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The Camera Man

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Shooting porn was just another job. Then she came along.
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They say that when you work with something every day you become desensitized to it. Justin could definitely attest to that. Like when you worked for a pizza shop and so would soon tire of pizza and no longer want to eat it, even at another restaurant. For Justin, however, it was porn.

When Justin had first started five years ago, it had been hard to concentrate on his job. Not only had Justin been in his late teens (nineteen to be exact) but he had been one of those guys that jerks off at least once a day. But what teenager would pass up the opportunity to shoot porn for a living?! Certainly not Justin. The idea had excited him so much that after he had been offered the job, he had jerked off for nearly an hour straight.

Standing behind the camera while watching two individuals (and sometimes more) having sex, hearing it, smelling it, really effected the young man. Often on his breaks he would have to take long trips to the bathroom, imagining the scene he'd just shot. Even on weekends he would watch porn and stroke himself more than was probably healthy.

Though as the years wore on, he found himself growing desensitized to porn entirely. Soon the reality of being a camera man in scripted pornographic films hit him. They would shoot and reshoot the same scene so many times, trying for a specific outcome. He would watch a woman scream and moan as though experiencing an orgasm but when the director yelled 'cut' she would stop mid-way and look to the director for, well, direction.

It made the whole thing seem so fake. He would find himself watching porn and seeing all the flaws. He'd be able to pick out the editing cuts, he could tell when one of the performers was faking it. He knew when the man was just pretending to penetrate so as to prevent himself from actually cumming. It was all so fake.

So, to Justin Brown, being a camera man shooting porn was just any other job.

That is, until she came along.


"Hey Justin, we're gonna start you on another stage today. This film is just about wrapped up so we'll let the new guy get those last few cuts. We need you on Mistress Sadie."

Justin had already been starting to set up his gear when his boss approached so at these words he stopped what he was doing and fixed the man with an odd look. "Mistress Sadie?" He asked. That name was unfamiliar.

"Yeah, new hire. The profits from these stereotypical shoots are starting to tank so the experts in marketing thought it would be good if we 'branched out'." He said, raising his hands in air quotes for the last two words.

"What does that mean?" Justin asked, strangely curious. For five years it had all been mostly the same. Monotonous with the occasional loop thrown in. This, however, sounded interesting.

Richard looked him in the eye and with a very serious face he said, "The stage I'm sending you to... It's female domination."

"Female domination?" Justin asked, raising an eyebrow. "You mean one of those films where the chick is put to the test and utterly dominated?"

"No, as in the woman is dominating a man."

Justin actually barked out laughter. "There is no Dame strong enough to overpower and dominate a man."

"You misunderstand, Justin. These men want to be dominated by a woman."

At these words Justin could only snort. "What chump wants to be dominated by a dame?" He asked, shaking his head as he leaned down to pack his camera back up. Leaning down the way he was, he completely missed the way Richard flushed at his words. By the time Justin straightened back up, Richard had recovered and he fixed Justin with his usual calm gaze.

"Whatever the case, I need you over on Stage 4."

"Yes sir." Justin said and stood up straight, looking rather like a pack mule with all the camera equipment slung about him.

"Oh, and Justin, the way Mistress Sadie works is... Different."

Justin laughed again. "Well yeah, she's a female dominant. Of course it's different."

"That's not what I mean. She works differently in that she is unscripted."

"Unscripted?" Justin asked, his amusement turning into curiosity.

"Yes. She says she wants organic reactions, not faked ones. Which is why I want you over there. There are no reshoots, everything has to be captured in one go. I know you Justin, I trust you. Get the shots."

Justin swelled with pride. Up until now all he had only ever followed orders. Occasionally he would make suggestions on a different angle and Richard always listened to him, but typically it was try one shoot at this angle then try it again at another angle and determine which one looked better. No reshoots meant he'd have to be on his toes. "Yes sir."

Making his way to Stage 4, Justin found himself eager and excited. After five years of monotony he was finally getting something new!

As he rounded the corner onto the stage he found that this Mistress Sadie had chosen to use one of the X shaped tables. They were still setting up so the table was presently empty. The woman herself was wearing a tight black leather outfit that contrasted dramatically against her pale flesh. Her lips were painted a bright red and her long black hair was handing in a smooth curtain around her face. Dark makeup traced the delicate features of her eyes, making them seem deeper than average. Her face was like a porcelain doll. Though there was also an air of confidence and control about her, of regality.

Although on some level Justin appreciated her body and knew she was gorgeous, he'd been in this business long enough that her appearance had no effect on him. The leather was something he'd never seen in person but he'd seen similar outfits in other films - both pornographic and not. "Mistress Sadie?" He asked as she turned to look at him.

"That's me. You must be my camera man." She said and set a hand on her hip, tilting her head to one side to watch Justin.

"Yes ma'am. Rick told me you want to do this in one shot, how would you like me to set up?"

"Please, don't call me ma'am, that makes me feel so old. You can set up right over there. This will be a three hour session, do you think you can handle that?"

Justin chuckled. "Sure can, miss. I've been doing this for years now, three hours on the camera is nothing." He said as he started to get set up.

Despite his bravado, he soon found that a three hour shoot was a lot more strenuous when it wasn't broken down into half hour increments which was the usual breakdown for the scripted films he usually shot. Luckily he had a tripod set up so the only time it really became taxing is when he decided to pull out one of the secondary cameras and move in closer for different close up shots. With the primary camera left running whoever edited the film later could decide which footage to use.

For this session Mistress Sadie had a man strapped down to the X shaped table and she was slow and meticulous in the way she removed his clothing, cutting away just a little at a time and then she would play with the newly exposed skin or use her whip on him for a bit.

By the time the man was naked Justin was expecting to see his cock hard as a rock and ready to shoot so he was shocked to find there was a metal cage wrapped around him. Despite that, his cock was trying hard to, well, get hard. Liquid was dripping from the tip - as evident when Justin took the secondary camera in for a closer look.

For nearly half an hour Mistress Sadie teased the man with his cock still locked in the cage. It twitched and pulsed while the man moaned and pleaded with her to take the cage off. When she eventually did take it off, his cock swelled up so large that Justin was left wondering how it had fit in the cage in the first place. And damn, that must have hurt.

Yet despite the fact that this woman had clearly been the one to make him so uncomfortable, he thanked her profusely for releasing him, letting out new noises of pleasure as she began to stroke his newly freed cock.

With his cock now free, Justin expected to see the woman mount him. He wouldn't last a minute if she did. What was she playing at, getting him so worked up first?

She did not mount him.

Her fingers trailed and teased the hard, leaking cock and she spoke to him in a sultry, seductive way, teasing him with her words as well as her hands. Shifting slightly, Justin came in and got a close up of the look on the man's face. He was sweating and his eyes were shiny, his mouth gaping wide. The look of utter desperation was something Justin had never seen on anyone before.

It was then that he realized for the first time that he knew this man. It was one of the regulars. He didn't know the man's name but he had chatted amicably with him between shots before. From what he had seen so far he had fully expected some fag to be on the table but that wasn't the case. He'd watched this man in so many roles over the years that it utterly shocked Justin to see him in this position. No doubt it would shock his fans too.

Pulling back again, Justin glanced at his watch. They were just over an hour in and this woman had only just gotten the man fully undressed. This was certainly not the shoots he was used to covering.

For the next hour he recorded as the woman teased the man in various ways, keeping his cock hard and dripping the whole time while sometimes not even touching it!

Then she did something else that surprised Justin. The woman climbed up onto the table and sat on the man's face. His noises changed again and he started to thrash against his bonds so much that Justin worried that she was somehow smothering him. As he took his camera in closer, however, he found that she was kneeling with her crotch a few inches from the man's face. The dark latex material across her crotch was pulled tight, making it impossible to see anything and yet the man was struggling against his bonds, trying desperately to taste her.

Now over two hours this woman had been teasing this man, keeping him hard and - Justin could only guess - achy, preventing him from cumming. Yet he was now verbally begging her to allow him to taste her?

"I'll give you two options." Mistress Sadie said in her smooth, sultry voice. "Option one, I reach back and stroke your cock, finally letting you shoot-"

"That one! Yes, please, oh God, that one." He whined in desperation, thrusting his hips up.

Justin managed to get a close up of the man's face as he said the words but then he pulled back and found a good angle to see the woman's body and the man's face looking up at her.

She set a finger to his lips. "Hush. I haven't finished giving you your options yet, dear." She said and the man visibly shuddered.

"Option one, I reach back and stroke you to completion, sitting here just out of reach of your mouth, letting you smell me but not allowing you to taste me. After you cum I would lock you back in your cage and the session will end... Or option two, I allow you to taste me, to use your mouth to bring me to completion. You would not be allowed to cum and I would still lock you back into the cage and the session would end."

The man groaned and wiggled a bit. He didn't seem quite as eager to give his answer this time. Justin couldn't understand why. If it were him laying there the choice would be easy. Option one, of course. He'd never really cared for giving oral to a woman. The few times he had it had been at his partner's insistence and he'd only gone along grudgingly. Not that he had much of a romance or even sex life. Video taping pornography all day left him with little to no desire for sexual contact.

"Tick tock, the time is running out..." She purred and the man groaned again.

"I, I... Option one?" Though the way he said it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Aww, sweetie. So selfish... Thinking only of yourself... Does your cock hurt, huh? You want to cum, huh baby?" She asked and he nodded, staring at her with a glazed expression.

The woman made no move to reach for his cock. Instead she began to play with the latch of a zipper that quite clearly ran from her naval, down her cross and between her legs. Her victim watched with hunger in his eyes as she moved her hand slowly downward, the zipper making a soft noise as each consecutive latch was undone. Then, slowly and impossibly seductively, she finished pulling the zipper between her legs and spread the latex material, exposing her glistening, wet, pink folds.

The restrained man struggled against his restraints, trying to lift his head to taste her. His tongue stretched out towards her as he strained as hard as he could. The woman moved a little closer and the man's tongue just barely missed touching her.

At that moment she reached behind her and began to stroke him. He moaned and shuddered, his eyes rolling back in his head. "Yes... Yes... Yes..." He moaned and his breathing was coming in ragged gasps.

Her other hand began to stroke herself and soon even Justin who stood a few feet away could smell her arousal. Her lips were swollen and pink. Clearish white fluid clung to her lips as she ran her fingers along and between them.

The man's eyes suddenly sprang open and he watched her fingers, noises of pleasure escaping his lips. His cock was impossibly hard and Justin pulled back a little and shifted his position again. He knew his stationary camera would be watching the room as a whole, catching the movement of the woman stroking the man so he moved a little closer for a better shot on the way she was touching herself. That was a good money shot with how wet and aroused she was.

The man's noises were becoming more high pitched and Justin was sure he was getting close to cumming.

"Wait!" He suddenly gasped out and Justin was surprised. He turned his camera to look at the man's face and was surprised by how glazed his eyes were. "I-I changed my mind... Please let me taste you."

Justin saw out of the corner of his eye that she stopped stroking him then. She smiled in a predatory way and let out a rather cat like purr.

"Oh, I don't know, dear, you already made your decision. Why should I let you change it now?"

"Oh fuck... Please. I'll do whatever it takes... I... I'll let you keep me locked up for an extra week, just please let me taste you?"

"Oh, my pet will let me keep him locked up, will he?"

"I... I didn't mean... I mean, I... My cock is yours to do with it as you please, but... I need to taste you, please! I understand that means I won't be allowed to cum today, just please let me taste you?"

His words effected Justin on some profound level. What the hell had this Mistress Sadie put this man through in order for him to proclaim that his cock belonged to her? The last time Justin had seen this man on stage had been months ago and he'd been the arrogant, haughty man taking full control of the scene. Now this?

"Very well, my pet... I will allow you to taste me... But you won't be allowed back out of your cage for a month..."

"A month?" He asked, his eyes going wide.

"I'll update your offers. Either cum now and then be locked up again for a week with no release, or be allowed to taste me but you will be locked back up in your cage, allowed out once a week for an edging session but with the guarantee that you won't be allowed to cum for a month, no matter what."

He whined and squirmed, his eyes on her wet lips.

Again Justin thought about how easy the choice would have been for him.

"Let me taste you." The man said in defeat.

For the next half hour the man eagerly lapped and sucked at the woman's cunt, letting out noises of distress as she relentlessly teased his cock the entire time he pleased her. Justin found himself changing angles often. He could tell when the woman was getting close so he got a close up shot of her ecstasy as she came. Three times she made the man bring her over the edge while she kept his cock hard and angry looking.

Finally she slipped from the table and somehow the man looked as though he already wanted her to return. He wanted more? Still?

She walked over to a small mini-fridge and pulled out some ice. When she returned she used the ice to make the man's cock shrink down impossibly small, lubed him up and forced him back into the much too small cage. Leaning down, she gave the caged cock a kiss. The man, who had lifted his head to watch her lock him away again, said, "Oh Fuck..." Then dropped his head back down onto the table and lay there panting.

"Okay dear." The woman said, turning to look at Justin now. "The shoot is over. You can go ahead and start packing up again."

"Yes ma'am." Justin said, completely forgetting her previous insistence on not being called ma'am.

That night, for the first time since his early days in the industry, Justin found himself extremely horny after a shoot...


It turned out that Mistress Sadie was such a new talent - and such a large risk for the company - that for now she was only given a three hour slot once a week for her recording. Richard later explained to Justin that this had been her first shoot and, unlike the other films the produced, it would only have a single week delay in it's release. All the other films they made took a month of editing because of all the reshoots to get a film somewhere in the realm of one to two hours. Since Sadie did a single shoot it would only take a week for the developers to piece together an hour and a half long film.

The next week Justin was strangely disappointed when he didn't get to shoot Mistress Sadie's second shoot. It just happened to fall on a day he had already requested off for a family reunion.

When he got back from his extended weekend he was surprised, and oddly pleased, to learn that Mistress Sadie has requested him to be her dedicated camera man. When he reviewed the raw footage from her second shoot, he could understand why. They had called Todd in. He only had a year's experience but after Justin he was the most seasoned camera man on the crew. They had a lot of turn over in that area.

Todd was good with steady cameras but every time he took his secondary camera in for a close up - as Justin had done - the footage was shaky and often not well angled.

There was one shot where Todd had, apparently, been trying to get a close up of Sadie's face but instead got a wide angle that was more unimportant background than it was Sadie.

It was exciting to be made her exclusive camera man.

The next week he filmed her as she released the same man from his cage, teased him for two hours, locked him back up and then bargained with him again. This time he agreed to undergo a full three hour edging session next week if she would let him taste her again.

Justin knew from watching last week's released film that the man had been edged for an hour and a half then been allowed to taste Mistress Sadie without having to bargain with her.

He couldn't know for sure if that cage actually stayed in place between shoots, but Justin did know he hadn't seen this man in any other shoots since he'd started filling with Mistress Sadie.

Somehow knowing the combined efforts of what the man had been going through were having a profound effect on Justin. Again that night he was horny when he got home, almost unbearably so.


This was his life for the next two months. The rest of the week creeped by monotonously but those few short hours he had with Mistress Sadie were hot and so intense that every night after her shoot he would go home and stroke himself. He'd find himself thinking of her even between shoots and soon he was longing to be the man tied up on the table under her practiced hand.

It was insane. Crazy. He had never in his life imagined a woman taking control over him, never even considered edging himself and leaving himself on the teetering edge of release. Yet now that was all he could think about.


"Thank you Mistress Sadie. For everything." Roderick said, clutching the woman's hand and bringing it to his lips to kiss it.

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