his shoulders relax as he eased into me. He was feeling the touch of a woman not the touch of his daughter. I wanted more so I slightly opened my lips and probed him with just the tip of my tongue. He didn't hesitate he opened his mouth further and plunged his tongue into my mouth.

It was like dam bursting; all that pent-up sexuality came to the surface. Soon we were kissing like teenagers. The man's pent up frustration through lack of a woman was released. Years of lonely masturbation. Years of no intimacy. Our heads, jaws, lips and tongues dancing to the erotic music of our dark sides. Not dad and daughter, just man and woman.

I looked up and saw Bob smiling. I moved my other hand and felt for his. I found it and we held hands. So, there I was, being kissed by my dad like a long-lost lover while holding my husband's hand.

I felt so comfortable. Like Bob said I didn't feel "owned" by my husband, but I knew I had his permission. I felt he wanted this as much as I did. My focus went back to 'the man.' He wanted this as much as I did.

Dad looked up and saw me holding Bob's hand. I think he took that as a sign were all happy and he was right. I was being slowly pushed down the sofa and I became slumped into it. The man was over me, owning me and getting more animated. He started massaging my breasts through my top. I didn't have a bra on, and he brought my nipples to attention.

I moaned into his mouth, dropped my hand from his neck and pulled my top up. The man didn't hesitate, he did what I wanted him to. He gently but deliberately massaged both breasts. My nipples wanted him to suck them. He didn't and I didn't what to break the spell by talking.

All this time we continued to kiss; he never took his tongue from my mouth. Our faces were wet with saliva, but I didn't care. I looked at Bob, he didn't move apart from gently stroking my hand as he held it. Bob could see my dad stroking my breasts and tweaking my nipples.

The next time I looked at Bob, he looked down to my dad's crotch. I took this as a sign, a permission and I moved my hand there. I started to massage the length of the man's cock through his shorts. He was hard, very hard. It was a good size. I wanted to get it out, I wanted to taste it, I wanted to give him an orgasm, I wanted to taste his semen, but I just couldn't. I didn't want to do anything which might make him stop paying attention to me.

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