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The Commuter

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Train ride that changed me.
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I'm a commuter, a straphanger. Every day 40 minutes on a commuter train into NYC. It can be a mundane life. Walk to the platform, wait for the train, sit in pretty much the same seat everyday, and go to work. Then after work do it all again in the other direction.

But every now and again it can be exciting and fun. It can start with a story from a girlfriend, then a sideways smile as you see him on the platform. Followed by a tentative hello with an excuse me can I sit her. And before long you have him balls deep in you, with your husband watching, and you just say yup commuting is not so bad after all.

This is that story. How a boring train ride became one of the hottest most erotic moments in my life.

Every day humming along the track my train ride is a chance to read, catch up on work emails and some days take a nap. I commute to NYC from the suburbs of Long Island.

My name is Julie, and I'm 28 years old. I'm told I have an attractive figure, though I think my ass is too big for my 5.2 frame. I have nice full size breast and short cut brown hair. My life is that of your basic run of the mill young professional. I am married to Josh, my husband of three years. We are a happy couple but dare I say a little boring. There is not much spice between us. When we have sex it is fun but nothing earth shattering. Just oral for him, some for me, put it in and time for bed.

So I get on my normal train going home and see Emily, a good friend of mine, who usually is on a later train. I sit down with her and we are waiting for the train to leave and begin talking. She is in the middle of a sentence, and stops talking.

"Oh my God I would not be expecting to see you here." I follow her eyes and she is talking to a handsome guy standing in the aisle.

"Hello Emm," he says with a laugh. "Yup I moved out to the burbs, was getting tired of city life."

As he says this he looks at me and his eyes burn into mine. I feel as if he is looking into my soul, and more uncomfortable, like he found what he wanted. He smiles a wicked and seductive smile at me.

"Hello I'm James and you are?" I freeze for a few seconds then look up and tell him my name. He smiles at me and I feel a tingle in my body like that I have never felt. He chats with Emily for a minute more.

"Well let me go find a seat, great seeing you Emm, and a pleasure to meet you Julie. I'm sure I will see you around on the train."

With that he walked away and took a seat a few rows back.

"Who was that Emily?" I ask, and I think she can sense my excitement in the question. I want to know about him. She laughs and looks at me.

"Julie he was a guy from about 5 years ago right before I met Doug. He is my age (30) and he is an absolute sex machine."

We both giggle but I can tell she is not joking. I can see the longing in her face as she is undoubtably thinking of times with him.

"What do you mean a sex machine?" I say , in a oh come on kind of way.

I mean he is definitely a good looking guy standing at about 6.1 with a nice strong frame and a shaved bald head.

"Jules I mean it. Sex with him was amazing. I was never one who craved sex, but with him I had to have it. It was all I thought about, he would come to take me out and I would just pull him in and spend hours fucking him. And I mean fucking! I did things with him I never thought I would even want to do. But with him I wanted to, I loved it. I felt so sexually liberated with him. And he made me feel like that was the best feeling in the world. He was always a gentleman too, that's the funny thing. He could absolutely dominate me in the bed, yet make sure all my needs were being met."

"I remember one time we went at it for what seemed like forever. I could not even move when I was done. He got up set a bath up for me, carried me into it, then brought me back to my bed and gave me a massage. Before he ravaged me yet again. I mean he was just an amazing lover."

Wow I'm in shock listening to Emily, I let out a big breath and turn back to look at James. He looks up and smiles at me again. The smile seems to say yup it's true I'm that good. Shit I quickly turn back and giggle with Emily.

"Julie be careful, getting to close to him. I don't mean that he is dangerous. But I see that look in your eye. You're intrigued. Shit I want him again just seeing him too. But he will make you hunger for him, and bring you to sexual pleasure that Josh will never be able to match. And then I'm not sure you can be happy."

"Shit Emily I'm not doing anything. I'm married for heavens sake. I bet you had fun but I'm great with Josh, he satisfies me and I'm happy."

"You're happy because you don't know any better. Trust me Josh is not satisfying you like James."

"Fuck you Emms, what do you know about Josh, and if he is so amazing why are you not with him?"

"Hey don't get upset, your right I know nothing about him. But I know plenty about James. And he made me feel like a woman. Like a sexual powerhouse. I'm not with him cause I'm a fool and allowed my parents influence at the time to get between us. Truthfully I will regret that my whole life even though I'm happy now. But I do wonder what could have been. I'm saying this to you cause I saw your face, the way you locked eyes with him."

I smiled, "You're right Emily, something about him made me feel alive. Just a look and I was drawn in. I have never wanted a man, truly wanted, but just a look and I was in. Josh, yeah you're right on that also. He is a good man, but sex is so regular. It is like a blue print and we never break from it. It's crazy if we do doggie style, or in another room. Just once I would love to feel like you did."

We pull into our station and say our goodbyes. I walk to my car and see James walking to his, a little ahead of me. He is sexy, nicely dressed, great walk, so confident.

That night after dinner Josh goes for a run then showers. When he comes out of the shower I pounce on him. I rip his towel off and kiss him as my hands explore his dick. I get him hard and drop to my knees and go down on him. I'm sucking on him like I got something to prove. I take his 5 inches into my mouth with ease and work him until I feel his legs getting wobbly.

I stand up and push him on the bed. I take my clothes off and jump on top of him. I grab at his dick and put him inside me. I start riding him and within a minute he starts coming.

"Fuck Josh did you really come?"

"I'm sorry babe but you're never that aggressive I did not stand a chance, shit no man could. I have never seen you like that."

"Let me get you hard again and let's go again."

"Come on I got to get to bed I have I busy day tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow night. What the hell got into you anyway?"

I roll over angry as shit and go to bed. Thinking about James.

I see him the next day as I'm walking up to the train and he smiles at me. Thought of last night flash into my mind and I feel embarrassed and pissed. Why can't I have him for a little.

A few days later I walk on the train and I see James sitting alone in a two seater. Shit I know I should not sit with him but something within me draws me to him.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?

Looking up from his seat he says, "Julie, of course I told you I would see you around, would you like the window seat? Sometimes the aisle is a pain with all the people bumping into you?"

God Emily was right he is looking out for my needs and I just met him.

We talk, and one day sitting next to each other becomes two, then a week, and before you know it we are riding together every day.

I managed to also get his number, in case the train is cancelled or something. That way we can inform each other. But of course it leads to me texting him during the day.

I get on the train on a Friday after work and James immediately asked what's the matter, you look nervous.

How can he know, is it that obvious. I take a deep breath and explain to him.

That I tried last night to have sex with Josh and he of course came again way to soon. He would not finish me off. It got me angry and Josh asked why am I so into sex lately. And I spit out that I want more, that I deserve more, that I just want a man that can pleasure me like never before. I told him about this guy from the train that a friend of mine got with and he is supposed to be a sex God, and now that's all I think about.

And as I told Josh this I felt horrible saying it, but take note that his dick jumped a little in its semi soft state. Take note that he did not storm out of the room calling me all sorts of names. Take note that his hand was caressing my leg. I told Josh I'm sorry and I love him, but I just can't get this story about this guy out if my mind. It created a fire within me.

Josh asked me about this story. I proceeded to tell him about what Emily said. As I'm telling him he started to finger fuck me and I saw that his dick was hard. We wind up having a really good second round of sex. Josh lasting longer this time around.

James looks at me and says, "Bravo, you see communication is very important in a relationship. I'm happy for you and your husband. But why do you look nervous, seems to me you should be happy. You communicated a need to Josh and he listened and responded in a positive way. Seems to me this will strengthen your marriage."

I twiddled my fingers. "Well there is more," I say as I can feel my face get red and hot with embarrassment.

"When we were making love the second time I was excited and at one point as he was driving into me, I yelled out that I want James to fuck me. Josh responded that he wanted that also and came like crazy. The thought of it sent him over the top."

"After, we talked about it, and he said he wants me to fuck you, that the idea turned him on. That I should talk with you."

James grabs my hand and puts it on his leg, and tells me to keep it there until he says. I feel him under his pants, and another shot runs through my body. He feels big. I never even thought of that, his size, but feeling it I get so hot.

"You turned me on Julie and I want to take you and ravage you and pleasure you. But I need to make sure your husband wants this. I don't want to break your marriage up. It's not what I do. So I want to meet him. Let's go for a hike tomorrow morning the three of us. If it goes well you will be in sexual bliss before the day is up."

"Also I want you to understand that in order for you to truly enjoy this I need to be in control. What I say goes. I won't harm you or do anything you don't want. But I saw a look in your eyes the first time we met. There is a caged animal within you, and I want to bring it out. I may ask you to do stuff you never tried, don't say no, give it a try. If you don't like it I will know and I will stop."

"Oh and by the way you can stop rubbing my cock and put your hands back in your lap."

My god my pussy is on fire I can't wait for him to fuck me. I did not even realize I started rubbing him. He is big and I think about how I will feel tomorrow, I can barely breath.

"Ok, so tomorrow morning if you don't already, I want you to make sure you're nice and well groomed. Be that way in the morning before our hike. Also when we get off the train your going to follow me to Victoria Secrets. I will pick something sexy out for you. Nothing crazy. Oh and no sex tonight with Josh, and no masturbation for both of you. I want you to be as hungry as possible tomorrow."

This really is going to happen. I could not believe how hot I was right now. The train pulled in to the station and I did as he said and followed him into the store.

We walked in and as we walk around James grabs at my ass. He stands behind me and whispers in my ear how much he loves my ass and he can't wait to get his tongue in it. In it, did he say in or on? Listening to him I start to realize how intense tomorrow will be.

"So do you see anything that you would like to get fucked in." He asks me this just loud enough for the worker nearest to us to hear. Her head snapping up at us both. I am so embarrassed, but James seems to not even care.

"Don't worry about her, she has no idea about the pleasure your going to receive tomorrow."

Shit this is embarrassing yet I also feel like a sexual beast. Like yeah that's right I'm going to be fucking like crazy tomorrow, what are you doing.

He decides on a sexy pink and white bustier with thong panties to match. He again talks as if we are 2 people buying a shirt,

"You will wear this tomorrow with a pair of heels. I'm going to fuck you so well in this."

He also grabs a pair of shorts they look like volleyball shorts and a tank top. This he explains will be for our hike. It is way shorter and sexier than anything I would ever wear.

Standing at the counter waiting to pay he explains to me.

"You are a very sexy girl I'm just not sure you know it. "I look up and the girl behind the counter is smiling, I'm beet red.

"Tomorrow I plan on bringing your sexiness out of you. By the end of the day you are going to know what your sex appeal is. Your going to know what you like in bed, and beg and demand for it. These clothes are going to make you look so sexy, but the truth is you are the sexy one. The clothes accent you not the other way around."

The girl behind the counter now looks redder than me. We walk out and I can't believe how sexy he has made me feel. He walks me to my car and opens my door for me.

I get in and he bends down and kisses me and at the same time runs his hand along my leg and into my crotch. He starts rubbing me and I hungrily take his tongue into my mouth. I feel like I'm going to come already and he must sense this cause he stops.

He gives me that wicked smile and stands up for a moment, my face eye level with his crotch, and I see his fly is open. Oh fuck, not here in a somewhat busy parking lot. But I think about Emily saying I will do things I never thought I would do and want to. Shit I reach my hand into his pants,my heart beating in my throat.

I grab a hold of him and pull him out. Oh my god his dick is big probably 6 inches semi hard like it is now and I'm a little surprised at his thickness. My pussy tingles with anticipation knowing it will eventually be mine. I put him in my mouth and start to give him head. He grows in my mouth and I'm lost within him, forgetting I'm a married woman sucking another mans monster in a parking lot.

He pulls himself out of my mouth and I see that beautiful cock. It looks like 8 or 9 big thick inches. He stuffs himself back into his pants and bends down again.

"I will see you tomorrow for our hike. Remember no coming tonight for you or your husband." And with that he stands and walk away.

I drive home thinking, what the hell did I just do. I have never been like this. I'm a plain Jane. Is it possible this sexual animal really lives within me like James thinks.

I get home and Josh greets me at the door. We talk about work for a few minutes but he clearly is not interested in that. So I tell him James would be eager to fuck me but he wants to meet Josh first and make sure he is cool with it. I told him about our planned hike for the morning.

He is a excited and comes over and gives me a deep passionate kiss. My mind flooding with guilty thoughts knowing I had James's cock in my mouth 10 minutes before hand. I pull away and tell him what James said we can't do tonight. I also told him about his need for complete control.

"Josh what the hell are we doing. Twenty four hours ago we were a normal married couple. And now we are about to bring a stud into our bedroom to ravage me. You sure you can do this."

"Julie I love you and I think James may be right about what he sees in you. I can't bring it out. Let's see if he can and what it leads too.

"But I'm afraid this will break our marriage up. I mean how can you handle seeing me get off for another guy so hard, and I can't for you."

"Let me worry about that. Now let's eat and get to bed cause if I can't have you or masturbate I need to sleep and get tomorrow here already."

Tomorrow comes and I shower and put on my new clothes. When I come down to go Josh's mouth is wide open.

"Wow Julie you look amazing." I smile and tell him James picked it out.

We get to the trail a few minutes drive from our house and James is already there. We get out and he goes over to Josh and says hello. Then he comes over to me and gives me a kiss as if we are friends and tells me how sexy I look. We start our hike and we just go like 3 friends for 30 minutes of or so. Then the conversation starts.

"So josh, you really think you want this, me fucking your wife. You sure you will be ok as send her in to orgasmic pleasure again and again."

Josh looks at me and then James. "Look I want this for her, but truth is I'm turned on by the idea of her getting fucked like never before."

"Ok because I'm not sure I would be able to handle it. Julie stop walking for a minute."

I do as James asks and he comes over and stands behind me. I can feel his size pushing against my ass.

"So this does not bother you."

And with those words he puts is hands into my waistband and starts to rub me. He is getting me hot. He bites my neck at the same time he inserts 2 fingers within me. I let out a whimper as he works me.

He looks up at josh. "You're sure you will be ok with this."

He pulls his fingers out of me and you can see my Arousal on them. He rubs them across my lips and than takes them into his own mouth. Fuck this is so erotic.

"She tastes so sweet, come here Josh kiss your wife and taste her on her lips."

Josh walk over and looks me in the eye and kisses me. At the same time James's fingers invade me yet again. Oh my God this feels so good and almost natural with Josh standing here kissing me. James pulls out of me again and puts his fingers into my mouth. I lick them and he then tells Josh to kiss me again.

"So Josh this is my proposal to you. Julie wants this. She is a sexual Dynamo and I want to unlock her. But I like you, and I want you to be involved in this. I would like for us to all go back to your home today and for you and I to satisfy your wife like never before. I will still need to be in control of it all, as I think it adds to the erotic pleasure for both of you."

Josh looks at me and asks what I think. But James tells him it is not for me to answer but him alone. With that James pulls my shorts down to my ankles and tells me to bend over and touch the floor. He kneels behind me and licks my asshole. Slowly going around the rim and then right on my whole sticking his tongue within it. My oh my he was not kidding about what he said about my ass.

He picks his head up and asks, "So what do you think Josh should we do this, should we take her and unleash her and maybe even unleash you at the same time." He then goes right back to licking my ass.

This is crazy. A few days ago I was a quiet girl married to a quiet guy doing what most young couples do. The gym, runs, maybe a concert, dinner with friends.

And now I'm in the woods with a man eating my ass as he tries to convince my husband the two of them should bang me. And I want Josh to say yes. The idea of him being involved and me having two guys at the same time is so erotic.

Josh Responds that he wants to do it. James stands up and says excellent. He grabs my arms and pulls me up bending my head back and kissing me. Josh looks down and sees me fully shaved for our guest.

"You like that Josh, sometimes you just need to make a demand and things get done. Your wife wants to be a sexy freak and I will show you both how to draw it out of her.

"So Josh although I want the control I will let you make some decisions. Should we let your wife get a taste of my cock right now. I will take her from behind and let her have an orgasm. Or should we make her hold out a little longer."

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