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The Chess Piece Ch. 05-06

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Captured and returned.
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Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 04/18/2009
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Special thanks to MaaddMaaxx for editing. Sorry it has taken so long but life took a front seat. No sex in this chapter sorry.

Damn how did he get here? She thought as she stood staring at him. He had a phone and returned her stare dead on. Wait; there was something different in his eyes. She could not put her finger just on it but something was different. Was this his anger for her running? From his look she figured he would just kill her.

"I've got her." He said then closed his phone. Without words he grabbed her by the elbow and led her to the black SUV that apparently was their vehicle of choice.

She wondered if they knew that it was available in other colors also. He opened the door for her once she got in he closed the door then walked around the other side and got in. This ride was so silent that any noise became deafening. He did not look at her nor did he talk to her. She glanced his way and saw that he was not even looking towards her. She felt like she was in a car with a stranger, not someone she had just spent an intimate night with.

The silence finally got to her, "How did you get there so fast and where are your friends."

He said nothing.

"I know that you're mad but do you really think that ignoring me is the best way to deal with me?"

Again he said nothing.



"What are you going to do with me?" Finally he looked at her and she again felt like she was looking at a stranger.

"Personally, I think that you need a spanking to remind you that you should obey. But since it isn't my call then I can only suggest it. Obviously, you have not been told, I am not Jason. I am Jerad. I am taking you back to Jason who will then decide what to do with you. Did you really think that he would come after you personally? He probably barely paused in his daily schedule to give the order to find you."

Laysea slumped back Wow now I feel even lower then I felt before. "There's no need to be mean. It would have satisfied me to know your name. I'm sorry, I will not bother you."

"Too late."

"Asshole! Hey by the way maybe no one told you that I didn't marry him so the whole 'obey' thing you can shove it up your ass!"

"My understanding is that my brother took your virginity so in the eyes of our laws you did marry him. My advice: don't forget anything you have learned today."

By the time they arrived back at the building Laysea had decided that Jared's true job was punishment because he was so good at it. As they pulled back in the drive and stopped in front of the building there was Jason, Ty, Jerry and three other guys she had never met before or at least she did not think that she had.

Jason opened the door SUV and held his hand out for her to take. She looked into his eyes and there was that special something that was exclusively Jason's. Maybe it was just for her because of their experience together. Maybe it was just because it was her. Hell, for all she knew it could be there for everyone, but she knew in her heart that he was not as cold as Jared portrayed him. She was not an inconvenience and he did pause during his schedule to help her feel more comfortable.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a bother – but I don't regret trying to get away."

"Laysea, if you had not tried I would have been shocked. You are not a bother but you have to understand that you do not have to run from me. If something is on your mind, talk to me. Maybe hearing it out loud will help you decide. Or just having someone listen. Whatever you need, I am here with you in this, okay? Me and you, and we gotta stick together."


"Come on, let's go upstairs the doctor is waiting so that you can be checked over. Maxie thought that you would be more comfortable with her in there instead of me so she is up there. But if you want me in there with you just let me know and I will stay."


Again he held his hand out to her to take and she slipped her hand into his then got out of the SUV. As they were walking into the building he began to rub her palm again, some how that simple action could be so comforting and reassuring to her.

The lobby was very extravagant but empty. There were two doors on each side of the lobby and what could be the front desk in the center. There was a crystal chandelier hanging half way between the door and the desk. There were two men standing at the desk. They both nodded as the parties moved past them around the wall behind the desk. There hidden behind the wall was the elevator doors, Jason pushed the up button and as they got on and turned to face the door she noticed that no one else had gotten in with them, the doors smoothly shut leaving them alone for the first time.

"I did not realize that you were a twin."

"Yeah, I am a few minutes older than Jared. After a while you'll start to see the differences between us."

"Oh, I've already noticed a couple. Like he is a mean jackass."

Jason chuckled, "Well, there is that. However, I don't think that his wife will agree with you about that."

"Why? Will she say you're the mean jackass?"

"Yeah, she tends not to stay when I'm around. I guess when they got together I was too hard on her or something like that."

"She is half right – I believe that you can be a jackass. I just can't see you being as mean as he was. He was purposely mean to me, I don't even know why he had to be so nasty to me."

"You did come back and admit that you were wrong. Maybe he was trying to show you how wrong you were?"

"Are you looking to fight with me?"

Jason sighed, "Look if you don't want me to explain why he acted that way then don't waste the time trying to figure it out."

"First off, I never said that I was wrong." The doors slid open to expose a beautiful penthouse that was elegantly decorated. "Second you will have to introduce me to Jared's wife because I believe you just proved her point."

With that she walked off the elevator into an expensive room that simple took her breath away. It looked like it should be in a magazine the way that it was decorated.

Jason walked up behind her, leaning down so he could whisper, "Welcome to our home."

True to his word, Jason had a doctor, a female one, waiting on her in the apartment. She had never had a woman's examine before but she understood the mechanics of what happened during the exam. She met Maxie, Satan's wife, and could not believe that this sweet woman, who really was genuinely kind and good hearted, was married to such a hard man. When Ty arrived she got to see a hint of a softer side of him. Maxie apparently was the love of his life and he was not afraid of showing it. In fact the only real fear he had was losing her. After Ty and Maxie had shared a kiss that surely raised the temperature of the room a few degrees, she turned to find a shocked look on Laysea's face.

As the two women began to walk towards the bedroom Maxie whispered, "You know every one of them have a soft side. They just chose to show it to someone that they care about. You met Jared. Was he even what you would call nice? No, he was probably a baboon's ass to you. Same thing with Jason. He will show you his softer side but show most other woman how big of an ass he can be. It is their self protection mechanism. It protects them from women who want them because of who they are or how much money they have in their account."

"You said most women. Who is not included in that?"

"Okay, I will give you a little background on these guys while you are having your exam done."

"Thought that I might get out of it." Laysea said sheepishly and she began to get undressed and putting on a cloth form of the normal paper gown.

"Yeah. No, Jason is really insistent that this exam happens. He is worried that he hurt you with it being your first time and all."

"God, does everyone know?" She asked turning a bright shade of red as she crawled onto the bed.

"We know because Jason brought you back with him. Jason does not bring girls home so that means that you have to be something to him." She explained as she covered her with the sheet then turned and knocked on the door to let the doctor in. "Now, about their quirk, it does not apply to each other's mother, sisters, and woman who have been around them all their lives. Like me. My older brother is Mac – the tech guy for Jason. You will meet him soon because they will get you all set up with credit cards, bank account access, and a cell phone. Anyhow, since Mac was such great friends with Jason, Jared, Jerry – their cousin, Ty, Kaleb, and Trenton – who is Ty's cousin; I was always around them. When I turned 13 and they were 15 I had a bad crush on Ty. A year later he had made it extremely clear that nothing was going to happen between us. I was heartbroken – cried for the next 3 months. My mother became so worried about me that she sent me to a coed summer camp where I met lots of other people. When I came back I was at least distracted from Ty and that is when it happened. Because I was no longer paying attention to him but to other guys, he began to pay attention to me. In fact I was on a date with a guy that I liked when Ty told me that he was into me. The guy and I had gone parking and ...were having a really good talk when suddenly the driver door was ripped open. Ty grabbed the guy and dragged him out of the car and hit the guy, breaking his nose. I jumped out of the car but could not prevent the first couple of punches. I began yelling at Ty, 'What the hell are you doing?' He told me that the guy had 'bad ideas on his mind.' Apparently Ty can read minds. Of course, all of the guys were there and were standing with Ty on this, including my own brother. So, no matter what I did I could not get him to stop and this guy was getting the shit beat out of him because they thought he had a bad idea going through his head."

"So, how did you get them to stop?" Laysea asked, completely enthralled in the history story being told not even paying much attention to the exam that she had always dreaded.

"I did the only thing that I knew to stop Ty from killing him. I called my mother. She in turned called Ty's mother who called and ordered him to stop being a bully. Ty's mom told him that he could not have his cake and eat it too. He either needed to be with me or let me be with someone else and deal with it. So he stopped beating the guy – who was unconscious, and grabbed my hand dragging me toward his car. The other guys followed him some getting into his car others getting into Jason's car. He did not say anything to me for a really long time and finally it got on my nerves so I yelled at him asking him why he just did that and if he had lost his mind? When he refused to say anything to me I yelled at him that I wanted him to stay away from me and to leave me alone. Still nothing from him. My brother was in the backseat and tried to calm me down and I told him to just sit back and shut the hell up. I yelled about how unfair it was that they would not just leave me alone. Ty did not want me and now they were going to make sure that no one else did either. When we got to my house I screamed something about dying a virgin at him and jumped out of the car. I ran upstairs not even stopping to talk to my mom, and slammed my bedroom door shut, throwing myself across my bed and crying again over the man that I was still so in love with but could never have. I heard a commotion downstairs but did not think anything about it until my door slammed open. I sat up and there was Ty. He told me that we had a lot to get straight and the first was that I was not going to die a virgin – he would see to that. He also told me that as of that night we were dating and he would beat the hell out of whoever tried to move in on me."

"How did you take that? It seems really pushy!"

"I hated it – bucked it really bad. In fact I got a different date to prom until Ty had a 'talk' with him about a week and a half before prom. The guy called me and told me to stop trying to get him killed then hung up on me. Well, needless to say I decided that I would just not go to prom."

"Why do I get the feeling that you went?" Laysea asked. Suddenly there was a finger shoved in her ass. "HEY! Nothing got stuck in there so there is really no need to check it!"

"Sorry but Mr. DeGeo requested a full exam." The doctor said apologetically.

"Yeah well I give you permission to skip that part and I will deal with Jason. If he don't like it then I'll have you shove something up his ass and see how HE feels!"

"Honey its over you can get up and get dressed. I went to prom because Ty showed up at my house the day of prom dressed up in a tuxedo – and he looked hot! He made my heart go really fast and my mind turned to mush about everything but crawling all over him. Have you ever been seduced by a man without being touched by him?"

Laysea shook her head as she was getting back into the expensive outfit that Jason had bought her earlier.

"Well, just wait. I bet Jason can do it too. Anyhow, we ended up going to prom and from then on you can say the rest is history. We have been together ever since with no regrets. He told me later that he always had a thing for me, but since I was Mac's little sister he did not want to put me in this life if he could help it. He would rather live without a woman than let me get hurt. The problem was that he could not live with another man touching me. And with that you are completely done with the exam. See it was not so bad right?"

"Okay, so you have a way of distracting a person during a completely embarrassing moment. But I still can not believe that all these guys have their softer side. Jared is just too mean to have the softer side that you say Satan – er, um, I mean, Ty has." Wow I can not believe that I just said that Laysea thought as she turned several shades of red.

Maxie looked at her with a strange look on her face before she began to laugh uncontrollable. She laughed so hard she had to sit on the bed and was holding her sides. Within no time at all big fat tears were rolling down her face.

Laysea was afraid that she went from laughing to crying. Oh God! Have I made her have a mental breakdown? How in the hell am I going to explain how I broke his friend's sister and Satan's wife? Crap I gotta stop calling him that. It is how I broke her!

Laysea stood there with a horrified look on her face at the thought of the punishment for this crime.

"Oh gosh, hold on, oh my, I don't remember the last time that I have laughed that hard! Did you just call him Satan because you see him as evil or was he red when you met him?" She asked as she still fought to control her giggles.

"He looked scary to me and intimidating so I thought he was like Satan and I have sort of been calling him that in my head. Hey, you are okay right – no mental breakdown?"

"No I am fine I just don't think that anyone has ever given the guys nicknames like that. I wonder how he would react if I called him that in bed?"

"GOOD GOD DON'T CALL HIM THAT!!!" Laysea screeched at Maxie.

Maxie giggled and said "You know you will be good for this place and for Jason."

"What if I can not conform to his life? What then?"

Maxie looked at her seriously, "Look I have known a lot of girls in this organization and as much as they fight it, all of them end up being happy. Life is a journey but it is the little trips that determines if it was a good one or a bad one." With that Maxie opened the door and held it for Laysea.

So she started down one of the many forks in her life – hopefully this one would end better then others.

The next month and a half of her life, Laysea began to form a pattern for her days and nights. Every morning at 7 am Jason woke her up by making love to her. Slow, agonizing, sensual, and hot sex! Then they would have breakfast together Jason would be sweet and teasing her by stealing her toast. He would leave by 9 am and she would get dressed. At 10 am Maxie or Trista (Jared's wife) would be at the door waiting on her. They would all go out together, or with some of the other girls in the building, for shopping and lunch. Then at 1 pm she would go to the bakery which was the only job that Jason could not get her to quit.

So, it came down to a compromise. If he let her keep the job, a car would come drop her off and pick her up. It was only part time, and she would not try to run away. This deal was developed after he had been forced to find her 9 days in a row. Two of them while she was under heavy guard. Although she really thought that it might be because he saw how happy the job made her. Had he been reasonable she never would to have resorted to running away from him. She wanted to shake him up and let him understand she was not going to be controlled. She was an equal as his wife not subservient.

Mrs. Timm's, the owner and manager of the bakery, even allowed Jason to buy half the bakery so that they were partners, and Laysea was now sleeping with her boss.

Laysea thought about how he managed to nicely connect them in one more way. It did not matter, though she was able to do the work that she loved and did not have to worry about money. She was always picked up by 4:30 pm and taken directly home. She got cleaned up and dressed in designer clothes, ready for Jason to be home at 6. They would leave at 6:15 to one of the upscale restaurants to eat dinner, then either go dancing or catch a show. They were home by 10 pm when Jason would take her to bed, making fast, hot and dirty sex with her ending with them falling asleep in each other's arms.

As hard ass as Jason could be, Maxie had been right. He had one hell of a soft side when it came to her. After the dreaded exam he asked her if she wanted the Plan B pill. He told her that it was her choice if she wanted a baby immediately. He would do everything in his power to get her pregnant, however, if she would like to adjust to her new life first, he would understand that also. She did opt for the Plan B pill but, only after he reminded her that Mitch was counting on her conceiving that night. He continued by saying their first time may have been a result of someone else's plan but he thought that when they made their first child it should be because they had decided it was time.

Laysea was touched by the fact that he allowed her to decide what to do with her body and their plans for children.

During the third week she convinced him to let her go shopping. It amazed her how fast she spent a couple of million dollars.

She redecorated the whole apartment using excuses like 'too manly', 'too modern', and the 'she hated the colors'. The only room that she ran into trouble with was the master bathroom. She had fallen in love with it when she first arrived. It was covered completely in natural stones so that it looked like the faucets were actually in rock and that time had cut out a big hole in the rock for the sunken tub. Even the shower looked natural, like your own personal rock room. Everything had faucets growing out of the rocks. She almost did not touch that room but, when she spent about $10,000 on a specially made Natuzzi sectional and three ottomans that was designed by her, then made in Italy and shipped over, with expedited shipping. Jason just plopped down and said that it was "nice". She knew that she had to do something crazy so the bathroom got a make over because she felt like she was peeing outside and her bladder was 'shy'. Not even that got a raise out of him. Yes, her life had started to take a new form and she had to say that it felt nice.

Six weeks after she and Jason had returned home, Lady walked into the Bakery with three men, all of them had guns.

"Laysea it is time for you to complete your job. Either come quietly or we can kill you now and end the game early. Your choice sweetheart." Said Lady.


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