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The Craving Continues


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I found the quietness of the next few minutes strangely fascinating. Normally they'd be swearing and grunting unabashedly, but now that they had a purpose to their sex they seemed so focused. They had agreed that when Matt came in her mouth he wouldn't say anything but was allowed to make whatever sounds were natural, since that added to the allure of the video. Breanna couldn't help but moan every once in a while, especially when she knew that Matt was moving the camera close to the action. This was really turning her on and I could tell from her body language that she was aching to masturbate while she blew him. For whatever reason, she refrained and wanted to keep the video about just his dick and her mouth.

I crept from the kitchen into the dining room to where I could see them in the living room. I figured Matt was about to finish and I was right because just as I got a good look at them both with Breanna's cell phone hovering near her face, Matt let out a moan and his balls twitched while his sister's mouth was halfway down his shaft. She pulled back until she had just the tip in her mouth and let him explode all over her tongue, though she was careful to stay perfectly still like she had seen in the videos she was trying to emulate. The stiff cock in the throes of orgasm was the focus and even his cum shooting out wasn't really seen, only the results of the explosion afterward in her mouth. Matt was still moaning and tensed up as he ejaculated into his sister's mouth for a good few seconds before his body settled and he relaxed. He gave his full attention back to the camera now and very carefully kept the shot close to her mouth as she let his cock slip from her lips and showed off the load she had sucked out. She swirled it around her tongue for a bit before swallowing it and showing off her empty mouth right after.

Matt turned off the video recorder and just smiled at her. She eagerly smiled back at him but suddenly launched into him with a giant hug.

"That was fucking awesome!" she exclaimed. "Damn, I can see why people do that. That was so exciting!"

I was dripping as I watched them, both for the obscene display that they had captured and for the loving relationship that I was witnessing between them. I couldn't wait to watch the video with them later. Breanna was already talking about needing to edit it and then figure out what website to upload it to and how to create an account with an online identity and how to craft it so it stayed anonymous. I didn't interrupt their conversation and just let them exist together in that excitement as I finished dinner.

After we ate and talked and the excitement of the day was starting to wear on us all, we decided to take a break from each other and relax until later when we would all sleep in my bed together. Breanna was buried in her laptop the rest of the evening as she worked on the video, and though Matt was interested in it, he was also a bit detached for some reason. I had thought maybe something was up earlier when I told them about their father fucking their aunt, so I tried to find a reason to be alone with him so we could talk. Not that I wouldn't want Breanna involved, because we were still a family, but I worried that he didn't feel he could speak about it in front of her.

I announced that I was going to bed early but that they shouldn't worry about waking me up when they were ready. I knew Breanna would probably be up all night long building her online persona to post their porn so I figured if Matt wanted to talk to me this would be the best opportunity. It reminded me of that night not too long ago when we had spoken alone in my room, with me naked under the sheets, before we had started fucking each other.

Sure enough, about an hour or so after I had gone to bed and had just started to drift off, I felt his warm body slip underneath the sheets and sidle up to me. I moaned with happiness when I felt his hands clutch at my breasts and hip, and of course his thick cock pressed up against my ass.

"Mmm, how's it going out there?" I asked.

Matt kissed my neck and started to stiffen against me. "Bree is totally obsessed with that video. I can't believe she's really going through with it."

I smiled. "How do you feel about it?"

"If people actually watch it, then that's hot. I think it's cool to think of ourselves as amateur pornstars. I just don't know if anyone is actually going to watch it."

"I guess we'll see."

"I can't believe you let us do it, to be honest."

I glanced back at him, barely able to see his face in the dark. "Oh? Should I not have?"

He shook his head. "I'm not worried about it. It is hot and I like the idea. I still want to just have sex with both of you,but just for us, not for the internet. I'd hate for what we have to be tainted in any way."

"As soon as you feel that happening," I said firmly, "you tell her. This has to be something you both want to do."

Matt's hard cock was impossibly insistent, considering how spent he must be by now, but I could tell that he needed to fuck again. I rolled over and let him slide on top of me before reaching his fingers down to my pussy and rubbing at my clit. He spit on his fingers and wet my lips before separating them with the tip of his cock and plunging deep inside of me. I whimpered as his thick meat invaded my tight hole and stayed firmly in place, filling me completely and claiming my body as his own.

My eyes locked onto his and I carefully observed his expression through the penetration. I could still see the worry in his face even though there was lust there now too.

"What's wrong, Matty?" I said in my warmest tone. There was nothing sexual about my voice despite the fact that we were technically fucking. I was his mother in this moment above all else.

He groaned from pleasure but he didn't start thrusting just yet. I held him close against me and felt him melt into my body, my breasts crushed against his chest and our hips touching.

"Are you worried about your father and your aunt?" I ventured.

He looked at me sheepishly. "I don't know. I don't want to sound selfish, but I'm worried about what it might mean for us."

"Us? What do you mean?"

Matt slide his cock out and back into me once, almost like he was trying hard not to fuck me and couldn't help himself. He seemed especially taken with my breasts and pawed at them like a hungry child.

"I can't see Dad being okay with us doing this," Matt said in a sad voice. "And I don't wanna stop."

I reached up to kiss him gently on the lips and smiled at him. "Baby, don't worry about that. I won't let anything come between us. We'll always have this special relationship no matter what."

He started thrusting and my insides were melting now. The combination of arousal and maternal love was mixing together in this wonderful blend of emotional pleasure that set my heart on fire.

"But..." Matt grunted with each thrust. "...what if he finds out?"

I let Matt fuck me for a little bit before answering because I knew he needed my body badly right now. It felt so good I was about to burst, even though I simultaneously wanted to stroke his hair and soothe his worried soul.

"What if he does?" I challenged him. "Would it stop us from loving each other? Would it stop us from anything?"

"He wouldn't let us fuck..." Matt was practically whimpering as his cock invaded my soaking hole over and over and over, taking and stretching and penetrating until he couldn't cram any more of his thick cock inside of me.

I held him against my chest while he fucked me raw. My breasts cradled his face and neck while he plowed me hungrily. There was something so deeply natural about me being able to show him love like this in such a vulnerable moment. He was obviously very distraught over his concerns and it was my fault for telling him about what his father was really doing on his business trip. I felt responsible for his state of mind and it was my duty to solve the problem.

"Oh Matty," I whispered into his ear. "My body will always be yours. We might be lovers at the moment but we are always a mother and son first. I will always be here for you, for whatever you need. If you want to tell me your secrets, then I'm here. If you need pleasure, then I'm here. Anything you need, I will do for you. That will never change."

Matt was almost crying suddenly as if he was a lost child. I hadn't seen him like this in a long time. I realized how strong he had bonded to me sexually now and when that was threatened he lashed out in his own way. He wasn't violent with me in the least but there was a childish hunger in his movement that told me something was amiss. Three loads of cum drained from his balls hadn't affected the need within him. That "something" he craved was only filled by being with me like this. I was honestly glad Breanna wasn't here to see this or else she might look at him differently.

I felt his cock getting more insistent still, no longer pulling all the way out before thrusting back inside my pussy but now staying buried for longer and his thrusts becoming bursts of extreme desire. He needed to cum so badly! Not just to relieve his balls but for emotional relief too. Something had been pent up inside of him for a while now and it was in this moment about to finally come to a head. I was so glad to be able to give this to him.

"Oh Mom..." he whispered into my neck as he gave in to that insatiable feeling. "I love you."

I clutched at him and practically willed myself to cum right along with him as I felt the twitching of his cock. I could even feel his balls drawing up into his body and contracting against my asshole as he plunged himself to the hilt and exploded inside of my cunt. I cried out in pleasure as I climaxed at the same time and submitted my wet hole to him. The need between us was equally great and we both poured our orgasms into each other. Forceful bursts of semen filled me in sharp torrents and I quivered against him as I accepted it all through a blurry haze of hot sensation. By the end we were breathing heavily with our faces touching. I could feel wetness between us and knew that we were a sticky mess. He stayed deep inside of me and collapsed onto my body, burrowing his face between my tits and savoring my pussy as it clasped tightly onto his still rock hard penis. He was so impossibly hard still that I couldn't believe it. The way it felt inside of me kept me wet and aching for him despite the heat of our sex being passed now.

I just stroked his hair softly as I imagined he fell asleep on me, laying perfectly still and breathing softly while his cock seemed unwilling to leave my depths. I could have easily climaxed again if I wanted to, but this moment was for mother/son bonding and not for fucking anymore. That would come later probably, maybe even within a few hours, but for right now I just wanted to feel his cum oozing out of my hole and his masculine form clutching at me.

Eventually I fell asleep as well and only woke up when the sun was pouring into my bedroom. I quickly became aware of a third body next to me in the bed, and Matt was still half on top of me as well but had moved to the other side during the night. Breanna was out cold next to me on the other side and even snoring a bit. I wondered how late she had stayed up on her little pet project but I certainly didn't want to wake either of them. I was able to slide out from under Matt and make my way out of the bedroom without waking either of them.

I grabbed my phone and quietly moved downstairs into the kitchen to check my texts, and to my pleasant surprise, Tom had texted me at some point late last night. I was sorry I missed it, and my heart was racing at what it might contain. Would he have chickened out and skipped visiting Sarah? Or would he simply tell me that he stopped by but didn't do anything beyond the normal pleasantries?

I took a deep breath and read his texts.

Didn't get in until late, the team wanted to go drinking after the presentation. Just now getting out of the car to see Sarah...might text later.

Well, that certainly wasn't much to go on, but thankfully there were more texts after this about four hours later:

Not even sure what to text here, haha... I think I'll save the details for when I get back. Maybe text Sarah if you really want to know. Going to sleep now, love you!

Oh fuck him! He left me hanging and he was probably going to sleep late now so I wouldn't be able to call or text him back for a while now. I thought about texting Sarah right this second but there was something delicious about just knowing that apparently he was happy with whatever had happened. I still wasn't entirely sure that anything had happened but he seemed cheerful enough in his text. If they had indeed gotten along especially well then Sarah would no doubt be sleeping in too. Maybe...together with Tom...

I clasped my legs together as a thrill shot through my body. I set my phone down to keep myself from trying to ruin the surprise by prying too much and went to make some coffee. My mind was racing of course and I wondered what would have happened between my husband and my sister that wasn't sex but would still have left him happy. Maybe Sarah was the one who chickened out and he was just glad that things weren't awkward anymore. Rrrr, I wanted to know so bad!

I knew that, as long as things weren't in a bad way and he would leave early, the plan was for him to stay the whole day today as well and come back later tomorrow, so I still had the whole day to be naked with my children and fool around. I had planned on doing whatever they wanted, however many times they wanted, this entire time we were left to ourselves. I secretly hoped they weren't going to sleep in and waste the whole morning but I also wasn't going to protest if that's really what they wanted.

"Daddy," I said aloud softly, hoping that his comforting presence would appear and keep me company while I sat at the dining table with a steaming cup.

"Yes my angel?" his deep voice answered in my head.

I closed my eyes and smiled wide. "Tell me I'm not making a huge mistake and ruining everything for my family."

"Are you worried that Tom and Sarah being together will make things worse somehow?"

I sighed. "Maybe. I don't feel like it will, but the way Matt reacted last night...am I just too horny to see straight?"

"You can't help who you are, and it's much too late to go back to the way things were before. But if anyone can pull this off, it's you. I've never seen anyone who loved their family as much as you do."

"Or the way I do, I suppose?" I laughed. "I know it might not last forever, especially if Matt and Bree move on and get married and leave."

"You never really left me when you did the same, though. We still had our moments together even if they were a bit less frequent."

That was true. I had married Tom and still fucked and sucked my father at every opportunity.

"You'll have time to help them," he continued. "As long as you stay close to them, they'll be close to you too."

"I'll fuck them until they're tired of my old and wrinkled body," I said, smiling. "Matt certainly didn't seem to think I was too old for him last night."

"The love between a mother and her son is more than physical attraction. I don't think I have to tell you this."

I nodded and took another sip of my coffee. I kept thinking about how wonderful my sex with Matt had been even though he had been fairly troubled, and his emotions had basically caused our sex to be so good. Maybe things would continue to be that good for us now moving forward and he just needed to get it out of his system. That parent/child connection must be what Daddy felt with me, though the genders were reversed. It made me feel even more grateful that I could experience something so incredible that really no other mother in the world ever would unless they were incestuously involved with their son. Even if that were the case, it still took a family as loving and strong as ours to establish.

I heard someone coming down the stairs now and stared happily at whoever it was. Matt appeared as naked as he had been all day yesterday, and his eyes on me as I sat naked at the table were wide with delight. I could tell he was feeling better the instant I saw him. His cock was semi-hard now, either from his morning wood settling down or his arousal heating up.

"Morning," he said, coming over to me and kissing me on the forehead in such a sweet gesture.

I grabbed his butt and held him close against me, feeling his penis press against my chest. "How'd you sleep?"

"Really good," he said, going to get himself some of the coffee I made. "I'm sorry about last night. I don't know what I was so upset about."

I shook my head. "You do not need to apologize for having feelings. You know you can talk to me about anything."

Matt brought his mug over to the table and set it down, then moved toward me and playfully stuck his now erect cock between my breasts. I squeezed them together with my arms and enveloped his thick meat with my warm flesh, flashing him sexy eyes as I did it.

"I came so hard last night..." He was horny as he said that, and that made me intensely horny too.

"Want to fuck them?" I offered, now holding my breasts together with my hands and moving them a bit to stroke him.

"Mmmm." He groaned as I did that, and started thrusting his cock at my chest. "Fuck, how does that feel so good?"

I had a naughty idea that might have been a little too risky, but I couldn't help myself. "You like Mommy's titties, don't you?"

He smiled down at me for a moment, almost as if what I said was silly, but as I continued playing up the mother/son thing with him I could see the humor turn to pure excitement.

"You've always liked my titties, haven't you?" I gave him a pouty look that wasn't too over the top. "You just can't help it when you see them. They're so soft and big. You just wanna squeeze them and slide your big dick between them. Well go ahead, baby. Fuck Mommy's boobs."

Matt didn't say anything but his hips started moving more and more as he thrust himself into me. I spit heavily and smeared it all over his cock and the crevasse between my breasts, making sure that even with his foreskin helping he could still enjoy the friction. He grunted and squeezed my tits in his hands as he fucked them. I had truthfully never done this before, even with Tom, but it seemed so right in the moment since I was his mother and he was my young son who just couldn't help himself.

"You shouldn't fuck me like this," I said, pretending like we were going to get caught. "You shouldn't look at your own mother naked, you naughty boy. You're being so bad right now!"

Matt threw his head back and I thought he might be cumming but he seemed to bite his lip and hold back for some reason. Maybe he was embarrassed at having an orgasm so soon? Surely we were past that whole pretense of performance and expectation. I wanted him to cum on me, very badly in fact, so I wasn't going to let that pass.

"Oh baby! We're gonna get caught if we keep doing this. Everyone is going to see me covered in your cum if you don't hurry. Fuck, baby! Fuck!"

I was getting into it pretty good, I thought, and was dripping wet while he fucked my chest. Something I said must have gotten to him because he moaned loudly and thrust hard against me. I loved the way he crushed himself against me and just let his cum shoot out wherever it wanted. I could feel his cock pulsing and throbbing on my sternum and suddenly hot cum was squirting all over me, into my neck and up to my chin only to drip down obscenely between my tits. I moaned and whimpered for him as he came, trying to make it as hot for him as I possibly could.

"Oh Mom..." He whimpered and practically fell onto me, bracing his hands on my shoulders as I squeezed my tits around his cock and massaged him while he spewed the last few ropes.

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