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The Camgirl Pt. 40

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Liam has a foursome, Blake fucks Chloe, both fantasize.
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XL: Something Special

Liam and Blake


Liam paced in Marie's room, trying to distract himself from the noises coming from the other side of the door and the discomfort they caused in his pants. He'd forgotten his earbuds. Of course. And he hadn't been able to find any of Marie's, either.

They had stopped for a bit after Liam heard what he thought was a second, particularly loud orgasm, though Liam had found himself unable to keep images of Blake writhing in pleasure from running through his mind. Then they'd started up again and he'd sworn he heard his name.


Moaning his name.

And Liam's erection had just begun to subside, thoughts of her fading from his mind.

Once he'd heard his name like that, Liam's mind had gone into overdrive.

Was she trying to mess with him? She'd said she wasn't going to play nice anymore. Had she just been thinking about him when she was with Chloe? Did she often think about him during sex? Or when masturbating?

Then had come the mental images, eventually leading to Liam pacing as he was now.

He'd seen Blake like that before--he'd even seen the video of her and Chloe--but that was through a screen. She'd just been some girl--if an incredibly cute, hot girl--on a screen that he'd gotten off to a few times.

Now she was just across the apartment from him. She'd been only feet away from him earlier, nothing separating them but air.

A bang sounded outside, interrupting Liam's train of thought. A second one followed, and Liam's eyes bulged.

Marie. Fuck.

What would she think of him listening to that? And Blake's door was probably still open. Should he close it?

Liam strode quickly out into the main room. Either way, he should get Marie and whichever of the girl's she brought back out of the main room and into the bedroom as quickly as possible.

He turned the corner to find Marie with both Leah and Alice. He took one glance at them, then Blake's open door--taking care not to look beyond the door--the carefully pushed it closed with his foot. When he turned back to his girlfriend and the girls she had brought back with her, they were still...entangled.

Marie was making out feverishly with Leah while Alice, pressed up against the wall behind Marie, was leaving a trail of kisses and nips along Marie's slender neck.

Though the door was closed now, it didn't do much to dampen the noises coming from Blake's room. Did they get louder?

Liam raised a hand toward the knot of girls, then, feeling awkward, cleared his throat. He had to do it twice more--rising significantly in volume both times--to get their attention.

When they turned to him, Liam could tell by their smiles--or by Marie's at least--that they were all a little tipsy.

"Liam!" Marie said, eyes lighting up as she closed the distance between them. She pressed her lips against his own, hands traveling up his back then down to squeeze his ass before he could even get a word in.

The kiss did leave Liam breathless, but when he noticed Leah and Alice giggling and pressing their ears to Blake's door, he frowned.

He hid it quickly, however, when Marie gazed up at him. She followed his eyes, though, and after starting between Blake's door and the two girls for a moment, her eyes went wide. She brought a hand to her mouth in an unsuccessful attempt to stifle her laughter, "Oh, shit! Blake's being so fucking loud!" Then she grinned at Liam, grabbing and him and Alice and tugging them toward their room, "Should we try to be louder?"

All three girls erupted into a fit of laughter as they made their way with Liam toward Marie's room.

Liam found himself a little annoyed for some reason. Shouldn't Marie have been at least a little annoyed that Liam had been here listening to Blake and Chloe make noises like that for who knew how long? She wasn't that drunk, was she?

Once within Marie's room, however, that train of thought fled Liam's mind as his girlfriend tackled him to the bed, raining hungry kisses down upon his lips and jaw as she tugged at his shirt. Liam could feel the other two pulling at his pants. Liam groaned as Marie ground her hips down on his imprisoned cock, and she cackled.

"We've got something special planned for you tonight, babe," Marie said between kisses, though between those and her continued grinding against him, Liam had to work to process her words, "Leah came up with a wonderful plan so that all three of us can enjoy you."

Liam grunted as the other two managed to tug his jeans down over his hips even with Marie's continued activity. His cock had more freedom now, and fuck, Marie's grinding felt good. He could already feel her wetness dampening the fabric of his boxers, though those followed his jeans moments later, with two additional pairs of hands exploring his thighs and balls.

"What exactly did you have in mind?" Liam managed with a grunt, remembering that Marie had spoken. That hadn't been too long ago, had it?

After one more long kiss that left Liam breathless and a little dazed, Marie climbed back off of him to stand between Alice and Leah. All three were still dressed.

Liam's girlfriend looked between her two comrades, then back at Liam, and the trio erupted in a fit of giggles.

Marie tugged at the hem of her dress, "Why don't you get these clothes off of us first, then you can find out?"

Grinning, Liam half-leapt off the bed. His hands found Marie's zipper just as his lips found her neck.



Blake moaned semi-coherent babble, clawing at her sheets and gulping in air as Chloe fucked her hard. She was on her stomach now--no longer able to support herself on hands and knees--thick locks of blue hair in a tangled mess around her face. She occasionally had to smooth them away when it became too hard to breath. Her mind had stopped functioning properly at this point.

On some level Blake knew that the huge, ribbed dragon-themed dick hammering at her pussy was just a dildo that Chloe had strapped on, and she knew Chloe was the one fucking her, running her fingertips and nails down Blake's sweat slicked back and making her erupt in shivers and goosebumps, tangling her fingers in Blake's hair and pulling hard, making her moan, and slapping her pale ass hard all at random intervals.

In her fuzzy, lust-addled brain, however, that was all Liam. Soft, slender hands became larger, a bit more calloused. The dick jackhammering in and out of her folds, stretching her with every thrust, was hot and fleshy and real. Blake's mind was too far gone to care at this point. She'd been exhausted, horny, and still a little shaken and spacey from her earlier encounter, and Chloe had told her that thinking about Liam was okay. That made it okay. And fuck, was it good.

The fantasy combined with her over-ridden brain had sent Blake even deeper into her arousal. At this point she was just a bundle of wonderful sensations, living out what she so desperately wanted to be true within the safety of her mind.

For a while, Blake had fucked back, grinding her hips against Liam's, giving as good as she got. She'd since been reduced to a bundle of mewls and moans and pleas for him to fuck her harder, too exhausted to do much else other than follow the occasional command to change positions.

Blake lost any sense of time as Liam pounded away, his cock filling her, making her feel so wonderfully full. She felt her pleasure start to build. Somehow, she managed to form words, "More. Fuck, more please!"

They came out more as moans than actual words, with the last morphing into a whimper.

Liam complied, fucking her harder, drawing back almost the length of his cock, then hitting the back of her pussy with every thrust. Her pleasure morphed into a wave. It spiked, rising fast.

Blake couldn't even tell if she was making noises anymore when she finally crested that wave. She lost all control of her body. She could feel herself twitching and squirming under Liam as he continued to pound away, not letting up in the slightest. Her fingers and toes grew tingly. Her head followed shortly after. Just when Blake thought she couldn't take anymore, a viscous liquid burst forth from Liam's cock, coating Blake's insides. Some part of her mind told Blake that the torrent should stop after a few spurts, but the torrent didn't stop. It filled her up, stretching her insides to their limit before she felt the thick, sticky cum leak down the insides of her thighs as it slipped by the wide base of Liam's still-thrusting cock.

That fullness, those continued bursts of cum within her, sent Blake over the edge again. She lost any feeling of control of her body as spots danced before her vision. She thought she heard a satisfied cackle just before her vision went white, mind consumed by pleasure and arousal.



Fingers danced over Liam's torso, trailing lines of goosebumps or grabbing and squeezing at his muscles, occasionally joined by a tongue. The hot, wet trails that it left provided a nice contrast to those of the fingers. Other hands gripped his thighs, long hair occasionally brushing at the skin around them and making him squirm as the feathery touches tickled him.

Thankfully, those sensations were secondary to what the two mouths between his legs sent throughout his body. One licked and kissed his balls, occasionally taking one entirely between soft lips and sucking on it gently. The other did the same to his almost painfully hard cock.

Liam focused what little mental energy he could summon on keeping his breathing steady and trying to hold off his orgasm for as long as possible. He'd been hovering around the halfway point for some time now.

A hiss escaped Liam's lips as one of the girls took his nipple into her mouth, nipping at it gently. All three laughed. Liam didn't know which one of them had done it, however, as he could not see them.

Leah's idea had been to tie Liam up and blindfold him while the three girls had their fun. Liam had been hesitant at first--only going along with it because of Marie's assurances and the three naked girls using their unfair advantage to coax him into compliance. Now, however, he found he liked it.

At the very least, it was refreshing. After the last two threesomes he and Marie had experienced with these girls--and attending to Marie's own needs--Liam had begun to feel rather spent. It was nice to just relax for once--to not have to concentrate on making sure he attended to each girl equally and did a good job of things.

He did wish he could see, though. The room's dim lighting combined with the scarf tied over the eye-mask Marie had found made that impossible, however.

Liam felt the weight on the bed shift, then shivered when soft hair brushed against his shoulders.

"Just relax and enjoy yourself, babe," Marie whispered a moment later, breath hot on his ear.

Liam realized that he had tensed a bit and forced himself to relax. He'd also probably been frowning or something to catch Marie's attention.

"Seeing is also pretty enjoyable," he said.

"You'll have plenty of time for that tomorrow morning," Marie giggled.

Before Liam could say anything, Marie's lips were on his. She kissed him deeply, every movement seeming to linger as she licked or sucked at his lips, tongue darting into his mouth to tease him. She left him breathless. Liam moaned softly as she moved her lips down his jaw and to his neck, sucking lightly and leaving a hot trail behind. Liam tried to relax into the feeling, while still keeping his breathing steady.

The image of pale skin and blue hair flashed in his mind.

Liam half-frowned, but smoothed his expression immediately, not wanting to give anything away to Marie.

That wasn't the first time that had happened tonight. Liam dismissed the image immediately, as he had before, yet the blindfold and lack of other visuals made it difficult. Recently, Blake had been popping into Liam's head any time he thought of something related to her. That hadn't been a problem until tonight. And now she just randomly popped into his head in the place of one of the three girls as they pleasured him.

Another shift of weight on the bed snapped Liam's thoughts back to the present. Moments later, a familiar scent filled his nose as something wet and slick brushed against the tip of it. Instinctively, Liam tried to reach up and grab the ass before him. The scarves the girls had tied him with held firm, however.

"C'mon, Liam," Marie said as the pussy before him wiggled, brushing back and forth across the tip of his nose before pressing back a bit, "Eat up."

As the words left Marie's mouth, one of the other girls took Liam's cock deep in her mouth. His cock twitched in the hot, wet enclosure.


The pussy moved back, dipping a bit lower so that it pressed directly against his mouth. Liam took the hint and started eating the pussy so politely presented to him as one of the girls bobbed her head up and down on his cock. It was a bit hard to keep his focus as he licked and sucked at the dripping folds before him. The sensations of tongues and lips and mouths on his cock--were they taking turns now?--distracted him. He enjoyed it but found it hard to keep his mind from wandering, and his orgasm began to build.

As Liam enjoyed himself, listening to the moans he coaxed from Marie as he ate her pussy, an image of the bed formed in Liam's mind. Almost immediately, the two girls playing with his cock had blue hair and pale skin, eyes obscured by blue locks as they went down on him. It took Liam a bit longer to push the image from his mind this time--most of his attention was centered around his cock. Then Marie's moans morphed. She started calling out his name, egging him on. Her voice was a bit higher. Her ass a bit smaller, yet more firm. Her skin was lighter, hair a vibrant royal blue. The face was still obscured.

Liam barely even registered the image as something inappropriate until Marie pressed her pussy firmly back into his mouth, grinding her hips against him. He worked his tongue with a near-frantic effort as her moans rose higher and higher, the memory of Blake calling his name intertwining with them. The legs straddling trembled as she pressed her pussy back against his face, hard. Liam didn't stop licking and sucking. In his mind, it was Blake pressing her pussy against his face as she came, pale skin shining with a thin sheen of sweat, hands gripping tight at his stomach. Then she collapsed on top of him.

The sudden change pulled Liam back to the present, dispelling the image, yet Liam found it hard to care this time around. He knew Marie probably wouldn't be happy about him fantasizing about her roommate while he ate her out, but she couldn't really blame him. She'd slept with Blake and asked her to join them, after all.

But she doesn't know how Blake feels about you. You do. Even if Blake thinks about you this way, is it right for you to think about her like this while you're with Marie?

Liam hated that voice sometimes.

The warm, soft weight on top of Liam shifted, and Liam let out a long moan as Marie--it had to be her--took his cock into her mouth all the way down to the base. Her mouth felt so damn good. She started to bob her head up and down, stroking his cock with her lips and tongue, as the other girls sucked and licked at his balls. The pleasure around spiked, and Liam felt his orgasm building at a pace he couldn't stop. His brain began to fuzz, images forming. He tried to hold back, but as he neared the edge of his orgasm, the image of Marie became Blake.

He exploded in her mouth, gasping as she sealed her lips around his shaft just under the tip, working the exposed shaft with her fingers, coaxing every drop of cum into her mouth.

That image sent Liam's mind into overdrive. His legs wanted to twitch, but the other two girls held him down.

By the time Blake had coaxed every last drop of cum from him, cock finally starting to deflate, Liam's heart pounded as he gasped for breath.

No, not Blake. Marie.

Liam's blue-haired friend vanished from his mind, replaced by Marie. His girlfriend.

He Marie's weight shift around him and heard soft moans and other noises coming from down near the other girls. Were they making out? With his cum still in Marie's mouth? She seemed to like doing that.

Liam's mind fell back into a post-orgasm haze for a bit, pulled out of it only when he felt lips on his cock again and another pussy press against his face. He wasn't over-sensitive, but still sensitive enough to twitch at the sudden stimulation.

"Was that good, babe?" Marie's voice asked at his ear a few moments later.

Liam nodded, the grunt that came from his throat all he could manage at that point.

She giggled, "Good. Just enjoy eating more pussy while we get you hard again."

He felt Marie move away as the pussy pressed back into his face and started tonguing the folds almost by reflex. As he continued to eat the girl out--he thought it was Leah--the girl with his cock in her mouth became Blake, eyes twinkling as she licked and sucked at his cock. Liam found himself too dazed to care at the moment.



When Blake's brain finally began to de-fuzz enough for her to regain a sense of her surroundings, she found herself on her back, head resting on a pillow, pussy and inner thighs coated in a sticky, gooey mess. A strong scent filled her nose as she breathed in. Pleasantly exhausted, unfocused eyes fluttered open to find the glistening pink petals of a dripping pussy open before her, mere inches from her lips.


Blake followed the command without question grabbing the tanned, shapely ass before her with tired hands and burying her face between the firm cheeks.

Fingers brushed against her clit, making Blake moan into the pussy as she kissed the soft, slick lips. Her brain had unfogged enough for Blake to know that she was eating out Chloe, drinking in her friend's flavor as she explored her folds with her tongue, but in her mind, the fingers on her own, worn out pussy were Liam's.

He was gentle with her. Even a slight brush of his fingers against her oversensitive clit made Blake convulse and cry out, though that ended up just turning into a muffled moan into Chloe's pussy. He teased her, alternating between tracing lazy circles over Blake's stomach with his fingertips, then brushing his knuckles along her thighs, then massaging the lips of her pussy. He always so close to her clit, yet only occasionally brushed it, seeming to know exactly how much she could take.

Blake reveled in those sensations as she dined on Chloe's backside, enjoying the feel of Chloe's firm ass in her hands as she alternated between her friend's dripping pink folds and her tight, puckered ring of muscles. Chloe rarely enjoyed sticking anything inside her ass, but Blake knew for a fact that her friend loved a skilled tongue between her cheeks.

Blake made sure to lick her friend's holes as thoroughly as she would want her own attended to. Chloe deserved it. She was so great. Blake didn't remember exactly what Chloe had done tonight that made Blake feel so strongly that she had to thank her friend, but she didn't care. She just wanted to make sure her friend enjoyed herself as much as Blake had so far. Though Blake's mind was almost entirely focused on the view before her and the fingers dancing around Blake's own pelvis, her mind had cleared enough for her to listen to the wonderful moans that came from Chloe ad match them up with each kiss, nip, and flick of her tongue. With that, she coaxed a nice little song of moans and gasps out of her friend. Blake interrupted that song with a shriek when the fingers at her pussy slipped between her lips unexpectedly.




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