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The Daughter Seducer Ch. 06

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Time for Melanie to seduce her other daughter.
8.8k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 08/26/2023
Created 10/22/2022
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After seeing her banging her youngest daughter, Melanie Danes was sure her eldest would raise it when she came down for breakfast. This was naïve, she reflected, as she put away the dishes, Hazel only managed to get up before twelve one day in three and that was before she'd been up in the early hours spying on her Mom and sister fucking.

However, it did no harm that Ashley, (very) temporarily sated after a night of what she thought was secret sex with her Mom, was much back to her normal self and planning a day's trip to the library, leaving Hazel and Melanie alone when the elder teen eventually pulled herself from her bed.

It was just after midday when Hazel appeared in the kitchen where her Mom was reading a magazine. "Morning" said the teen as she walked over to the coffee percolator.

Pointedly looking at the clock, Melanie replied, "Afternoon," before immediately softening her tone to say, "Sleep well."

"Very," her daughter grinned widely and poured herself some coffee, "What about you?" this time it was her who had the pointed tone.

"Do you want to talk, about what you saw last night?" Melanie said, now was whether she'd find out whether her plan had worked, though she was much more sure it had than she'd been with Ashley, whether that was because Hazel was much more sexually open than her sister had been or the earlier success had bolstered her confidence.

The teen sat down opposite her Mom, "About you having sex with Ashley?"

"Yes that," her Mom said, relieved about how casual her eldest sounded about what was one of society's greatest taboos.

"How long's it being going on?" Hazel sipped at the coffee.

"A few months, it just was one of those things that happened," her Mom replied not wanting to go into all the preparation and planning which had gone into it 'just happening'. "We tried to resist but it was impossible."

Hazel shrugged, "I'm kinda surprised Ashley likes sex; I always thought she was destined to be an old maid."

"She's certainly not that," Melanie said, "We thought it best to keep it quiet."

"It wasn't quiet last night," Hazel grinned in a way that suggested she wasn't at all freaked out about it, "I thought you were going to send the bed through the floor. Was Ashley gagged? I thought I saw it, but I was trying to peep round door and not be seen, guess I failed at that, so couldn't really see."

"Your door was open," her Mom said, "That's how I knew. I suggested Ashley wear a ball-gag because she's a screamer."

"Me too," grinned Hazel, "It must be a sisters' thing."

"You're okay with it?" Melanie tried to make sure she sounded concerned rather than triumphant.

"Yes, though I'd be lying if I wasn't jealous of Ashley."

"Jealous?" this was going as well as Melanie had hoped.

"Of having sex with you. Since I got back from college I've started to notice you're more than a Mom, you're a Milf."

"A Milf..."

"A Mom I like to..."

"Don't worry Hazel, I know what a Milf is, I just hadn't thought I was one," Melanie lied.

"Ashley does," replied Hazel.

"You do too?"

"Yes," said Hazel, nodding.

It was time to see if her plan had worked as well as it looked like it had. She slipped her hand across to the table to rest on her daughter's, stroking it gently in a non-familial way, "I don't like to pay favourites between my daughters, if you would like us to... get intimate."

Hazel's eyes opened wide in shock and for a second or two Melanie thought she might have blown it before her daughter nodded, "God, yes, but what about Ashley?"

"Let's not tell her at first I'm fucking you as well," Melanie said, "We'll book a hotel, I'll say I'm away on a work trip and you tell Ashley you're visiting college friends for the night."

"When?" Hazel grinned in excitement.

"Next week, let me make the arrangements," Melanie replied.


"Melanie Danes, I've a room booked," Melanie stood at the desk of one of the city's premier hotels as the receptionist typed in her details.

"And a dinner for two?" she looked up and as Melanie nodded typed in a few more details, before asking, "Do you want help with any luggage?"

"I'm fine thanks, I've only got this hold-all, it's only a one-night stay," Melanie replied, before listening to the directions to her room, taking the key and heading to her room. As planned she had told Ashley she had a work do overnight; with colleagues, so there was no way the teen could sneak along as well, and Hazel had then announced that she was going to be out that night as well as she was visiting friends, so Ashley could have her secret girlfriend over -- Ashley had gone red and muttered something.

In her room Melanie glanced at her watch; she had plenty of time to get ready before she'd arranged to meet Hazel in the hotel bar. The teen actually did have a friend in the city who she was going to see and change there, telling her Mom it would be a surprise -- that seemed to be setting the bar high so Melanie had spent a lot longer than she should on choosing a dress, before finally deciding that a trip to the Mall might provide inspiration and indeed a new, tightly figure hugging, pinkish red dress, which left plenty of bosom bare and accentuated the rest of her nicely. She laid it out before she went in the shower and afterwards applied her cosmetics and styled her hair before slipping into stockings and tiny panties, not bothering with a bra.

She was a couple of minutes behind in leaving the room and a couple more waiting for the lift and as she entered the bar she could see her daughter sitting on a stool behind small table, two martinis on it, looking nervously at her watch as if she was worried being five minutes late meant she was being stood up. Melanie smiled at that, normally it was Melanie who was the one cooling her heels whenever they were meeting; their date must be the first time Hazel was punctual and this time it was Melanie who was running late. She walked in and her daughter saw her, a smile of relief lighting up her face as she got off the stool and stood to greet her.

"You look stunning," the teen trilled as her Mom approached, holding out her arms for a greeting hug.

"You too," said Melanie looking her daughter up and down. She'd piled her hair on top of her head, going to town with the make-up which made her both look like she was more mature than her nineteen years and also as sexy as her Mom had ever seen her; the dress was a black sleeveless one, almost as short as her Mom's and whilst it wasn't as low cut it still clung to the teen like she was wrapped in it.

"I ordered us a couple of martinis, I hope that's okay, do you drink them? It seems type of thing we should have in a place like this," Hazel said after they'd hugged and sat down at the table again.

"A martini is fine, but just this one, for the rest of the night I'm paying for our date," Melanie said.

Her daughter smiled, "Given how expensive this round was, that's generous."

"Oh, I'll be getting my reward later," Melanie replied with a grin and her daughter tittered.

As they had plenty of time until their dinner reservation Melanie ordered some more drinks, deliberately suggesting that her daughter have the most expensive of the cocktails on the menu, after all if you can't spoil your eldest daughter when you're planning to fuck her into the small hours, when can you? Afterwards they went through to the restaurant, holding hands and to all the world looking like a couple on a date, albeit one with larger than normal age difference. The meal was delicious and the conversation lively, no philosophical tracts or explanation of where a particular meal originated from or the chemistry of cooking -- God, she loved Ashley, but at times the teen could be too bright. Hazel on the other hand was just sex personified, making it clear that the drinks and meal were only an interlude until they got to the real important business of the night. The meal finished and some coffee had, Melanie asked, "Do you want another drink at the bar or...?"

"...or do I want to go to your hotel room and see what Ashley's been having?" the teen finished her Mom's sentence before giving her the answer albeit not as Melanie would have phrased it, "I want the second."

"Let's go then," Melanie picked up her purse with one hand whilst offering the other to her daughter, who took it and allowed her Mom to lead her to the elevator and up to the room she'd booked.

"It's pretty plush," she said as they entered onto the corridor, "You must have splurged out."

"I thought it was worth a little luxury, given that it's our first time," her Mom smiled and stopped at the door of the room. She dropped her daughter's hand as she fished in her purse for the key, taking it out she looked at the teen, "Are you sure you want to do this? You can still back off and we'll never talk about it again." She was sure that Hazel wouldn't be having second thoughts, if she had her Mom wouldn't have asked her but instead made to allay them, she wasn't disappointed.

"I want it, I wanted it since before I saw you and Ashley, I want to be your lover as well as your daughter," Hazel said, looking her Mom in the eye.

"I want it as well," her Mom said and then to make sure there was no understanding she wrapped her arms round the teen's waist dragging her forward into a kiss.

Hazel took a second to reciprocate, but when she did she was all eagerness, her mouth opening for her Mom and her tongue teasing forwards, slithering and sliding over her Mom's. Her hands moved onto her Mom's butt, massaging it and pulling the dress upwards so she could get underneath, her fingers pressing into the naked flesh of the buttocks as she inched under the cotton panties. Melanie did the same, hoisting the dress upwards, only to find that her daughter hadn't bothered with underwear -- while normally that would be a matter for concern, tonight it was an invitation and Melanie's hand squeezed at the naked globes, pushing them together and pulling them apart as if they were a rubber stress band.

"I think we both want it," Melanie broke the kiss and opened the door, leading her daughter into the room.

The lights went on automatically as they entered, showing how large and luxurious the room was. Melanie only allowed her daughter a moment to take it in before she was kissing her again, but this time she was trying to find the zip in the back of her daughter's dress, quickly pulling it down to the teen's lower back and starting to peel it off her sexy body and down to her hips. Like her Mom the teen hadn't bothered with a bra and her pert teenage tits sprang free, bouncing happily at being released -- they weren't the size of her younger sister's, but they were still breath-taking, especially if your mouth was firmly latched onto one sucking it greedily.

"Mmnn," the teen moaned appreciatively as her Mom suckled at her tits, whilst slowly guiding her to the couch. She dropped down onto it, her Mom following her, kneeling over her and running her tongue rapidly round the rock-hard nipple, before opening her mouth to suck it and the surrounding flesh in, her teeth teasing at the smooth skin. "Mmnnn, Mom, lovely."

Even as she was playing with the teenager's titties Melanie wasn't neglecting the lower half, pushing up the dress so it was bunched across the teen's stomach, allowing the Milf easy access to the freshly shaven slit. She rubbed at it, feeling the lips wave as she brushed over them and her daughter stiffen and start as she found the clit and pressed at it, making it wobble under her fingers. "Oooohhh," she moaned in pleasure, "OOOhhh, yes, that's....oooohhh."

Melanie went faster, stimulating the clitoris and making her daughter vibrate in excitement, her skin flushing as her heart sped up. A trickle of juice was forming between the lips as the teen got wetter from the older woman's foreplay, she groaned again and lowered her hand to join with her Mom in rubbing the cunt, the two hands knocking together as they worked the teenage twat. "OOOhhh," Hazel groaned again, arching her back and pushing her head into the couch, "Ooohhh, yesss."

"Keep going baby, just a moment," Melanie stood up and pulled her dress over her head, throwing it onto a spare seat like it was a rag instead of a designer. She reached into her bag and pulled out a dildo, getting onto her knees and spreading her daughter's legs apart. The teen moaned and rubbed hard at her clit as her Mom took the toy and slid it into her daughter's soaked slit. "How's that?" she asked as she pushed it in and out at speed.

"Oh God, yes, get it in Mom," the teen gasped and shivered, rubbing vigorously at her clit just above the toy. "I want your dildo in deep."

Making sure she had a good grip Melanie complied. She could see the juice in her daughter's hole as the dildo shoved it open, the liquid gleaming on the pink walls as it trickled out, coating the toy and leaving it covered in a clear sheen. Melanie grinned as she shoved it hard, her wrist jacking back and forth as she drove in. There was something magical and enticing about the way the plastic rod vanished between the teen's lips, opening them up and exposing her intimate insides to her Mom's lust-filled gaze. "That pussy is so hot and sexy," she drawled, "It's beautiful."

"Fill it, Mom, oh fuck that feels so fucking good," her daughter shivered and grasped at the top of the sofa as if she was about to fall off without a good grip. Her Mom thrust harder, leaving Hazel a shivering mess, gasping and squeaking in pleasure, "Aaahh, yeess, yesss, ooohh God, yesss!"

Whilst it was a good start Melanie didn't want her daughter sated yet. She slipped the toy out and into her mouth, sucking it like it was a Popsicle, except no Popsicle had ever been sucked it such a sensual style, her eyes gazing at her near naked daughter. Hazel breathed heavily, panting in excitement, her fingers still rubbing at her bud as she watched her Mom swallowing the toy covered with her juice. The lust was evident in her face, her lips ajar so she could lick her drying lips and her cheeks flushed red with the orgasmic pleasure which had flowed so recently through her. Her Mom continued to suck the toy, working it in and out of her mouth until every droplet of juice had been sucked away and her daughter's pants of excitement were so loud it sounded like she was going to explode, then she popped the toy out, "Yum, that was delicious," she said with a grin, "Am I going to get more?" Even as she was talking she had dropped the dildo and was spreading her daughter's legs wider, lowering her head as she did, "Your pussy still looks very juicy."

"It is," giggled Hazel, not at all put out she was having incestuous lesbian sex with her mother, "Why don't you try it?"

"I will," grinned Melanie and began to lap. Her daughter's cum had tasted good when it coated the toy, it was even better fresh from the twat. The Milf didn't waist much time with teasing or tickling, but went straight in, her hand stretching open the slit so she could drive in and lick at the pink flesh. Her daughter shivered with excitement, her back arching and her pussy pressing at her Mom's mouth as she gripped her titties and squeezed at them. Melanie went harder, making the teen groan louder, her eyes closed tight and her face a picture of lust. More cum trickled from the teen's soft walls and onto her Mom's tongue, the Milf slurping it down.

"Oh fuuuckk," Melanie cried out as her Mom inserted a finger, driving it in and opening the pussy wider for her tongue's exploration. "Oohhhh fuck!" she cried again as her Mom added a second, levering apart the walls as she drove them in. "Oooohhh fuuuccckk," she gasped, longer and louder for a third time, as her Mom went even faster and harder, slamming tongue and fingers in deep.

Melanie slurped and licked away, enjoying the taste of her sexy teen daughter. Unlike Ashley on their first time, Hazel knew exactly what to do and what she wanted, gasping in pleasure as she rubbed down at her clit and played with her tits, encouraging her Mom on by working her hips and lifting her twat upwards into her Mom. Melanie repayed the teen's eagerness with a first class tongue lapping, finding the sensitive spots and giving them the all over with both the tips of her fingers and her lithe tongue. Hazel screamed and squealed louder, writhing under her Mom's ministrations and gasping for more. Melanie continued enthusiastically, juicing her daughter up and drinking it down.

Reaching for her dress Hazel pulled it up over her head and threw it to the ground. From the corner of her eye Melanie could see the teen belly-button piercing (a college addition) glinting and she reached up to run her hand over the flat stomach and up to the pert bosoms. The teen stiffened and groaned as her Mom's hands grappled and kneaded at them, unlike her sister's they could easily fit in a hand, but Melanie liked small titties as much as she liked big ones. Her tongue sped up and down her daughter's slit, from the bottom to the clitoral hood, digging down between the lips and into the warm pink of her hole. Hazel put her hand gently on her Mom's head, stroking it and encouraging her to keep going, her eyes closing in lust as she moaned her pleasure, "MMnnn, yes, Mom, oooohh, yes, yes, yesssss!"

Melanie continued to eat the tasty twat, tonguing up the teen's pussy sap. Of course the main point of the meal, was not for her to enjoy her daughter's flavouring, but to bring her daughter to a sexual high; she was doing that in spades, finding the erogenous zone and subjecting it to battering, before returning one hand and two fingers to pussy to stretch and probe in thoroughly (the other hand slid from tit to tit, squeezing and playing with it and feeling the hard nipple brushing at her palm). The teen shuddered and shook, her groans getting louder and more passionate with every lap her Mom made, "Ohhhh God, yes, eat my pussy, lick it out like that, oooohhh it feels so good."

Melanie could feel her own pussy leaking with excitement as well and she moved her hand down to rub at it, eagerly running her fingers over her clit so she was vibrating in ecstasy, her body continually brushing and slipping against her daughter's as the teen gasped and shuddered with an equal intensity.

Raising her head and licking her lips Melanie said, "Let's shift positions."

"Yes, what?" her daughter panted.

"Lie back on the couch and let me sit on your face as I lick your pussy," Melanie said.

"A sixty-nine, don't worry Mom, I know what one is," Hazel nodded.

Her Mom nodded, forgetting momentarily that Hazel was more experienced and knowledgeable about sex than her younger sister had been. She got up and positioned herself over Hazel, lowering herself down as the teen gripped her thighs and made sure she didn't have any second thoughts. Not that that was likely as the teen also immediately raised her head and started licking at her Mom's slit, making her pussy even wetter than it had been. Melanie gave a moan and wriggle, working her cunt at her daughter's mouth, the teen tonguing her quicker and harder in response, her fingers digging into her Mom as if she feared the Milf might fall off. "Mmmnn, ooohh, that's good, you're doing well," moaned Melanie, shivering excitedly. Down below her she could see her daughter's shaven snatch, still glistening with saliva and girl cum. It looked so sexy and delicious, Melanie gave another groan, "Uuuhhh, I'm going to eat you as well baby."

There was no reply from Hazel, but her tongue sped over her Mom's slot, making Melanie quiver. She dropped down and began lapping away at Hazel's pussy. It had only been moments since she'd last been there, but it seemed to have got even wetter than before, the pink walls as soft and wet as a lawn after a downpour. Melanie went as fast as she could, enjoying the taste of her daughter almost as much as she was loving the way Hazel was vibrating under her and licking her own pussy. She slipped her hands under the teen's ass, gripping it and squeezing it hard, her daughter replicating her actions with her own hands. It was heaven.

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