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The Dark Star - Descent Pt. 06


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"There's a little something under the tree for you," I state quietly.

"Aw.. but I didn't get you anything... I mean what do you get the man who's casually fucking you... when he's also your Sister's Fella"

Her smile is so devilish I want to pull her into me now and kiss her.

"I'm sure you can give me something later," I state. "You know the gift that keeps on giving."

"Not today Mister..... not today." she shakes her head in emphasis and worryingly I can tell how sincere she is.

Ari pushes her hands flat against my chest before she turns on her heels to head toward the grandiose, yet plastic, tree that sits in the corner of the room.

My right hand swiftly slaps her firmly across the ass, the sound of the slap fairly loud, I watch Ari bite her lip on a yelp. Mylo the families Chocolate coloured Labrador raises his head from his own flat-out sleep at Alan's feet.

Flinching a little though Ari stops in her tracks. As her head turns over her shoulder she narrows her eyes seductively.

"Do you ever doing anything you're told Logan Hughes?"

"Rarely," I lopsidedly grin back at her.


I watch Ari from across the room with Hannah curled up under my left arm her head against my chest as she watches some TV Christmas Dance Special. Whose idea of entertainment this is I've no idea, but the effect of too much food and perhaps even one drink too many holds a sleepy comatose grip on the room, and no one seems to care. The fireplace burns away steadily not helping the situation as it fills the room with warmth.

Ari idly spins the silver bracelet on her left wrist.

A couple hours earlier as she'd knelt on the floor before me handing out the presents to everyone I'd have sworn to God she'd purposefully and innocently enough leant forward to hand over gifts to her Mother and Father just to flash me a brief glimpse of the cusp of her ass under the hem of that short pleated skirt. While she'd almost dutifully distributed gifts amongst us I watched her pick up the gold covered box that I'd surreptitiously placed under the tree on arrival. Ripping off the bow and tearing open the paper, she'd drawn admiration from both her Mother and Hannah the moment she opened the gift box inside.

"Wow Sis that's beautiful...." Hannah had stated "....Who bought you that?"

"I've been seeing this guy from Uni for a few weeks," had been her plausible and highly believable lie. "I think he's more in to me than I am in to him."

She'd slipped the bracelet over her wrist immediately though, throwing me the quickest of smiles and mouthing the words "Thank You." as everyone else fixated on the next gift to be torn open; a celebrity cook book Joan had seemingly always wanted.

On the TV as the panel of judges award scores to some Soap Opera Actress in an albeit impressive tight little outfit Joan enquires; "Anyone for Mince Pies?"

She's met with a collective groan; from everyone in almost perfect unison.

Ari climbs to her feet straightening the skirt over the her thighs a little as she does, "I think I'm going to take Mylo for a walk."

Joan looked up at her, "Oh Arabella I don't want you going out at night alone.... Alan tell her."

"I'm a big girl now Mummy and it's only half six" she stated a little exasperated "Besides which I'll have Mylo and I'm fairly sure even the perverts take the day off for Christmas."

I'm not sure if that's a thinly veiled jibe at me, but I park the comment.

"It's alright Joan..." I say slipping Hannah from under my arm "....I think I need some fresh air....I'll go with her if that's alright with you Ari?"

"No...no problem." the young blonde offers.

I head into the hallway and grab my dark grey over coat. Slipping my hands into black leather gloves from the pockets.

Ari grabs Mylo's lead and collar; the dog seems happy to escape furiously wagging his tail as he's collared. Saying our goodbyes as Ari pulls a waist length black quilted jacket over her shoulders and slips on little zip up ankle boots before she opens the front door.

Minutes later we walk silently, save for the sound of Mylo's panting and Ari's heels, along tree lined avenues illuminated by street lights and the flickering LED Christmas Lights hung on trees, fences, bushes and doorways.

As we turn onto a narrow dark lane it's Ari who finally breaks the silence.

"Don't go getting any ideas."

"Me," I feign shock. "Why would I jump to any conclusions?"

"Oh possibly because of how I let you abuse me at every available opportunity," Ari sarcastically states.

The lane opens into a wide expanse of a Park, moonlight illuminated the wide open space. Crouching Ari lets Mylo off his lead and the dog runs energetically away across the park. Ari stows the lead in her jacket pocket.

"Is that a complaint?"

"You know it's not," she looks up at me "But I swear to God nothing's happening today."

"Why not?" I grin walking slowly towards her.

"Because...." She backs away until her back is against a fence panel ".....it's Christmas fucking Day ....for once can you just be my Sister's boyfriend."

"After everything we've done?" I press verbally while literally stepping up and pressing against her.

"That's just it ....everything I let you do .... I mean last time we met ......" She grits her teeth defiantly. "...three nights ago you you fucking left me tied to a bed while a stranger fucked me."

"You were late," I reminded her.

"You're a fucking asshole."

"So you don't want to meet up at the hotel on Monday?" I reference the booking made for the 29th; when Hannah believes I'm off out for the night with old friends from School.

"Did I say that?" she fixes me with her steel blue eyes that look so much darker and deeper in the twilight. "I'm still not fucking you on Christmas Day though."

I exhale perhaps a little too deeply at her rejection.

"Have a wank and get over it Logan," the inner brat speaks for her as she teases me with a seductive look. She makes to step past me, but I press her against the wooden fence.

"Over you..." I smirk feeling my dick stir as I immediately concoct a sordid plan in my head. "...Literally."

She shakes her head "Don't."

"You just have to stand there and look pretty." I say attempting to bring her right hand to my crotch but she resists.

"Ok....I'll do the hard work then," I state.

Pulling apart my three quarter length jacket hurriedly I unzip my fly and slide my hand through the front of my jeans.

Ari shakes her head "You're something fucking else... you really fucking are"

"So's that's skirt." Already my hand runs firmly up and down my length as I start to slowly masturbate.

In the cold dark park I take hold of her wrists in my left and she lets me pin them above her head to the fence.

"I could easily slip it in you." There's no need for me to whisper but I do.

"Not happening," she hisses back, growing annoyed at my insistence I can tell.

"Turn you around rip open your tights and take you from behind." I continue to verbally goad her, all the while my mind imagines her, how she'd react, how she'd feel. My right hand grips tighter as I wank faster and faster.

"There must be picnic benches here... somewhere... I could bend you over"

"Logan," Ari sneers "It's not fucking happening."

I grip her wrists a little tighter as I speed up. My hand working frantically up and down myself. Squeezing my thumb and forefinger to draw my climax quicker.

I'm suddenly conscious of eyes on us.

Mylo the Labrador sits panting not a matter of inches from my right-hand side.

I don't break my stride as I quickly self-serve. Breathing heavy as I hold her there

"Are you ever gonna cum," Ari mocks.

"Don't you... Oh don't you worry....I'm gonna cum"

I grip myself firmer and move my wrist faster.

"The cold might be to blame," she sniggers and I push her wrists up higher pinning them harsher while I continue to wank over her.

Looking down watching her body stood there before me; I envisage what I'd do to her.

"You'll wear..." I utter on heavy breath "You'll wear this outfit .....to the hotel"

"Uh huh" she nods.

"I will tear it... tear it from you... and use every hole...." I feel myself near climax as my mind plays out her submission tied up, hog tied, on the hotel bed.

"My mouth"

"Your mouth"

"My cunt"

"Your cunt"

"My ass"

"Deep in your fucking..."

I don't finish the statement as I feel my hand goad my climax as I continue to wank my dick erupts as my climax sprays from me.

Breathlessly I lean against her; "I've no ducking idea where that went."

"There's something wet and warm running down my left leg," Ari cringes pulling her wrists away the moment I slacken my grip.

"Redefines splashing out at Christmas." I chuckle a little as I step back adjusting myself, stowing my still hard dick back in my boxers before I zip up my jeans.

"Oh no Mylo ...oh no back away.....Mylo no!! " Ari disgustingly states.

I grimace as I turn to see the family dog lapping his tongue vigorously along Ari's black nylon clad left leg

Lapping up my cum as she tries in vain to push him away.


Exhausted from a day of doing fuck all, other than over consuming, I feel my head nod as I sit on the sofa watching a film I've seen too many times before. The original Italian Job is still a classic though.

It's a little after 1am, with Hannah having retired around half 11, her mother shortly before that; while her brother and his fiancé had been first to head to sleep. Rather him than me to head to bed early; there's something about her, Lisa, that I can't stand. Her condescending personality irked me more and more every time I saw them. Errol from the club would often joke I'd fuck anything. Not her; while she wasn't bad looking and had the makings of a good body, that she constantly wrapped in dowdy unflattering clothing, there was something toxic about her personality, despite the rest of the family thinking she was such a lovely girl. Definitely their description and not mine.

Ari had barely been seen all evening.

Headed from the lounge to the kitchen leaving Alan slumped in his chair in the corner of the room If it wasn't for his heavy snoring I'd be checking the old fucker's pulse. Placing a plate in the sink now overflowing, again, with washing up I step out through the back door and light a cigarette. Mylo the dog follows me out, sniffing the ground before pissing against a plant pot. The smoke of the cigarette hangs heavy on the cold night air. As I look up I see the faint glow of light through the curtains of what I knew was Ari's room. The rest of the upstairs of the house shrouded in darkness. I look again, convinced I see the curtain move.

"Hold on... I've got an idea." I say aloud to the canine who nuzzles me for attention.

Stubbing out the cigarette in a plant pot I head back inside, letting Mylo in and locking the door behind me. On the kitchen counter sit the two items which've sparked my imagination. I take them both, stuffing them into the back waistband of my jeans. On the familiar sound Mylo instinctively lifts his head from the basket he'd gone to settle down in.

Heading upstairs I take the briefest of pauses outside of Ari's door. Slowly I lower the handle and enter her room, thoughts of the summer garden party run through my mind.

"No... no... no. " she states looking up from lay across her soft toy littered bed; her face illuminated by the glow of her mobile phone. "No You can't be here... I said..."

Dressed in a tight white vest over a red bra and a pair of black and briefs, the delightful little outfit she'd worn all day lays discarded at the side of her bed. The room only illuminated by lamp on the bedside table.

I grin "Looks to me like I'm here."

"Logan No my whole family are..." reaching the bed I crouch placing a finger to the platinum blondes lips.

"Then we'll be quiet."

"No please....please ....I told you not today..." she shakes her head but in her eyes I sense she seemingly accepts the inevitable

"Technically it's Boxing Day," I reach to my back pocket as I take one of the items obtained from the kitchen.

"You're an asshole you... " Ari shakes her head on the vicious whisper; drawing to a stop as she sees what I draw from my pocket "Is that ....oh no ....no fucking way."

"I didn't bring yours." I hold out Mylo's brown leather collar, unbuckling it as she stares at the collar seeming unable to move as she's already contemplating what to expect. As she gently shakes her head I reach the collar around her neck. I straddle her lower back as I buckle and secure the collar tightly around her neck. She exhales deeply. Her eyes flicker closed on a long exhaled breath.

Reaching over the side of the bed I grab Ari's discarded heavy denier tights. Pulling my fingers through the material I tear at them. The coarse nylon digging into my fingers as I tear one of the legs from the other.

"Hands." I quietly state and with no hesitation Ari slips her arms behind her back. I smile at the dominance I hold over her. The compliance I'd garnered over recent months, despite the occasional brat she could be, this the side of her personality that I enjoy.

Wrapping the leg of the tights around and through her wrists, over the silver bracelet that still sits on her left wrist. I draw the makeshift restraint tightly and secure her slender arms behind her back. "Good Girl."

Getting up off her I harshly pull down the little black panties she wears, there's no protest as I pull them down the backs of her legs and remove them as I pull them from her ankles

"Like I said we'll be quiet" bundling the black cotton underwear in my hand as I speak. "Open wide."

As soon as her jaw parts I begin to stuff her own pants deep into her delicate little mouth. Her eyes wide silently still pleading with me, but my mind is set. My lust builds. Taking the second leg of her tights I loop it around the back of her head, before securing tightly the improvised gag around the back of her head.

"One last detail," her eyes flit from side to side as she tries to second guess me.

I take the nylon rope dog lead from stuffed down the back of my jeans. Mortified by the symbolism Ari begs into the gag shaking her head furiously. Ignoring her I run the lead through the metal frame headboard of her bed. Drawing the metal clip through the handle I pull the lead taught and attach it to the semicircular hoop on the collar around Ari's neck.

"Your my little bitch," I turn the silver dog tag over in my fingers as a silent tear falls down her cheek. "If found please return to ...."

I chuckle at my own dark humour as Ari lays there, bound, gagged and humiliated with the lead and collar of the family pet around her neck. Standing at the base of the bed I take hold of her ankles and pull Ari across the bed. A grunt escapes her as the collar held on the taught lead pulls tight. The lead the almost perfect length so that her waist and legs hang over the base of the bed. Unbuttoning my shirt and removing it. I set about unbuckling my jeans, pulling down my zipper I slip down the front of my black tight boxers and slip out my already hard length.

"Don't look back Arabella." I instruct as I part her toned thighs before I run my dick between her legs.

Silently while the rest of the family sleep in adjoining rooms and the floor above us I claim

Ari slipping myself deep into her tight little cunt with a slow steady thrust. She groans the feral little noise I'm getting ever used to that signifies her pleasure despite her predicament, her acceptance, her submission.

"Happy Christmas Arabella." I whisper as I press deep into her unprotected body.


Headed down stairs pulling on a black and purple hooped Rugby Shirt Hannah had given me the day before I make for the kitchen and the delightful smell of bacon grilling.

The kitchen is a hive of activity Hannah smiles at me from the far side of the table which she's setting. Alan sits drinking a coffee at the head of the table already flicking through the pages of a Broadsheet Newspaper. Rob's just finishing the mountain of washing up while Joan and Lisa fight for territory at the range cooker where a full English breakfast is being prepared.

In a mid-thigh Denim skirt, navy tights and tan knee high boots I can't help but surreptitiously cast my eye over Lisa's legs. They looked good. She was still a condescending bitch I reminded myself. With good legs.

"Morning Logan," Jean enthusiastically greets me as she turns around. I'm the golden boy in her eyes, the new addition to the family she hopes.

"Morning Mum," I quip with a wink to her

She laughs in response, as does Hannah, Lisa turns my way with the briefest look of disdain.

"He's a charmer Han... what do I keep saying," Joan states before turning back to me. "Logan dear you haven't seen Mylo's lead since last night have you ....I went to take him out earlier but can't find the blasted thing"

"Sorry Jean I've not a clue," I say after a slight pause. If only she knew the truth.

I feel a presence behind me just as Ari pushes past me into the kitchen rather brusquely. Platinum hair tied up in a high ponytail, still dressed in the same vest as she'd slept in over the red bra, a pair of tight navy Adidas leggings adorn and emphasise those perfect toned legs. I remove my eye-line swiftly as I'm conscious I watch her just a little too long once again.

"Ari ..." Joan starts.

"Yeah I heard Mum the lead .........it's up in my bedroom."

"Well what's it blooming doing there?"

"Look I forgot alright when we got in last night ....is it the end of the world?" she huffs.

Ari grabs a slice of buttered toast from a metal rack I watch the blonde object of my affection walk over kiss her Dad on the cheek and take a seat next to him with an innocent smile. In my mind's eye I recall my shuddering climax buried deep between those legs filling her with my seed in the early hours of the morning.

"Take a seat Hun" Hannah indicates, and I make my way over to the table. Before sitting I pause and state;

"Hannah probably warmed you that I'm a bit Grinch around Christmas.... I won't lie I am." all eyes turn to me "....but I just want to thank everyone for making me feel so welcome yesterday and in the last few months."

I catch Ari's eyes roll. She sees through my lack of sincerity as Joan coos and Hannah flashes me a sincere smile. I take a seat before adding.

"You've all been so accommodating."

Chapter Three; New Year Old Devil

A little after 11.

I stalk the Dark Star looking for prey; looking for that certain someone.

Blondes, brunettes, red heads, Chinese girls, an Asian girl, two black girls who head past me from the dance floor they all catch my eye, but no one fits the bill; no one meets the expectations I have. I knew who I wanted but She couldn't be here tonight. That said I'd only spent the night with her in a hotel suite only 24hours earlier.

Stood at the bar I watch Jessica refilling mixers as she crouches down at the low-level fridges, something triggers a memory of watching Emily doing the exact same thing. I cringe wondering where and how Emily will see in the New Year. I watch Jessica's tight black dress ride up her slender thighs; she'd fit the bill, she's exactly what I seek there's not much I wouldn't do to Jessica given half a chance. Not that the leggy blonde gives me even a sniff of an opportunity. She catches my gaze and smiles pushing long blonde hair behind her ear

"Hey Logan."

"Miss Rabbit," I reply over the loud music to Jessica.

"Can I get you anything?" She enquires standing and walking up behind the bar.

"There's a short answer and a long answer to that question." I straighten my suit jacket

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