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The Bondage Professor

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Sabrina is taught the pleasure of bondage submission.
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Part 1 of 4: The Recommendation Letter

Sabrina sat outside the professor's office.

Final exams were approaching, which meant that the professor was busy meeting with students. She waited for at least 20 minutes while the professor's door was closed. She was slightly nervous waiting for the typically stern professor. When the door opened, she saw the professor speaking with another student, who was preparing to leave.

Sabrina stood up when the other student left, and the professor turned his attention towards her. He was a tall and well-dressed man in his early 50's.

"Sabrina, good to see you," he said. "Do you have an appointment?"

"No. Sorry professor. This is sort of a last minute thing."

"I'm sure you're aware of my policy regarding meetings. I expect an appointment first, otherwise there's always going to be a long line in front of my door."

She took a deep breath for confidence. "I realize that. But there's no one here. I'm sure you can make an exception for me."

"Fine. Only because you're a hard working student. Come in."

He flashed a rare smile and signaled for her to enter his office, then he closed the door. The professor sat behind his desk, and Sabrina sat in front of him.

"So what can I do for you?" he asked, getting comfortable in his seat.

"Well, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I've decided to apply for law school next year. I've already taken the LSAT, and I managed to get a high score. My gpa is also above a 3.0."

He nodded. "Interesting choice. I think you'll do very well in law school. It's not easy, but you certainly have the personality & brains for it."

"Thank you," she smiled.

"I'm assuming that you want a recommendation letter from me."

"That's why I'm here. You're the first professor I've asked, and I really hope you'll do it for me."

"So, I'm your first choice? Why? I'm curious."

Sabrina felt slightly intimidated. "Well, you've got a great reputation at this university. And you're also the department chair, which I think is going to look good on my application."

"I also have connections with the top tier law schools. Did you know that?"

She sheepishly nodded. "I did. I mean, I've heard it from other students. I wasn't sure if it was true or not."

"I have close friends who are on the admissions committee at some of the top tier law schools. So my recommendation letters go a long way."

"Would you consider writing a letter for me?" she asked in a shy tone.

"I can't," he bluntly replied. "Unfortunately, you're too late."

"Why? The deadline for law school applications are next year."

"True. But I only write 2 recommendation letters at the end of each semester. It's a personal policy of mine. Otherwise I would have to write letters for everyone. At that point, my recommendations would be worthless, since any student of mine could get one. Does that make sense to you Sabrina?"

"It does."

"If you had come to me sooner, then I would have done it for you. You're one of the most capable students I've had in recent years. And that means a lot, since this university is filled with gifted students."

"If you think I'm one of your best students, then why can't you make an exception for me?" she pleaded.

"I've already told you. My rule is 2 per semester. I always follow my rules. In all my years of teaching, I've never made an exception. Ever."

She briefly held her head down, before regaining her composure.

"I understand," she replied, getting ready to leave. "Thank you for your time professor."

"Wait," he said, stopping her. "You know that I'm retiring this year, right?"

"Yes, I've heard."

"This is my last semester teaching. I could write you a letter early next year, and you could submit your law school application before the deadline. That would be within my rules."

Sabrina smiled. "That sounds great. Thank you so much professor. It really means a lot to me."

"I'm not saying that I will. I'm saying that I could."

"Oh, so what do I have to do?"

"First, tell me why you want to go to law school? What's your ultimate goal?"

She thought for a moment to compose a good answer. "Well, I've always wanted a career where I could be a strong advocate for women. I'm almost finished with my minor in Women & Gender Studies. I've thought about becoming a journalist, where I could report on various issues. But my parents have always encouraged me to try law. I've thought about it all semester, since I'm close to graduating. After a lot of consideration, I've decided that law is for me."

He nodded. "You've certainly put a lot of thought into this."

"Yes sir, I have."

"What about your academic achievements so far? Anything I should know about?"

She thought to herself again. "Well, I've written several essays in a few of my classes which focus on women's rights, women of color, and various social issues in this country and around the world. I've gotten an A on all of them."

"Not surprising. You strike me as a very smart girl. I like that about you."

"Thank you," she blushed.

"Email me all of those essays that you've mentioned. I'd like to examine them before I make my decision."

"Of course."

"I really like you Sabrina," he said. "I think you're immensely talented. Women like you are the future of this country. If you can convince me that you're the real deal, then I'll personally contact my friends at the top law schools, and I'll try my best to get you in. How does that sound?"

"That sounds wonderful professor," she said with a beaming smile. "I'm confident that you'll be impressed by what I have to offer."

"I have no doubt. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a scheduled appointment in about 5 minutes."

"Oh, of course. Thank you so much."

Sabrina stood up and graciously shook the professor's hand while he remained seated behind his desk. When she left the office, she tried her best to contain her excitement.


When Sabrina returned to her small apartment, she went straight to her roommate's bedroom, and the door was wide open. Ashley was laying in bed using her laptop to view the latest gossip sites.

"Guess what?" Sabrina asked rhetorically. "He actually agreed to write a recommendation letter for me. Can you believe it?"

Sabrina entered the room and sat down on her roommate's bed.

"Nice! What was it like being alone with him? Was it awkward? That guy is such a hard ass."

"It was definitely intimidating. I'll tell you that."

"And he just agreed to write you a letter?" Ashley inquired. "I've heard so many stories of smart students being shunned like morons."

"I caught him in a good mood," Sabrina shrugged. "But it was a tough process. He wants to talk a little bit more, then he'll write a letter for me next year."

"Next year? I've read that if you apply to law school early, you get a slight advantage with admissions."

Sabrina smiled, "I know. But he has connections to some of the top tier law schools. He also said that he'd be willing to personally contact them on my behalf, if I can convince him that I deserve it."

"Oh wow! That's awesome."

Ashley leaned forward and gave her friend a big hug.


"How exactly are you going to convince him? That guy ain't easy to please."

Sabrina shrugged. "I guess I have to show him some old essays that I've written. He was a little vague about the whole thing. I'm still really confident about all of this. I think he really likes me. He said a lot of nice things."

"Well, if anyone deserves to benefit from his connections, it's you."

"Thanks. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I just hope he doesn't change his mind."

"That would be the biggest asshole move in the world if he changed his mind," Ashley replied. "He's not that cold though. No way."

Sabrina smiled. "You're right. But I still need to impress him. I'll do whatever it takes. Believe me."

"I already do."


It was late in the evening by the time Sabrina had already gone through her old files. She had organized all of the highest scored essays she had written. Then she attached them onto one file. She also put the finishing touches on her final paper for the professor's class. She read the final paper several times to make sure that it was flawless. This was her chance to impress the man who potentially held the keys to her future.

She attached everything into an email, and she typed a message to the professor:

Hello Professor,

I hope you're doing well. Thank you so much for meeting with me today. I know that you're an extremely busy person. I've attached all of the essays that you've wanted to look at. I've gotten A's on all of them.

I've also attached my final project for your class, which I've completed early. I hope everything is satisfactory. Let me know if there's anything else you need from me, or if you want to meet again to discuss anything relating to the recommendation letter. I really appreciate this.

Best wishes,


The email was sent, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She had been sitting in front of her computer for several hours, with very little rest, in order to send the professor the documents as quickly as possible.

With the extra time before dinner, Sabrina checked her facebook updates to see what was new in her social circle. An email came.

It was a reply from the professor:

Meet me in my office. Monday. 9 am.

Sabrina was slightly puzzled by the professor's cryptic and brief email. She wondered if he even bothered to look at any of the attached documents, and if she had spent the past few hours working hard for nothing.

Just then, she received another email. It was another reply from the professor:

We'll discuss the terms of the recommendation letter.

It was the message she wanted. She smiled to herself knowing that the professor's connections to the top law schools was just within reach. Years of hard work was finally paying off. All she needed to do was whatever the professor wanted.

Part 2 of 4: The Determined Student

Monday. Early morning. Sabrina waited outside the office wearing a semi-formal outfit. She wanted to look sophisticated for the professor. She wanted to prove that she was worth it.

He arrived at 9 am exactly. He was holding a small unmarked paper bag, and he barely acknowledged Sabrina when she stood up to greet him. They shook hands, then he unlocked the door to the office and let her in. He closed the door after.

The mood was awkward as the professor prepared his desk and turned on his computer, while seemingly ignoring the college student standing in the room.

"I hope you had a good weekend," she said, breaking the tension.

The professor sat down behind his desk, and Sabrina sat across from him.

"I had a great weekend," he replied. "Most of it was spent grading papers. But I also had time for other activities. And you?"

"School work mostly. I've been studying hard for exams, and writing papers for other classes."

He nodded. "As you should be."

"Speaking of which, have you read those papers I've sent you?"

"No, I haven't," he replied bluntly.

"Oh, I thought you needed them for..."

"I won't be looking at them, Sabrina. I'm not interested in reading your essays for other classes. I don't have time for that."

"Does that mean you'll be giving me the recommendation?" she asked cautiously.

"No," he replied. "You still have to earn it."

"What do I have to do then?"

He looked at her with a sharp gaze. "Are you a discreet person, Sabrina?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you able to keep a secret?"

"I've always been a trustworthy person. Why?"

"I'm very interested in you," he said. "You intrigue me. But you'll have to promise me that everything we discuss remains confidential. Can you do that? If everything works out, I promise, I'll do my best to get you into whatever school you want. And I always keep my promises."

Sabrina took a short breath and tried to keep her composure. She wasn't sure where the conversation was headed, but she liked the outcome. She wanted his help.

"I promise. Everything we discuss will be a secret."

He nodded slowly. "I'm glad to hear it."

"May I ask what this is about? I still don't understand what you want from me."

"You've taken three of my courses, correct?"

"That's right."

"You've always intrigued me," he said. "Since the day we meet, I've found you to be an interesting person. And I've always enjoyed reading your papers. In fact, to be perfectly honest, I still read your papers sometimes. Your thoughts on women's rights, and women's sexual freedoms are fairly profound."

"Thank you sir."

"I have an assignment for you," he said. "It's completely off the record. No one will ever know. Obviously, it's optional. But if you do it, I'll give you an automatic A in my class, and I'll help you get into a top tier law school."

Sabrina hesitantly nodded. "Okay."

"It's a reading assignment. I want you to read the assigned material. Tomorrow, I want you here at 9 am prepared to discuss it."

The professor reached for the brown paper bag and placed it on his desk, in front of Sabrina.

"What is the reading assignment about?" she asked, puzzled.

"Everything in this bag belongs to you. Consider it a gift. Don't open it until late at night. I want you to read the bookmarked story before bed. I want your insight because of your unique perspective on women's issues. Can you do this for me?"

"I can."

"Good," he nodded. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a busy day. I'm sure you're busy today as well."

"Thank you professor."

Sabrina stood up and gave the professor a hand shake. Then she took the brown bag and left the office. She didn't bother to look inside the bag. She was too afraid to look.


That night. Sabrina laid in bed with the lights still on. She had just finished her rigorous study routine for the night. Her eyes were sore, and she was mentally exhausted.

The night wasn't over yet. She looked at the counter top next to her bed and saw the brown bag. It had almost slipped her mind. She sat up on the bed and reached for the bag.

When Sabrina opened the bag, she was shocked by what she saw. There was a moderately sized pink dildo, which was in the shape of a man's penis. She picked it up and looked at it, wondering if it was a mistake. Maybe the professor gave me the wrong bag? Why does he even have this? She had come to the conclusion that there was no mistake. The professor was far too precise and intelligent to be making these kinds of mistakes, she thought.

She put the dildo on her bed and searched the bottom of the bag. The only thing there was a very large book. It was old and worn out. She looked at the cover. It was a compilation book of various bdsm stories. She flipped through the table of contents to see that all of the stories were about sex. Not just any kind of sex, but stories of dominance and submission.

This is sexual harassment! She thought.

Sabrina closed the book and put it on the nearby table. She was angry, shocked, and saddened. She didn't know how to feel. Then she remembered the professor's comment, that the reading was optional. She didn't have to do anything. But then she wouldn't receive anything either. After thinking for a few moments, she realized that there was no harm. It was just a book. All she had to do was read it and discuss it with the professor. Then she would get the professor's help. The dildo would go in the trash later, where it belonged.

After a deep breath, she picked up the book and leaned on her pillow to get comfortable. There was a bookmark in the middle of the book. She opened it to find the story that the professor had assigned.

She began to read:

~~~ Christina was an independent woman, an artist, and a women's rights activist. She ran a successful art gallery in the downtown area. She was approached by a man named Frank, who offers to sell some of his own work. He shows her pictures, and she's very impressed with his photos and paintings.

She visits his small studio to find that the majority of his work is bdsm related. On the wall were images of women being tied and pleasured. Christina politely tells Frank that she doesn't agree with the content, and then she politely declines the offer to buy the artwork.

Frank continues to solicit a business relationship from her. He emails her more of his pictures, which showed women being bound & gagged. Then there were pictures of the women in various states of intense orgasm.

Christina felt conflicted by the pictures. She thought they were lewd, but tastefully done. They were definitely stimulating to her in some way. She was intrigued. She agreed to meet him again to discuss a potential deal.

At his small studio, Frank convinced her that bdsm wasn't such a bad thing. He convinced her that it was something beautiful, and that women received much pleasure from it. Christina was skeptical, but she agreed to experience light bondage at Frank's request. It opened the door to Christina's newfound bdsm fetish. ~~~

After reading the story, Sabrina found herself mildly aroused. With the stress of the upcoming finals, sex was the last thing on her mind, but the story changed that. She was moist between the legs. She was fascinated by the characters. She became enthralled with the idea of the female character in the story being tied & used sexually. Suddenly, the dildo from the brown bag didn't seem like such a bad idea anymore...


The next day. Sabrina sat across the desk from the professor. He simply looked at her without saying a word. He took another sip of his coffee. The longer the silence continued, the more uncomfortable she became with their meeting.

"I want to know what makes you tick," he said, breaking the silence. "I want to know how your mind works in every detail. Are you okay with that?"

"I am."

"Did you read the story I assigned you?"

"I did. I thought it was well written."

"What else did you think about it?" he asked. "What did you think of the main character's journey?"

Sabrina paused for a moment. "I thought the main character's journey is somewhat common for many people. I've done a lot of research on sexuality over the years. People are constantly discovering their fetishes throughout life. There's absolutely nothing wrong with sexual exploration. It's part of being human."

"Do you think that story was realistic at all? Do you think something like that could happen to a devout feminist?"

"Why not?" she replied. "The character in that story is human like everyone else. The fact that she's a feminist probably fueled the taboo of being submissive to a dominate male. Just because someone is a feminist, doesn't mean they can't enjoy a fulfilling sex life."

He smiled, "You're a very smart girl. I enjoy hearing your insight."

"Does this mean I've earned your recommendation?"

"Not yet. I want to know if you used the toy I gave you. Did you use it on yourself while reading the story? Or did you use it afterwards?"

A dumbfounded look came over her face. "What do you mean?"

"Did you use the dildo on yourself."

"I...I don't see how that's any of your business."

"Whatever you say will remain confidential. I'm retiring at the end of the year, remember? In a few more weeks, you won't ever see me again."

She thought for a moment. "I used the dildo on myself after reading the story."

"What were you thinking about?"

"The lead character at the end of the story. You know, being tied."

"Have you always had a bondage fetish?" he inquired.

"I don't think this is appropriate. I already did everything you asked."

"We still have plenty of time," he replied. "You are a very special girl. You're hard working, and very determined. I appreciate those qualities, and I want you to experience the joys of life. I'm not trying to hurt you. You should trust me on this."

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