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The Boots


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"How can I ever repay you..." she said between kisses.

"By switching into your boots. Part of your punishment is whenever you are in the house and not showering, I want you wearing your boots dear." I said in reply. She pranced off happily to the bedroom and in short order was back wearing a tee and the boots.

We were watching the Great Gasbey and eating popcorn when Rebecca said, "Mistress... There is more you should know about Jim."

I looked at her and groaned, "What else?"

"Two things actually." She said taking my hand in hers. "First you know about the separate checking accounts."

"Yes so he could have his little spending money without ruining the budget" I said feeling better.

"Well... He made a little more than he told you." I looked at her.

I knew Jim worked in an office as a worker bee following Asian markets. "How much more Rebecca?" I asked thinking, 'That little shit holding out a raise on me.'

"Six figures." She said quietly. "He has just over one hundred thousand in checking and much more in savings.

I turned to her shocked, "You mean to tell me he was not making just over six hundred a week?" She shook her head no. "Why that son of a bitch!" I said mad.

"There's more" Rebecca said softly.

Looking at her I said, "More? Oh shit... ok let me have it."

Rebecca gulped and said looking me in the eye, "Jim does not love you, never did. You were just a place to live rent free and hang his hat."

I felt my world crumble. The shock that he had an affair was bad, hiding money was bad, a closet transvestite a surprise. But to find he used me for the last five years was too much. I curled up and cried. When Rebecca tried to comfort me I said harshly, "Leave me alone, go to bed Rebecca." She again reached out for me but I said, "Please go," and she left. I don't remember much of that night other then I spent it curled on the couch wallowing in self-pity. My world was shattered and frankly I didn't care if I lived or died.

Morning found me still curled up on the couch. I awoke to the sound and touch of Rebecca on my leg, "Mistress... I love you Karen."

I looked at her and saw her eyes as puffy and red as mine must be. "What did you say?" I asked softly. She had never used my name before and it shocked me out of my apathy.

"Karen, I love you. Please don't shut me out." She said begging.

"How can you love me? You are nothing more than Jim in drag." I replied my voice filled with hurt. "Is this is a game to see how much you can destroy me?"

"I'm not Jim... I love you. How can I show you, prove to you?" She asked tears streaming down her eyes.

"Make him go away... so I never have to think of him." I said. I still remember saying those words. I know it does not sound coherent. That is what I said. I grabbed my purse and went to work to get away. Throughout the day coworkers came by to check on me and ask if I was ok. My only reply was that Jim and I were having problems. "Problems" that was the understatement of the century.

I was still sitting at my desk at 5 pm. I did not want to go home, ether to find Rebecca still there or even worse, gone. "Face it Karen, you're in love and nothing will change that." I said to the computer screen. I was frustrated; my heart was head over heels in love with Rebecca. She made me feel good. The closeness that Jim and I didn't have, she filled. With reluctance, I gathered my purse and went home.

When I pulled into the car port I saw that Jim's car was still there. I want to say I was furious but in reality, I was glad and said a small prayer to god saying thank you. Walking inside I was greeted by the sight of the dining table set and a pair of candles burning on it. Of Rebecca, there was no sign. "Rebecca?" I called and heard her voice coming from the living room.

I walked into the living room to find her kneeling in the middle of the floor. She looked up at me, her eyes still puffy and red, "Jim is gone." She looked down and said softly, "I love you."

Instead of replying directly I said, "I will be in to eat in a few minutes. Then after dinner we have to talk Rebecca." As she stood to head into the kitchen, I stopped her. "Rebecca" I said, "I love you too. God help me, but I do." She smiled and walked into the kitchen in her boots. As she walked away, I realized that she was dressed in one of my skirts and blouses.

Going to the bedroom, I was going to change into clean clothes but realized with a shock that Jim's clothing was missing. All his suits, shoes, ties, were no longer in the closet. Looking around I realized Rebecca was right. There was nothing remaining of Jim in the house. Even his trophies from bowling were gone. The only things I could find of Jim's were his wallet, checkbook, savings book, wedding ring, and watch.

Walking into the kitchen, I hugged her from behind. "How?" I asked her.

Turning into my arms, Rebecca hugged me tight. "You said for him to go away. So I removed everything and after getting dressed I took it all to the Salvation Army dumpster." She paused and looked in my eye, "I even wore my boots all day. Let me tell you, driving was a lot harder than I expected in them."

I had to giggle at the thought of Rebecca trying to drive wearing ballet boots. "Good girl." I said hugging her tightly. I kissed her deeply and passionately feeling good through and through for the first time since this whole mess started.

She kissed me back, "That's not all I did today. I also started the process to legally change my name to Rebecca no middle name Tucker from James Lee Tucker."

I was speechless.

She blushed, "I want him gone permanently. I hate how much he hurt you, mistress, my love. I have an appointment with a lawyer tomorrow afternoon. Will you go with me please?"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked. "Name changes, legal name changes mean going in front of a judge. He will know everything. It not like you can hide anything from a judge."

Rebecca nodded, "For you I would do anything."

My heart melted then. What more proof could I ask for then her willingness to be known at that she was once named Jim? After dinner we cuddled on the couch. I knew we would have to talk about our future but for now, I just wanted to cuddle and feel needed. One thing led to another and I made love to Rebecca that night. I orgasmed harder than I had ever with Jim. When she came in me, I could hear angels singing.

On and off we made love all night, sometimes like to savage beasts during rutting season, and other times with compassion and gentleness. In between we lay together caressing and exploring each other's bodies. At some point in the wee hours of the morning we were making love slowly, pleasuring each other, when a thought crossed my mind. "I wonder how much a boob job costs?" I wondered aloud, and kissed her. Rebecca's face lit up like a child on his birthday. Before she got too far into the idea of a boob job I interjected, "But first let's get your name changed darling."

"Of course love." She said softly.

We fell asleep with her inside me snuggled tight against each other.

When morning came Rebecca kissed me as I awoke and while I was getting cleaned up for work she made me breakfast. "Do you think you can be home at noon?" she asked as I ate.

"I should be. What time is your appointment at?" I asked thinking it was at 1 or so.

"It's not until 4 pm but don't you think I should have something other than one of your dresses or jeans?" Rebecca looked down, "If you wanted I would walk in wearing nothing but a pair of panties and my boots Mistress."

I giggled at the thought, "No that's alright. We should be able to pick you up something to go with your gray pumps today." I gave her a kiss and headed off to work feeling rather good about everything. Throughout the morning people asked if everything was better. My only response was that I had an appointment to see a lawyer today.

When I got home Rebecca was already ready. I was floored how beautiful she was. Every time I would see her it seemed she became more beautiful to me. While her face and hair were perfect for the appointment, her clothes were not. She was wearing the jeans and a tee along with the pumps. She had also grabbed one of my purses, a gray one, and loaded Jim's wallet and her makeup into it.

I took her to one of the upscale bouquets I know of in town and we shopped for a good hour. I would pick things out and she would go try them on. We settled on a couple outfits. One was a light cotton dress in a powder gray color; another thing we bought was a couple dressy pants and blouses. But for today's meeting we decided on a light brown blazer with matching skirt, white silk blouse, and a drop pendant necklace.

Of course once we got that we had to buy matching shoes and a new purse. But hey I love shopping and it was no worry. It was funny Jim hated to window shop but Rebecca loved it. She had as much fun shopping as I did. We would have been late if I had not been keeping an eye out on the time.

At quarter to four we pulled up to the glass building. Even though it was your run of the mill office building it seemed imposing. We took the elevator to the seventh floor and to the offices of Sheller and Williams Associates. Before entering I squeezed Rebecca's hand and asked if she wanted to do this.

"I do." She said softly in reply before opening the door. I followed her into the waiting room. It seemed just like any other waiting room except the decor was a bit more upscale. Rebecca walked up to the receptionist and said silkily, "Rebecca Tucker to see Brad Sheller. I have an appointment."

The woman didn't give her a second glance, she replied "Please have a seat. I will inform Mr. Sheller that you are here." As we moved to sit down she picked up the phone.

Having been in waiting rooms before I had expected to wait an hour or so but We had no more settled in then a middle-aged man came out to us. "Miss Tucker?" He asked looking between us.

Rebecca stood and said "I'm Rebecca Tucker" as she offered her hand. As I stood beside her she said, "This is Karen."

As he shook my hand I smiled and said, "Pleased to meet you Mr. Sheller."

"Let's go into my office," he said and led us into the lion's den. His office was like any other imagined Lawyers office. A wall filled with law books and nick knacks. A huge oak desk with a pair of red leather wingback chairs sitting before it. He moved around behind the desk and sat down. Looking at Rebecca he said, "Now what can I do for you? You mentioned something about a legal name change when you made the appointment."

Rebecca smiled slightly, "Yes Mr. Sheller."

The lawyer broke in, "Please call me Brad."

"Of course Brad... As I was saying I would like to legally change my name." She paused and then added, "From James Lee to Rebecca."

The look on his face was priceless. I could see the dawning realization in his eyes. "What kind of joke is this?" He asked his face transforming from a look of shock to anger.

Rebecca dropped into using Jim's voice, "No joke Brad. I wish to legally change my name to Rebecca to reflect my new lifestyle." Rebecca opened her purse and pulled out Jim's driver's license and social security card. "I will need these changed as well as all my credit cards and bank accounts."

"Do you have any idea the amount of work it takes?" Brad asked.

"Yes I do... and that is why we are here today." Rebecca answered back in her voice.

The lawyer turned to me and said, "And what is your relationship to..." he paused before saying, "him."

"I am his wife and stand behind his choice." I stated calmly as I reached out and gave Rebecca's hand a squeeze.

It took quite a while to convince him that we were serious and that if he did not take the case we would go elsewhere. He even went as far as speaking to each of us alone to make sure the other was not being forced into anything. At last he agreed and had Rebecca sign some papers. He explained that with all probability our marriage would be annulled and that Rebecca would have to go before a judge. The marriage annulled part bothered me but I could live with it as long as Rebecca would stay with me.

He said that he would start the ball rolling and we would know something with in the next couple weeks. As we stood to leave he said, "Rebecca?"

When she turned he said, "You make a lovely woman." The smile on my darling's face was something that I will always treasure. I had told her she is beautiful several times, but to hear it from someone else really helped.

The rest of the week was much calmer. After the last two weeks of ups and downs emotionally I was ready for some calmness. Rebecca and I still needed out talk but at least things were stable.

We fell into a stable routine, I would go to work while Rebecca spent the day cleaning and practicing her makeup and such. She would fix dinner and after we would spend the evening snuggling in front of the television. By Wednesday the packages started to arrive and we would play dress up in the evenings.

The corset did not arrive until Thursday evening. I have always believed that if you are going to get something get the best. Not the most expensive mind you but the best made. Each Ashfords corset was hand made to specifications. No one else came close to their level of quality.

Rebecca wanted me to put it on her and lace it up as tight as it would go, crushing her. But having worn corsets for quite a while I know that wearing one is like learning to walk in heels. You start little and work your way up. When I had placed it on her and had it laced to where it took in only a couple inches I stood back, "Let your body get used to this and then we can tighten it more," I said with a smile.

Friday night on the way home from work I stopped and got a bottle of wine. After dinner Rebecca and I sat together on the couch sipping the wine. Instead of watching a movie I had put on some classical music and started a fire in the fireplace. Which I guess was better than starting a fire in the kitchen.

Rebecca knew something was up with the change in venue that night and once I was seated next to her asked "Is something is troubling you, mistress?"

I looked into the fire and thought. It was time for us to have our talk but I was not sure how to start. "Rebecca, I have wanted to talk with you for a while and do not know how to start. So if I stumble a bit please forgive me." I looked at her and saw her chin quiver and eyes misting up, "No love, nothing like that." I took her hand in mine and squeezed it.

She squeezed in reply and nodded not saying anything.

"How long have you been alive?" I asked finally.

She looked at me, "I don't understand what you mean."

"You know the difference between a persona and a personality right? A persona is like a change of clothes, when I am here with you I am relaxed and myself. But, when I am at work I am professional and more distant from people. A personality does not change no matter where you are." I said slowly as I worked out the thoughts. Looking into the fire as the sounds of Aaron Copeland swept over us I asked, "Are you a persona or a personality Rebecca?"

She squeezed my hand pulling my attention from the fire. When I looked at Rebecca she said, "I am who I am. There is nothing more to me then you see."

"But I don't understand, in two weeks' time you have come from thin air to where you are now. You are everything that Jim was not." I sipped my wine. "I made you. I know a fair amount of hypnosis and you are not possible. So it begs the question, how long have you been alive dear?" I was desperately afraid to find it was Jim running a game on me. I didn't know how to test her. I had spent the week reading up on personas and personalities but did not find a "test" that would prove one or the other.

Rebecca stood and walked over towards the fireplace. Not looking at me she said softly, "My life has been a series of snapshots. A day here and a day there separated by darkness." She turned and looked at me, "You asked how long I have been alive. I do not know. My earliest memories are of a bedroom in my late teens." She walked over and gracefully knelt on the floor before me, "I could read Jim's memories but not control him. I could only come out when he allowed it, and stay till he pushed me back into the darkness." She sipped her wine and then rested her head against my legs.

"If he was so strong then my words would not have changed that. Why are you here now instead of him? And why are the two of you so different?" I asked wanting to understand as I stroked her hair.

She looked up, nuzzled my hand, and said with venom in her voice, "He is a vile self-centered slug. I didn't want to be anything like him." She took a long breath and added, "I am here because of you."

"How can that be? By your words Jim is much stronger then you are Rebecca." I replied. She still had not answered my questions and I was starting to think seriously that Jim was running a game on me. Though for the life of me I could not imagine him ever dressing as she did and going in public.

"You gave me a name. Until then I was nameless. You made me, wanted me, and I found the strength to push Jim down. There was a weak point in his armor, he enjoyed dressing in silk and satin." She looked up into my eyes, "Even knowing everything about how much Jim screwed you over. You still want me." A single tear rolled down her cheek, "For the love you show me, I would do anything for you. I would and did fight to banish Jim forever from inside my mind. I love you Karen. I want to be beside you forever."

I leaned down and took Rebecca's face in my hands. Kissing her tenderly I said, "I love you too Rebecca and want you with me forever also. I would ask you to marry me but we are already married, kind of." I smiled at her and patted the couch beside me. "Come sit up here baby."

Rebecca got up and snuggled next to me on the couch. I caressed her panties and said, "Have you thought about how far you want to go?"

We spent all weekend researching the procedures and processes in transforming a male into a female. The more we read the more I was horrified of what someone would have to go through. I had always thought it was a matter of a boob job, hormones, and a cut and tuck job.

What we found was far more involved. The worst part of it was even after you were done. You would have to spend the rest of your life wearing a butt plug in the front to keep it from closing. The chance for infection even afterward everything was healed was incredibly high.

We had just finished reading one of the medical sites of the process when Rebecca said to me, her face as white as a sheet, "I... don't think I can do this."

Having just read the same article I knew damn well I could not do it. "It's ok baby, there is no way in hell I would do it. Frankly if you wanted to I would do my best to talk you out of it." I shuddered at the problems that newly made women had to go through just to fit in.

I pulled her close and hugged her. "Hormones? If you want. A boob job? By all means. But that? No Rebecca." I held her face in my hands, "Though I must say I am greedy, I love the feel of you in me and would hate to lose it."

Rebecca smiled and hugged me tightly. "Thank you, mistress. I was scared you were going to make me have the operation," she said with her face buried in my hair.

The next month was a whorl wind of activity. It was a good thing that Jim had so much money squirreled away in the bank. Between Rebecca's medical bills for the boob job and hormone treatments and the lawyer we blew through one hundred thousand dollars.

Everyone has a price and it seemed the lawyer's price was almost fifty k. But when everything was done Rebecca had her legal name change and by the fact she still had male sexual organs we were still married. I will say one thing nice about the lawyer. Even though he was robbing us blind he was nothing but nice to Rebecca.

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